Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG
Summary: Sophie's slowly starting to learn that she's safe in Parker's arms.
Warnings: Femme Slash, Drabble
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 16 July, 2011
Challenge: For the FemSlash100 LJ comm
Disclaimer: Sophie, Parker, Nate, Elliot, Alec, and Leverage are & TM Joss their rightful owners, none of which are the author. Everything else is & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
She was flying, falling faster than the speed of light, it seemed, to her panicked mind, as buildings flashed by her. Her hands tried to grip on to anything she could touch, but the whole world was passing her by. She could hear Alec yelling her name, Elliot beating the guy who had thrown her off of the building, and the beads of her broken necklace as they crashed miles below her.
Her head would hit that cement next, Sophie realized. There would be incredible pain, and then nothing more. No more thoughts. No more world to save or condemn. No more her.
A body jumped out of a window as she fell pass it, and for a moment, Sophie's heart jumped. Nate was coming to save her! Then she realized it was not Nate as she felt slender arms wrap around her and a heated, lithe body press close against hers.
Her fall ceased, yet she still felt as though she was flying as she gazed into Parker's eyes. "Got you. You're safe," the blonde said. Sophie realized, with a tremulous smile, that nothing had ever been more true. She was safe right here in Parker's secretly loving arms.
The End