Yes, I did it! I finished this set before leaving on holiday! This is theme set Gamma, and you'll probably notice that some of the sentences are related to some from previous sets. I started wanting to write independent sentences, but I couldn't help to transform some of them into something like sequels of some previous ones. Still, the idea is that each reader decides which of the sentences happened and which didn't, this is something of a "pick your headcanon". There are some drabbles that I just wrote because of the prompt, but that I don't like to imagine as part of their relationship.
As always, reviews are appreciated, as well as grammar and spelling corrections. If you don't feel like leaving a long review, I'd be happy if you just told me which sentences you liked. Also, if you feel curiosity about any of the sentences, just ask. I'm also thinking of turning some of them into oneshots, but I'll have to think about it. If you'd like to see one of the sentences as a one-shot, let me know and I'll do my best to fulfill your request.
Warnings: un-betaed, English is not my first language (if you see a mistake, please point it out and I'll correct it).
Disclaimer: I don't own "Axis Powers: Hetalia", and I'm sure that's for the best.
Unicorns would be less surprising
#01 – Ring
No, he wasn't waiting for her to call; it's just that, coincidentally, he was close to the phone when it rang.
#02 – Hero
Liechtenstein doesn't want a hero because, even though she's weak, she'd hate the idea of not moving a finger to help herself.
#03 – Memory
He's sure he'll never forget, but, just in case, he wrote it in his diary: "she was wearing a blue dress, she was smiling, and she kissed me I kissed her we kissed there was a kiss".
#04 – Box
It had started as a serious attempt to understand and discuss the paradox, but then they got stuck on the idea of whether the cat was dead or alive and, finally, they were thinking of ways to take care of a zombie feline.
#05 – Run
Liechtenstein isn't what you'd call "athletic", but the first thing Prussia saw when he was finally allowed to come back was the tiny form of the girl approaching him at full speed.
#06 – Hurricane
"So, for this one we need fruit juice, grenadine and rum, right?" said Prussia to a distracted Liechtenstein, who was still trying to understand how their supposedly cultural visit to New Orleans had turned into Prussia's quest to become a bartender and her own quest to get permission to sell drinks at world meetings (she was also wondering why she was so excited with the idea of opening her own bar).
#07 – Wings
She didn't cut his wings, what happened was that she realized that his wings were made of paper and she replaced them for real ones so they could fly together.
#08 – Cold
Sometimes he dreams about the years he spent at Russia's and he feels like his body is freezing (Liechtenstein hates those moments, when the only thing she can do is hold him as he shivers in his sleep).
#09 – Red
If one day her house disappeared, if everything that made her herself was lost and her memories were gone, she's sure that she'd still remember Prussia's eyes.
#10 – Drink
On summer she makes lemonade and they drink it in the garden, on winter she prepares some tea and they drink it in the living room, and Prussia has never enjoyed those beverages as much as he does when he's having them at Liechtenstein's.
#11 - Midnight
"See, we'll never have a fairytale romance, and that's great, I mean, I don't want you to leave at midnight; I'd prefer if you stayed for breakfast, and lunch, and dinner the next day, or, better yet, if you stayed for many days, or even lived with me", said Prussia as he showed Liechtenstein his new apartment.
#12 – Temptation
There are things he wants and things he really wants, and the latter are definitely more important than the former, so, despite the fact that he wants to be somewhere with lots of alcohol and hot girls, he really wants Liechtenstein to notice him positively for once, so even if they don't need him, he stays where he is and tries to pay attention to the meeting.
#13 – View
He likes that Liechtenstein has an opinion about him, a real one that isn't based on a few comments about the weather or rumors about him, but on the fact that they've talked and commented their ideas and thoughts with each other – the kind of opinion that gives value to a person and determines if you're a friend or not.
#14 – Music
They are almost an urban legend among the nations, but the truth is that there have been some moments of peace between Austria and Prussia, moments that happen rarely and are usually separated by many years of conflict – for years, Hungary had been the only witness to those moments, but now Liechtenstein also had the right to attend those private piano and flute concerts.
#15 – Silk
Prussia owns a silk shirt, a gift from France he didn't like until Liechtenstein decided to wear it on a rainy day that had left her clothes completely wet and he discovered that it was, in fact, a very nice piece of clothing.
#16 – Cover
The first time he saw her cry, he got all the sheets and blankets he could find and built a fort in her living room ("It's not much, but you should be safe here", he said, and knew it'd been worth the effort when she smiled).
#17 – Promise
"Bye, Liechtenstein, see you tomorrow."
#18 – Dream
Prussia knows perfectly well what would have happened if they'd been born as humans: he wouldn't have paid attention to her and she would have married some nice guy with a decent job and a gentle demeanor (but he likes to imagine that what would have really happened was that he, Prussia, would have proven himself worthy of her, they'd gotten married in spring, had two kids, bought a dog, and grown old together peacefully).
#19 – Candle
Many decades ago, Liechtenstein decided to entertain some bored nations by telling them a story; it was late and the candle's light helped to get only a general idea of her features, giving her appearance an air of mystery and her words a sense of forgotten magic and wonder that made Prussia think that there was something unreal about the girl.
#20 – Talent
Another thing Liechtenstein didn't expect was for Prussia to actually be good at baking (it also made her worry about how often he had difficulties to sleep if he'd managed to become so capable at it).
#21 – Silence
He's always talking, or drumming his fingers, or just breathing, so when she arrives at his house just after the dissolution and doesn't hear a thing, she begins to search desperately.
#22 – Journey
He remembers that getting to Germany's house involved an awful lot of running, but when he opens his eyes he's unable to remember how he got from standing at West's door to lying on a bed, and while he knows that he had to get into it somehow, he also knows that he'll have a whole life to try to forget the last few years, and that it'll take a least a week for his legs to stop hurting and allow him to forget the last four days and a half, so he decides that the moments between his arrival and the instant he woke up are completely irrelevant, because Liechtenstein is handing him a cup of tea and, after so long, he's finally safe and warm.
#23 – Fire
She hadn't had a very good opinion of him, but what made her respect Prussia was that "something" she saw in his eyes all the time, no matter what he was doing; that something that spoke of passion and courage and that made her think that no one in that room was more alive than him.
#24 – Strength
She wouldn't last a minute if she ever had to get into a war, and how many years he has left is something they rather not think about, but as long as they have each other, they're sure they're eternal.
#25 – Mask
Hungary never expected Prussia to ask her what he could get Liechtenstein for her birthday, but when she saw him so nervous and so worried about getting something she'd like, Hungary wondered if, maybe, he wasn't as mean as he seemed.
#26 – Ice
"So you expect me to make small talk with her when I barely know who she is?"
#27 – Fall
He loves autumn; there's something special about Liechtenstein in that season, because the dress she usually wears fits the background when they go for a walk in a park, and he likes the feeling of privacy he gets when the only sound he can hear are the dry leaves cracking under their feet, and he's happy if a leave is carried by the wind and lands on her hair, because then he has an excuse to run his fingers through it (Prussia also fears autumn, because it's the only season that makes him think about what he feels for the girl he considers his friend).
#28 – Forgotten
Canada will never let Prussia forget that he owes him a favor for that time he made him invite all the nations to his house to eat pancakes just so he could get a chance to talk to Liechtenstein.
#29 – Dance
If she had to compare their current relationship (or lack thereof, to be precise) to something, she'd say it's a bit like those old dances where people barely touched, always a few steps apart, only approaching when the music dictated it; but she's sure that, sooner or later, they will gather the courage they need for the waltz.
#30 – Body
Every day she looked at herself, trying to see if there'd been any changes in her body, wondering if looking like a woman would give her the courage to make a move.
#31 – Sacred
No, he doesn't say her name like a prayer, and he doesn't worship her like a goddess, because goddesses can't be touched, kissed or loved, and he calls her name without asking for anything in return and without offering anything, he says it just because he has the opportunity to say it as many times as he can and under some circumstances that others will never live.
#32 – Farewells
"Everyone," said Prussia at the end of a meeting, making sure to get everyone's attention by standing on a chair, "I have an announcement: since I'm no longer a 'real' nation and West takes care of all the important stuff, I'm leaving on a road trip as soon as I'm out of this building" (he wanted to add "by the way, Liechtenstein, you can come along if you want to", but standing on a table meant he was in a perfect position to get shot at by an overprotective brother who might misunderstand his intentions).
#33 – World
What everyone thought at the beginning was that a world where Liechtenstein dated Prussia wasn't a normal one, but after a year of seeing them together, the world had to get used to the idea that "normalcy" changes its conditions surprisingly often.
#34 – Formal
"I'd be delighted, Mr. Prussia", she said, with a playful smile on her face, when he asked her if she'd like to dance with him.
#35 – Fever
"You're red, are you sure you didn't catch a cold?", Prussia says as he puts his hand on Liechtenstein's forehead, making the girl turn even more red.
#36 – Laugh
It was pretty clear that neither of them knew how to dance the "Macarena", and their attempts ended when one of them tripped and fell, dragging the other along, so there were two nations on the floor trying to stand up and failing miserably at it, because as soon as they looked at each other they started laughing uncontrollably.
#37 – Lies
"She's like a sister to me," he told himself a million times.
#38 – Forever
She never makes any promises of eternal love, because she knows that nations aren't immortal and that time and memories don't go well together, and she'd never forgive herself for lying to the one she loves.
#39 – Overwhelmed
She'd danced with him and, after that, they'd had the chance to go outside to talk for a while, alone, but she'd noticed how he'd looked at Hungary's dress when she approached them to greet them, how his eyes followed the woman after she left and he also looked at all the other female nations; so now Liechtenstein was nervous, happy, annoyed, scared and still with a crush on the albino, and maybe she'd accidentally drunk too much (lie!, you're making up excuses, said a little voice in her head), because she suddenly felt that her face was red and that she wanted to get away from there as soon as possible, and to this day she wonders if it was the mess on her head that made her forget her decision to wait until she looked a older and just kiss Prussia.
#40 – Whisper
The first "I love you" was said on a sunny afternoon to a sleeping nation in a voice so low that, if the nation in question woke up, the speaker could pretend that it had been the wind.
#41 – Wait
He wasn't made to wait, so when she calls and says she's going to visit him, he leaves the house and meets her halfway.
#42 – Talk
"Do you think Switzerland is so nervous about Prussia that he will forget Liechtenstein's age and try to have The Talk with her?" was a very popular topic of conversation among the nations for some months (there were also bets about it).
#43 – Search
She noticed her crush on him one afternoon when she went out and realized that she kept looking at everyone on the street, hoping to find him in the crowd.
#44 – Hope
He's falling, he can feel it, and he's not sure that he's ready to hit the ground; but sometimes he catches her looking at him and he thinks that, maybe, she's falling too, and if that's the case, one day they might hold hands and soar together into the sky.
#45 – Eclipse
If the sun is yellow and she's kind of blonde, and he's an albino and the albino on the song was the son of the moon, them being together meant there was always the risk of a solar eclipse, but Prussia still isn't good at poetry and he also thinks it's impossible that someone could fail to notice Liechtenstein just because he's around, so that thought was abandoned too.
#46 – Gravity
She's falling, she can feel it, but she doesn't mind, because she knows she's not falling because of the gravity, she's falling because it's the fastest way to reach the person who'll catch her before she hits the ground.
#47 – Highway
As he drives, he can't help but wonder how many of the roads he has taken would take him directly to her, so he goes faster to escape those thoughts.
#48 – Unknown
One of the first surprises they gave each other was when they cried together while watching "The Fox and the Hound", because it turned out that Prussia wails in a very un-awesome way and Liechtenstein sobs in a very unladylike manner, and after it was over they had a lengthy conversation about all the differences between the book and the film.
#49 – Lock
When she left, he felt too numb to even remember to lock the door.
#50 – Breathe
Sometimes at night, when she's sleeping, he hears her breathing and thinks about how long she'll probably live, and how afraid he is of the idea that, one day, he may not be there to share that time with her.
It's part of my headcanon that, after the Berlin Wall fell, Prussia ran all the way from Russia's house to Germany's, I even wrote a fanfic about that ("Even if you're not stronger", in case you're curious). It's not shippy, and, honestly, Liechtenstein is not included in that part of my headcanon, but I thought the idea fitted for some of the prompts.
#04 is about Schrödinger's cat.
#06 was born after I read on wikipedia that there's a cocktail called Hurricane in New Orleans.
#40 was left purposely ambiguous. I just couldn't decide who'd said it, so you choose.
Thanks to the people who've left reviews, they put me in a good mood. But don't worry, I'm not holding the chapters hostage for reviews.