

'Now that their eyes are open you need to name them.' Katrina mentioned.

'Names? How do we name them?' Kazuko wondered. It had been a few weeks since she had given birth and she seemed almost back to her normal self.

'It's the job of the father.' My mother answered. I circled the pups as they huddled against their mother.

I reached for the oldest, the one that was an almost exact copy of myself, the only difference being that while he did have my fur color and facial stripes, his forehead was devoid of a marking. The pup stared at me with identical golden eyes a look of calm as he waited. He was the biggest of the five.

'Yuuta.' I growled and nudged him back towards his mother, he went without any complaints.

The second I pulled towards me, looking over his fur. His fur was silver with violet streaks though as he grew the streaks had begun to fade, and perhaps would be completely gone by the time he was fully grown. The only streaks that were still as vivid as when he was born were the ones around his neck, shoulders and waist. They swirled with sharp edges. His eyes were a dark violet that looked black in certain lights. He gave his best impression of a growl, swiping a paw at me. He was the most aggressive.

'Kenta.' I didn't have to move him back towards his mother because he shuffled his way back as soon as I had named him.

The third pup likewise did not have to be brought to me, as if he knew it was his turn he began to shakily make his way over. He gazed up with multicolored eyes, one the exact same shade of violet as his mother and the other the exact same shade of gold as mine. His fur silver with violet paws was fluffier than his siblings making him seem almost as big as Yuuta. He sat meeting my gaze. He was the quietest of the pups.


The fourth pup cringed away as I reached for him and I suppressed a huff of annoyance. The pup's light golden eyes were stretched in fear, refusing to leave his mother's side. When urged a bit more he let out a wail and I left him be against his mother. Curled up he looked just like Yuuta with all silver fur, but I knew that his underbelly was violet and I almost wondered if it was a sign. He was the already the smallest out of the five and he acted in the weakest manner.

'Katsuo.' Hopefully an inspiring name would help.

The last, my daughter, was already standing though she hadn't moved from beside her mother. She was casting glances at me and then back at herself, shifting slightly. It took a moment before I realized she was trying to copy the way I was standing. An amused and pride-filled growl rumbled in my chest as I watched. Her violet fur shimmered with silver streaks as she moved. Her eyes were violet, a shade lighter than her mother's but rimmed in gold. I was prepared to name her 'Kimiko' but Kazuko intervened.

'Misaki.' She said. My mother turned her attention from me to my mate and I knew she was surprised though she didn't show it. The father was the only one allowed to speak during a naming, and especially the only one allowed to give a name. It was unlikely that Kazuko knew that, but even if she did I have a feeling she would have still done the same. She must have sensed that she had done something unusual because she explained herself. 'My mother gave me the name Misaki when I was born. Unfortunately I grew up not knowing this and though I could never use the name my mother gave me, I would like my daughter to.' She fell silent after that and attention returned to me.

'Misaki.' I growled with a nod of my head.

I had thought the changes I underwent because of Kazuko were drastic but now they seemed mild compared to what I felt as I watched my pups and my mate. Nearly two years had passed since all five pups had been born and though they hadn't transformed yet I didn't mind. Being completely honest with myself I could stay here forever and never return to the position of lord. A feeling of serenity and pride had covered, if not erased, the desire to seek power. Perhaps not that, rather it redirected it. Instead of wanting to seek power for personal reasons, I wanted it to ensure the safety and happiness of my pack.

'You're letting Katsuo get by you.' Ryo's bark brought my attention downward to where Katsuo was easing through my paws and away from the pond. I turned and grasped the scruff of his neck and placed him back at the edge of the water.

'No.' He whined before trying to get past me again.

'It's always like that with him.' Kazuko's amused growl came from within the pond. She was towards the middle in the deepest part watching our other four pups play in the shallow part between us.

'Katsuo scared.' Our daughter taunted.

'Be nice Misaki.' Kazuko responded. The little pup looked defiant for a moment before one of her brothers splashed water her way and she was back to playing. 'I named her after me but I'm pretty sure she's going to be a lot like her father.'

'Let's hope not.' Ryo growled with a smile. I gave a grunt but didn't say anything. Instead I grabbed Katsuo by the scruff and entered the pond. Once we were in far enough I placed him down next to his siblings. Immediately he let out a wail and jumped onto Yuuta trying to stay out of the water.

'Off!' Yuuta snarled, rearing up on his back legs and shaking to get his brother off his back. Katsuo landed back in the water with a splash and began to cry. Kazuko was soon by him nuzzling the pup and growling reassurance.

'He should not be this afraid of water.' I said picking him up and away from Kazuko and back with his siblings.

'He's two.' Katina pointed out.

'As are the rest of them.' I motioned to the other four pups who, despite still in full play, were yawning and beginning to show signs of tiring.

'He just needs more time to adjust.' Kazuko defended as she picked up Kenta and brought him out of the pond. Ryo did the same with Yuuta, the large pup nearly asleep. Katina got Katsuo; Shippo grabbed Taiki, leaving me to get Misaki.

I reached for her and she pulled away, splashing water into my face. As a grunt of amusement reached my ears I looked up to glare at Ryo as he watched with unveiled amusement. Turning back to get Misaki, my chest clenched as she wasn't there anymore. I looked back towards the shore where the others were and did not see her among the other pups who were being dried by Kazuko. Katina motioned past me and I turned to see Misaki paddling towards the deeper water. I cut her off and grasped her by the scruff and exited the pond. I placed Misaki beside her already dry brothers. She shook herself off making the rest of them wet again.

'Thanks.' Kazuko growled looking towards me though her expression only held amusement. She rounded up the pups against her and allowed her fur to warm enough to dry them off again.

'We'll see you in a few days.' Katina barked coming up to push her head against Kazuko's as a goodbye.

'We look forward to it.' My mate responded as the other three walked across and exited the mountain.

'Let's get them to bed.' Kazuko said nosing the drowsy pups towards the den.

It was slow going but eventually we reached the den. The oldest four collapsed in a heap and were soon filling the cave with surprisingly loud snores and growls. I felt a pressure on my tail and turned to see Misaki curled on it and fast asleep.




I blinked as I heard unfamiliar voices. In the dim light of the den I could make out new figures in the den. Where the boys usually slept were instead four children who looked to be about two or three and lying against Sesshomaru's side I could see our daughter, likewise changed.

'Sesshomaru.' I growled waking up my mate. He groaned a little as he woke though he was fully alert once he saw what I was seeing. 'They've transformed!' I could feel my excitement tingling the edges of my paws. 'We can go back home.' Something passed over Sesshomaru's expression and I could have sworn I felt a reluctance at my words but it didn't last long enough for me to analyze.


"I wish you'd stay for tonight." I said to Kagome.

We sat outside the castle in the garden. In her arms she cradled her second son, Akira, who was a few weeks shy of being one. Not too far from us, Yuuta, Kenta, Taiki, Misaki and Takeshi were playing, while Katsuo sat beside me. Takeshi and the rest all looked the same age and to a passing person they could be mistaken as such despite being almost four years apart. It had been a few years since the pups had transformed and we were able to bring them back to the western castle. Tonight they would be presented before the others lords and ladies and the western people as the heirs to Sesshomaru's throne.

"Inuyasha is on edge just being here, imagine him with a group of the strongest demons around." Kagome smiled and shook her head. "It's too much for us, but at least we still get to see them."

"Yes I guess that is better than nothing." I mumbled.

"I've been wondering." Kagome started as if she wasn't quite sure of what she was saying. She cast a questioning look my way and I nodded to urge her to continue. "Yuuta has ears like you and Sesshomaru, but the rest have ears like Inuyasha. Why is that? Inuyasha said I shouldn't ask because it would upset you, and if you don't want to answer, then I totally understand." Her words picked up speed as she talked so that by the time she finished, the words were running together. I held up a hand to stop her and smiled.

"I do not mind the question, though if you had asked Sesshomaru he might take offense. He did when he realized it himself." I said gazing back at the playing children.

"So there is a reason for it? It's not random?" Kagome asked and I shook my head.

"Apparently the first child of a Ryu-Inu female is born as whatever the father is. So since Sesshomaru is a full dog demon, Yuuta was born one as well." I picked my words carefully because the whole thing still confused me and I wanted to do my best to explain it. "The rest are all technically only half dog demon and half Ryu-Inu, thus they have the classic half dog demon trait."

"The ears." Kagome concluded.

"Yea. That's how it works pretty much, though don't ask me to go into any more details than that because I can't." I said with a chuckle.

"You ready to go?" Inuyasha's voice entered the garden as he rounded the corner, Sesshomaru not too far behind him. The two of them had disappeared the moment Inuyasha and Kagome got here but seeing as they were both unscarred, I didn't see a reason to worry about it.

The thought of asking again for them to stay hovered in my mind but I already knew what Sesshomaru would think of it, and Kagome was right. Even though he wasn't saying anything, it was clear that Inuyasha was on high alert by the flick of his ears at each rustling of a leaf. Instead I gave Kagome and Inuyasha a hug and placed a kiss on Akira and Takeshi's head.

"I don't want to leave." Takeshi pouted. "I don't have to pretend to be weak to play with family." He said, crossing his arms over his chest in a way that was exactly like his father. I raised an eyebrow at what he said and looked towards his parents.

"The village children are all human." Kagome started. "If he uses his demon abilities, it would be unfair and scare them." I nodded as I understood.

"Well you're welcome back any time." I said. "One day we'll come by to see the village."

"Ok, bye Aunt Kazuko, bye Uncle Sesshomaru!" Takeshi called as he ran ahead of his parents. Sesshomaru stiffened slightly at the term and I rolled by eyes.

"Get over it, you are his uncle." I said with a smile. He grunted something but I didn't catch what he said. "How long do we have until the guests begin to arrive?" I asked as I pushed Katsuo to go play with his siblings.

"I have received word that the southern lord has just passed the river and that the northern and eastern lords are within sight of the Ryu-Inu village.

"So a few hours then." I concluded. "It'll take that long to get all five of them ready." I sighed. "How do you want to do this?" The pups may have liked playing in the water, but when it was time for a bath, it was a completely different situation.

"The servants have already prepared the bathhouse. The dining hall has been cleared to accommodate the guests but food has been brought to my study for them. My mother has arranged what they are to wear." He answered.

"They'll have to eat first, or else be forced to take another bath. That will be easy enough. Is your mother to be bothered?" I said with a smirk. "We can take them to the study to eat. Then take them out one by one to the bathhouse then to be dressed. Taiki can be last, he doesn't react so badly." My eyebrows furrowed together as I tried to think of the best way to do this.

"Katsuo cannot be first, he will make too much of a fuss and alert the others." Sesshomaru's voice held a hint of annoyance.

"Then he can be second to last."

"Yuuta can be first, he likes telling the others what to do. It will help when getting them dressed."

"Then send Misaki after him, she'll go simply because she doesn't like being left out of things."

"That leaves Kenta in the middle."

"Sounds like a plan."

"I spend more time planning to give five pups a bath than I do for war." Sesshomaru's embrace came from behind and I relaxed into it.

"They're a different kind of war." I responded. "Time to eat." I called bringing a close to the pup's game.

"Dad! Yuuta burned my sleeve!" Misaki called, going straight past me and to Sesshomaru.

"I didn't mean to! I sneezed and it just happened." Yuuta defended himself. "I said sorry."

"You can change once you eat." Sesshomaru responded his voice gentle as he looked over Misaki's damaged clothing.

"I smell the bathhouse." Katsuo said casting a weary glance towards the bathhouses.

"Ok, everyone inside." I said ushering them into the castle. I didn't need for them to scatter before we got them in to eat. "I think we've having boar." That got the pups attention and they hurried up the stairs to Sesshomaru's study.

"It's deer." Sesshomaru corrected when they were out of sight.

"We'll worry about that after we lock the door."

~Sesshomaru's Mother~

"Princess, please be still." One of the maids pleaded with Misaki, trying to get the pup ready for the presentation. My son's youngest child was determined that she was finished.

"I don't want any of that on me, it smells bad." She retorted avoiding the make-up brushes.

"But it is necessary for a young girl of your rank." Another assisting servant said.

"Why don't the boys have to do this?"

"Because they are boys, and they are getting ready in their own way." I finally stepped in. "If you do not hurry, your father will be very disappointed." The downward cast of her ears showed that I had hit the right nerve. The maids moved in quickly to prepare Misaki while she remained still.

I thought this might be useful.

Name meanings:

Yuuta – Gentle, Superior/Brave/Big

Kenta – Healthy, Strong

Taiki – Great/Radiant, Shine

Katsuo – Victory/Hero/Manly

Kimiko – Empress/Noble Child

Misaki – Beautiful Blossom