This is a sequel/spin-off to my story called "The Filthy Little Blood Traitor", about Draco and Astoria. This first chapter is from their POV, but the rest of the chapters will mainly be from Scorpius's POV. It's not necessary to read the prequel, but if you want to check it out, it will give you some background info. It's not that long either.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the story!

Tap… tap… tap…

Draco looked up from the Daily Prophet.

Seeing a large tawny owl at the kitchen window, he said, "Astoria, honey, it's Scorpius' s owl."

Astoria's fork clattered as it hit her plate. Draco watched in amusement as she jumped up from the breakfast table and nearly sprinted towards the window. Their son had been gone for only a few days, but Draco was pretty sure Astoria was already counting down the days to his Christmas holiday.

She came back and sat down, her eyes already skimming over the letter.

"Read it out loud," said Draco.

Though he'd never admit it to anyone, he was also counting down the days. After all this was the first time either of them had ever been away from their son for more than a few days.

Neither he nor Astoria were used to Scorpius being gone yet. The house seemed eerily quiet. There was no loud music blasting whatever band it was that the kids were listening to these days. It certainly wasn't The Weird Sisters whatever it was. There was no one to constantly pester him while he tried to get work done. There was no one for Astoria to scold for running in the house.

Astoria cleared her throat and began to read.

Dear Mum and Dad,

First off, Dad, you'll be happy to know that I've been sorted into Slytherin.

"Of course he was," said Draco, proudly. "Chip off the old block, that one."

So far Hogwarts is great. My favorite class so far is Herbology. Professor Longbottom is really cool!

Draco choked on his toast.

Astoria smirked. "Or maybe he isn't," she said.

Draco glared at her. "Just keep reading."

On the train I had to sit with Rose Weasley. She's a nightmare! I've never met a bigger know-it-all in my life.

Draco was relieved. At least some things were still right in the world.

The good news is I also sat with Albus Potter, who's way cooler. And he's in Slytherin with me!

"Wait, what?" Draco nearly shouted. "Potter's kid is a Slytherin? Has the world gone mad?"

"Shush, Draco. Let me finish," said Astoria.

Luckily Rose Weasley is in Gryffindor. Well I've got to get to class now. I'll write soon, Mum, don't worry.

Love, Scorpius.

Draco barely heard the last part. He was still in shock.

Astoria looked at him, with his mouth still hanging slightly open, and rolled her eyes.

"Really, Draco, close your mouth. You're going to catch flies."

Thanks for reading. Please review!