Title: On tiptoe
Characters: James Potter, Lily Evans
Rated: K
Genre: Romance

On tipotoe

On tiptoe, Lily was trying to grab the sugar. She wondered who had put it on the highest shelf, when she and her mother didn't reach one metre and seventy high. Like if those two were able to cook. She placed one hand on the counter of the kitchen to get more up. A moment after somebody pressed to her back and grabbed the sugar pack. Then somebody lent the chin on her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
"It was you, obvious. Did you do it on purpose, isn't it?" She sighed, glancing at James.
His mischievous smile was a more than satisfactory answer.

Lily tells about her, her mother and those two. This fanfiction is set during an hypothetical period that James spends at Evans' house before the marriage with Lily. Petunia isn't here because she was already married.
I'm Italian, so sorry for eventual errors.