Most of you that read my Secret Assassin of Chaos story have been asking me about what does Victoria looks like. Well, I will be saying a physical description of Victoria.

She has beautiful brown eyes and amazing blondish brown hair. She is about very nice and sweet. She has a slim figure, that sexy type. She also has great characteristics. She's loyal, trusting, caring, enthusiastic, loving and gentle. She also very intelligent and has a thing for art and things that have to do with arts like music and visual art. She is very talented in acting and her singing is amazing. She has a small cute nose, not like those over extended noses. She is not that short and not that tall. I would say she is 5'6 or maybe taller. Her skin is soft and smooth and she is just plain pretty.

If there is anything else you would like me to add I will look at what you have to say.

By the way this is based on a very special person to me . :D

Sorry for the long wait. Lost track of time after doing tons of work projects and etc.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Leaving Camp

Percy's Pov

Today is the day that we all head out back to our home in the next universe. Lord Chaos has ordered us back to continue our training, as that the monsters on earth are far too weak for our standards. We left a note with Chiron explaining our leave and hopefully they will be able last out while we are gone.

I walked into the room where all our troops were assembled. Lord Chaos was giving an announcement t as I went to my spot next to him.

"I know of our promise to Camp Half Blood, that we will be aiding them in combat from the monsters and Giants, but I am no longer going to be aiding them, there are more important tasks at hand that other universes need from the Warriors and I will not let them down."

I spoke up for the first time, which was really uncommon as that I never talk at these meetings.

"What about the note we left at Camp Half Blood regarding our return," I said.

"Tell them we will be returning after we complete an important task."

"Yes, my lord," I said and walked into the shadows.

As I left I heard lord chaos explain something about the Garunium Universe has been invaded by the tyrants from the Tryanian Universe. There was something about Victoria, my love, but I was already too far away to hear what they said.

I walked to my room, and attempted to send an Imperial Message to Camp Half Blood. To explain, Imperial Messaging is like Iris Messaging, but it uses the power of Lord Chaos, so Lord Chaos can make sure what we are up to and who we are speaking too. All of us are required to use this form of communication, or bad things will happen just like what happened to Beta, but that's another story.

I waited for the connection to go through, but it didn't. Lord Chaos just appeared in an imagery recorded form repeating that the call could not be put through. I was puzzled by this and tried again.

It still didn't go through so I became frustrated and lay down on my bed.

I began to think of what happen to Beta after he abused the power of Lord Chaos's Imperial Messaging.

It was a few years ago…

Beta and I were good friends. Alpha was my friend, but he was absent as he came down with the Krachious Disease, a disease that immobilizes the body and makes the person have amnesia. Beta and I were always joking around and having fun together, he was the one that cured me along with Alpha after Annabeth broke my heart. Well, he and I used to joke around while we lived in the Next Universes with the warriors and Lord Chaos. This was before I became more disciplined by Lord Chaos. Beta and I would play jokes on the other warriors and sometimes on Lord Chaos. We didn't do it to get Lord Chaos mad, but Lord Chaos would get really mad at us.

Then, that fateful day, when Beta pushed Lord Chaos's limits too far. This happened a few months after I began to get serious with Lord Chaos's training. I began to see what we have been doing to the others and how we tormented them. I tried to explain to Beta that he should stop playing pranks now before it was too late. I tried to convince him by stopping myself, but by doing this Beta got upset with me and turned on me.

He hated me with all his life and swore that he will never stop. I pleaded him to stop because I have been noticing that Lord Chaos's temper was getting less and less every day. Yet, Beta paid no attention to my warnings and he preformed the stupidest stunt I have ever thought. He actually pulled the stunt that him and I specifically said together never to do.

It was during night as I watched Beta sneak into Lord Chaos's room. He had his favorite weapon with him, the sword of Light. I could see in the sword since, he has used it in combat many times. I saw him approach the bed of Lord Chaos and watched as he slowly lifted his sword.

My eyes opened and jumped down in front of him. He glared at me and told me to get out of the way. I pleaded to him to not go through with this plan, but he had a crazed looking eye. This only showed when Beta could not be controlled and stopped.

Beta suddenly lunged forward, straight at me; I noticed that he would do anything just for a good laugh. Right then and there I realized that my once good friend was about to kill me in order to satisfy his lust for a good laugh.

I quickly dodged his strike, but that's what Beta wanted, so he went directly for Lord Chaos. I yelled at him, as I saw the Blade connect with its intended target. I looked at Beta and saw his eyes grow bright and a huge crazed smile appear on his face.

Then, Lord Chaos appeared and grabbed Beta.

"You have gone too far this time Beta!" Lord Chaos blared.

Beta stared at him dazed as if he didn't know what was going on.

I ran forward and kneeled to the ground. I pleaded to Lord Chaos to forgive him for his actions, he was being reckless.

Lord Chaos looked at me and said "I'm sorry, but he has gone too far." With that he waved his hand and I was back in my room.

I ran to the door, but it was locked shut. I just sat down on my bed staring into the ceiling pleading that Lord Chaos would show mercy.

All of a sudden a heard a loud shrieking noise, and with that I knew that my good friend Beta was gone from the world.

I ran to the door and pulled, it magically opened and outside I saw the body of Beta sitting peacefully in a box holding his sword.

There was a note attached to the sword.

It said…

Dear Percy,

Never forget me buddy. I will always be with you. I know of the wrong things I have done, and Lord Chaos let me write this final note to you before he kills me. I'm sorry it has to come to this, but no matter what happens never repeat what I did. We had good times together and I hope that you will lead a happy and fun life. As a way to remember me, please take my beloved sword with you wherever you go. It contains all of my times together with you and will have all of my favorite fighting styles. I will always be with you in this sword. Take care of Alpha for me and be a good boy.



I read over the note and picked up his sword. Tears began to form in my eyes and blessed Beta for the last time and let his body float off into its rightful grave.

I took his sword and put it beside my bed.

I will always remember you Beta, I will always remember you.

That day will always come back to me, but I will move on no matter what. Then suddenly Alpha busted into my room.

"Hurry back to the meeting room, Lord Chaos wants to see you immediately." He said and ran out the door.

I sighed and took out the final gift that Beta gave to me and headed back to the meeting room.

When I got there, Lord Chaos was waiting and everyone else was gone.

I asked "You called for me my lord?"

"I will be sending you back to Camp Half Blood, their camp is being overrun by monsters and giants."

"Why me, my Lord, why not send the other troopers, let me accompany you on our fight for Garunium."

"No, the others are already fighting and I am sending you back because you are the best we got and you do have a connection to the place."

"But… my Lord…"

"No, you will leave and stay there for the time being, don't return until I call you back."

"As you wish my lord," with that I walked through a portal that led back to earth.

Once I got there, I somehow reappeared in the woods. I looked out and saw a bunch of monsters there and the campers being pushed back. I even saw… Annabeth… I was disgusted by her appearance. I shot an arrow at a monster and disappeared back into the portal to get closer.

I reappeared near a monster and started cutting through them like they were made of butter. One by one I heard the shrieks and yells of a dying monster as they disintegrated into nothing and essences returning back to Tarturus.

I thought while I fought, and decided to finally use the final gift from Beta in my battle.

I dropped my two daggers and took out the Pure light sword that y good friend used many years ago.

Once I picked it up, time itself froze.

I dropped the sword and looked around, everyone was frozen and nothing happened

No noises or sounds anywhere.

Then a spirit-ish thing came out of the sword and took the form of my friend Beta.

"Beta…" I whispered out of disbelief

He stared at me and smiled.

"You have grown a lot Percy, it has been along time since I have seen you…" he said

"But… but… how can you be here, your dead and I never called for any spirits from…"

He looked at me and I paused my sentence and he said

"Before I was killed, Lord Chaos freed me from my crazy and allowed me to pour a bit of my spirit into the sword. I am still dead, but I can communicate with you this one last time, before my spirit runs out. Percy, don't speak for the next bit because this process is not easy and Lord Chaos said that if anyone talks or moves but me the power to freeze everyone else will be broken and you will be back to where you were before this coming battle started."

I just looked at him with my eyes showing that I understood.

"Good," he said.

"Percy, thank you for taking care of my weapon for all of these year, I am grateful that you have kept it safe and well. If you are wondering why I am showing up at this time, is because my spirit must be awaken when the sword is going to be used. By dropping my sword, you not only freed the spirit and awakened it, but you now set the rest of me free. You see the process of going through death is not complete without, my whole spirit, so now I am still living, but am dead. I am in the middle at this time, but I am willing to do this in order to talk to you my best friend for the last time.

Then, he paused and I saw him look at my clothing. I was wearing my green striped robe with my mask.

"Congratulations Percy, you have made it to Lord Chaos's standards, I am very proud of you and… Wait, he said… "I will like to apologies for not taking your word for those things in the past, it was not your fault for what happened to me. I made bad choices and please do not torture yourself."

Then, is I saw Beta's spirit flicker.

"It looks like it is time for me to go now Percy, take care of you and take care of Alpha for me. Keep the sword with you and I will always be with you." He started to fade away." "See ya Percy, one day I will join the warriors again."

With that Bea disappeared for the last time. I started to move and noticed that the power of freezing everyone was not affected. I started to get sad and I walked over to Beta's sword. I knew that I must not be sad, as that I will be fighting, so I sucked up my tears and picked up his sword.

With that, everything unfroze and everyone looked like how they were before Beta called him.

I knew what I had to do.

I charged at the monsters at a speed too fast for human eyes. I cut through so many monsters and pilled them all up. I knew that the campers would wonder what was going on so I disappeared into a portal that would take me somewhere else in camp.

I reappeared on top of the big house and quickly notched an arrow and aimed directly at a group of monsters.

Before I could shoot the arrow I saw the monster part and saw their leader emerge. It was Prometheus the titan that stole fire from the Gods. Something was different about him; he seemed more disciplined and powerful.

This doesn't matter considering I have faced beasts that are far more powerful then, the titans and primordial.

He bellowed at me with a ton of rage. "You tiny human, you are no match for me," he said.

He taunted me with the lamest insult ever, but it really ticked me off. I held up my sword and watched as he charged straight at me.

I decided to have fun with the titan and make him look like a complete idiot, so I disappeared and went behind the Titan.

I watched as he looked around for me like a complete idiot.

To get his attention I slashed a huge gash on his back and watched as Prometheus bellowed with rage.

I laughed and tried again, but this time he actually caught the blade and threw it aside.

With that he charged at me, but I was ready. I started to chant the ancient powers that the Warriors of Chaos get. Since I was Lord Chaos's assassin I would get some more powerful techniques that no one else has but Lord Chaos. Still Lord Chaos is still more powerful that I will ever be.

I finished the chant and strike the Titan with my Black Ice shard sphere.

A small explosion erupted in front of me, but when I looked at the campers, they looked pretty amazed and shocked. That reminded me of my time at camp half blood when everything seemed cool, but time moves on and I now despise these people.

I took out my friends sword, which returned to me after I lose it in battle like Riptide and stabbed the Titan.

He bellowed with rage, but it didn't matter to me so I chanted a ritual that sent him directly back to Tarturus.

I stared at the monsters and saw as they sneered and yelled at me, but I jerked forward causing them to leave.

I was pretty pleased with my work, as that this was way too easy for me. I remember the last time I actually tried and started to sweat was when I fought Praise, from the Oblivion Universe. Praise wasn't a bad guy, but we just fought from time to time and he was pretty good.

I tried to get away from the place, when Chiron approached me.

"Emrmm, are you the warrior that Lord Chaos sent to help us," he asked me.

"Yes," I replied.

"May I ask what your name is…" He kindly asked.

"I shall not give my name to you yet, but you shall refer to me as the Assassin of Chaos."

Then, I saw my previous girl friend and old best friend walk up to me.

"Annabeth, Grover meet our savior…." Chiron said, but I cut him off.

"No need Chiron, I can introduce myself, Hello satyr and daughter of Athena, I am the Assassin of Chaos and I will be here for the next few days."

Then Annabeth started to introduce herself and Grover, typical Annabeth, but I didn't want to hear it so I cut her off by saying 'I know who you are; I have seen a lot and been everywhere." I thought it was pretty clever.

I started to notice key things that Annabeth was doing, she started to study me as if I were an artifact. Then she spoke and said. "I remember you now; you rescued us from those thugs when we were attacked."

I remembered that, but I didn't want her to know that was me so I made up a lie saying ""I… Do not recall ever helping you in my entire life. Now if you will excuse me I must leave you now and get my things." With that I strolled away, into the camp and started to look around.

As I strolled through the camp I watched as medics went to work and watched as other campers started running around cleaning and fixing things up. Some of them stopped to stare at me, but most likely they couldn't see who I was considering I wore a mask that protected my identity.

I started to look through the cabins and saw my old cabin; I quickly stepped inside, and saw my old stuff mounted on a wall.

Someone poked me from behind and I turned around to see Annabeth looking at me.

She stared at me and then said. "I'm sorry sir, but you are not allowed to go into this cabin, cabins are meant for people who are claimed by a God. Each Cabin represents a different God and each cabin houses the children of that God. This specific cabin is Poseidon's cabin. It is empty right now, but it used to have an old camper that used to come to this camp before he disappeared. His name was Percy Jackson. People said that it was my fault why he left, but I didn't mean for him to leave."

Annabeth then looked at me and I just nodded my head and she continued. I started to notice her eyes were getting redder and redder every second.

She started to mumble and sob a, but continued "I loved Percy and he loved me, but one day there was a new kid and his name was Mark. I started to fall for him and forgot about Percy. I started to hook up with him without telling Percy. I knew this was wrong, but I didn't stop myself. Then one day Percy saw me and Mark kissing and then I broke up with him…"

I realized that Annabeth was gonna talk about something important after, but I didn't want to hear it, so I just pretended that I felt passion and left without a word.

I looked behind me and saw Annabeth looking at me with her eyes puffy and then saw her run back to her cabin.

I turned around and started to stroll to the pavilion.

I started to wonder…

What happened after I left camp?

Sorry guys, for not updating… Like I said before but thanks for reading

Don't get to angry if I don't update frequently, but summer is coming soon so I will be having more updates.

For the time being don't expect too much from me.

By the Way i love that you guys story alert my story and add it to your favourite list, but PLEASE I NEED MORE REVIEWS TO KNOW WHAT I CAN DO FOR THE STORY

Cya Later







