Authors note: I know I had promised you guys one more chapter but as I was writing the last chapter I got more and more frustrated and kept trashing the chapter because in all honesty there really wasn't much I could expand on in this story. And unexpected events known as life happened and I lost my muse for quite sometime. I'm trying to get back into it. Slowly but surely I will. As I stated before this is the last chapter but if you guys want me to expand or there area any unanswered question still lingering in your noggin just PM for a Q&A or if i get enough requests I'll try and write an epic last chapter. But I do think this chapter has enough Buns/Darien fluff to constitute as an ending. so TTFN! I will be with you all again once another strange idea pops into my head. *Digital Hugs and Kisses*

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon.

The light that radiated from the princess faded as she looked down at Endymion lying motionless beside her feet. She knelt down beside him, whipping away blood from his mouth with her thumb. He was so cold and pale. Just the sight of him like that reminded her of the first time he sacrificed himself for her sake. It was all because she had been too weak. She had been such a burden.

"Darien, I won't let you die again." Serenity placed a hand upon his cheek and pressed her lips to his letting the power of the crystal flow through her. She could scene his Golden Crystal reawaken within him, healing the wound across his abdomen and arm.

"My lady, don't!" Anaru shouted taking a step forward.

"Venus Love-Me Chain!"

A yellow glowing heart shaped chain wrapped around Anaru's upper body holding him back from reaching the princess. He cursed the leader of the Sailor Soldiers struggling to break free of the cursed thing. It was much stronger than he expected.

Serenity pulled back and watched her husband's face praying that he opens his eyes. Every waking second felt like an eternity as he laid there unconscious. Just as she was about to cry out his name Endymion's eyes fluttered open and midnight met cerulean. A tear fell from his wife's eye and landed on his lips.

"Serenity." He breathed weakly tasting the saltiness of her tear as it slipped onto tongue. It took all his strength to lift his arm to touch her cheek.

A soft smile spread across her lips as she took his hand from her cheek and kissed his palm. "Rest now my prince. You must save your strength."

At her words Endymion closed his eyes and let his reawakened crystal heal his body.

"Venus, you may release him." The princess stated coolly as she rose to her feet, her long silver hair cascaded down to the floor encircling her bare feet.

The Solider of Beauty did as she was told and retracted her powerful chain letting Anaru free. He stood there staring at his princess resenting what she had just done. The prince had died by his hand, he finally got his revenge for his kingdom and Artemis but she had saved him. He could fill the anger in his heart beat into his veins.

Serenity noticed his tainted light. He was no longer pure like she or her soldiers. Chaos had possessed him. He worked under the will of Darkness. "Anaru, you are not the man you once were."

"I am every bit of the man that I was when I returned to this planet. I was fueled by rage and anger. My determination to kill Endymion was the only thing I had left!" Anaru shouted feeling as if is mind and words weren't his.

"Chaos has tainted you and you feed it with your hatred. You do not hold the same values that the Silver Millennium Court once had. Artemis would be ashamed." Serenity tempted him. His heart was not fully taken over yet and she knew those words would enrage him.

At those words Anaru's mind fell into oblivion as the Darkness took over. He lost control of his body, letting the Darkness use it as a puppet. He ran towards her teleporting the last few steps and as he appeared in front of her he was thrown back by her power with a simple wave of her hand causing him to skid along the ground, his back digging into the earth.

Serenity placed her hands over her chest searching for the warmth of the crystal and ever so slowly brought her hands down pulling out the crystal from within her body.

"The Silver Crystal!" Sailor Mars gasped.

"She pulled it out." Sailor Venus just as dumfounded as her fellow soldiers.

"I command whatever Darkness that harbors inside of Anaru to disperse. You will not live in this host. I will not let you take an innocent life and feed off its pain. You will not take those dear to me again!" Serenity shouted standing her ground.

Anaru stood from where he laid on the ground moments earlier, his body hunch at an odd angle. A devilish grin played on his lips and his eyes turned a deep color of grey. A wicked hoarse voice escaped from his throat. "I am the last of Chaos. I will use this host as I please princess. I may have failed the first time trying to retrieve that crystal of yours but I will have it!"

Anaru teleported once more this time he appear above the princess, his sword drawn aimed down at Serenity. Just before the tip of the sword touched Serenity's head she raised her hand and he was engulfed by the light of the crystal. Its power tore Chaos away from his heart ripping its hold on his body.

"What's that horrid sound?" Sailor Uranus held her hands over her ears as she tried to block out a bone chilling scream coming from the ball of light that held Anaru.

"It's Anaru and Chaos." Sailor Saturn tried to explain over the screams. "Serenity is trying to rid The Darkness in Anaru but Chaos is trying to hold on. She must tear it away from his heart."

The screams began to weaken as a strange dark haze flowed out from the ball of light and hovered in the air. The light faded and Anaru fell to the floor unconscious.

"No!" A dark voice shouted from the haze. "I am Chaos! Ruler of the galaxy! I will not let you win again!"

Chaos raced toward Serenity determined to kill the one who always got in the way.

"Princess! Watch out!" The Solider of Wisdom cried.

But just as easily as she had pulled out the crystal from her body Serenity destroyed Chaos with a wave of her hand. The dark haze disintegrated with a cry.

"She…She did it so easily." Sailor Neptune stated looking wide-eyed at the princess.

"Is it possible that she's more powerful than Neo-Queen Serenity?" The Soldier of Time pondered rubbing her chin in thought.

There was complete silence as Serenity stood holding the crystal between her hands concentrating on its power.

"Please, bring my friends back." She softly asked the crystal. She raised it above her head and summoned its power. "Luna. Artemis. Diana. I will bring you back."

A strong wind blew around courtyard almost knocking the soldiers off their feet. They held on to each other or to a stable object in arms reach.

"Look!" Sailor Jupiter pointed at the light and wind twisting like a tornado feet away from the princess. It became so strong ripping the earth and throwing dirt everywhere. Bright light shined from within the tornado blinding any who looked at it but there was something about the energy from this light that brought a familiar presence to the Soldiers and even more so to Sailor Venus. She could feel a connection she shared to whatever was in that light restore to its former glory.

"Artemis?" Sailor Venus hoped, tears filling her eyes.

Sailor Chibi Moon awoke to the dirt hitting her face and warmth radiating from someone standing in front of her. The memory of collapsing when Darien was wounded flooded back to her.

"Darien!" She shouted sitting up and looking over to the man lying a few feet away from her. At first the sight of him lying there unconscious scared her but then she saw his chest rise and fall indicating that he was alive. That was when she realized the woman standing before her. She covered her eyes from the glow of the woman and the bright light shining from the strange tornado before the princess. "What is this?"

As the wind settled only the blinding light remained, shining wildly above all the parties below it. The light separated into three sections and began to take a familiar form of three distinct bodies.

"It can't be." Sailor Chibi Moon softly stated as she watched the light form into the body of her dear friend Diana. "Bunny, you're so powerful. You can bring people back from the dead?"

A blurry haze blocked Anaru's vision as he opened his eyes and tried to make out the figures in front of him. All he could make out was a tall white form with long hair as his walking towards him.


The voice struck a chord in his heart and he blinked away the blurriness from his eyes. He looked up to see his brother kneeling before him, his bluish-grey eyes staring down at him. "Brother!"

Anaru embraced Artemis and let the tears fall from his eyes. For many millenniums he wished he could hold his brother again. He wasn't able to wish him farewell when the queen has sent him on his quest throughout the galaxy. He couldn't remember the last time he felt Artemis alive in his arms. It was then he realized the clarity in his mind and the purity in his heart, it felt as if weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He pulled back from his brother. "I've been…"

"Healed, brother. Princess Serenity healed you." Artemis explained helping Anaru to his feet. "And she brought us back."

Artemis pointed to Luna and his daughter Diana surrounded by the other soldiers hugging them and a few crying. He couldn't believe it was possible to bring those back from the dead especially if they didn't have a Star Seed.


Artemis was tackled to the floor by the Soldier of Beauty who seemed to appear out of nowhere. Her body shook as she cried into his chest.

"You jerk!" She yelled looking at him. "How could you leave me like that?! Do you understand how lonely I've been? I couldn't take you with me to the States."

"I'm sorry for worrying you Mina." He hugged his partner tightly, comforting her as she cried.

Luna had escaped the embraces of the soldiers and made her way to the princess who was kneeling by Endymion's side brushing stray strands of hair from his face. She now held a staff on which the silver crystal sat upon shining with her emotions. Luna knelt by Serenity's side and touched her arm tenderly. She looked up from her husband and gave a loving smile to her dear friend.

"I didn't know his wounds were so serious." She stated looking back at her husband who remained unconscious. "I have to stay by his side to make sure they heal correctly."

"Serenity, you've been through so much. You must be exhausted." The concern in Luna's voice made Serenity realize the lack of energy she know processed after using the crystals power to heal Anaru and revive Luna.

"I am, but there is still one more thing I need to do." She bent down and whispered something to Endymion inaudible to Luna's ears and rose to her feet. "Luna, if you wish I will allow you and Artemis to stay her and rule the Moon kingdom."

Luna looked back at the palace she once called her home. For as long as she could remember since she was reborn she had wanted to return to the old days of great dances, peace amongst the stars, and happiness within all who thrived in the Silver Millennium. Laughter came from the group of soldiers now huddled around Artemis, Diana, and Anaru. She had happiness and peace. "I think it's best that we return where we belong. With our friends."

Serenity smiled and raised her staff commanding the crystal to take them to Earth. They were soon engulfed by the light of the crystal and were transported back to the blue planet that was now their home.

A soft chirping filled Darien's room and the warm sun beat down on his face through the window. He felt the soft comfort of a pillow beneath his head and cool silk sheets slide against his bare skin. There was a strange wet object on his forehead and he brought his hand up to feel a wet cloth. He opened his eyes and saw his wife asleep in the chair beside his bed, her hair was loose falling freely around her shoulders. She had fallen asleep taking care of him. He was back home in his apartment. He couldn't remember what happened after Anaru had stabbed him. He tried to sit up but his body was too weak.

"You're awake."

He looked over to see Bunny awake smiling at him. He hadn't seen her smile since before their battle with Chaos and Anaru and he missed the joy and happiness that that smile brought to him.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days." Bunny got up from her seat and climbed on to the bed, lying down besides Darien. She laid her head against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. For three days she sat and watched him sleep hoping he would open his eyes. She calmed his fever and used the Silver Crystal to strengthen his Golden Crystal to help quicken the healing. She brushed her finger along the pink scar across his arm. If it weren't for his healing powers she could only imagine all the scars that would have cloaked his body from all the countless times he saved her. She tried to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. "I'm sorry Darien. You're always getting hurt because of be."

He felt the small droplets of her tears against his skin as she buried her face in his chest. He threaded his fingers through her hair and wrapped his arm around her waist pressing her closer to him.

"Buns," He lifted her chin to bring her gazed to him and whipped away her tears with his thumb. "Before you I had nothing. You filled the emptiness in my life and with you I'm never lonely. You are my life and I will do anything to keep you safe. I live to protect you."

She closed her tear filled eyes as she let his words seep into her heart. She closed the distance between their lips relishing the feel of his soft lips part for hers. She wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him in wanting to be as close to him as possible.

Feeling his strength return to his body he rolled over so that she was beneath him. Although he dreaded to he pulled away and kissed her forehead where her crescent moon would have been. "I love you Buns."

A smile spread across her lips as she looked at her beloved. He was her life now. Their future was near and she know felt that she was prepared to sit on the throne with her king by her side. She would miss the days of when they were still young, the bickering, the insults, the time when she leaned that he was Tuxedo Mask but she looked forward to their life together as king and queen. The future wasn't too far from them now and as she laid there beneath her love she wondered how she would tell him the news she discovered while he slept. She could see the question growing in his eyes and she knew this was as good a time as ever.

"Darien," She propped herself up on her elbows and whispered into his ear. "I'm pregnant."