Harry woke to someone tugging on his shirt sleeve. The page he had been reading stuck to his face slightly as he sat up. Looking around, he saw dobby the house-elf standing next to his chair, fidgeting with anticipation.

"What is it, Dobby?"

"Harry Potter has to get down to the lake for the second task!"

"Oh, bugger!" Harry jumped up and grabbed his bag and invisibility cloak. "Has it started?"

"Not yet, but Harry Potter must hurry so he can save his colon."

"My what?" Harry stopped in his tracks and stared at the elf in confusion.

"They took Harry Potter's colon."

"They took my colon?" Harry wasn't sure if he'd heard right.

"Yes," said the elf, nodding his head. "They took his colon queasy."

"Colon queasy? Colon…" Harry suddenly realized what the elf was saying. "COLIN!"

The elf nodded again, his ears flapping. "If Harry Potter doesn't save him before the time is up…"

"I'll lose him forever," Harry finished. "I've got to get down there."

"Wait, take this," the elf handed him what looked like a small glob of slimy worms.

"What's this?" Harry asked in slight disgust.

"Gillyweed, Harry Potter must eat it before diving into the lake."

"Will this help me breathe underwater?" asked Harry, hopeful.

Dobby nodded his head again.

"Thanks Dobby, I won't forget it!" Harry ran out of the library and hurried down to the lake to save his young friend.

Colin's POV

The first thing I realized when I woke up was I was wet and freezing. I took a gulp of air as my face broke the surface of the lake. Before I knew what was happening, I felt hands grabbing me and pulling me out of the water. There were people crowded around me. Some looked worried, others were excited. There were even a few surprised.

"Is that Colin Creevey?"

"Why would Potter need to save him?"

"I thought it'd be Weasley."

I was led away from the onlookers and into the tent, where Madam Pomfrey was seeing to the other Champions and the people saved from the lake.

"Come here, Mr. Creevey." She pointed to a medical cot for me to sit down.

She stuck an old-fashioned thermometer in his mouth and began waving her wand over him, muttering to herself.

"Coming out of a dead winter, and jumping into a freezing lake! These children will catch their deaths before this tournament's finished!"

She pulled out the thermometer and checked it.

"Your temperature's normal. But you'd better get warm and I suggest a hot bath and bed rest."

"Is that really necessary?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes. "If you want to catch cold then fine, but don't come sniffling to me!"

She stormed off to check on Fleur.

"Are you okay, Colin?" I heard Hermione asking as I felt someone wrap a towel around my shoulders. She was dripping wet and had a towel draped over her shoulders.

"I'm fine. Where's Harry?"

"Colin!" Colin felt two arms clasp firmly across his chest.

"He's right behind you."

"Thanks, Hermione, I get that," I gasped as Harry squeezed me tight.

"I thought you were a goner!"

"You really are thick, Harry," said Hermione. "Dumbledore would never have let us drown."

"That may be, but those merpeople weren't looking too fond of us," he replied.

I chuckled. "My hero," I said jokingly. I pulled him down for a kiss on the cheek. He blushed.

Hermione laughed. "I'm gonna go see Victor for a moment. I'll talk to you later."

"You wanna go hear the scores?" I asked Harry.

"Yeah, then we can go get something to eat; I'm starved." He pulled me up by the hand.

As we left the tent, I caught a glimpse of Hermione speaking with Krum. He was pulling something out of her hair.

Author's Note

I hope you liked this one. It took me awhile to get this chapter together. Been very busy with work and moving.

I'm thinking I might get someone to co-author the rest of this story with me so that I have more time for my other stories. Any volunteers? Just have good grammar and English skills. No offense to those who don't. I just find it hard to read some stories on here if the grammar isn't good or if the dialogue is bad.

Has anyone ever heard of or seen a movie called Watercolors? If you like the story 'Rejection' and you're a fan of gay films, then you might like this movie. If anyone would like a link to it, just pm me.