Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass. If I do, surely Lelouch is still alive right now.

Warning: This story contains OCs, so don't read it if you don't like it. Semi AU, so there will be some changes in the storyline. Unbeta, so beware of some mistakes and errors the authoress made.

Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance

Pairings: LelouchxOC

"..." for memories in Italic

"..." for dreams of future or present time in Italic and Bold

'...'thought in Italic

And "..." present time

-Of Friendship and Suspicions-

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow

If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder

Whenever you need me, I'll be there for you

But once you broke my trust, it won't be long before you lost me too

Because friendship laced with suspicions isn't something that will last long...

He was sitting on his chair behind his desk; hands plopped up on the desk as lavender eyes locked at the chess board in front of him thoughtfully. It had been some hours since he started this game against an invisible opponent, but he seems to get the same difficulty over and over again. The creak sound of the door being opened snapped his attention from the chess board though his eyes refused to acknowledge his intruder.

"The same problem?" The amused tone in his aide's voice asked.

The blond haired man says nothing to reply the other man although he does nod slightly at his aide. He can't divide his concentration now, not when he was so close on winning the game. It's not like his opponent was difficult to beat, it just because his mind can't fully concentrate on the game because of a certain someone.

Finally, feeling rather aggravated with his mind which still refused to think about anything but her; he leaned back against his chair lavender eyes closed in exasperation. Kanon eyed his superior silently, a wistful look across his face at seeing the expression on the other's face. It was obvious even to him just what it is that had been bothering the Second Prince, even though the blond haired man had tried to not let anyone see the crack on his mask; Kanon had been used to with his behavior to know when the other was feeling vulnerable which is something that happens very rarely.

"Is that because of her, Your Highness?" He asked softly, placing the tea cup in front of the other man lightly.

"Perhaps." The blond haired man said nonchalantly, not really answering the other's question.

"You were so distracted after she had gone for some days, Your Highness. I think you worry too much about her. Is that because you are afraid of the consequences?" Kanon pointed out, a small knowing smile on his face.

Schneizel sipped his tea slowly; lavender eyes glanced at his loyal aide questioningly. It wasn't rare for the other man to say something personal like that to him when they were alone though he doesn't expect Kanon to say something about her all of sudden. After all, the other hadn't uttered any words since he heard that Schneizel had sent her off to do something for him.

"I don't think there will be any consequences on sending her away. Or perhaps you think otherwise?" Schneizel asked, placing his cup on the saucer gently.

Kanon smiled knowingly at the reply he was given by the Prime Minister; there wasn't any hesitation that the other was indeed worried over the young woman he had just sent off. "Permission to speak freely, Your Highness?"

The blond haired man nodded absentmindedly, lavender eyes look expectantly at him. Waiting his aide to say something that could prove that he was indeed worried about the young woman. It wasn't like there is something that he should worry about anyway, knowing the other well enough; he knows that she could take care of herself perfectly well. But then what are these anxieties he felt within his heart every time he thinks of her?

"You only had that look on your face when you're concerned about something. And in this case, I think you're concerned about her well-being." The other responded automatically.

"Is that so? I don't know that my expression becomes different when I'm thinking over something personal," He replied calmly, still refusing to admit what he is feeling currently.

"You are not, Your Highness. But being your friend since school and your confidant makes me able to read you well than the others," The brunette smiled warmly.

Schneizel sighed exasperatedly at seeing that expression on the other's face. It was no use to argue with Kanon when he was like this beside he doesn't find any will to argue on this matter anyway. It just likes what the other had said, he was indeed worry about her; something that he doesn't like to admit.

"It seems like the absence of her presence around here really affects me more than I think it does," The blond haired man said warily, feeling like a parent whose daughter just grown up.

"Are you that worried over her? Surely you don't think that she will escape, do you?"

Schneizel smiled at the other's words, eyes gleaming with confident. He shakes his head lightly, lavender eyes looking amused at the other's question as if the other had just told a joke to him. "No. I don't think so. She after all will always come back to me," He said calmly, confident laced his every words. After all, he knows that in the end; no matter how far she tried to escape him, she will return back to him.

Angel eyed the timid girl beside her worriedly; the girl had been shaking the entire time since they sat in this compartment. Placing a hand over the other's hand, she squeezed those delicate hands in hers lightly. "It's okay, Nina. Everything will be alright. If something does happen later; I will make sure that you won't get harmed." She said reassuringly, warm smile adorned her face as she looks seriously at her friend.

"It's okay. Kawaguchi Lake has a lot of Britannian tourists, so it's a safe place. It's not scary like the Ghetto," Milly added warmly, trying to ease the fear that their timid friend is currently feeling up.

"But-" Nina stammered slowly.

"We'll stay with you. You won't be left behind," Angel smiled, hand squeezing her friend's tightly.

Nina said nothing to reply her friends though the timid girl calmed down a little after that. The president of student council had insisted on taking a trip to Kawaguchi Lake Convention Center to have a little break and girl's time that day though she still can't understand Milly's reason on choosing that place from all places to relax. After all, it was obvious that there will be a lot of Japanese too in there. Not that it bothered her of course, knowing that it has nothing to do with her; but she knows that Nina was afraid of them.

She just hopes nothing bad will happen later. She had been having some disturbing dreams lately which are why she can't get some rest last night. Those dreams had been disturbing her since the time she talked to Zero, she can't help but to wonder if it was a sign that something bad will happen soon.

'Let's just hope we can survive from whatever it is…'

"Talking about boys, do you have someone that you like, Angel? You never say anything about any boys since you joined with Student Council." Milly smiled teasingly, eyes looking imploringly at the secretary.

"Err…what's with the sudden question…?" Angel sweat dropped at the president's teasing look.

"Oh, do tell me about it. Is there any boys that you fancy of at the moment? From what I've seen, it seems like Suzaku is quite fond of you. He seems so protective about you even though both of you just met." The blond haired teen continued slyly, intent on finding out about the secretary's new found interest.

"Now that you mention it, I think he really is indeed protective about you, Angel. What is it? Does he somehow fall in love with you at the first sight?" Shirley added, placing one of her fingers on her chin in a thoughtful manner.

"It's not like that. I'm just reminded him of his childhood friend, nothing more. How about you, Shirley? It seems like Lelouch is still oblivious as ever with your affection," Angel said quickly, trying to clear the misunderstanding they have regarding her relation with Suzaku and change the subject towards their orange haired friend's love life.

Really, she doesn't even have any love life to discuss about. What's with that idea anyway? There is no way that she will end up in that way with Suzaku. It just unthinkable. After all, the chestnut brown haired teen was more like a brother to her than a protective boyfriend. If just they knew the truth behind Suzaku's protectiveness over her, surely they won't get this kind of idea. It seems like this is going to be a very long trip, she sighed warily.

"All bridges leading to the hotel, except the main one, have been destroyed. Attempts at entry via air and the lake have both failed. There's only one method left which can save the hostages." The officer reported sternly, eyes looking at Cornelia seriously.

The Second Princess says nothing as her eyes locked with the screen which showed the blue prints of the building.

"The lifeline tunnel that extends to the very bottom of the hotel convention center. If we use it, as planned, we can destroy the foundation block and cause the hotel to sink. This tunnel is used to bring in supplies, so it's possible to infiltrate it with a Sutherland. I'm sure the enemy is prepared for this, but it shouldn't be a problem." He continued confidently.

But to their surprise, their armies have been wiped out easily by the terrorist. The report which is confirmed that the enemies have modified a Glasgow into a linear mass driver inside the tunnel was something unexpected for them.

"Don't show weakness to the terrorists!" Cornelia yelled outraged.

"But, Princess Euphemia…" Guilford whispered at his Princess' ears slowly.

"I know."

"They don't seem to have noticed. If they realize Princess Euphemia is among the hostages, they're sure to use her as a bargaining chip. She was merely observing the conference, so she's not on the member list." Dalton added. Cornelia said nothing to affirm him as her mind was too busy praying and hoping that her sister was safe. It will all be better if Euphemia's status remained unknown to those rebellions, at least that way her sister's safety will be guarded. She only hoped nothing bad will befall her precious little sister.

She was staring at those soldiers silently; small frown adorned her usually composed face. When they had arrived at the hotel, she doesn't expect to be at the receiving end of guns from those soldiers. It seems like her feeling was right on telling her that something wrong is going to happen today. Though she was still trying to think of the way to escape from this predicament with the rest of the hostages.

Blue sky eyes watching her friends' condition worriedly. She can see how afraid Nina was with all the trembling the timid girl had while Milly trying to calm her by holding her hands. There's no doubt that the little girl was terrified, Shirley wasn't that different either even though she was calmer than Nina; Angel can see how anxious her cheery friend is at the moment.

She really has to save them from here soon, it won't do them any good if they get involved in the cross fire between these Japanese and Britannian soldiers. "Eleven!" Nina gasped in surprise at the sight of one of the soldiers who is standing right in front of her.

The soldier glared furiously at her words as he aimed his gun at the timid girl, "What did you say? Eleven? We're Japanese!"

"We know that. So stop!" Milly said, eyes furrowed in concentration at the sudden turn. Nina was shaking like a leaf in her arms now, completely terrified at the sight of the gun pointed at her.

"Take that back! We're not Elevens!" The soldier yelled stubbornly, refusing to accept the name he and the rest of his people have been given by the Britannians especially to hear it out loud from Nina, who is also a Britannian.

"She will already!" Shirley yelled, trying to defend their timid friend.

"How dare you speak to me like that? You come to the other room! I'll teach you!" The soldier yelled furiously, eyes glaring at Shirley's outburst.

The older man starts to take Nina's hand roughly while Nina's scream gets louder and louder in her fear for being killed by the soldier. "Stand already!" He yelled, gripping Nina's arm tightly in his while Nina struggled to take her arm away from his grip.

Finally, feeling furious at the soldier's treatment towards her friend; Angel stands up proudly from her place. Blue sky eyes glaring daggers at the older man for his treatment at the timid girl. "Stop this already!" She yelled out.

"Who do you think you are?" The soldier asked, pushing Nina's body away from him as he turns his gaze at Angel.

"You don't have to treat her that roughly just because she called you Eleven!" Angel snapped, feeling her anger bubbling inside her heart.

She hates it. She doesn't like the way they treat all of them like they were nothing but hostages that they can torture. She doesn't care if this man was Japanese, no one should be treated the way the man had just treated her timid friend even though Nina was a Britannian. Besides, what right this man had to treat other badly like that?

"Why, you-"

"Don't you think you are just the same as us? You complained for all the bad things we've done to your people but you weren't any better from us either! You treat us just like the way we've treated you! Don't you think you are just same like us then? You are nothing but a torturer!" Angel continued, ignoring the insistent tug on her skirt from Milly and Shirley who become worried at her outburst.

"How dare you!" The man said, feeling outraged at her as his hand pulled up to slap her.

Angel glared at the man in front of her unflinchingly, daring the man to slap her. But the slap never comes as the sound of her cell phone snapped their attention. She looked at the device in her skirt pocket exasperatedly; she knows there is only one person who will call her at this time. But to think that he will call her at time like this, really what is that man thinking? She takes the phone out of her skirt, but before she could even answer it, the man had snatched the phone away from her.

"Give that to me!"

She looked at the older man in front of her with exasperation. This man really starts to agitate her with his behavior. To think that the Japanese soldiers have become like this really saddened her. It seems like this country really had sunk down from its glorious time.

"Who is this?" The soldier yelled out, eyes glaring at Angel.

"Ah, where is the owner of this cell phone? Surely, I don't get a wrong number." A calm voice asked from the other line.

"She was too busy to answer your call! Who is this?"

"Busy? What is she doing at the moment? I'm sure she knows that I'm going to call her at this time," The man on the other line continued, ignoring the question completely.

"Listen you, Britannian! Your friend isn't going to answer your call! She is our hostages in here thus she has no right to talk with you whoever you are!" The soldier yelled out.

"Hostages?" He frowned.

"Yes! Don't you have any television in your place? Your friend in here is one of the hostages in Kawaguchi Lake Convention Center!"

"I see. Then can I speak to your leader, please?" He asked after some moments of silence.

"Who are you?" The soldier snapped, feeling more and more agitated at the man on the other line.

She can't hear their conversation even though she had tried to listen what he just said to the Japanese man. She can see a lot of emotion crossed the Japanese's face just by talking to that person. It seems like she isn't the only one who feels annoyed when talking to him. Though the last look on the soldier face was something that she doesn't expect to see.

The soldier had gone pale the moment the man on the other line said something to him. And his eyes were looking warily at her, as if the soldier was afraid that she will attack him at any moments. That was ridiculous of course; she doesn't even get a good grade on her physical education class, how could she attack a soldier which size is larger than her? But if that so, then it means he has… But that's not possible now, is it?

But she doesn't get time to ponder about the possibilities of what he had just said to the Japanese soldier as the older man in front of her immediately take her hand and escort her away from that room. "Wait! Where are you going to take her?" Shirley yelled, worried evident in her voice as she watches them take her friend away.

Angel glanced at her friends' face, noting the worry in their eyes with a wistful look. No matter what happens, she will protect them. She will protect her friends who have given her the chance to feel an ordinary live. "It's okay, Shirley. I'm going to be okay," She smiled reassuringly before the soldiers take her away from the room.

Their worry and terrified face was the last thing her eyes looked before she was escorted to the place where their leader is. There is no doubt that man had told the soldier the truth about her. 'Does it mean I have to return back to his side? But I don't want to go back this soon…' She grumbled inwardly, feeling annoyed at how easily her cover was getting blown off just in a mere minutes.

Her thoughts were interrupted once they arrived at the last room in the corner of the corridor on that floor. The soldiers, who brought her stopped right in front of the door as he greeted the other soldiers who guards the door. "I've brought you the hostage I contacted you about to the Colonel. The person in her phone called her Angel,"

Zero, who was currently inside the room, could feel his eyes widened in recognition at the name the moment he heard the voice of the soldiers outside the room. Fortunately, he was quick to return his attention back at the Colonel in front of him who had sheathed his katana and trying to attack him, the moment the older man saw that Zero had looked a little distracted from him. His left eyes flared a bright crimson as the power of Geass makes its way to his victims' mind.

"Die." He said calmly. The sound of the gun fired inside the room alerted the guards on the outside as they quickly barged in to the room. Right when one of them opened the door, the bullet hits the man squarely; making the soldier fall into the floor while clutching his injured arm.

"Calm down." Zero said calmly, his right hand pointing the gun at the other soldiers.

"Zero!" Angel whispered slowly at the sight of the masked man.

"The Colonel and the others committed suicide. They realized the uselessness of what they were doing. You. You said her name was Angel, right? What is it about her that interest the Colonel until he let her sacrifice herself to help the masses?" Zero continued, eyes looking at the raven haired teen in the door way curiously while addressing the question towards the soldier who had taken her to there.

They were the only one inside the room as Zero had ordered his men not to let the soldiers get inside. Blue sky eyes look at the man in front of her calmly, face void of any emotions. She can't risk showing her emotion in front of him now, not when she still wants to keep her identity safe.

"Aren't you one of the students that being held as hostages in this hotel?" Zero asked after some moments.

"Yes. I don't know that you are going to show up in here, Zero. Is that mean you are involved too in this event?" She answered calmly, eyes staring at the masked man impassively.

"I don't have anything to do with this. The Colonel is the one who planned it. I merely come here because there is someone I have to save,"Zero replied passively, voice void of any emotions.

"Is it because Princess Euphemia is in here too? She is the one you want to save, right?" Angel asked, eyes looking inquiringly at him. She was curious as to how he was going to react towards her question after all, the man always guard his emotions and his expression closely so no prying eyes can see his weakness.


"They were taking me here because he called. I don't know what he had said to them but they brought me here after he ended their conversation. Do you think they're going to kill me, Zero?" She continued, cutting whatever it is the other wants to say.

"He? What do you mean?" Zero asked, confusion laced his voice as he looked at the teen across him in curiosity.

A bitter sweet smile painted her face as she locks her gaze at him. She knows that he will be interested in this information. After all, surely he wants to know just who is this important person that had interest the now death Colonel until the death man agreed on freeing the other hostages in exchange for her. But she can't let him know who she is now, not yet anyway.

"I haven't met him. But my relatives seem to know him, he always calls me and talks to me but we never met. I don't know who he is but I overheard my relatives called them Your Highness… I think he must be one from a Royal families or a noble at the very least." She answered, eyes glinting with amusement as she noticed how the mention of that title affected Zero. It was a lie of course, but for now it was enough to distract him from the truth.

Just when he was going to ask her further about the mysterious man, the building suddenly collapsed. Looking at the window, he could see the white knightmare floating at the sky. "That was…" Angel gasped in recognition once she sees the knightmare. It was one that she had grown familiar with, remembering the fact she had seen it often enough in her dreams.

Zero glanced at the teen beside him immediately. It seems like she knows something about that knightmare. He never thinks that his classmate and the girl who had grown so close with his family will get involved in this but it seems like Angel really has some secrets about her which is tied to everything that happening at the moment. He really has to watch over the girl from now on. Who knows if she could be valuable for him later.

But for now, he has to escape before they could capture him. With that in mind, he presses the buttons of the bomb he had asked the others to plant on the building. He grabbed the raven haired teen with his arm before pushing her to the member of the student council once he saw them escaping the building.

Shun was already waiting for him in the ship they will use for their escape. The silver haired man says nothing at his arrival; onyx eyes merely glanced at the young woman Zero had just pushed before he looked back at him. "Is everything ready?" He asked the silver haired man. The silver haired man merely nodded in confirmation for his answer before his eyes looking back at Zero, waiting the man next order.

Blue sky eyes staring back at her reflection in the mirror. She had arrived at the girl's dorm safely once they have decided to return back after the hotel jacking incident. It seems like the event really has made its damage on Nina as the timid girl refused to stay any longer in that place.

Angel sighed heavily at the mention of her timid friend. The glasses girl had been so worried about her condition once she returned back to them. Even Milly and Shirley can't stop but asking her if those soldiers have harmed her. They were so worried about her, something that only showed her how much care they have to her safety.

It was new for her, to feel someone care for her well-being without any intentions behind it. That's why, she had promised herself that she won't let anything happens to them. They were her precious friends, something that can't be replaced. If just Zero could see it too, the worth in human's live.

Now that she is thinking about it, she could tell that she had seen a glimpse of Shun when she was escaping in the boat with the others. It seems like the silver haired man was fine after all. Angel had been worried if he hadn't taken care of himself at all since she wasn't there with him but it seems like the other had known to take care of himself.

'I guess I don't have to worry about him…'

He was standing in the meadow. The wind blew passed him softly, as his eyes looked around his surrounding. This place, he had never seen it before but somehow his heart felt so familiar with this place like he had been in here before. But he can't remember it. He can't remember when he had visited this place before, it's like there is something that makes him unable to remember.

"Hey, Lulu! Look! It's pretty, isn't it?" The sound of a girl called out to him snapped him out of his confusion.

He turns his attention at the little girl across him. He can't see her face as it was shadowed by the night sky, but he was sure that she is smiling at him. Violet eyes locked at the night sky behind her. The stars were shining brightly behind her form as if she was standing in the middle of the stars instead on the same grounds as him.

"Lulu, what is your reason to fight? Why we have to fight in this endless war? Can't we find the peace we're looking for without fighting each other?" She asked after some moments, eyes looking down at the ground.

Lelouch looked at the little girl in front of him with confusion filled his violet eyes. He doesn't understand her reason on asking that kind of question to him. After all, isn't that obvious for her? The reason why they are fighting is to gain the peace she always dreams of.

"Because the only way to gain the peace is to fight for it." He answered confidently.

"Is that so? Then for whom you are trying to make peace? For your sister? Or for those people who had suffered like you?" She asked again, this time her eyes looking seriously at him.

He doesn't understand it but he found himself feeling confused over her question. The little girl was different from any little girls he had seen, this girl; it was as if she knows something more than him. As if she was older than what she appears to be. But who is she? He can't remember her yet here he is answering her question as if they were friends.

"I'm trying to make the world where Nunnally can live!"

"I see. How about you then, Lulu? What will you do once you have created the world for your sister to live on? Will you disappear from that kind of world then? Because in that world you are dreaming for, there is no place for sinners. There is no place for people like us…" She said sadly, a painful look on her face as she looked at him.


"You have to find your reason to fight, Lulu. Your reasons to live after you've gained your peace… You can't fight and live for a selfish reason forever because when your wish had come true…you won't have any reasons to continue your life," She continued before the darkness engulfed her.

"No! Wait! Who are you?" He yelled, hand stretching out to catch her form to no avail.

He gasped in surprise as he jolted up from his bed. Cold sweat dripping down his body as he thinks about his dream. It was the first time for him to dream something like that. What is it about that strange dream? He never sees that little girl before, so why he dreams about her?

"What is it?" C.C asked, her eyes glanced at him. It seems like his constant yelling had disturbed her sleep as she looked annoyed at his outburst.

"It's nothing," Lelouch answered quickly.

It had been some days since the hotel-jacking incident, he had returned back to the Academy; plotting another move against Cornelia while trying to watch over Angel. He had gained nothing from the raven haired student as she doesn't know anything about the man who had called her. In fact, it only makes her curious towards him for suddenly asking such a question to her.

It was fortunate that he had found the right reason to cover his true intention from her as she accepted his excuse on asking such a question to her after that. Still, he can't let her know that he was the one she had met at Kawaguchi Lake Convention Center at that time. He can't risk her getting involved in this mess, not when Nunnally seems to enjoy her company. Besides, it could be that she really doesn't know anything about all of this.

"You were talking in your sleep. A nightmare?" C.C asked once again, watching the flicker of emotion on the other's face.

"No. Not a nightmare. I don't know, it just a strange dream."

"What dream? Oh and I think I heard your phone ringing some hours ago," C.C stared at the teen passively.

"My phone? Why don't you tell me?" Lelouch asked, glaring at the older woman who lied on the make up bed on the floor for her indifferent behavior.

"You were sleeping and I don't think waking you up will be a good idea. Don't worry, I've told that person to call you again in the morning." She said nonchalantly, waving her hand in dismissal at the expression on the teen's face.

Violet eyes glared at the witch before he glanced back at the device in his grasp. The sight of the caller id in there manages to startle him as he turns his gaze back at the green haired woman. "Did you talk with that person?"

"Who? The woman that called you?" C.C glanced back.

"Yes. Did you talk with her?" He repeated his question impatiently.

"I did. I've told you that, didn't I?"

"Then, do you know who she is? Do you recognize her voice? That woman whoever she is, she knows about Geass too." Lelouch continued, eyes looking seriously at the witch across him.

"Hasn't she told you her name yet? Surely you know who she is. Don't worry; she isn't a threat to you." She answered, hand playing with the lock of her hair absentmindedly.

"She said her name is Eve. Do you know about her?"

"She is a friend. You could say that she is like me but she is different from me too." C.C muttered under her breath before she turned her back on him and fell asleep again.

"Hey! What do you mean that she is likes you? C.C!" Lelouch called out at the sleeping girl, feeling annoyed at the vague answer he was given.

"Night, Lelouch." Lelouch stared at the girl in frustration. He was so curious about the woman called Eve but it seems like C.C won't give her all the information he needs about that woman. Really, sometimes he can't help but wonder if the witch is really going to help him on this plan of his even though she had said that she won't let him die.

She leaned her back against the door of her room. A frown adorned her face as she gripped her cell phone in her hand. She knows she has to call him but that doesn't mean she likes to do it. Still, she knows that he is the only one who could help her now. Besides, he had told her to call him as soon as she dreamed about that.

But in the end, she has no choice except to call him. Because he will know what to do, because she knows if it's him; he will be able to analyze it right away. Her hand quickly pushed the numbers to his phone which she had reminded by heart. It wasn't long before he answered her call.

"It's rare for you to call me on your own will, Angel." His voice greeted her ear the moment he answered her call.

"I dreamed about a strange place." She said quickly, cutting whatever trivial things he wants to say to her. She had no time to listen his sweet nothings at the moment. She only has one intent on calling him and she was bent down to do it quickly without him wasting her time.

"Is that so? Do tell me about it," He said after some moments, quickly realizing the business tone in her voice.

"I saw your father in there. This strange place... it gives an ethereal light no matter how many times I dreamed of it. It was as if that place was nowhere in the Earth though still connected with it somehow. Then, your father turned and look at me as if he can see where I am. And he smirked." She retold her dreams in detail as she can still remember it vividly within her mind.

"I see. I think it has to do with the fact that he rarely cares about those countries and left his government to me just so he can leave and do whatever it is that he deemed more important," The voice on the other line calculated coldly.

"He probably goes to visit that place. Can you find out about it? I got this feeling which told me that place was important..." She trailed off, feeling her anxieties at the thought of the strange place she had dreamed.

"Well... if you think about it that way, I will try what I can do. But if by any chances I can find out about it, you have to be the one to confirm it since you are probably the one who familiar with it."

"I know. I will do so. Just-... just tell me once you found out about it," Her voice trembled with the amount of emotions she felt at the memories of that strange place. She can't stop but feeling as if that place was calling out for her. Her hands gripped the phone to her ear tightly as her body starts to shake from her anxiety and her fear.

"...You okay? You don't sound too good. Do you want to return back?" His voice asked after some moments, somehow she thought she can hear a hint of concern in it though she brushed it off as her imagination. There is no way that he feels worried about her well-being. He is after all only care for her abilities for his purpose.

"I'm fine, no need to worry your brilliant mind with it. I won't return back until I completed my task. Besides, isn't that what you asked me to do?" She bit off, sarcasm laced her voice.

"I don't want you to push yourself too hard with it. It's not like you can't take your time with it. After all, I just want you to watch over him for a while. There is no need for you to get sick because of that,"

She rubbed her temple in exasperation before she sighed lightly at his reply. Sometimes, she doesn't know what to do with him. He can be confusing sometimes what's with his constant change of behavior. Sometimes he was so sweet and caring to her which lead her to believe that somehow deep within his heart he was really care for her and not because of what she is able to do. But in other times, he treat her as nothing but a tool, another pawn in his chess board which he used in calculative manner. At those times, he always teased her and rile her up until she felt nothing but wanting to punch him for his insensitivity and cruel jokes. Really, she never understand just what is it that he wants to accomplish by confusing her like this.

"Like what I told you before, there's no need for you to worry about small detail like that. I'm not some fragile things which need your constant care besides, surely you remember that I have survived other more risky things than this one. I will come to visit once I have the time to do so," She said exasperatedly before she hung up. There is no way she will talk to him any further than this. Even her short conversation with him always left her more tired than she was before.

Now, if only she can warn the other prince about the King's plan as well; it will really ease up her fear. Though, maybe it was better if the Dark Prince hadn't found out about it. Lelouch tend to lost his rational part towards his hatred whenever he heard the mention of his sire's name. Angel only hopes that C.C can pacify the young man enough for him to not lost his control if by any chances he met again with the Britannian Emperor. Blue sky eyes stared forlornly at the dark night sky from her window, feeling troubled at the premonition she had just seen. She can only hope Lelouch won't lost his way soon as he was her only hope at the current moment.

The ebony haired vice president stared once again at the raven haired young woman beside him. It had been an umpteenth time since the young woman first yawned during the lesson. It was really a miracle that their teacher hadn't noticed it yet. Though, Lelouch was curious for the reason behind his friend's exhausted form. It wasn't new for him to see the young woman yawned during their class since she often do it from the first time she transferred to her. Still, it always puzzled him as to why the secretary had difficulties with her sleep. Is it nightmare? Or traumatic experiences? Either way, it always bothered the raven haired teen enough for her to miss her needed rest.

And if the worried glances, Suzaku had been giving towards her was any indications; the brunette was also worried for their raven haired friend. Something that Lelouch found hard to ignore. He wasn't as ignorant as what others like to think about him. It's true that sometimes he can be so oblivious towards other people's feeling but even he can see that there is something more between his so called childhood friend and the raven haired student. He had heard enough of the rumor which circulate around the two of them and their relationship to know that there was indeed something suspicious about their relationship.

After all, Suzaku was indeed looked so caring and protective around Angel whenever the student in question was within his vicinity. And it was something that Lelouch found hard to ignore, remembering the only person that had been the receiving end of that avid attention was his own little sister, Nunnally. That's why, to see the wavy chocolate haired student to care so much for someone like Angel kind of befuddled Lelouch. Just what is it about the secretary that make his so called childhood friend cares that much?

Lelouch was so lost in his own thought until he doesn't realize that his raven haired friend had turned and looked at him questioningly. The teen who is the center of his thought nudged him lightly to catch his attention as violet eyes slowly focused into blue sky eyes. "You were thinking pretty hard there. What is it that you're thinking about? You've been staring at my direction for a while now," The young woman smiled teasingly, a glint of mischievousness on her eyes at the expression on Lelouch's face.

"Huh? Am I, really? I must be so lost in it. It's nothing important," The ebony haired young man said sheepishly, feeling a little embarrassed at being caught staring at his own friend.

"Is that so? Or do you just say that because you don't want to tell me that you finally notice my attractiveness?" She snickered lowly as she stared playfully at her flustered friend.

"Yes. Besides, I think it was the opposite. Instead of me, I think you were the one who finally notice my good look." Lelouch smirked at the surprise look on his friend's face at his comeback.

"Hey! I"m not-"

"Miss Carlton, care to share your thought with the rest of the class?" The sound of their teacher's voice cut off the secretary's sentence as their teacher glared at the raven haired young woman disapprovingly. The sight of her flustered face was enough to make Lelouch snicker as the young woman beside him glared at him heatedly for her predicament.

"No, I'm sorry for disturbing your class..." Angel said quickly as she bowed her head apologetically at their teacher. The rest of the class spent in silent after that, since Angel was sulking and refusing to talk to Lelouch after her little incident. Before neither of them realized it, class had ended while Lelouch was trying to ask for the raven haired teen's forgiveness. Really, the raven haired female student was so stubborn sometimes.

He was still asking for her forgiveness even when the bell which signed of their break rang while Angel still stubbornly trying to ignore him. Their other friends who have watched the entire thing happening say nothing about it although they do look at Lelouch in amusement. Ignoring Lelouch's apology completely, Angel quickly approached her chocolate haired friend; feeling determined to ignore Lelouch's presence after what he did.

"Kururugi-san! Let's have lunch together with the others! It's a nice day to eat outside," Angel beamed at the startled look on the new transfer student's face. Really, Suzaku was way too fun to mess with.

"Uhm...sure. But what about Lelouch? He will join us too, right?" Suzaku sweat dropped at the sudden attention his raven haired friend gave to him, he can feel the others' stares at his back.

"I can care less what he wants to do." Angel huffed at the mention of her ebony haired classmate.

"Are you fighting with Lelouch, Angel? What he did this time?" The wavy chocolate haired student asked curiously, green eyes looked imploringly at the raven haired girl beside him.

"Lelouch was being his usual insensitive self. In short, he was being a jerk again." The blue sky eyed girl grumbled under her breath as she walked outside their class with her friends.

"Again? He sure likes to antagonize you so much. I thought Kallen was the only one," Milly piped in, a bewildered expression crossed her lovely face.

"I think he really likes to annoy me more than Kallen-san. Probably he has a deep grudge towards me in his previous life," She mumbled grumpily as she walked beside Suzaku.

"Surely, you don't think like that, Angel! I mean out from all of us here, Lulu always nicer to you." Shirley gasped at the raven haired girl's exclamation.

"Tell me, you didn't just say that, Shirley! Lelouch only nice when Nunna is around... He usually mean to me anyway," The blue sky eyed student gasped in mock horror at their orange haired friend's words. Really, Lelouch being nice to her was something that rarely happen. Although it was true that the ebony haired teen can be so caring and sweet sometimes, but he always annoyed Angel more than when he acts all nice.

A light hit landed on her head right after she said those words. Startled at the sudden attack, Angel quickly turned around to see her attacker only to come face to face with Lelouch who looked annoyed at her words. A little vein can be seen as the ebony haired vice president narrowed his violet eyes at her. "So, I'm being mean now? Who is it that always pull pranks on me whenever she feels bored? And who is it that always annoy me whenever she has nothing to do?" The young man gritted his teeth as he glared at the young woman across him.

"Hey! At least, I have never embarrass you in front of the class! Besides, you don't mind with it as long as it's not too extreme..." Angel quickly retort back before she trailed off.

"Well, yeah you're not. But hiding my shoes and replace it with red high heels was really not humiliating me," Lelouch replied sarcastically.

"It was only on Halloween! Besides, nobody realized it was you with your costumes!"

"What kind of costume he wore on last year Halloween, anyway?" Kallen asked, feeling curious at her friends' bickering.

"Ah, yeah that's right. You weren't with us before... You see, because we kind of short on members last year, we asked Lelouch to wear the witch costume. But surprisingly, he looked so good in it despite being male." Milly gushed out enthusiastically as her eyes gleamed with mischief.

The thought of Lelouch wearing a female costume manage to crack both Kallen and Suzaku as both of them try to repress their chuckle at the thought of it. Something which Lelouch notice immediately as he glared at both of them and at the blond haired friend of his. Milly only smiled sheepishly at the glare she was given by their ebony haired vice president. Lelouch was so intent on telling the blond haired girl to mind her own business when another yawn escaped Angel's lips. Violet eyes quickly turned to look at his raven haired friend who looked so exhausted than before.

Noticing the other's stare on her, Angel quickly narrowed her eyes at the young man. "What?" She asked, annoyed at the scrutinize look she was given by the other teen.

"You've been yawning for an umpteenth time today. Don't you get any sleep last night?"

"Apparently not. I'm too busy chasing out my nightmares to get any sleep," She mumbled lowly so only Lelouch and Suzaku who aren't too far from her hear that.

"Angel, you-" But before Lelouch can finish his sentences, the raven haired girl immediately dragged him with her as she pulled him towards the garden.

"Come on, I'm starving. We have to eat before the bell rang," She said quickly, not wanting to hear the rest of his sentences. Lelouch said nothing towards the other's objection on discussing the matter though, he will make sure to talk about it with her later once they were alone. After all, Angel was starting to look pale enough than his liking and despite his constant protest about the other's behavior; he cares enough about her to not wanting her to get sick.

Behind them, Suzaku and the others eyed the two students in silent. They have been used to with their friends' behaviors until it did nothing to puzzle them anymore. Though the same can't be said for both Kallen and Suzaku who were new to this kind of thing. "Are they always like that?" Kallen whispered, loud enough for Milly to hear as the blond girl walked beside her.

"You mean both Lelouch and Angel's behaviors towards each other?" Milly inquired.

At the nod she was given by the redhead, Milly chuckled lightly as she gave the other her affirmation. "Yes, they are always like this. Despite their bickering, they are close with each other. I think that was why Shirley often felt jealous towards Angel."

Suzaku said nothing at the knowledge though he did look at both Angel and Lelouch's interaction closely than before. The wavy chocolate haired teen wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing though one thing he was sure of, he can't let Lelouch endanger Angel or for the otherwise to happen. But for now, he felt quite content on just watching the two of them interact with each other. As their interaction with each other kind of reminded him his childhood times with the ebony haired student and his little sister.

It was only when Angel called out for him did Suzaku finally snap out of his musings. The wavy chocolate haired teen blinked his green eyes at the look of concern on the raven haired girl's face as she stared at him. "Kururugi-san, are you okay? You kind of spaced out back there."

"I'm fine, I'm sorry for worrying you, Angel." The Eleven smiled reassuringly at the softened look on Angel's face.

"That was good. I thought you weren't feeling fine... Anyway Kururugi-san, I've been wondering about this a lot and I thought, it was better to ask it directly to you." The raven haired student smiled in relief before her eyes looked seriously at the young man across her.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Kururugi-san, what is your reason to fight? Why you chose to join the army to fight?" Blue sky eyes looked solemnly at the wavy chocolate haired student as she waited for her friend's answer anxiously.

To say that he was kind of shocked at the question must be an understatement. After all, he never expect her to ask such a question towards him and in front of the others too. But looking back at the blue sky eyes which still looked at him solemnly, Suzaku knew that Angel was serious about it. Taking a deep breath, the young man's green eyes looked back at Angel with the same intensity the young woman had showed. "Because I want to change the world. To make a place where everyone can live together peacefully. I dream of that kind of world,"

"But peace is something fragile that can be broken anytime with human's nature..." She whispered lowly before she shook her heads as if to clear her thoughts. It was fortunate that only Lelouch and Suzaku who heard her said that though both young men said nothing about her words; still they were eying her worriedly.

"That's a good reason. I hope you can achieve your dream, Kururugi-san. I'm sure lot of people want the same thing as you do." Angel smiled after some moments. Suzaku smiled at the reply he was given though it did nothing to stop the anxiety he felt at the raven haired young woman's previous words. But before he can ask about it, the ringing sound of Angel's cell phone snapped their attention as the raven haired student smiled apologetically before she stood up to answer the phone.

Once she was away from her friends' hearing range, she immediately answered her phone without seeing the caller id first. That's why, it kinds of startle her when his voice greeted her ears. "What is it?" She asked, feeling a little annoyed at the fact that he called her when she was in school.

"I'm sorry. You're in the Academy at the moment, right?" The voice from the other line said apologetically, though she can hear a hint of amusement in it.

"Just say it already. Why are you calling me at this hour?"

"You see... I have found it. The place you asked me to look for. That's why, I hope you will be coming back this weekend. I will send someone to pick you up later," He said calmly, his anticipation can be clearly heard from the tone of his voice when he said that. Somehow, Angel wasn't sure if she should be delighted or not at the information. Though she can't help but felt the anxiety within her heart suffocating her slowly, as if it was waiting for something bad to happen. One thing she hopes for, that whatever it is; it won't endanger any of her precious people.

Authoress' Note: Finally, I managed to update this story after a long HIATUS. So here it is the forth chapter. I'm so glad that I can finish this one. Remembering I've pretty much abandoned it for a while. Oh well, worry not because now I'm finally back! And that means I will also update my other stories aside from this one though it will probably takes some time to get all of it done soon.

Anyway, what do you think about the interaction between Lelouch, Angel and Suzaku? Do you like it? Or find it unsatisfying? Please do tell me what you think of it. And once again, thank you so much for those who have reviewed. Your review really makes me happy. And to readers, who haven't review, please give me your review so I could know what you're thinking about this story of mine. Thank you for reading this story anyway and no flame please because I'm still an amateur.