It all started with his eyes.

His impossibly blue eyes that pierce through all his walls and defences and penetrate into his soul. Those same blue eyes that clouded with confusion on the first night they met when he asked why did you bother saving me? i'm not worth it. Beautiful blue eyes that haunt his dreams.

Then there's his mouth. His pink, soft and slightly chapped looking mouth.

It looks downright sinful and deliciously devilish on the Angel of the Lord.

Did i mention the angel Dean's obsessed with is a guy? Yes thats right, Dean Winchester, notorious ladies man is crushing on a dude… or Angel… whatever. 'Fuck my life' Dean mutters as he watches Castiel disappear into thin air with the subtle sound of wings.

'What?' says Sam looking puzzled.

'Nothing Sam just talking to myself' Dean sighs and gets up, stretching out the kinks in his back from too many nights sleeping on thin motel mattresses. 'Come on lets go, that body ain't gonna salt and burn itself'.

'Okay' says Sam still unconvinced but he packs up the salt and weapons and they head out.

Few Hours Later

'Blue eyes, pink mouth… soft but strong hands with long delicate fingers… wait what! I am not fantasying about Cas' freaking hands' Dean thinks to himself before muttering 'this is getting ridiculous' and slams his hand down onto the steering wheel. Dean winces. 'Sorry baby, no point taking it out on you' he whispers guiltily to his beloved car.

'Not your fault i'm such a freaking pervert' he thinks.

Sam continues to look at Dean with his famous 'what the hell is wrong with you?' look that almost rivals his 'bitch-face'. '

Dean… whats going on man?'.

'I already told you Sam, its nothing. Just the freaking apocalypse!' he turns just in time to see Sam flinch and he instantly feels guilty. Shit. 'Sorry Sam. i'm just tired'. 'Yeah okay Dean' Sam says and turns his head to stare out the window, both boys remaining silent on the ride back to the motel.

Upon arrival, Sam gets out of the impala and grabs his bag. He leans back down and stares at Dean 'you coming?' 'yeah man just a second'. Dean doesn't need to look at Sam to tell that he's giving him a bitch-face. 'I just need a minute Sam. I'll be up soon' Sam sighs loudly and slams the door which makes Dean wince and yell 'watch the car Sammy!'.

He watches as Sam stomps away and he sinks down into his seat, rubbing at his eyes tiredly. 'I've gotta stop taking this out on Sam, its not his fault'. Dean yawns and leans his head back and closes his eyes, Castiel's face dancing around behind his eyelids.

Dean allows himself a soft smile, then it quickly disappears.

'I've gotta stop this' Dean says to himself then gets out of the car, giving it a quick pat on the hood 'night baby' he whispers fondly and walks back to his and Sam's motel room.

Sam's back is turned from him so Dean can't tell if he's asleep or not, but he makes no movement so he thinks he's pretty safe. He makes his way to the bathroom and quickly washes up and strips down to his boxes then turns off the light and climbs wearily into bed.

'Night Sammy' he says quietly. Sam grunts in return. Dean closes his eyes soon drifts off to sleep.

Dean wakes up with a jerk and scans the room to see what woke him up.

His eyes rest on a figure standing just a little too close for comfort. Dean's eyes slowly adjust to the darkness and he see's that its Castiel.

'Cas what are you doing standing there in the dark?' Dean asks, suddenly feeling foolish at his stupid question.

'I was watching you sleep. I enjoy seeing you peaceful. It makes a nice change' Castiel answers quietly.

Dean is aware of the blush that has started to spread on his cheeks and is slowly making its way down towards his chest. He clears his throat. 'Yeah thats not creepy at all Cas' says Dean, he tries to make it sound sarcastic, but it just comes out all breathless and shaky.

Castiel takes a step closer towards the bed, keeping his eyes on Dean's and watching for any sign from the hunter that this is inappropriate. Seeing none, Castiel sits down on the edge of the bed, inches away from Dean's naked torso. He leans down, his breath ghosting across Dean's neck and up to his ear which causes slight goosebumps along his skin.

'Is this making you uncomfortable Dean?' he whispers quietly into his ear.

Dean's head is swimming. He gulps for air, trying to fill his lungs with oxygen but instead breathes in the scent of Castiel.

'Oh God oh God Cas Cas Cas' his mind is stuck on repeat and all he can think about is Castiel and his lips that are letting out soft breaths along the side of his neck.

He turns his head and grabs hold of Castiel's face and attacks his lips with his own. There's nothing soft or sweet about it. Its raw and aggressive and leaves them both panting for more. Castiel leans into the kiss and opens his mouth obediently when Dean's tongue begs entrance.

The kiss quickly turns messy and sloppy and oh so good. Dean's tongue is tracing the cavern of Castiel's mouth, his own mouth slightly watering at how delicious it tastes. He then slides his tongue along Castiel's. This causes Cas to moan deep in his throat then he fights Dean for dominance and traces his tongue along Dean's lips, tasting both Dean and himself there.

Dean moans and hauls Cas until he's got a lapful of Angel. He allows Cas to taste every inch of his mouth for a few moments before breaking the kiss, gulping for air.

Cas whines and lowers his head, mouthing along the side of Dean's jaw and down towards his neck, lips puckering up and placing small kisses on his collarbone before gently biting the skin there.

Dean growls and throws his head back allowing Cas better access to make his mark there.

Sam wakes up to the sound of Dean moaning.

He twists his body until he's looking at Dean, his eyes bleary with sleep. He is used to Dean's nightmares. He's had them ever since he returned from hell. Its something they don't talk about.

Sam keeps his eye's on Dean, waiting to see how bad it gets. Moonlight suddenly floods the room, bathing Dean's face with light. He moans again and rolls over onto his side, facing Sam.

'He looks happy' Sam thinks, confused.

He watches as Dean throws his head back and breathes out 'Cas'.

Sam stares horrified, brain already working in overdrive. Pictures of Dean and Castiel together. The quiet words they share alone. The looks they give each other no matter who's watching.

'Of course theres something going on with them' Sam thinks, his stomach clenching as a mixture of jealousy and betrayal surges through his body.

He swallows back tears as he looks over to Dean's face, now smiling contentedly and snuggling into his pillow

(Yes Dean snuggles his pillow. Thats also something they don't talk about).

'How could you do this to me Dean?' he whispers pointlessly.

Only silence and Dean's even breathing answers him.

A.N im not sure if anyone will read this but if you like it please review xxxxx