Back down in the basement no one had really noticed that Quinn and Rachel were taking longer than needed. Instead the gleeks were now entering a stage of drunkenness where inhibitions were long gone and bad decisions were one shot away. Mike and Tina were fervently making out in a corner ignorant to everything that was around them. Including how ridiculous they both looked pawing at each other still dressed in each other's clothes. Meanwhile Puck, Kurt, Mercedes, Finn and Blaine were all playing a game called 'Fuck the Dealer' while Sam watched on amused. Artie and Lauren where passing a bottle of vodka back and forth between them, complaining about anything and everything. Brittany and Santana were nowhere to be seen.

Quinn re-entered the room once again wearing her best poker face and made her way over to join in on the game. The blonde was a little surprised when just as she was about to sit down Mercedes jumped up and grabbed her hand.

"Quinn I need to talk to you"

The blonde was confused but she allowed Mercedes to drag her upstairs and into the Berry's den.

"Mercedes, what is this all about?"

"What is going on with you tonight?" Quinn's heart did a flip-flop and her stomach began to knot. She had a feeling about where the conversation was heading and it made her unbelievably nervous. Still the blonde did her best not to let her expression give her away.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Nothing is going on with me"

"Oh don't even try to play all innocent, some...some..something is up with you, you have, you've been acting weird all week." The alcohol had taken effect on Mercedes despite her best effort to act the opposite. "Quinn we're friends right you can tell me things. I know I'm a gossip but I promise you I would never spread anything that I knew you wanted kept quiet"

Quinn sighed she knew Mercedes was telling the truth, but she couldn't tell her the truth about what had actually been going on with her the past week. Not yet anyway and definitely not without talking to Rachel first.

"Look Mercedes, you're right there is something but I'm not ready to tell anyone about it yet. Please respect that."

"Ok, but just so you know you're being kind of obvious, other people are going to start noticing that you have a thing for Santana if you don't start playing it a little cooler"

Quinn could almost hear a record scratch in her head when Mercedes said Santana's name.

"Wait, hold up a minute. You think I have a thing for Santana? Santana, Satan in a Cheerios uniform that Santana?"

"Well Q you're making it kind of obvious I mean you looked like you were going to kill Rachel before when Santana gave her the lap dance." Quinn was incapable of forming words she couldn't believe that Mercedes thought she was harbouring feelings for Santana.

"Look Quinn I know you're freaking out but no one's going to judge you for liking another girl I mean it makes sense when you think about it. We're all friends here we've got your back" With that Mercedes pulled the blonde girl into a tight hug.

"But as your friend I think it's only right to tell you that I think Santana might be with someone else"


"No I think she and Rachel might have a thing going"

"Wait what the hell!"

"Well they've been hanging out with each other lately, and well Rachel said she hooked up with someone at school. But don't get upset about it ok, like I said I don't know for sure so you might still have a chance" With that Mercedes made her exit and stumbled her way back to the party, leaving behind her a very confused blonde. Rachel was standing in the door way smirking she'd been on her way back to the basement and heard voices. While she hadn't heard the entire conversation she had heard enough.

"So Quinn how long have you been in love with Santana" Rachel fluttered her eyes as she gently teased Quinn.

"Oh god you heard that, can you believe it I mean she thinks I'm into Santana of all people"

"Oh I don't know Quinn, Mercedes did make a very compelling argument, maybe I should brand you just so you don't forget your place." Quinn rolled her eyes and made her way over to the doorway and gave Rachel a small peck on the lips.

"Seriously Quinn do you have any idea how difficult it was to get it back in my pants, not to mention how long it is going to take to get the ink off"

"Hmmm well to be fair I'm more experienced at getting 'it' out of your pants, also considering that Mercedes thinks that you and Santana are a thing I don't think my reaction was all that out of line" Quinn gently cupped the almost-but-not-quite visible bulge in Rachel's pants which caused the brunette to let out a low moan.

"Oh hells no Q! You will not be releasing that thing from Berry's pants"

Both Quinn and Rachel nearly jumped out of their skins as they realised they weren't alone in the den. There was a couch to the side of the room which had its back facing the two girls.

"Santana! What the hell are you doing in here?" Quinn was startled and when she was startled her natural response was anger

"Me" Brittany's head popped up from behind the couch. The blonde was sporting some serious sex hair. Brittany's new sitting position allowed for Santana to sit up on the opposite end of the couch, she too was also sporting serious sex hair. While the two girls were obscured from view it was quite obvious to both Quinn and Rachel that their two friends were very much naked.

"Also Q and Berry, I'm flattered and shit but I'm with Brittany you will just have to settle for each other"

"Arggh I do not have a thing for you Santana"

"I cannot believe you two are having sex in my den, seriously you two couldn't have waited or found somewhere that was a little less in my house"

"Nope sorry Berry, think of it as payback for the time I saw you doing the hand-jive. Also if anyone in this situation should be annoyed its Britts and I seriously Q you really know how to ruin a moment"

"Come on Rachel we should probably get back to the party and make sure that everything is ok. You two need to get your clothes back on and join us soon or I will send Puck to go look for you."

Back in the basement things were starting to get a little out of hand. Artie wasn't looking so good, Finn was starting to get a little aggressive and Mike and Tina were getting a little too into each other. Sam was considering making his first trip to take some of the more alcohol effected gleeks home. When Rachel and Quinn made their way back into the basement the blonde boy approached the pair.

"Hey I think I might have to take a couple of people home pretty soon" Rachel scanned the room noticing that a few people were a little worse for wear she agreed with the boy.

"You should start with Artie, while the other guys can still help you get him to your car"

Sam went to get Puck to help him as well as inform the gleeks he was doing his first designated driver run. Mike and Tina decided to make a break for it, the two thanked Rachel and headed out to Sam's car to make-out some more. It was around this time that Santana and Brittany discretely re-entered the room looking very pleased with themselves.

Puck and Sam were trying to negotiate with Artie. However the boy was more or less incoherent. He had done his best to match Lauren drink for drink and was now paying the price. His head was lolling around on his shoulders and he had little to no control of his body, well even less control of his body. The two boys decided it would probably be easiest if Puck carried Artie up the stairs while Sam took his chair. Puck was about halfway up the stairs when he felt something wet and warm against his chest. He looked down at the nearly passed-out Artie and yelled out when he realised what was happening to him.

"He's fucking pissing his pants, oh fuck that is fucking gross"

Puck's cries drew the attention of everyone in the room. It took all of Pucks strength not to just drop the boy. Santana's face broke into a satisfied smirk which was matched by Quinn. Rachel was praying that none of Artie's mess got onto the stairs or the carpet. Sam was thankful it hadn't happened in his car. Finn was laughing hysterically and pointing at the boy.

It took nearly twenty-minutes to get Artie into the car. Rachel gave Sam some old towels to protect his seats. As soon as Artie was in Sam's car Puck had sprinted into Rachel's bathroom and jumped in the shower and scrubbed himself furiously. Rachel loned him some of her dad's clothes and put his in the washing machine. However once the fuss was over the boy rejoined the party like nothing had happened.

In an attempt to liven up the mood Blaine had suggested that they return to their game of truth or dare. Although due to the amount of alcohol consumed and the general tiredness that had set in the game had turned into more truth than dare because everyone was too comfortable and tired to get up and do anything. Each person was taking turns to scroll through a list of questions on Blaine's iphone.

"Brittany who do you think would give the best blow-jobs?" Mercedes giggled as she posed the question to the blonde. Brittany furrowed her brow as she gave the question proper consideration.

"Um, Blaine but only if we're talking about boy blow-jobs" Rachel rolled her eyes despite the fact that she had no point of comparison she knew that there was no way that anyone gave a better blow –job than Quinn. As if reading her mind the blonde girl gave the diva a side smile.

"Awww thanks Britt that's really sweet of you" Blaine in his drunken state was genuinely touched by what the blonde girl had said. Kurt on the other hand was bright red and twitching again. Brittany took the phone from Mercedes refocused her attention to the rest of the group and decided on her question,

"Ok Kurt, who was the first boy you saw naked" Kurt went even redder than he already was.

"Um, it was Finn"

"Oh my god man you are such a fucking perve"

"Oh please Finn get over yourself I have, I saw you the other night along with my dad and Carole when we all walked in on you jerking off in front of the tv remember?"

It was Finn's turn to go red. While the rest of the glee club all gagged a little.

"I bet you still got off on it though"

Santana burst out in mocking laughter, Finn was getting on her last nerve,

"Oh please Finmpotent believe me when I say this you do not have a whole lot going on for one to get off on, hell you probably scarred Ladypants over here so bad that he might want to try and get into some lady's pants to get rid of the image"

"Didn't stop you from getting up on it though did it Santana" Finn was like a dog with a bone there was no way he was going to drop the argument.

"Yeah that was thirty seconds that could have been better spent that's for sure"

"Well that would be right you are like the biggest slut in the whole school like you'd be able to feel anything anyway" Finn had crossed a line all of the gleeks were fully expecting Santana to go all Lima Heights any second. Instead Santana just rolled her eyes and laughed again

"See you can't even come up with a good comeback"

"I don't need to Finn you can call me all the names that you want and it won't change the fact that you still lost your V-card to me. I know all the tiny little details of the whole encounter and I do mean tiny and also weirdly crooked. Seriously someone of your freakish height you are totally out of proportion" Santana's last line received muffled laughter from the rest of the gleeks.

"You know what screw this" Finn got up kicked a chair and stormed out of the room. Lauren who had been growing bored with the game got up as well,

"I'm going to go follow him and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and also look for chips I thought you and blondie were bringing some down Berry?" The rest of the club could have cared less. Puck was still pissed about finding out about her cheating and the rest of the club were hardly fans of hers to start with. Lauren made her way out of the room taking with her a bottle of vodka to keep her company.

Puck grabbed Blaine's phone and cocked an eyebrow at the next question. Seeing an opportunity to steer the conversation into somewhat less hostile waters he asked,

"Okay then this question is for everyone who do you think has the biggest penis in glee club" The question was met with groans from the other gleeks, Brittany even threw an empty cup at Puck which bounced off the side of his head.

"C'mon it's all in the spirit of the game, Blaine I know you want to answer go on take a stab" Puck was right Blaine did want to answer, the fight that had occurred not even five minutes ago had not put a damper on his happy drunk state.

"Well I have no way of knowing for sure, but I'm gonna guess Sam"

"I'm going to say Sam as well" Mercedes giggled, the other girls and Kurt were all starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well Q, you'd have to know the answer to that one, are Blaine and Mercedes right?" Quinn rolled her eyes at the mohawked boy. Letting out a loud sigh,

"This is stupid" The blonde said with an exasperated sigh.

"Oh c'mon Quinn where's your sense of fun" Mercedes said while giggling into her drink.

"Errghhh fine your both wrong it's not Sam" Puck grinned widely which received eye rolls from both Santana and Quinn.

"I wouldn't be so confident if I were you Puckerman no one said it was you" Santana interjected. The comment caused Puck to raise an eyebrow and smirk. Blaine and Mercedes looked confused, like they were trying to solve a complicated math problem. Kurt looked uncomfortable as did Quinn and Rachel.

"Well then by process of elimination that would mean that.." Puck turned and grinned at Rachel. In his own mind Puck wasn't being mean spirited, in fact he was doing the opposite. The way Puck saw it if word spread that Rachel was seriously packing then people would be less inclined to make fun of her. None of the gleeks said anything they didn't have to, even in their drunken states they all understood. Santana picked up the phone and read off the next question.

"Okay this question is once again posed to everyone, what was the gender of the last person you hooked up with?"

"Boy" Blaine and Kurt said in unison

"Boy of course" Said Mercedes

"Girl" Puck wiggled his eyebrows

"Girl" Brittany, shooting Santana a smile

Rachel surveyed her surroundings, while the brunette wasn't entirely sure of Mercedes intentions she was comfortable enough with the rest of the gleeks to be honest.

"It was a girl"

Mercedes grinned, with all the break-ups that seemed to have happened this week she was excited about the prospect of a new relationship forming, even if it was between the Diva and Satan. Then Quinn answered,

"Me too,"

Quinn gave Rachel a sidewards glance. After her conversation with Mercedes, despite being slightly drunken Quinn had come to the conclusion that she wanted people to know that she was with Rachel. Not only that she was with Rachel, but that anyone who messed with them would be in a world of pain. Santana scrolled through the questions on the phone and found another one that she liked.

"Ok this one is for the non-virgins, what is your favourite position?"

"Doggy" Puck said with a huge grin

"Scissor" said Brittany after a moment of contemplation

"What about you Q?" Santana gave a smirk expecting Quinn to get all sister Christian and shy about things.

"I like being on top" Quinn said with a cool confidence which took Santana by surprise.


"I don't know yet" The brunette answered truthfully

"That's not an answer Berry"

"Then what's yours Santana?"

"I am the question master I don't have to answer"

"Not anymore you're not" Quinn swiped the phone and pretended to scroll through the questions but there was only one she had in mind,

"Top or bottom"

Santana's face faulted a little.

"Wait what does that mean?" Mercedes questioned

"Well it can have a couple of meanings, but basically it means who's the dominant one in the bedroom, so for example I'm a top and Kurt's a bottom" Blaine explained as Kurt went bright red

"Well hypothetically you're a top and I'm a bottom we haven't done it yet remember Blaine"

"Oh ok then"

"I don't mind letting a lady take control of things" Puck interjected

"I don't really believe in such labels" Rachel said which earned her an eyeroll from Santana. "But I suppose I'm more inclined to be a top"

"Santana you haven't answered the question yet" Quinn smirked

"Ehh fine If you must know I'm a bottom"

"I knew it!" Mercedes cried out.

"Knew what Weezy you didn't know the difference between a top and a bottom five minuets ago"

"I knew that you and Rachel are hooking up" At this Puck burst out into laughter, Blaine and Kurt looked a little confused.

"Oh for god's sake Weezy Berry and I are not hooking up ok, yes we've hung out and I don't hates her anymore but that is it"

"It's ok guys no one here is going to judge you for it, love is love you know and if you've found love than that's all that matters is love" Blaine rattled off

"I am not with Berry. I am in love with Brittany always have been always will be. I thought that was fucking obvious" Santana's proclamation was far from eloquent but Brittany could not have been happier.

"Then who has Rachel been hooking up with then?" Mercedes asked. Quinn and Rachel exchanged looks.

"Me, Rachel has been hooking up with me Quinn Fabray. Only its not really hooking up we are a thing, an item, we are dating."

Mercedes looked a little surprised as did Kurt

"Woooo, love!" Blaine cried out breaking any uneasy tension.

"Wait Quinn you and Rachel" Mercedes asked

"Yes you're correct Mercedes Quinn and I are dating but our relationship is still in its infancy so we would appreciate it if the whole school didn't find out about it just yet."

"Oh well I'm happy for you guys" Mercedes said she was still trying to process the information but she liked the idea of Quinn and Rachel much better than Rachel and Santana or Quinn and Santana. Something about the combination of Santana with anyone other than Brittany just didn't seem right.

"Wait so that means you two have been hooking up with each other at school right" Kurt asked,

"I thought that had been made pretty clear by this point" Quinn responded, she was getting a little tired of all the questions

"You two didn't happen to hook up in the choir room and leave a discarded condom wrapper in there did you"

Quinn and Rachel both blushed, Puck smirked. Santana and Brittany hadn't really been paying attention they were too busy cuddled up talking quietly to one another.

"Woooo, love!" Puck yelled.