Title: A Fantastic Surprise

Summary: Jim discovers fan fiction.

Rating: M

Warnings: Language, refrences to sexual acts

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. No offense intended-I just like to play.

Leonard was beaming as he walked quickly to Jim's quarters. This was brilliant, hilarious, wonderfully awkward, and he couldn't wait to see the look on his friend's face when he told him. Not bothering for Jim to answer his chime, Leonard strode in, catching Jim half out his chair, and thrust a PADD into the captain's confused hands.

"Look at what Ensign Davies showed me," Leonard said, almost breathless from laughter. "You're apparently quite popular, kid."

"What's this?" Jim responded, looking down at the PADD, which was displaying a (very long) list of what appeared to be links to… stories?

"Fanfiction," replied Leonard, grinning. "About you. And mostly, Commander Spock."

"Fan… what? What about Spock?"

"Apparently," Leonard drawled, enjoying this moment just immensely, "Your fame at being a kick-ass captain has brought all sorts of writers out of the woodwork. They write stories about fictional escapades you've been on, specifics of away missions, relationships between yourself and the crew…" He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and Jim's eyes widened.

"What… sort of relationships…?"

"Read some of the descriptions. They're… explicit." Leonard was unable to stop his laughter any more.

"'Five Times Jim Noticed Spock and One Time He Acted… Jim finds himself unable to ignore his sexy first officer, rated M, slash'…" Jim slowly read aloud. "Uh. Bones? What exactly…" Jim trailed off, his eyes wide, quickly reading through the descriptions on the extensive list—some of which were very descriptive.

Leonard laughed again, and waved his hand dismissively. "Read a few, I'm sure you'll get the picture." He left Jim holding the PADD and headed back to the sickbay, holding his sides with laughter.

Jim watched him go, and then turned back to the PADD, hesitating for only a moment before clicking on one of the links. It was one of the shorter stories, though not the shortest at a couple thousand words, and the… action… started right away.

There were graphic descriptions of Spock's cock rubbing against his own, of himself blowing Spock, Spock licking his ass, him fucking Spock, Spock fucking him, and just about every sexual situation imaginable. As he read, he realized his mouth was hanging open.

God forbid Spock ever saw this.

But he found he couldn't stop reading. He explored the website—he realized he could search for different pairings between different people, and there were many ratings. Not everything on the site was smut, but there was a fair amount. But after a few minutes of playing around (there was a page devoted to sex stories between himself and Bones, but, uh, gross) he found he had for some reason returned to the M-rated page that chronicled himself and Spock.

The one he was reading now talked about them accidentally eating an alien desire fruit, and as a result, fucking like bunnies. He laughed to himself. That had actually happened—the desire fruit part, not the fucking part.

Here was one that was sweet—he'd been captured by the Klingons, Spock had saved the day, and upon the brave captain's return, had confessed his feelings. Well, yea, Spock always saved him when he was captured by the Klingons, which happened with a distressing regularity. And Spock was always emotional when Jim got captured, so a successful return would make sense if feelings were going to be confessed…

Whoo, this one was violent—'A PonFarr fic,' it claimed, and the sex within it was brutal and downright intense. Spock hadn't gone through PonFarr yet, but had recently told Jim it would likely happen soon, and Jim had begun to worry about with just whom Spock would mate with…

This story was set in an alternate universe, and he and Spock had apparently met before the Academy, and played a huge part in one another's lives—that only made sense. After all, they were a huge part of each other's current lives, so it stands to reason it would be the same if they'd met before…

Spock was jealous in this other story, worried that Jim was cheating on him with a beautiful ambassador. Jim unconsciously shook his head—had the hypothetical him been in a relationship with Spock, he (hypothetically) wouldn't be stupid enough to cheat.

This one told about how they'd been forced to screw to appease alien gods. He laughed again. They'd done a lot of appeasing of alien gods over the past three years, but unfortunately, none of the ceremonies had involved sex.


Had he actually just thought 'unfortunately'? About not having sex with Spock?

And it was then that he realized he had a boner.

"Oh, fuck."

A/N: While I am listing this as complete for now, let me know if you'd like to see a follow up where Spock finds the fanfiction. I'd be willing to write that if there was any interest. :)