It all started with a backrub
I don't own fairy tail or anyone else in the fic.
To people asking – I have massive writers block for my other fics and I am trying to break it up with another story…
I think we can all agree that Chapter 255 was a bit of a let-down – I thought it would take more than 3 pages to find them!
101 of the anime was all kinds of awesome though.
That night, Gajeel was again in Levy's room after they were finished with the book for the night again. She pleaded with him to let her do it and the delighted smile in her face and light flush to her cheeks as she set to work meant there was no way he could ever refuse it again.
Outside, the women of fairy tail were again crowded around Levy's door. The number of glasses missing from the bar of the guild was starting to get suspicious.
"Gajeel, you're so lucky. It's so long and thick and smooth. I just love running my hands over it"
"You're the only one I'd let do this bookwo– ah! Watch it with the teeth!"
Again jaws hit the floor. It was going to need repairing soon if this kept up.
"What was that?" came Levy's surprised voice.
They all stampeded out of the area outside of Levy's door and quickly into Mira's room next door just as Levy's door swung open.
Levy looked up and down the corridor, then shrugged and went back to tend to Gajeel.
Gajeel was lost in her spell as Levy ran the comb through his hair again.
The slow strokes of the comb as she pulled it gently through his hair and stroked it with her hand were so relaxing.
What wasn't was her closeness. Her soft fragrance, she'd had a shower just before he arrived, and gentle little voice as she hummed during her work were calling to him.
Was she torturing him? She was in front of him now. Her breasts at a perfect height and so close that he could tell she was bra-less. The nipples at the tip of her tantalising globes standing to attention under her yellow top.
Then she leant forward to get to a lock of hair combed down and he could see her bounty.
That made him rigid in his trousers and a growl emit from his throat while his hands twitched with want.
Levy couldn't help but feel jealous as she combed his hair. It was so thick and lustrous without him even trying. Why did men get all the best hair?
The man it was attached was also capturing her attention. People often mistook what Levys' taste in men was. They all assumed she would like someone bookish, quiet and small.
What she really wanted was someone manly, hunky and could pick her up with one hand. She'd read enough books to know that prince charming only existed in those books. She wanted someone who would make her feel like a woman.
She just needed to know what kind of woman Gajeel wanted. Would he really want someone so small and girlish?
Levy looked at him to see what was wrong and realised just what he was staring at. His eyes snapped up to hers and she gasped at the look in them…perhaps that answered her question.
Gajeel was expecting to be kicked out, scolded and pelted with whatever she could write in her fury. He wasn't expecting to be tackled to the floor and have her tongue jammed down his throat. For a second his eyes were wide and he did nothing.
For a second.
7 years later
"Just kidding "
The next morning Levy woke up to find herself entangled with the big dragonslayer and one of his hands clamped, almost possessively, on her left bum cheek.
She used the time she had to properly admire his face. As he slept the harshness of his expression was gone showing what she had always thought. He was a complete hunk and she was completely, hopelessly into him.
She'd been initially worried when he didn't respond but then he'd quickly broken out of his funk and started touching her like he had 12 hands as he caressed and groped while somehow managing to remove her clothes without breaking the kiss.
She glanced to her bookshelf and noticed her top that she had been wearing tossed there and realised to some dismay that he had basically torn it off her. So that's how he'd done it…
She realised something else too. They hadn't been exactly quiet last night…Dammit there was no way she was going to be able to avoid leery looks and catcalls from the woman in Fairy Hills…
Then her new playmate woke. He opened one eye and glanced up at her.
"Morning beautiful." He yawned.
Levy's hand stopped stroking his hair, shocked. What had he called her?
Not "Bookworm" or "Shorty" but "BEAUTIFUL"?
Gajeel looked at her as she looked like she'd been frozen.
Waving a hand in front of her face he thought of only one way to bring her round and placed his lips on hers again. Her arms wrapped around his neck as they fell back onto the bed.
In the rooms around Levy's, the owners had various reactions.
"Oh my!"
"Not again, they're like alley cats!"
"Gray Sama!"
Another hour later the woman of fairy hills wandered into the guild with dark rings under their eyes.
"What's up with you Erza?" Asked Natsu as he chomped down his breakfast.
"Oh Gajeel kept me awake all night. He's a machine." She uttered with a wave of her hand, not realising how what she said had sounded.
Natsu started choking on his food while Lucy dropped her glass to shatter on the floor.
"Ai?" was all a deeply disturbed Happy could utter.
How will people react to this? You'll have to review to see!