Amy huffed and crossed her arms, Rory was angry with her, The Doctor was unconscious and she missed him…More than the time when she was seven and he was her magical, raggedy man. He was still HER raggedy man, why wouldn't he be hers? Then she remembered…Rory…Sighing she climbed to her feet, she had to tell him, she had to tell him she loved The Doctor.

It swirled and engulfed the struggling TimeLord, although, it was rather beautiful…If you took the dying Doctor out of course. He tried to swim up, the jelly like current pulling him down with every upward stroke, but failed and again he felt this dream like body drift into unconsciousness.

Suddenly the Doctor gasped and sat up, his hearts racing and sweat dripping from his brow.

"Doctor!" Amy shouted in surprise, she had not expected him to wake up…While she had her arms around him…

"Amy could you- Do you think you can?" He gestured towards her arms and tried to pull away, but, Amy stood her ground, still holding the shaken traveller.

"No! I don't want to let you go!"

He smiled slightly, not realising and leaned forward…