Part VI

His legs were feeling like lead weights when, after what seemed like thousands of trips up and down the rusty surface, the rope finally gave way. The sudden increase in blood flow didn't help his aching foot at all, but Murdock ignored that as he worked his legs around to try and work the numbness out of them so he could stand.

He didn't dare make his first attempt by the shelves. If he lost his balance, he might tip something over. Too much noise and the goons might unlock the door to investigate, then everything would go right back to square one. Maybe worse. Murdock remembered to remind himself about things being able to be worse. He was rather pleased that he'd remembered without needing a t-shirt.

It took a little while, but he manage to push himself over to a spot on the wall with no shelves too near. Getting onto his feet from the floor without having use of his hands proved to be tricky, but he finally managed it and gained a much better view of what he might be able to make use of next.

Back with the team, Face located a map that showed where it was they needed to go. It wasn't easy to make a plan from the sketchy information they had, but they didn't have a lot of time to do research.

"We'll have to play this one by ear. We can't just go storming in. Murdock was tied up last time we saw him. We have to assume he still is and worse, wounded. If they see us coming, they'll just put a gun to his head to keep us away."

Hannibal went silent for a minute then relooked at the map.

"This shows some sort of service road not far from where we think they're holding him. We'll leave the vehicle there and go the rest of the way in on foot."

"Let's go then. I don't want to leave that fool there any longer than we have to. My momma's gonna worry herself sick until she lays eyes on Murdock again."

"Let's head out then, gentlemen. When we get there, I want you to take point, Face. We need to try to confirm we've got the right spot before we go through any doors."

"Right, Colonel."

The team quickly loaded with B.A. taking the wheel. They were out of their normal territory, so they didn't have the access to their usual weapons. They'd need to rely on stealth and surprise. Hannibal was just hoping they were guessing right about Murdock's location. If they had to start all over again, they'd never find him before time ran out. B.A was right. Murdock wouldn't be allowed to live after he was forced to make that final call to Mrs. Baracus.

It was a little past midnight when they left the rental behind and moved through the brush toward the private airstrip. The twin engine plane was still on the runway not far from a building. Hannibal guessed from the size that it would be four rooms tops inside. Most importantly, lights were on inside. Soundlessly exchanging nods, Face left his two teammates behind and began a quiet approach toward nearest window.

B.A. started to move then. That wasn't anything they'd discussed, so Hannibal laid a hand on the Sergeant's arm. Looking back at the Colonel, B.A. just smiled and then pointed to the plane. Hannibal considered that for only a moment before giving the big man a pat and nod.

It was ten minutes in all before Face came back. He looked for B.A. and it seemed to Hannibal that the good looking conman was actually relieved not to see him.

"We're in the right place, Hannibal. They're discussing where they want to dump the bodies."

"You mean body."

"No, sir. Bodies. They're planning to kidnap B.A.'s mom so she can't go back to the police again."

No wonder Face hadn't wanted to speak around B.A. News of that plan would have sent him straight through the door no matter what it meant to the plan.

A soft rustling told them that B.A. was rejoining them.

"Alright, men. Let's go get our pilot back. What are the numbers, Face?"

"I saw two men outside around to the front. And I counted at least five voices on the inside."

Face saw the question in B.A.'s eyes.

"No. Sorry. I didn't hear any voice or other sound that was from Murdock."

"We need to take down the outside men quickly and quietly. B.A, - you take the right-hand man. Face and I will take out the other. Move out."

Hannibal and Face managed to take out their man fairly quietly, but B.A.'s opponent proved to be tougher than he looked. The noise caught the attention of the men inside and Face winced when he heard someone shout out to go grab their hostage.

Hannibal heard that as well and gave B.A. the nod to kick in the door. The scene they came in on was chaotic. Three of the men inside turned to face them while another was attempting to deal with their hostage. He hadn't known the pilot had managed to free himself until he opened the door and Murdock came out on the attack. Howling Mad was just that and he was, despite his condition, currently beating the crap out of the man.

The rest of the A-Team wasn't idle either, each of them taking on one of the other three men. The men had weapons, but not much chance to use them. They weren't combat veterans like the team - just hired thugs who were used to people that backed down at the sight of a gun. The A-Team wasn't backing down for anything this time.

A door slammed and Murdock delivered one last punch to knock his man down before hobbling to a window as quickly as he could.

"Their head man is trying to get away, Colonel! He's headed for their plane."

B.A. slammed his opponent into the wall, then laughed.

"Don't you worry about that none, Murdock. Your playmate ain't going anywhere. Oh - and this one here is from my momma!"

That last was to the man against the wall just before B.A. put his lights out with a right cross.

Outside, the Boss started the engines on his plane as quickly as he was able and began to taxi down the runway. The four teammates came out of the door just in time for Hannibal to learn what B.A. had done. The wheels came off of the landing struts and the plane tipped suddenly before coming to a noisy halt.

When the Boss looked out, he saw the smiling face of Colonel John 'Hannibal' Smith, cigar in the corner of his mouth. B.A and Murdock were to his left and Face to his right - all of them were holding weapons 'liberated' from the other men.

Once the Boss and his men were secured, Face opened a few cabinets. He didn't have to look far to find records of some of the company's illegal dealings. Leaving a few choice pieces out in plain sight, he rejoined the others. A quick anonymous call after they left would bring the police in.

They hadn't gotten far when the adrenaline wore off and Murdock staggered. He would have fallen if B.A. hadn't reacted quickly enough. Then he took his first close look at the battered man. Even in the dim light, the bruises were evident. B.A. shook his head and picked Murdock up as if he'd been a child.

"Come on, you crazy fool. What did you mean jumping into a fight like you did in your condition? Coulda got yourself killed."

"I had to, big guy. I had to. They were going to try to hurt your mom."

Both Hannibal and Face drew closer as B.A. held Murdock a little tighter. The furious man was very tempted to go right back to the building and punch them all out one more time, but he took a deep breath. B.A. didn't say how he really felt himself, but his voice was full of emotion when he spoke and started to walk toward the rental again.

"Well... come on. She's worried sick about you. Not gonna have Momma lose sleep over your fool self. Speaking of which, what put the fool notion in your head to tell those losers that you were me?"

"They made me mad... joked about how taking you was going to be a Mother's Day present for your mom. I couldn't let them ruin her day like that."

"Crazy fool..."

Face just smiled a little. It was amazing how B.A.'s tone had made that come out as a fond nickname instead of an insult. Murdock caught the tone as well and smiled.



"It's after midnight, right?'

"Yeh. So?"

"So, it's Mother's Day now."

Hannibal reached up and tried to find an unbruised place to pat on Murdock.

"We'll find some, son."

After they had made their way back to the apartment, Murdock insisted that he needed to clean up before Mother Baracus saw him. Once the guys got a good look at him in the light, they agreed. B.A. rounded up some first-aid items and Face got together some clothes for him while Hannibal took over the job of helping Murdock into the tub. He got angry all over again at the livid marks covering most of Murdock's body not to mention the injury to his foot. Fortunately, the shot didn't seem to have broken any bones.

"That was very foolish what you did - trading places with the Sergeant like that. Foolish and very brave."

"It's what we do, Colonel. Look out for each other, right?"

"Right. You did good, son. Now, let's try and get you presentable for Mrs. Baracus."

Less than ten minutes later, Murdock found himself being swept into Mother Baracus's gentle but firm embrace as she kissed him.

"Oh baby...I'm so happy to see you... are you alright? Is he going to be alright?"

B.A. just smiled at his mother and nodded.

"He'll be fine, Momma. We'll all see to that."

"Now - you listen to me, H.M. Murdock. You're family now. I said I'd like to adopt you... well, I don't see why I can't. Unless you don't want it."

Murdock hugged her back tightly, but didn't answer immediately. Instead he looked into B.A.'s eyes.

B.A. looked back at Murdock, looked to his mother, then just shook his head with a short laugh.

"It's them brown puppy dog eyes of yours. Welcome to the family, fool."

That got him a loving swat from his mother.

"Bosco? You be nice to your brother."

Face suddenly needed to do something. He was not, repeat not, going to get all choked up. Remembering the flowers they'd managed to find at an all-night market, he grabbed them and offered them to Mrs. Baracus,

"Seems the appropriate time. Happy Mother's Day, Mrs. Baracus."

"Get over here. You too, Hannibal. Flowers are nice, but I've already got the best Mother's Day present a woman could have. I have all four of the most important men in my life with me right now and you're all safe."

Hannibal gave his own sigh of contentment. He had his missing man back.

"You know, Mrs. Baracus, none of us had much of an appetite earlier, but if you still have those sandwiches...?"

"Say no more, Hannibal. Bosco, help HM to the table. Let's all eat and then get some rest."

All of them dug into the sandwiches like they were starving.

"You know, baby? I need to find you a nickname. Scooter's already taken."

A tired smile formed on Murdock's face. He wasn't going to be able to stay awake much longer.

"Shame. I think I look like a Scooter."

"You look like the crazy fool you are."


"I don't know what you're going on about, Momma. You already gave him a nickname."

"I have?"

"She has?"

"Yep. Baby."

Mother Baracus just started laughing and the others joined it.

"I guess I have been calling you Baby for awhile at that. And I think it fits."

Murdock gave her a huge smile.

"I like it... Mom."

Face lifted his glass of milk.

"Well then. To Baby and Scooter."

Face quickly found that getting 'the eye' from both B.A. and Murdock to be a little unnerving.

"Watch it, Faceman. Or you're likely be wearing that milk."