I'm supposed to be on hiatus, but I was viciously attacked by a plot bunny. Since I'm stuck doing nothing but to write because of dear ol' Hurricane Irene, I decided to post this here and see what happens.

*A thank you to sydni for betaing this for me*

Chapter 1

A grimace made its way across Harry's face as he slightly moved his right arm. The doctors had given him painkillers for his arm and eye, but pain still shot through his whole right side at any movement, no matter how slow or soft it was. Scanning the room with his left eye, he blinked at the vase filled with lilies on his side table. When had that been brought in? He shifted his gaze to the empty seat next to the table. Had it been his imagination that Aunt Petunia was sitting there earlier?

Inclining back in his bed, he tried to remember what had happened earlier. Why was he in a muggle hospital with a mangled arm and a damaged right eye? Frowning in thought, he winced once again as a sharp pang of pain passed through him again. Why was he– oh right… Ripper. The few dimmed light in the room started flickering ominously as Harry started recalling the incident earlier.

Harry tried to control himself, but even a passing thought of Vernon and Marge's name was enough for the anger in him to start bubbling out. As much as he would like express said anger (preferably towards those two and that disgusting bull dog), he couldn't risk getting expelled from Hogwarts and possibly arrested by the Ministry. Thanks to Dobby, he already had a record of underage magic. The idea of being expelled and being forced to stay with the Dursleys forever was enough to allow panic and dread to develop inside of him.

Taking deep breaths, Harry willed all his negative energy away. He wouldn't risk losing his friends over his anger at Marge. He, instead, decided to immerse himself in thoughts about Hogwarts. That always succeed in making him grin. Though using the past year might be a bad idea. The only consolation about that year was that everyone came out safe and healthy (Lockhart is better off as he is).

For third year, he would start two new classes, Divination and Care of Magical Creatures, with his best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. He would also be able to play Quidditch again, and hopefully win the Quidditch Cup (as long as something doesn't happen again). He would also meet up with everyone again, hell; he wouldn't mind meeting Malfoy again. Those meetings always turn out a bit interesting (in retrospect). And finally, third years are allowed to visit an all-wizard village, Hogsmeade. Harry blinked before throwing his head back in his bed and groaning out of frustration. There is absolutely no way that Vernon would sign his form. He would view the small injuries on Ripper as disobeying his orders, even though it was done in self-defense.

The lights started flickering again. They were probably laughing at his condition right. Marge most likely thought that a freak like him deserved it. They were also probably celebrating his injuries at his expense. Flickering once more, the lights went out and the light bulbs exploded along with the vase of flowers. Freezing, Harry could only look around in horror at the damage done. He lost control and did underage magic. Was the Ministry going to come after him now? In a different scenario, he would have most likely run away, but in his current state, he could barely sit up with much less run away.

"Such strong anger," a soft voice murmured. Harry's eye widened. They already found him? Harry scanned the room, but was unable to locate the source of the voice. Was he hearing things? There had better not be another snake climbing through the pipes again. Harry lifted his left hand and rubbed his left eye. Looking around again, his jaw dropped. Grabbing his glasses, he jammed them on and sat up, ignoring the sharp pain that seared through his body. Somehow, his hospital bed ended up next to a forest.

"Where am I?" A soft chuckle alerted Harry to the person's presence, and turning his head, Harry caught the sight of an older teen standing a few feet away from his hospital bed. Green eyes met up with a pair of mismatched red and blue eyes. Blue hair framed his face and spiked up in the back. At the moment, the person's lips were turned down in a frown. The person took a few steps towards him, and Harry stiffened. Noticing this, the person paused and smiled at him.

"Are you alright?" he asked. Harry blinked before nodding slightly. Harry had the feeling that the older teen wasn't asking about him physically. The person resumed his steps and paused when he stood right next to Harry's bed.

"Where are we?" Harry asked. The other looked at him curiously.

"You tell me," he replied, smiling lightly. Harry blinked and took in the scenery again. It looked familiar. It almost looked like…

"The edge of the Forbidden Forest!" Harry exclaimed. The other teen looked around.

"The forest around that school in Scotland?" he asked. Harry nodded, looking at him curiously.

"Why are we here?" The other teen shrugged.

"This is your mindscape," he said. "It varies with each person. It's usually the spot where you feel the most comfortable, but it can change depending on the person, and what scenery they want." Harry had to smile at that. They were at the exact spot where he, Ron, and Hermione had frequently done their work when they went outside to enjoy the weather.

"Who are you?" Harry asked, focusing on the next issue. The other teen tilted his head.

"Shouldn't have that been your first question?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. It was Harry's turn to return the shrug.

"It didn't feel like you would do anything to me, so I'd figure that my location was more important." The other blinked in surprise, before smiling again.

"Is that so..." Harry waited expectantly for the other to continue. The other took his time and settled on a corner of his bed. "My name is Mukuro Rokudo. May I have yours?"

"Harry Potter." Mukuro's eyes widened and looked up to glance at his scar, which was barely visible through his bangs. Harry gave a mental sigh. "Are you a wizard?" Mukuro's eyes met his again.

"Not exactly. How did you get injured?" Harry looked surprised by the sudden question.

"H-How I got injured?" Mukuro nodded. "I had an accident," Harry said. There was no reason for anyone to know the truth. Besides, that's what Aunt Petunia probably told the doctors about his injuries.

"You're lying." The certainty that he said it made Harry wince.

"Was it that obvious?" Harry asked weakly. Mukuro chuckled.

"Your facial expression was good, but your eyes gave it away." The humor left his eyes. "Who did this to you?" Harry panicked. He didn't really want anything to happen to his relatives. Without a doubt, Mukuro might do something to them if he wanted. That was how the aura around him felt. Why did he even care?

"It wasn't anyone. Just a random dog," Harry said, averting his eyes slightly. He was too embarrassed to ask why he wanted to know the truth. He decided, instead, to stare at the other's hair instead. It was very reminiscent of a pineapple. Mukuro's smile got wider, but somehow the air around them chilled, making Harry shiver. Reaching out, Mukuro started messing up Harry's hair, and turning it so they made eye contact. "Hey!"

"Now tell me, who set the dog on you?" Harry stared wide-eyed into Mukuro's. Everything was quiet for a moment.

"Marge Dursley." Harry closed his eyes, and fell back asleep while Mukuro settled him back down onto his bed.


Mukuro glanced at his surroundings. There were already fading away along with himself. With the last of his power, he made the head of his trident appear. Walking towards Harry, he nicked Harry's left arm, creating a small cut. Satisfied, Mukuro allowed himself to fade away. He hadn't fully recovered the energy he had used during his fight with Mammon, and the little he had left had gone into his trip around Europe, though he didn't regret it. Mukuro was quite surprised that he ran into a wizard of all people, and Harry Potter at that. This should be interesting.

This is just a plot bunny, I have no idea when this will be updated again. I'm right now focusing on making some sort of an outline for my other stories, and college is starting very soon, so I'll be busy getting used to my new schedule, so if anyone actually liked it, I'm sorry. I might start making an outline for this too, if enough people are okay with it, and enjoy it.