Season Of Magic: Well, this is it. It's the last chapter. *wipes imaginary tear from my eye* it seemed not too long ago I uploaded the first chapter and now look where we are. It's actually ending.
Wait a minute...
Holy Arceus! I actually did it. This story is finally completed. Pinch me Narrator, I think I'm dreaming.
Narrator: I'm not. That's one less story I have to deal with now. *throws confetti all over*
Season Of Magic: *rolls eyes* putting Narrator's happiness aside, I want to thank everyone who stuck by You're The Reason.
A year later, hundreds of wonderful reviews and I'm still getting floored with positive feedback, encouragement and greatness. You do not know how much this means to me and I apologize I cannot answer them all.
It was a crazy ride but now it's done. It is time to expand my horizons into other ships, genres and stuff.
Hope you keep with me! I promise to return to Pearlshipping someday.
Do not fret, as I'm not leaving the Pearlshipping boat just yet. I still have Stupidity Doesn't Earn You Heaven to finish after all.
New (and last) chapter starts now, go!
You're The Reason
by: Season Of Magic
Ash was backstage (of the outside stage, not the inside one), which really was just a small tent with a few tables, chairs and electronic equipment behind the stage.
He was currently sitting in the edge of a table that was near the left corner. His eyes were gazing intently into the strings of the guitar in his hand.
Ash was practicing one last time the song that in less than fifteen minutes he'd be singing to Dawn and everyone else in the party, but more importantly, to Dawn.
He sighed softly as the chords slowly came into existence. He was slowly humming along the words that he had fully gotten memorized no less than a week ago.
Pikachu was right beside him, its two paws moving along to the rhythm, his ears flapping once or twice per beat.
"Chaaaaaaa." he purred to what Ash believed was content.
Ash grinned and once he knew the song had ended, so did the strumming of the guitar.
He stared Pikachu's way curiously. "What's the final verdict buddy?"
Pikachu broke out of his trance and his ears perked up even more. He glanced Ash's way, hopped off the table and placed his two paws up.
"Pika, pikaaaaaa, pika, chuuuuuu." he said and Ash stared at him in confusion.
"I don't get it." Ash said as he placed the guitar in the case and closed it.
Pikachu face palmed itself and placed his two paws together then started making kissy faces at Ash.
Ash blushed and hopped off the table. Pikachu was now in the floor laughing.
"You two seem to be having fun." a voice said from the entrance to the tent.
Ash composed himself enough to reply a "yeah" as he grabbed the guitar case from the table and Pikachu had said nothing as he was too busy laughing.
"I'm just here to remind you that you go on soon. Dawn is almost ready and will be on the spot soon. She thinks I'm the one singing but of course, you and I know that's not true." the girl replied.
Ash nodded. "Thank you Zoey. You don't know how much it means to me you're doing this."
Zoey waved her hand and shrugged. "I wasn't going to sing either way. My song isn't finished and I wasn't going to make a fool of myself."
Ash nodded and sat down on a chair, placing the guitar case on the floor. "I have to stay here until the signal is given right?" he said as Pikachu made its way toward him and hopped into his arms.
Zoey nodded, patted Pikachu's head and walked towards the entrance. "Yeah. You don't want to ruin the surprise do you?"
Ash shook his head. "Of course I don't."
"Then you know to stay here until we tell you to come out." and with that Zoey walked out the tent.
Ash sighed and took the guitar case in his hand, walking around a bit until the signal was given for him to go upstage.
"Dawn, you look great," May couldn't help but exclaim in exasperation at her best friend. "Now please stop fussing with the dress, you're going to wrinkle it."
Dawn sighed and brought her hands up to her hair. "Are you sure it doesn't need more spray or something?"
"Add more spray and you're going to frizz it up," Melody stated, looking up from the Pokemon Contest magazine she was reading. "Trust me, I tried it once. It was not a pretty sight."
"I read somewhere that a bit of baby powder got rid of that." Bianca exclaimed from the other side of the room, where she and Mitari were applying lip gloss.
"Yeah, I heard that too," Misty said with a nod of her head. "But who in their right mind would actually try something so ridiculous as that?"
Mitari raised up a guilt ridden hand. "In my defense," she said pointing straight at Bianca, "she made me!"
"You wanted help," Bianca said as she pressed her lips together, making the lip gloss sparse evenly into her mouth. "I tried to help." and she shrugged.
Dawn sighed. "Okay, okay I get it. We've all tried some stupid and lame beauty tip," and she stood up from her seat. "Can we please focus and just go already? I want to see Zoey perform."
The other girls all shared knowing glances and were about to stop Dawn from leaving when Jessica poked her head into the room.
"Are you all ready? Electric is in position. I repeat Electric is in the position."
Dawn stared at Jessica confusedly and the rest of the girls simply pushed her out the door.
"We'll explain later." May said, rushing back to get her purse.
"Yeah, we don't have time for this right now." Misty nodded.
"Surprise!" Bianca said clapping her hands.
"Bianca!" they all stared at her in shock.
"What?" Bianca could only blink, thinking about what she had heard. "Surprise goes BOOM!"
"You're all acting really weird..." Dawn concluded and walked ahead of all of them. As fast as walking in small heels could let her, that is.
"Should we have told Bianca our plan? I don't think we should have." Jesse could only wonder as she sat in her seat and waved a cup of champagne around.
James could only shrug. "She was curious what we were working on. We couldn't just lie to her."
"I could have but you didn't let me." Jesse replied with a laugh.
At that, James raised an eyebrow. "That's what you call turning a new leaf?"
Jesse shrugged. "No. That's what I call being secretive."
"Bianca is what you'd consider loopy," James said as he took a sip of red wine. "Even if she lets something slip, they won't likely believe her."
"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Jesse stated after a bit.
"We'll have even more reasons to celebrate tonight, Jesse," James stated placing a hand in top of hers. "Consider this our thank you present for them."
Jesse blushed but smacked James. "Hands off, buster!"
"But my name is James!"
"J-just have everything ready by the time the twerp comes up stage..." and taking a gulp from her champagne until she finished it, she stood up and huffed away, the blush still evident on her face.
While Johanna had been distracting her daughter until Ash came upstage, the rest of the poke gang and guests could be found everywhere throughout Lake Valor.
Kenny, Cheren, Bianca, Trip and Mitari were getting food in the buffet area. Brock, Dent and Iris were discussing gym leader strategies. Violet, Daisy, Lily, Jessica and Melody were discussing beauty and travel tips.
The other gym leaders, champions, elite four members and everyone else were simply sitting down and talking amongst themselves about the most random things possible.
May, Drew and Zoey, whom had been near the backstage tent, were all currently in a heated argument.
"I can't believe that no one from the coordinator magazines has wanted a picture of me!" Drew was near hysterics. With a flip of his hair he huffed. "I don't know why! I'm twice the better coordinator than Dawn is."
May shook her head laughing. "One; you're not a better coordinator than Dawn," and at this Drew raised an eyebrow. "And two; this is her party, it's only logical she get all the attention."
Zoey tried to calm them down. "They can't throw only pictures of Dawn all night. We're bound to get asked to appear in some of them together sometime." she tried to reason.
Drew flipped his hair again. "And when they do, I'll be ready for them." he winked and motioned to the buffet. "Want me to get you something to drink, my little butterfly?"
Zoey made gagging noises and May glared her way. Zoey then shrugged and Drew laughed.
"I'll go get both of you something then." and he smirked, passing both of them a rose. "Be right back ladies."
Zoey stared at the rose in her hand confusedly. "That guy is something else, isn't he May?" and she glanced May's way. "May?"
May, whom was holding unto the rose as if it was a fragile item, snapped out of her gaze and blushed. She then huffed and tossed the rose into a trash can as if it was a bomb. "He is an idiot!" she murmured and walked away.
"Where are you going, May?" Zoey could only ask, as she watched her friend walk away.
"What does it look like? To get my own drink!" May exclaimed, not even looking back.
Zoey blinked and then shrugged it off. She considered this behavior normal between Drew and May. She laughed and decided to check on Ash one final time.
Operation; Ash's melody...was in process.
"Are you guys sure this is completely legal?" Max could only ask as he stared between the two ex- Team Rocket members.
Jesse and James shrugged.
"I don't think it should be a problem." Jesse stated as she glanced up from the blueprints.
"Yeah," James added. "We're only trying to entertain the guests."
Jesse nodded. "And add a bit of pizzazz to the party."
"I don't think we should be doing this," the young Pokemon researcher could only state as he watched what happened in front of him. "What if something goes wrong?"
"Twerp until the end, it seems." James could only laugh as he ruffled Max's hair. "Live life a little. Take risks."
Jesse nodded. "And if all else fails..."
Max could only shrug. "Team Rocket's blasting off again?"
Jesse and James gasped. "They did learn something from us after all!" they said, wiping an imaginary tear from their eye.
Max was laughing now. "Okay you two less talking, more tweaking." and he started pressing buttons in a flame torch he was using in some metals.
Johanna had distracted Dawn for nearly fifteen minutes without fail, going on and on about her own sweet sixteenth and how she wished hers had been nearly as elegant as Dawn's was.
Dawn of course, had only been half listening and half staring at her Pokétch. The time passed slowly and it seemed to drag on and on.
"Mom, I don't mean to be rude but what is it that you wanted to show me?" Dawn had said when she had enough of Johanna's tales. "Zoey should be going upstage soon. I want to hear her sing." Dawn couldn't help but complain.
Johanna had taken Dawn to the outside stage, where no one was in sight. It had been only them two and the rest of the crowd was currently in the other side of the lake.
Johanna stared at her daughter confusedly. "This isn't the stage she's going to be in?"
Dawn sighed as she pointed at nothing. "Look around mom; we're the only ones here."
Johanna shrugged. "Perhaps you may be right."
Dawn could only blink. Her mother had been the one to rent the place out; how could she not know where each event was taking place in?
The grass suddenly rustled and a small light was seen.
Yells of "Ouch!" or "Watch where you're going!" and "Sssssh we'll get caught!" were heard and Dawn could only wonder who was sneaking around the grass like idiots.
She decided to ignore it and glanced at her mom again. "Can we go now mom?"
Johanna shook her head and ushered her daughter to the stage, where two chairs and a microphone were.
"You can't leave but I have to." and Johanna placed a kiss on her daughter's cheek after she made her sit in the closest chair. "Enjoy your surprise sweetie." and with that, Johanna walked off the stage and waved as she walked back towards the party.
Dawn sighed. She'd been left behind by herself for who knows what reason. "Enjoy my surprise?" she couldn't help but voice aloud. "What surprise?" and she simply sat around, waiting for whatever was in store for her.
The clothes he had on were driving him insane. He hated wearing a tux and with a tie? He despised it even more.
His mother had made him wear it though and he couldn't complain, he wouldn't either way because everyone said it matched Dawn's dress. And everyone he knew wouldn't lie to him; would they?
Pikachu poking his leg got him off his thoughts and he glanced down. "What's the matter, buddy?" he asked curiously. Pikachu pointed outside to the stage and Ash quickly understood what he was trying to say. "She's here already?"
Pikachu nodded and Ash gulped. Passing his hands through his hair he sighed.
This was it. No turning back now. Or no time to think about backing down and quitting.
He placed one of his hands on the guitar case and one on his pant pockets where his present was.
"Right," he said clearing his voice a bit. "Let's do this."
"We're here for you Ash!" Zoey said with a smile as she walked his way and pat his back.
"Break a leg!"
"Not literally of course." Bianca could only say as she leaned her head in Cheren's shoulder.
"What are you guys doing here!" Ash could only ask.
"Did you really think we'd miss this?" Jessica could only say with a smirk.
"This has got to be the most interesting thing to happen to this entire party." Melody could only say.
"Yeah!" May, Drew, Cheren, Brock, Misty and Mitari could only add.
"Well, err..." Ash didn't know what to say. "Thanks I guess."
"Don't get shy on us now." Brock could only say as he pushed Ash outside.
"I'm going, I'm going." Ash muttered.
Hey, Dawn, you still out there?
Dawn glanced around shocked. Was that Brock's voice she had just heard?
She blinked. The bright yellow lights were hurting her eyes.
When had the lights turned on?
Ash should be coming out soon. Don't worry about us! Just pretend we're not here!
That had been Jessica's voice just now; right?
"Oh, good you're still here," Ash said as he walked onto the stage. "I thought you'd have run away by now." and he sat down in his chair, opening the guitar case and taking the guitar out.
"What's going on?" Dawn could only ask confusedly. "Wasn't Zoey supposed to sing?"
"Oh that," Ash said into the microphone as he moved it around a bit. "I'm taking over for Zoey."
Dawn could only gape. "What?"
Ash shrugged and started strumming the guitar. "It's a surprise."
That had been Bianca's voice and Dawn could only sigh.
She was going crazy, right? This is a dream she'll soon wake up from and forget about, right?
Sorry guys. We'll stay silent. Carry on. That had been Misty.
Now it was Ash's turn to sigh. "Err, right... Dawn, do you remember the song I started to sing for you in professor Oak's lab?" Dawn could only nod. "I am finally mustering up the courage to sing it fully to you." and he laughed. "I just hope we don't get any more interruptions."
You won't! That had been Mitari.
Ash could only glance back to where everyone was staring at them from the tent door. He was annoyed.
"Sorry Ash." they replied sheepishly as they stepped away from the door and walked outside.
"Pika...chu?" Pikachu could only ask.
"Okay I'm going to start now. Please listen Dawn."
"Of course."
Just remember dreams that we share, that our melody is carrying, when you hear it dancing in your ears each day. Unchanging, firm and strong the only phrase I have to say is; "I never want you to go away."
Dawn, this is my first song ever, and it's just for you.
It's okay to trip sometimes as long as you are right here by my side….. There's always tomorrow. If you just disappeared the clouds in the sky would just never clear, making my world gray.
So let's say a prayer to the lord above that he'd slow down our time together, time waves strings fall asleep for good, I don't want to see our flame burn out. I won't let anyone forget what you mean to me.
So make sure you smile every day, and keep your head raised up high, flash a grin you'll always win with your energy! And then one day I'll say three words that will forever stay as my heart just jumps and wants to fly... "I love you!"
Everyone was speechless.
To think that Ash had such a talent behind his "I'm going to be a Pokémon master" expression, now this was something to comment about.
Ash shrugged, placed the guitar in the case and dragged Dawn away with him from the stage.
"Where are we going?" she could not help but ask as she looked down to not trip over the stairs.
"Far away from here," he said not glancing back. "There's something I want to ask you privately."
They had all heard what he said. No one moved an inch from where they were standing.
"Soooooo," Cheren could not help but try to break the silence. "That buffet table has really good food. I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it."
"I could not agree more with you there if I tried Cheren." Jessica could only reply with a nod."The selection is superb and the most fit for a sweet sixteenth."
"Lead the way, Cheren." Bianca could only utter as she followed him and Jessica. "I want another ice cream cone."
At this Cheren groaned. "Bianca, sweetie, you've already eaten four ice creams sundaes," he could not help but state. "Why not try something new off the buffet? What about a glass of water? I heard it's imported from France."
Bianca pouted. "But I wanted ice cream."
Cheren sighed. "When your tummy hurts tonight, don't come complaining to me."
Their voices started dying out and only Misty, May and Drew had been the ones left behind.
"What are we supposed to do now?" May grimly said as she crossed her arms.
"Get something to eat with the others?" Misty stated quickly. "You look as if Krabby's temperament got to you."
"Or she's probably just on that time of the month." Drew replied smugly.
May glared at Drew and Misty motioned for her to simply follow.
"We're going to get something to eat." and she whistled to get Bianca, Cheren and Jessica's attention. "Wait for us!"
"What'd you want to talk about?" Dawn asked as she carefully sat on the edge of the lake by a rock. She had taken off her heels and her feet were submerged in the currently still water.
"With the cruise going on and everyone being so close to each other, we didn't get to spend too much time together." Ash replied as he placed the guitar case down and sat next to Dawn. "I miss it being only the two of us."
At this, Dawn sighed. "You go back to Unova soon. We will have to part ways again."
"Who says it has to be like that?" Ash countered. "Besides, long distance relationships can work out."
At this Dawn huddled her hands close to her feet. "You'll be busy nearly all the time Ash."
"I'll make time for you." he quickly answered back.
Dawn raised an eyebrow. "Just like you made time for all of us these past four years?"
Ash sighed and placed one of his hands on top of one of Dawn's. "That was me being stupid," he could not help but say with a grin. "I promise it'll be different now."
"How can you be so sure?"
He shrugged. "I love you Dawn. These feelings aren't just going to go away like that. Even if we're far apart I'll always hold you deep within my heart." Dawn wanted to roll her eyes and he laughed. "Not cheesy enough?"
Dawn giggled. Maybe they would be alright after all.
"No. Not cheesy enough."
At that, Ash smirked and stood up, pulling Dawn with him. She stared at him confusedly and he signaled for her to wait a moment.
Getting on one knee he frantically started searching through the inside pockets of his tux's jacket until he found what he was looking for. Taking the pokeball on one hand and holding onto Dawn's with the other he grinned and stared deep into his girlfriend's eyes.
"Dawn, I don't want no other, I choose you." he started saying as he opened up the master ball. "Will you marry me sometime in the future?"
Staring back at Dawn was the cutest, sparkling mix of a diamond and pearl promise ring.
She was touched and in tears- but mostly in tears at the gesture. She jumped up and lounged towards him, making them fall down on the grass.
"Yes," she said after she had apologized for making them fall. "I will marry you in the future."
He grinned. "Good," he said, "Because the ring is non-refundable. It was custom made. What would I have done with the ring if you said no?"
She hit him lightly in the shoulder then put out her hand, the same one where the charm bracelet was. "Well, I believe you need to give me something then. It's non-refundable and I have to take it off your hands." she teased.
Ash laughed. After taking the ring off its resting place and putting the ring in it's proper owner's hand ring finger, he took something from underneath a bit of foam off the pokeball and showed Dawn a small charm, nearly the same as her ring. "Care to take this off my hands too?"
She simply kissed him.
As soon as Dawn's lips touched Ash's, the sky turned colorful. Fireworks of all kind adorned the sky. It was as if the moment was one right out of a movie.
Ash was laughing now. Pulling Dawn closer to him, with his back in the rock to support them, he smiled.
"A perfect ending, to a perfect night wouldn't you say?"
"I would if I knew where these fireworks are from." she said confusedly.
Ash shrugged and just held on to her tightly. "Just enjoy them," he stated. "I think it's someone's way of saying they wished for you to have the best birthday ever."
Dawn raised an eyebrow. "You think so?"
Ash nodded. "I know so," and he pointed at the sky. "Look closely at the shapes they turn to before they disintegrate."
Dawn was stunned now. "Pachirisu, a Togekiss, Ambipom, " she exclaimed as she finally noticed the shapes. "They're the Pokemon I use to compete!"
Ash pointed again. "That one looks like a Beautifly." he commented.
Dawn was in giggles now. "And that one like a Roserade!"
"What are we watching?" Another voice piped in as she sat beside them.
Ash and Dawn jumped up startled, then glanced to the left, where Jessica was happily munching an ice cream cone.
"What are you doing here Jessica?" Ash asked.
Jessica shrugged. "I got bored."
"Weren't you with the others?"
"Oh them," Jessica kept eating her ice cream. "I lost them in the crowd somewhere so I decided that instead of going on a goose chase I'd look for the ones ai knew would be put."
"Which were us." Ash concluded.
"Pretty much," Jessica finished and then grinned as she glanced up at the sky. "Woah! Those are pretty awesome fireworks!"
Ash sighed. With Jessica here, his moment with Dawn was ruined yet again. At least this time he got his pont across and managed to do something before they got interrupted.
Jessica kept watching the fireworks in content, with Dawn piping in ever so often about the shapes. So far they had seen most Pokémon that Dawn, Ash, May, Drew, Zoey, Kenny and even Jesslina had.
"I'm starting to see a pattern here." Jessica could only reply as she typed away on her phone, she had eaten her ice cream a few minutes ago.
"Only coordinators?" Dawn stated back.
"Well, yeah," and then she looked at Ash. "But, he isn't a coordinator though so why would his Pokemon be there?"
Ash grinned. "Trainer, coordinator, champion," he started counting off with his hands. "I'm a bit of everything really."
Jessica laughed. "Impressive." she said and Ash shrugged.
The fireworks display stopped and a familiar air balloon slowly glided down from the sky.
"Quite impressive indeed, you have a lot of abilities, this I see." Jesse stated from a megaphone.
"Is that, Jesse?" Dawn was gawking now.
Music started playing from the balloon. "The twerp has traveled far and wide, to understand the power that lies deep inside." James sang.
Jesse nodded and began to sing along. "Pokemon, gotta catch them all, it's so true. Your power will pull you through."
Now they were holding hands and swaying to the music. "Oh, you're my best friend in a world we must defend...."
Ash was laughing, Jessica and Dawn were gawking.
"What in the world are they doing?" Jessica whispered to Dawn.
Dawn shrugged. "I have no clue."
The music stopped and Jesse and James jumped down from the balloon.
Jesse was laughing now. "Did you really think we'd turn over a new leaf without leaving with a bang?"
James shrugged. "Her idea not mines."
Jesse was pointing at Ash now. "Alright twerp, where's Pikachu!? We have a score to settle."
Ash shrugged. "I have no clue where Pikachu is. Must be somewhere with Brock or Zoey."
Jesse face palmed. "I took days planning this and Pikachu is nowhere in sight?" she fell to the ground in sobs. "I got outsmarted again, by a freaking mouse."
James pat her back. "There, there Jesse. It's okay."
Jesse glared. "How am I supposed to be over and done with Team Rocket if my own enemy doesn't send me blasting off again one last time for old times sake?"
While Jesse was in the ground sobbing, Pikachu and Meowth came into view.
They were both talking quite fast and Pikachu was holding unto a ketchup bottle as if it depended on his life.
"And then I heard about this party from that Tracey guy so I'm all eh I'll go with him and crash it, there must be some good food."
"Pika-pika-pi? (this is Dawn's party, you know that right?)"
"Well, yeah but I thought I'd crash it anyway."
"Pika? (why?)"
"You just don't say no to free food." and Meowth was now staring Pikachu's way oddly.
"What's the deal with you and ketchup?"
"Pi! Pi-ka-pi-chu. (Hey! You just don't ask stuff like that out of nowhere.)"
Meowth raised his hands. "What? It was just a question." And then he glanced around, and it was when he realized they had a crowd. "Err... Hey twerps..."
"Meowth!?" Ash, Dawn, Jesse and James gawked.
"Jesse, James, you're here too?"
"Wait Meowth, as in the cat Pokemon?" Jessica was confused now. "The same Meowth you told me about, James? The one who can talk?"
"Yeah, that's him." James nodded.
"Of course I can talk." and Meowth scoffed. "You don't see me making growling noises and stuff do you?"
Jessica already had her phone out and was trying to take pictures. "Whoa! You're too cool! Okay smile and say cheese."
Meowth rolled his eyes and ignored her. "What are you two doing here?" he said as he pointed his claws at Jesse and James. "Team Rocket best not be planning something stupid and idiotic."
"Whoa hold your Horseas," Jesse and James raised up their arms. "We're on the same team here."
"Pika-chu? (Why are you wearing that then?)"
Meowth raised an eyebrow. "Ketchup loving Pokémon here has a point." he said pointing to their attire.
"Oh, this," Jesse and James sweat dropped. "It is all an acting kind of thing. A goodbye kind of thing. It's why we were looking for Pikachu you see?"
"Pi? (Me?)"
"Yes you," and Jesse was kneeling down in front of Pikachu. "Send us blasting off again one final time. For old times sake. Do us this one final favor please? Then we can put the past behind is and be friends."
Pikachu was opening up the bottle of ketchup and was going to aim it at Jesse when Ash intervened. "They've changed buddy." he stated. "They're on our side. Do them this final favor as Team Rocket."
Pikachu sighed. "Pika. (Fine.)"
Meowth gawked. You're kidding right?" he was almost laughing. "These two turned a new leaf? Ha as if! Pikachu groaned and started pushing Meowth towards Jesse and James. "Hey! leave me alone!"
"Pika-pi-pi-chu. (if I'm doing this one final time, you're going too.)"
Meowth was whining now. "But..." Pikachu glared his way. "Okay, okay fine."
Pikachu raised a paw. "Pi? (Well?)"
"What? I'm standing with these two imbeciles while I'm waiting for Arceus knows what it is you're going to do to us."
"Pika-Pika (Your catchphrase.)"
"Oh no," and he raised a paw. "You can't make me." Pikachu closed his eyes and sparks were coming out his cheeks. "Meowth that's right! Please don't hurt me!"
Pikachu grinned.
"Get away from me!"
Explosions, running, a lot of screaming and confusion snapped Ash, Dawn, Jesse, James, Jessica, Pikachu and Meowth from their daze and brought them to the commotion going on within the tent.
While May was screaming at her brother, Max was simply shrugging sheepishly.
Mitari was now running all over the place and after her was running none other than N.
Wait, N?
Yes. Bianca, Cheren, Iris, Cilan and Trip, who knew N and Mitari's weird relationship, were simply staring from outside the tent clearly not knowing what to do or if they should help out their friend.
Ash sighed. "Okay what's N doing here and why aren't you guys trying to stop him?" he asked as he stared and pointed at the commotion.
Everyone shrugged.
"I was still in shock from Max's little prank." Iris admitted.
"I'm not getting involved in their love quarrel," Trip simply stated. "Let them figure it out on their own."
"I agree with Trip," Cilan said nodding. "Plus he doesn't seem harmful. It looks like they're playing quite a fun game of tag."
"He's not a baddie anymore!" Bianca piped in. "I tried to say it but you guys didn't let me finish. He came to Kanto in hopes of talking to you about his crush on Mitari, Ash."
Ash was just there, dumbfounded and without a clue what to do or say. "Huh!?"
Cheren sighed. "What everyone is trying to say is that there is no Team Plasma threat. N is here on his own free will." and he pointed their way.
"You have got to be kidding..." And Ash stared at N and Mitari who were still running back and forth, but were actually laughing and yelling words of encouragement to each other. "When did that happen?" he could only wonder.
"When you were all out here doing Arceus knows what." Trip stated.
Ash shrugged and just glanced back at Pikachu and Team Rocket. "Pikachu," he could only say with a sigh. "Electro Ball."
Jesse, James and Meowth stared at Ash and Pikachu.
Jesse paled. "Hey wait a minute..."
James was pleading now. "Can't we talk about this..."
Meowth was on his paws. "Anything but that..."
Ash smirked. "Well, Pikachu?"
Pikachu grinned yet again.
Another explosion was heard, but this time it was from Pikachu's Electro Ball.
"Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
Ash and Pikachu simply high fived.
Season Of Magic: it took a year, but it's done. What started as a simple idea is now a fully completed story. Thank you to all of those who stuck by. You are the reason I keep writing.
See what I did there? :P
Keep on dreaming my lovelies.
See you on the next journey we take together
And they all lived happily ever after