A/N: Okay, so I know that I said that this would be the last chapter but (partially thanks to Daisy/LokYa2046) I've decided to split it into two parts, just so the length of each chapter is slightly more consistent. I apologize if there's less Damon/DE in this one, but there will be a whole lot more of him in the second part ;) This is mostly setting up what's to come in the final chapter so bear with me.

I know it's kind of late but I would also like to add that this entire fic is un-beta'd so all of the grammatical errors are my own lol.

Anyway, enjoy and please review!

Elena knows that it's only a matter of time until Caroline slips up and blows her cover, but she most definitely does not expect to witness it being blown so completely, and in every way possible.

Yeah, gross. She went there.

She also most definitely does not want to witness her best friend doing the nasty with Turtle Boy on their poor, helpless couch first thing in the morning…or at any time, for that matter.

But desperate times call for desperate measures, and catching Blondie red-handed is about the only thing Elena has going for her right now.

"AHA!" she exclaims triumphantly, and the moment is finally warranted, as she stands in their living room, slightly crazy-eyed with her finger pointing at the bizarre-o, bunny eared role-play type sex act being performed before her.


"OH MY GOD, ELENA! GET OUT!" Caroline shrieks, trying to cover up her modesty with their fluffy purple couch cushion, completely clashing with the hot pink bunny ears placed on her head.

Meanwhile Turtle Boy attempts to hide behind Caroline's small frame, his face nearly the same colour as said bunny ears.

"It serves you right for lying to me, bitch!" Elena retorts, and she knows she's being childish, but Caroline seriously had it coming after all the sneaking around.

This is payback. The permanently scarring mental images and intensive therapy that Elena was going to endure will be all the more worth it.

"Look, I'm really, really sorry for lying to you, Elena, but can we please discuss this when we're not buck ass nude?" Caroline pleads in desperation, clutching at the cushion tightly.

Elena narrows her eyes but turns around to accommodate the two idiots, because okay, seeing Turtle Boy's actual turtle and the boobs of her best friend of fifteen years wasn't exactly awakening anything in her – except maybe the need to dry retch.

Her mind can't help but drift to how Damon would react to this hilarious turn of events, but she stops herself from going any further, because his words still hurt and her lips still burn.

She winces, shaking her head, as if the action could actually erase any thought of that infuriating man from her mind. It doesn't work.

"We're decent now," Caroline's voice says meekly from behind her.

Elena turns around to face them, and sees Caroline looking slightly more dignified sans the bunny ears, whilst Turtle Boy still looks as if he wants the ground from beneath him to swallow him up.

"Elena, this is Stefan. Stefan this is Elena," Caroline gestures between them awkwardly and Elena nearly laughs at Stefan's terrified expression.

"Turtle Boy," Elena answers curtly, making Stefan scrunch his eyebrows in confusion.

Caroline clears her throat and Elena directs her glare back to the blonde.

"I'm so sorry, Elena, but I really didn't want you to find out this way," Caroline says.

"I don't think you ever wanted me to find out at all!" Elena spits back.

"I just – I mean, you can be scary as hell, okay? And I was afraid about how you'd react with me sleeping with the enemy!" Caroline explains shrilly.

"The enemy?" Stefan asks, completely dumbfounded.

"You were right to be afraid! You don't lie to your best friends, even if you're ashamed of the person that you're sleeping with, just because he works for the devil and has a mind of a pre-teen boy!" Elena says, ignoring Stefan.

"Hey, I'm right here!" Stefan reminds them.

"Oh my god, Elena! See! That's what I'm talking about," Caroline says in frustration, taking a beat, she continues, "…but I guess you're right."

"Thank you!" Elena sighs.

"WHAT?" Stefan gasps in shock.

"I shouldn't be ashamed of someone that I'm in love with," the blonde confesses.

"You're in love with me?" he chokes.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, SHUT UP, STEFAN!" Caroline scolds and shoots him a filthy look, as if she hadn't just professed her love.

And at that very moment, Elena finally understands how perfect they are for each other.

"So…forgiven?" Caroline asks Elena slowly, her expression brimming with hope.

Elena rolls her eyes and nods, "Just disinfect that couch, okay?" she warns.

"Thank god!" Caroline exclaims and lunges forward for a hug, but Elena keeps her at arms length.

"Uh-uh. No hugs until I've completely washed my eyes out. I can still picture you guys naked, literally screwing like rabbits," Elena shudders.

"Oh, you know you love it!"

"No. I can assure you that I don't."

It's another slow day at the Mystic Bean, and even though Elena can probably handle her shift on her own, Caroline insists that she's also needed there for the study break rush.

Elena suspects that the blonde's sudden improved work ethic is partly out of guilt, but she welcomes the company all the same. Plus, Elena realizes just how much she's missed having proper conversations with her best friend, so much so that she soon fills Caroline in on the "Damon Situation."

"That dick! Elena, I'm so sorry that you had to go through this on your own. I should have been there for you! I was being so selfish, because Stefan may not look it but he's a total freak in the sheets…"

"It's fine, really, Care. I'll get over it. Just please, don't ever say those words again," Elena reassures her best friend, wincing as her mind flashes back to the image of Caroline and Stefan going at it on the very couch that she occasionally naps on.

She also eats her food at that couch sometimes. The nerve!

"Okay, gotcha, still too soon. But I really mean it, Elena. How does manicures, Chunky Monkey and Season 1 Lost sound?" Caroline offers.

"No! No more Lost. I just realized how much my perfect Boone resembles that man slut," Elena groans, burying her face in her hands.

"Oh my god, you're right. I bet Damon loves that."

"He certainly does. Damon loves the thought of it so much that he'd sleep with him," Elena scoffs, with a roll of her eyes.

"Wow, he's as weird as you," Caroline mutters under her breath.

"What was that?" Elena snaps.


As if on cue, Elena glimpses a familiar dark figure through the window of the coffeehouse. Panicking, she ducks down behind the counter just in time, bumping Caroline's legs in the process.

"What the – oh my god! I mean hi, Damon," Caroline squeaks, and Elena has half the mind to jab her in the leg with a spork for almost blowing her cover.

"Hey, Caroline, is Elena working today?" she hears Damon's voice say from above, and she desperately tries to control her breathing so he doesn't notice that the person he's looking for is actually cowering underneath the counter top.

"Nope, it's her day off. But it's not like she wants to see your mug anyway," Caroline answers scathingly.

"I was afraid of that. Look, Caroline, just please make sure that she makes it to the show tonight at the Blood Lines? I need to explain everything to her. I just…I just need her," Damon pleads and Elena can just feel him giving Caroline the irresistibly blue, puppy eyes.

Elena suddenly wishes that she had the ability to mentally will Caroline not to crack under this kind of pressure, although she fears that it might just be too late.

But his last few words…

Was he in fact, being sincere? Does he really, genuinely…need her?

She tries to calm the fluttering in her stomach.

"I—I can't guarantee that, Damon. You know our Elena, she's pretty stubborn," Caroline jokes lightly.

Now that definitely deserves a spork jab! Traitor!

"Ouch," Caroline hisses, but quickly regains her composure. Elena rolls her eyes.

"Oh I know alright. She drives me up the wall," he says, and Elena wonders if she's the only one that can catch the sexual innuendo.

"Just don't get your hopes up about her coming," Caroline replies.

Coming? Don't say words like that, Caroline. Don't add more fuel to the sex crazed fire!

"Well, she hasn't disappointed me before, isn't that right, Elena?" Damon adds, and it's as if someone has just poured ice cold water down her back.

She slowly looks up to meet his stupidly smug face leaning over the counter.

What sorcery is this?!

"Hi," she says blankly, completely numb from her spot on the floor. She finds it surprising that she even has the ability to form basic words.

"Hi," he greets back, his smirk turning into a fully-fledged grin.

"Oh wow, look Elena's here! Yay, Elena!" Caroline adds, failing miserably to break the sudden tension in the air.

Nice try, Caroline.

"So are you coming tonight?" he prods.

"Depends on the likelihood of you getting hit by a bus on the way," Elena answers in deadpan, mentally congratulating herself for the speedy comeback.

Damon laughs, "Sounds like a yes to me."

"I think you have a hearing disability."

"Okay, I think it's time for you to go, Damon. Unless you actually want to order something," Caroline cuts them off before Elena starts to attack Damon with her spork weapon.

"I'm good…for now," he replies, leaving the two girls to gape after him. Elena hates just how much he exudes mystery and sex. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"What the hell was that?" Elena asks, standing up angrily and brushing herself off from the utter humiliation.

"I'm sorry! It was the baby blues, I think they have powers!" Caroline says defensively.

"Ugh. You're the worst." Elena groans.

"So… are you going to the gig?" her best friend asks innocently.

"Probably," the brunette utters in reluctance.

"Excellent! All we need is the perfect dress!" Caroline says, fist pumping the air.

"I was afraid that you'd say that."