Author's Note: This was my first and only attempt at this pairing. I'm not certain I like it. (The pairing or the fic. XD)
Shikamaru stretched and flopped backwards, sighing discontentedly. He was hot and uncomfortable. He had abandoned his vest on the grass, and the jacket with the Nara clan symbol on it had followed, but even lying there in just a fishnet shirt he was still hot.
It was very troublesome.
"Shikamaru, it's too hot out for you to be lying on me," came an absently irritated voice from somewhere above him. He ignored it. Chouji could deal. He was too hot to move, despite the fact that the other's body heat was most likely contributing to his own discomfort. The Akimichi was a good pillow, after all. He did, however, abandon the idea of actually focusing on watching the clouds - the sun was too bright, anyway - in favor of possibly taking a nap.
Chouji shifted and pushed his shoulder, just a little. Shikamaru cracked one eye open and looked up at him lazily.
"Come on, Shika, it's too hot."
He managed to keep his eye open for a moment longer, but then shut it and leaned back again. "Make me."
There was the sound of a chip bag being opened, and then speculative crunching. A lopsided smile twitched his lips. Chouji wasn't going to make him move. The crunching continued. Shikamaru felt himself drifting towards sleep. So he was startled when he was unceremoniously toppled out of his relatively comfortable position to sprawl on the grass. He glared up at his teammate indignantly.
"What was that for?"
"I told you it was hot."
"You said to make you move."
"I didn't mean it."
Chouji sighed and finished off his chips. The Nara continued to look at him, but his expression, unbeknownst to him, had morphed into a pout of sorts. When his teammate noticed it, he started to laugh. Shikamaru frowned harder.
"Don't laugh at me."
Snort."You were pouting, Shika."
"I was not." He was now, though, for absolute certain. Chouji only laughed harder. So Shikamaru tackled him.
Or tried to. He was too hot and this was currently too troublesome and, to be perfectly honest with himself, Chouji was stronger. It was not exactly a surprise when he ended up the one pinned to the ground. He hadn't exactly been trying, after all.
The Akimichi grinned down at him genially. He frowned. This was a new and interesting predicament which offered him all sorts of things to consider. Of course, having so many outcomes meant that planning ahead was tricky at best, and migraine-inducing at worst. He stopped when he'd come up with a few options, and calculated the one which would get Chouji off him and give him the upper hand quickest.
Thinking done, he leaned up and pressed a hot, needy kiss to his teammate's smiling mouth.
To his credit, Chouji responded after only a moment of shocked stillness. He did, however, then allow Shikamaru to roll them over, lips still locked together, the Nara pressing his advantage and slipping his tongue into Chouji's mouth. He got a moan for that.
Pulling back, Shikamaru lay back down in his former position, head pillowed on the other boy's stomach, smiling smugly as he noticed how much Chouji's breathing had sped up.
Perhaps today wasn't so troublesome, after all.