A/N: Hey guys. This is an AU All Human fic. I thought it would be fun to write something like this since I normally just deal with the non-vamp side to TVD anyways :P I've had this idea for a fic for a while so here it is! Enjoy and please review :)

As Elena Gilbert wakes, bleary eyed and with a piercing headache drilling away at her temple, the first thing she notices is that she is in a much larger and more comfortable bed than her own. Curious.

The second thing she notices is the numbers 10:35 blinking obnoxiously at her from the alarm clock on the bedside table, indicating how very late she is for her morning shift. She was supposed to start with her roommate Caroline, who is now most likely plotting her death.

She winces and contemplates on taking a much needed mental health day, her hopes simultaneously crushing as she bitterly recalls her Journalism exam in the afternoon.

The third and very last thing she notices before her eventual freak out is the very naked man currently spooning her equally naked self.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

She surreptitiously turns her head and catches a glimpse of a chiselled jaw line and thick dark locks.

Okay, so there was a reason that she actually went home with the guy.

Attractive, great biceps, lean muscles and…WHOA!

Quite well-endowed.

That explains the throbbing in between her legs…

After Elena finishes mentally congratulating herself on a job well done, she realizes that she needs to get the hell out of this very sexy and luxurious place, and quickly.

Whilst miraculously peeling herself away without waking her morning companion, she begins to hunt for her clothes.

She finds her skirt and tank top on a stack of dusty books near the bed, but much to her dismay, her bra and underwear are no where to be found.

What the hell did they do last night?

"Morning," a smooth, bedroom voice says and startles/scares the shit out of Elena, as she quickly puts her clothes back on before turning around to face her glorious mistake.

She's met with a pair of piercing, cerulean blue eyes that makes her weak at the knees and a knowing smirk that makes her want to slap it right off his face.

"Hi," she answers back awkwardly as he suddenly gets up from bed (to her horror) completely unabashed by being seen in the buff.

"So I've got to go now…thanks for letting me stay…?" she trails off, keeping her eyes trained on his face.

"Damon," he says with a chuckle.

"Sorry, my mind's kind of all over the place today," she half heartedly apologizes, wanting so badly to just run for it.

Her freaking shift! She's already dreading even glancing at her phone, no doubt having fifty missed calls and voice mail messages because Caroline is a maniac like that.

"That's quite alright, Elena," Damon answers and that catches her off guard.

"How did you…?" she asks and thanks the lord that he's decided to put on some goddamn pants!

"Kind of hard to forget such a beautiful name, isn't it Russian for Light?" he asks simply.

As cheesy as the line is, Elena can't help but blush, "Yes…it is…"

"Plus I handled my alcohol a lot better than you last night so my memory of our wonderful tryst is still intact. Are you always such an animal? I've still got the scratches!" he adds teasingly turning around and lo and behold, there are definite red scratch marks right across his muscular back.

It's like she missed a step down a staircase.

She feels like sinking into the polished and pretentious hard wood floor.


"Okay it's really time for me to go, nice meeting you Damon," she manages to snap back, and with an exasperated sigh, makes her way out of his bedroom.

No way is she going to let this gorgeous dick of a guy get under her skin! She did not have any time for it!


"Alright, see you later!" He calls back and she can hear the laughter in his voice.

"Not likely!"

It's official.

She hated him.

And she was also… So. Freaking. Late!