Author's Note - Unfortunately, this isn't as long as I had hoped, but I wanted to leave it with a cliffhanger, and if I continued on then the cliffhanger wouldn't be as good so... [[;

Gabe Duncan

I shook my head, frustrated. Teddy had finally agreed to meet me and Jo in the woods so Mum and Dad wouldn't find out. It was inconvenient, but it was the best we could get. I flicked through the diary again. There was nothing we could do to figure out what had happened. This was our third meeting, and we had read through PJ's diary twice already. The key was missing. None of us had any idea where to find the missing page, or figure out what it had said, so we were stuck. We couldn't go to the police - it was too risky.

"Look, we have a few clues," I started. "We know he was killed with a knife - from our house, which means that PJ either had the knife with him when he went outside; which I find unlikely. Or the killer, whoever he or she was, snuck into the house to get the knife. I say Teddy, you check the garage locks, see if any are damaged. Jo, you and I are going to steal the security tape from Mrs. Dabney's house. Because she is so paranoid about people breaking into her house, she has cameras installed in her house. One of them points out of a window, and you can just about make out the front of our house. That's our best guess." Jo and Teddy nodded. Jo grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder, then we set off for Mrs. Dabney's house.

I knew we should have stolen the tape before, but it was awful quality, so would probably not actually make a difference to our own secret investigation. Jo pointed to something in the distance. I looked, but couldn't make anything out. I assumed that it was someone who was walking around in the woods, which I found odd at midnight, but it wasn't someone, but a sheet of paper.

We ran over and I picked up the paper. It was the same paper used in PJ's diary, which had a slight yellow tint to it from where PJ had dropped it many times in all sorts of disgusting substances. I flipped the paper over. The paper had been dropped in mud, so the writing was unreadable, but luckily there was another clue. Someone had written a code on the back of the paper. Jo put the code into a search engine then we waited. It turned out to have been the code we use to get into our garage. That meant that Teddy wouldn't find any clues on the garage lock, but we couldn't risk ringing her to tell her because it might wake our parents up and they would get suspiscious. Teddy had snuck out.

Jo sighed. "We know that this person must have at least got into your house before to find out the code, or they are family or a friend who has been in your house. It couldn't have been you, and it definitely wasn't me," she said. I raised my eyebrows. Jo was always the agressive one. She smacked me on the arm then continued, "It wouldn't have been any of your family anyway, none of you need the garage code; you all have a door key to get in. PJ wouldn't have done it himself. He had fallen forwards with the knife in his back. He wouldn't have been able to reach. Emmett? Spencer? Ivy? Anyone else?" Jo asked. I shook my head.

"If it was any of my family, then they might have just down this to create a wild goose chase, but I honestly don't think it's any of them. They're all taking it too hard, and none of them are good actors." Jo laughed. I smiled, then continued, "Emmett's been locked in his room for days only coming out to use the bathroom to to get something to eat. PJ was his best friend; one of his only friends, in fact. He's taking it hard," I explained. Jo nodded. "Ivy wouldn't do that to Teddy. PJ and Teddy may have had their fights, but they were still brother and sister. That just leaves Spencer." We both looked at each other. "Tape first, then spying on Spencer second," I said.

Jo Keener

We raced to Mrs. Dabney's house. She wasn't very smart with keeping the tapes locked away, so it took me two minutes to sneak through the cat flap, grab a handful of tapes, pass them to Gabe then sneak out. They were all video tapes, so we would need to borrow a video player, since I only had a DVD player back at my house.

We watched all of the tapes, but none of them showed anything interesting outside the Duncan's house. One was hilarious because it showed me beating Gabe up... repeatedly, which he didn't find so funny. The one labelled with the date of PJ's death was fuzzy and half of it was missing. We guessed that it was because the tape was still recording. Unfortunately, we would have to wait until Mrs. Dabney moved onto another tape before we could steal that one, and return the ones we had before she noticed.

Teddy was meeting us at my house during the day, telling her parents that she was going to Ivy's and hoping Ivy wouldn't say anything, and also sneaking out at night to meet us in the woods. Gabe's rope ladder was extremely helpful for sneaking out, so we lent it to Teddy. We followed this pattern for three weeks, but found no more evidence or clues. Until the night we met up with Emmett and Ivy...