Cupcakes For Pinkie Pie Epilogue

Pinkie and Surprise, her white Pegasus alter ego, were dancing, while chugging down bottles of hot sauce, Everypony was in high spirits, after all they had just defeated evil once more with the Magic Of Friendship. However Chief Night Hooves was not partying, he was writing letters.

'How am I supposed to explain this to their family? Their Loved one? "I'm Sorry Ms. Order but your son Truth'n Justice was hacked up by a alternate reality clone of Pinkie Pie who baked him into cupcakes and was vaporized by a magic rainbow. You want his remains buried or cremated?"'

Lil'Pip was also not partying, instead she was watching with rapt awe the others partying. Finally Chief Night Hooves noticed this and put his pen and paper away to make his way over to the small unicorn. "So what's you and Surprise's role in all this?"

Lil'Pip broke from her revelry suddenly, a bit dazed, "Oh? Uh? Me?"

Chief Night Hooves nodded, "And where did you get that thunder cracker?"

Lil'Pip fished the aforementioned handgun from her saddlebags, "Little Macintosh? Long story."

Chief Night Hooves rose a brow, "Any relation to Big Macitosh?"

Lil'Pip suppressed a sheepish grin, "Long Story."

Chief Night Hooves was beginning to get frustrated, "Well where the hay did the two of you come from? And no 'Long Story' will not cut it."

"Alternate reality Equestria. Surprise is from one where she and Applejack were Pegasi, Twilight and Rarity Earth Ponies, and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Unicorns. But they were still the same Elements of Harmony. Pinkmina was also a Element but in her world after defeating Nightmare Moon..."

"Yeah I heard the crazy pony, she 'inherited' the 'power,' ans clearly went nutso. Which only makes me wonder who inherited that power in your world. You seemed awfully ready to kill back there." Chief Night Hooves said narrowing his eyes.

Lil'Pip swallowed hard, as the little pony in her said taunted her, 'Corrupted Kindness.'

"M-My world is not the same as Surprise's!" She said defensively, her voice growing small, "It's worse."

Now she had Chief Night Hooves' full attention. "Worse? How?"

Lil'Pip looked away, "I don't want to talk about it." this lasted less then a minute before she glanced down at her hoof, feeling it burn with a phantom memory, 'Burning Hoof means Lil'Pip is watching.' Pinkie Pie's voice echoed in her head.

Suddenly it all just spilled out, "CelestiaGivesLunaHerOwnSchool, AndSomeZebrasGetKilled, EquestriaGoesToWar, . . . I'. ThenSurpriseShowedUpSaying, 'Lil', ComeWithMe. AndSoIDid, AndHereIAm.'"

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Slow down, I only caught about a third of that! Can we play that back at normal speed?"

Before Lil'Pip could restate her story at more normal speeds Surprise flew over, ushering her toward the door, "We need to go Lil'Pip."

"But I need to tell them, to warn them!" Lil'Pip said pulling away.

"We need to go NOW," Surprise said with unusual firmness, "My Surprise Sense is Tingeing."

Lil'Pip shuddered, the party ground to a halt as everypony (and dragon) grabbed a umbrella to put over their head. Pinkie looked around confused, "My tail isn't twitchy..."

Glancing over at Surprise as everypony relaxed they saw her inflate like a balloon, growing dangerous close to Lil'Pip's horn and with a ear splitting pop Surprise exploded, Lil'Pip vanishing in the moment everyone was forced to close their eyes from the sudden rush of air, as was any trace of Surprise.

Throwing a forehoof around Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash exclaimed, "Pinkie Pie even parallel reality clones of you are random!"

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that friendship can blossom in the strangest of places under the most unusual circumstances. I also learned that friendship can be perverted. Today we had a visit by 2 ponies, one good and one very bad, both of them Pinkie Pie. From what I have been able to gather there are alternate realities that are both similar and very different from our own. In one nearly identical to ours after the defeat of Nightmare Moon the darkness that had corrupted Princess Luna found a new host in that world's Pinkie Pie who proceed to feed her own perverted sense of laughter by killing and baking all her friends, and if the bones she brought with her were any indication one of her princesses if not both of you, Before fleeing to our world. Chief Night Hooves lost his 2 police ponies and I fear we have also lost Mr. and Mrs. Cake, as well as Colgate and several other ponies. See attached list for all the missing ponies attached to this case, only half of which Chief Night Hooves could recognize the remains in Pinkmina's slaughterhouse, and given that she bought all her trophies with her it's quite possible we may be counting our other dimensional clones instead.

Still harrowing news.

I also met Surprise, a Pegasus version of Pinkie Pie who has apparently been traveling the worlds with a unicorn named Lil'Pip trying to spread the Magic Of Friendship across worlds and to stop any other trans-dimensional bad ponies. Her Surprise Sense, a clear parallel to our own's Pinkie Sense even seems to work trans-dimensinally as a "Surprise Sense Tingle" prompted her and Lil'Pips' sudden departure.

Given all that however something the corrupted Pinkie said while we were her prisoners has shaken me. She said Nightmare Moon's darkness had to go somewhere and she was the receptacle in her world, so which of us inherited it here. While there doesn't seem to be any darkness in the hearts of my friends her point still stands, where did that darkness go?

Your Faithful Student,

Twilight Sparkle

Turning to Spike Twilight rolled up the parchment with her telekinesis and floated it to Spike, "You can send it no..." She was cut short by a strange vacuum like noise, and rushing to the balcony watched as a large blue vortex appeared in the sky and four strange creatures fell out, they were not ponies, and in fact walked on 2 legs like Spike, but they were not dragons either. As they dusted themselves off and got up the larger one of the four looked around with disdain.

"How long are we stuck here now Malory? This place looks like a bad cartoon."

The thinner, and pale coated of the group looked to a odd device in his forehoof, er hand, "37 Hours, 6 Minutes, and 28 seconds Professor."

The other pale one, shorter, and female judging by her voice spoke next, pointing up at the balcony and Twilight Sparkle, "Look everyone Ponies!"

The Beginning.