Author's Note - Since it literally takes me a few hours at most to write and publish a chapter of a story, I figured I could have more than one HoA stories at a time, which was why I created this. I have a bunch of ideas down in a document saved onto my memory stick, but this I just came up with. And please note I don't plan what goes into my stories, so things in each chapter can be just as much as a surprise to me as to you. Anyway, enough of my rambling. xD

Disclaimer - I do not own House of Anubis or any of the characters.

'Truth or Dare? Isn't it supposed to be a fun game? Not for our house it isn't - it's more like a full out war on who can admit the truth and who can come up with the worst and best dares. Our game of Truth or Dare did start out as fun, but it got ugly after...' Nina stopped writing in her diary when she saw Fabian standing at the door, smiling. They'd had a fall-out when they played the first round of Truth or Dare, but Nina apologised afterwards and promised that she wouldn't shout at him again. "Can I come in?" Fabian asked. Nina nodded. Fabian opened the door then closed it quietly behind him. He sat down on Nina's bed next to her. "Want to go to play Truth or Dare again? Mick promised that he wouldn't do anything stupid this time," Fabian laughed. Nina smiled and nodded before she got up and followed Fabian down the stairs.

Three Hours Earlier

"Mick! Fabian!" Amber called from the common room. All of the furniture had been moved to one side and the coffee table was now sitting out in the hall. "Mick!" Amber screamed. A second later two boys came into the room. One had blonde hair while the other had dark brown hair. Mara patted the space next to her, signalling for Mick to sit next to her. Mick, the blonde-haired boy, sat down next to Mara and put his arm round her shoulders. Jerome made a gagging noise, but stopped when Mara shot him daggers. Fabian, the other boy, took the last remaining space between Nina and Patricia. "Okay, everyone," Amber started, getting up and walking to the centre of the circle. She placed a bottle in the centre. "You spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on you must ask 'truth or dare' to. Then give them a truth or a dare depending on their answer," Amber explained. Everyone nodded. "I'll spin first," she said and lent down and spun the bottle round before hurrying back to her seat.

The bottle spun for a little while before it pointed towards Alfie. He was obviously excited by the huge grin on his face that stretched from ear to ear. Amber opened her mouth to speak, but Alfie answered the question before she asked it. "Dare," he said. Amber smiled.

"I dare you to go upstairs into the girls bathroom and pretend to be doing your 'business' in there," she said with a smile. Without any hesitation, Alfie ran up the stairs and into the girls bathroom. Amber followed him to make sure he did his dare correctly.

Five minutes later, Amber and Alfie came back down the stairs and returned to their seats. "What happened?" Mara asked after a moment of silence.

"Well," Amber started, "he did his dare perfectly and Victor even believed him and told him to be quieter." Everyone burst out laughing except for Alfie, who had a serious face on.

"I got toilet duty," he said seriously and everyone immediately stopped laughing. "Only kidding!" he said, breaking into a big grin. Soon, everyone was laughing again.

Once the laughing had stopped it was Alfie's turn to spin the bottle. It landed on Patricia. "Truth or dare?" Alfie asked.

"Truth," Patricia replied. She was speaking like she was bored, and kept fake yawning, but everyone could tell she was enjoying the game as much as them.

"Patricia, who do you fancy?" Alfie asked. Patricia went a deep shade of red.

"N-No one," she stuttered. Alfie gave her a 'tell the truth or I'll get you' look. "Fine... I like the slimeball over there," she said, pointing towards Jerome and yawning like it was no big thing. Unfortunately for Jerome, he was eating a sandwich at the time and almost choked on it. He looked like he had just been punched in the stomach.

"You what?" he yelled.

"I fancy you. Get over it," Patricia yawned. Everyone was surprised she was acting so calm even though Jerome looked like he could throw up at any moment. "Alright, my turn to spin." She leant forward and spun the bottle. It landed on Nina.

The game went on like this and there were no more 'truths' that anyone was surprised at. Things only started to go wrong after the bottle landed on Fabian...

Author's Note - Oooh, cliffhanger. x3 Don't worry, this won't be Patrome, I just needed something that would help with the next chapter. [; No spoilers.