
It was a typical Friday morning for Hikari Hanazono. Dragging herself away from the comfortable bed, using the washroom to take a bath and clean herself, eat breakfast and sprint to catch the train to school... where she meets her rival/boyfriend, Kei Takishima. Every morning since the day they officially became a couple, he picks her up (ignoring her protests) to walk together to school.

Morning, Hikari. The lady turns around to find her smiling boyfriend behind her.

As soon as she had fully turned around, he gently held her face and kissed her on the forehead. She blushed a shade of pink and glared at him. He chuckled.

Before she could start her rant about no showing of public affections and how it embarrasses her, the train arrives and the doors open.

"Hmpt. Come on." Hikari mumbled as she grabs his hands.

She then blushed scarlet at Kei s comment about how much he loved it when she held his hand.


"Kyaaaa! It's Takishima-sama and Hanazono-sama!" A line of squealing girls greeted (with hearts as eyes) as the two entered the gates of the famous Hakusenan High. Hikari greeted them with a crooked smile and Kei chose to ignore and walked past them, dragging the raven-haired teen.

Can't they just greet us normally? Ugh, it's no use telling them that...

"Er... Hi." She greeted back at the students waving at her, before the squeals turned into fan-like screams. Beads of sweat rolled down her head, feeling the intensity of both envy glares from a few girls and sticky stares from the guys checking her out.

The guys staring at her better thank goodness that Kei was walking ahead of her, or else they would be scarred for the rest of their lives.

Oh, brother. They thought, sighing in unison.


The pair walked towards the S.A's greenhouse, merely chatting about family, friends and challenges - since it was quite a long path from the actual school gates to the said conservatory. Kei smirked as he heard her mention about their last challenge... where, of course, she lost.

"You'll never beat me, Miss. Rank. Two."

The raven haired lady stopped on her tracks, and with a large throbbing vein on her forehead, turned around into a full 360° to give him a menacing glare that she has barely shown to other people except for him.


Hearing that familiar sentence in what seemed a billionth time, all Kei could do is flash her a mocking smirk. He smugly walked pass her and continued to the greenhouse, making sure that he kept his mocking face in check. Oh how he loved seeing that adorably irritated face of hers.

"And I will wipe off that stupid smirk of yours!" She replied, her face bright red with both embarrassment and annoyance. He chuckled.

She frowned at him. "What's so funny?"

"Ah.. Nothing" He replied. I can't possibly tell her that she just looks too cute when mad..

Then, out of the blue, a loud shreiked was heard, startling Hikari. The sound was soon followed by the sound of a fist hitting something, which easily echoed throughout the life-less greenhouse.

And then, after seconds of dead silence, something hit the floor. Hard. Causing the floor to crack. The lady jumped 5 foot high in the air while flinching in surprise, bumping into the man right behind her. He, again, chuckled before patting her head. She blushed.

"W... what is that? A dead monkey?" The onyx-eyed lady wondered, kneeling before the unrecognizable item that laid on the cacked floor.

"It looks quite familiar.. Déjà vu?" Kei said. She nodded in agreement.

Takishima's right.. I somehow feel that I've seen this before.. Hikari thought, concentrating hard to remember. Biting her lip, she leaned an inch closer and extended her index finger. Poke.


The pair's eyes lightened up in recognition as the said figure rolled to it's right in a sloppy manner.

With a worried voice, Hikari asked, "T-Tadashi? Are you okay? What happened?"

"I.. I'm okay. Uh, well, I was looking for Akira to make some food because I was starving. But I accidentally bumped into her and got too close - then she started beating me up and sent me flying..." Tadashi said while looking at Hikari with his beat up face.

Hikari couldn't help but giggle at what Tadashi had said. Of course this guy hasn't noticed how self concious Akira was.

"Tadashi.. You're an idiot." Her mumble reached Kei's ears. Dumbfounded, he blinked.

Oh. She got wiser. He thought, remebering how dense she was before they became an official couple. Well, it's not like she still isn't as dense as a rock... she could still make Kei irritated.

Hikari, for some reason, giggled loud enough for Tadashi to notice. Kei smirked. The clueless teen stared back and forth from Kei to Hikari in confusion.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

She.. She ripped a cloth there! The raven-haired teen thought, her face turning bright pink, struggling to keep in the giggles. Akira had a really bad habit of ripping men's pants whenever her embarrassment reaches it s highest level... and now look what she has done.

"Ah... Sorry, Its nothing." She said, her face still bright pink, as she held her hand out to help Tadashi up.

Tadashi took her hand and the raven haired lady helped the lad up. Then he glanced to his right where Kei was. Ugh, Tadashi, think before you act. Unfortunately for the poor him, Kei was surrounded by 'Demonic, evil aura', glaring intensively at his direction. He flinched.

"Tadashi, your knee is cut! We need to fix this..." Hikari said, referring to the bruise.

"N-n-no, Hikari. I-I'm Oka " ...and his words were cut short by the loud sound of the kitchen door slamming open, causing him to jump a few feet high in surprise.

A flustered teen appeared by the kitchen doorway, her eyes glinting sadistically. Behind her, the smoke from the kitchen filled the air making it seem like a fog encased the area. It seemed like a perfect background for the pissed and embarrassed Akira. "WHERE IS THAT BAKA TADASHI?"

"Eeep! K-kei! H-help me!" Tadashi stuttered with a horrified expression, hiding cowardly behind Kei.

Kei sighed, looking at Tadashi in an bored manner. "You're just like my dad..."

"TA. DA. SHI.!" Akira said, syllable by syllable, making the word seem much more menacing. A graveyard - replaced by the thick 'fog' - appeared as her background in Tadashi's imagination.

"A-a-Akira! I-I'm s-s-sorry!" Tadashi stuttered helplessly, backing away slowly from the advancing lady. "I d.. didn't mea—..."

The entrance of the said greenhouse suddenly slammed open, cutting of Tadashi's gibberish speech and revealing Jun, Sakura, Ryuu, Finn, Megumi and Yahiro. "Ohayo, minna-san!"

"Ohayo, minna-san!" Hikari replied enthusiastically, forgetting about the ruckus behind her.

Akira, who had seem to forgotten about sadistically torturing Tadashi, turned around to greet the rest of the S.A. members and the other two students from Kokusen High. "Why are Yahiro and Sakura here? Don't you guys have classes?"

"Half day." Yahiro and Sakura replied in unison.

"Ah... Ryuu, what are you holding?" Hikari asked out of curiosity, pointing at the item the green-haired man had in his hands.

Almost instantly, everyone's attention was drawned to the item on Ryuu's hands.

"Uh, this? Me, Jun and Megumi found this outside the greenhouse then we decided to bring it in. Does anyone recognize it?" He asked, observing it while placing the shoe box-sized item on top of the wooden coffee table.

Tadashi popped out of his hiding spot behind the Takishima heir and scooted closer to the said item to get a much closer look.

"It kind of does looks familiar. Remember that time where we entered the museum of new inventions, Ryuu-nii, Megumi-chan?" Jun said, remembering the last time they had entered the building near Tokyo University. Megumi raises her sketch pad with a question mark written on it.

Everyone stared at the weird looking object.

"Well, I've never seen anything like it before..." Kei commented, leaning onto the wall behind him. Hikari nodded in agreement.

"Look, look! It has buttons!" Tadashi said in a childish way, his eyes sparkling. Mr. purple-head stared at him in pure annoyance. FWAK!

The only raven-haired guy in the gang received a smack at the backside of his head from Yahiro. "Idiot! You just realized it now?"

"Let's try pressing one!" He said after chuckling at Yahiro.

"Hey, hey. Tadashi I don't think that's a good id—..." Finn was cut short when, Press. BAM!
