Hey there! Well this is my first story so bare with me as I get the hang of things. My plan was to get a new chapter in every week but just after writing the first one I can see how that might be a problem. I thought of this story after looking through my old Sailor Moon comics that I had fold in my closet. First chapter is a little slow but I think that just builds up the anticipation. Well here you go. Enjoy!

I DO NOT own Sailormoon.

It had been several months after Darien and Bunny's wedding and she had finished unpacking her belongings she had transported from her house to Darien's apartment. It took a bit longer than expected but now she wouldn't have to worry about using Darien's belongings and having him yell at her for misplacing them. They had waited to marry until he finished medical school at Harvard. The night he returned from studying abroad she realized how much she had missed him and decided she would give herself to him, body and soul. She remembered awaking in his bed the next morning to the words she so longed to hear linger on his lips; "Marry me Bun."

She smiled at the thought as she got up and walked into the living room. The sunset cast and orange haze throughout the vacant room and Bunny couldn't help but reminisce on the day when the girls met in the park for an "emergency" meeting.

"You got into Harvard? That's wonderful Ami!" Lita gave Ami a congratulation hug.

"Yeah Ami. You worked so hard to get in. All that studying finally paid off." Mina jokingly gave her a thumb up.

"I heard it's pretty tough over there. They have kids who scored beyond advanced on their SATs." Rei said matter-of-factly.

Ami held her hand up defensively as if to fend of Rei's comment. "No, it's okay. I'll be studying in the same field as Darien, so I know what I'm up against."

"That means you have to leave, doesn't it?"

The girls looked back at Bunny who was trying to fight back tears. Bunny had known Ami the longest of her four dearest friends. Ami was the first soldier she had found as Sailor Moon. They had been through so much together over the years. Ami knew Bunny inside and out, as did Bunny to Ami. And now Ami was going to leave.

"Bunny" Ami mirrored Bunny's heartbreaking expression. Ami ran over to her dear friend and embraced her as they both cried in the sunset.

Bunny snapped back to reality after realizing how silly she must have looked standing in an empty living room for the past five minutes. She looked at the clock; six-thirty. Darien wouldn't be home for another two and half hours. Bunny took out her scarf and jacket from the closet and bundled up for the November wind. She put on the pink rain boots Mina had given to her as a wedding present. It was only a few weeks after Ami had announced she was leaving to study when Mina had called saying she was leaving to pursue her interest in the Arts at a college in California. The days seemed lonely without her friend. Before she left she wrote Darien a note and headed for the next train to Lita's house.

"Bun? I'm home." Darien called for his wife but was greeted by silence. He took off his scarf and sweater and placed them in the closet. He closed the closet door and noticed a noted Bunny had taped on the mirror in the doorway. He took the note and and read it.

Went to Lita's for a bit. I left dinner on the stove.

I think I put too much hot sauce in the rice so don't eat it.

Be back around ten.

Darien couldn't help but giggle at his wife's note. she was still the same klutzy girl he met those some years ago. He couldn't believe how far they've come since then. After the battle with Galaxia he had watched Bunny mature even more so than she already had. He watched how she had taken the news that Luna had not been revived by the Guardian of Chronos do to the fact that she did not have a Star Seed. He was there to comfort her during the few nights she cried over her lost companion. Over time began to say when she could use the full power of the Silver Crystal she would revive Luna herself. But when the Guardian of Chronos revived them, Bunny's body had absorbed the Silver Crystal. So, until the next threat of evil appeared she would not have the chance to do so.

After Darien had eaten and showered he called Lita.


"Lita? It's Darien."

"Oh, hey Darien. Don't worry, Bunny left about ten minutes ago. She took the express train."

He peeked at the clock in the kitchen; ten-thirty. It should take her twenty minutes to get home.

"Okay, thanks Lita. Have a good night."

"You too."

Darien stretched as he walked over to the couch. He planted himself in the center of the big sofa and turned on the television. His feet ached from standing up all day at the hospital. this was only his internship and already the hours were killing him. He barely had any time to be home with Bunny and when he did have days off he was either working on a project or paper for school. He lay down on the couch and tried to listen to the anchorwomen on the news talk about the weather but his eyes fell shut and he drifted off into sleep.

Bunny raced down the hallway of the apartment building to her door. She hadn't realized how late it had gotten. Lita seemed to be the only one around these days with Ami and Mina gone to pursue their own interests at college and Rei gone to train in the Osaka mountain temple. Lita, also, was going to culinary college in Tokyo which was lucky for Bunny since she got to test taste all of Lita's projects.

Before Bunny put the key in the lock she saw a silver light flash by out of the corner of her eye. Bunny looked in the direction of the light but saw nothing in the darkness. she shrugged her shoulders and opened the door.

"Dari..." She was about to call out his name when she saw Darien asleep on the sofa. She closed the door as quietly as possible and threw her sweater and scarf in the closet. She walked over to the couch and placed a soft kiss upon Darien's temple. He stirred awake, rubbing his eye.


"I'm sorry i got home so late." She threaded her fingers through his dark hair as he knelt down beside him."I didn't mean to worry you."

"I'm just glad you're home." He sat up and began to kiss her softly as he placed his hands gently over her ears.

She remembered the night of their wedding when Darien gently caressed her body as she kissed him and how the sheets entangled their legs with every movement, the feel of his warm breath on her neck as he whispered her name. When Darien began to pull away Bunny pulled him in closer and kissed him with all the passion in her body. After she pulled away she looked up at him and said, "Don't ever let go, Darien."

One month later

Bunny inspected the roots of her hair in the mirror which had turned white, almost silver, through this past month. She didn't quite remember if her future self had white hair for she had only seen Neo-Queen Serenity for a moment. Perhaps it was all part of the Silver Crystal being absorbed into her body, causing a change within her. She once tried to transform thinking that the Silver Crystal would exit her body and return to it original form, but the words that she had used a thousand times over echoed in the air as she stood waiting for nothing but the wind. She didn't understand how things could change so dramatically due to a ripple of events that would determined her future. She still wasn't as powerful as she had hoped to be. Her future self seemed to be able to control the Crystal with out a sweat on her brow, and yet Bunny had fainted the last time she had used the power of Crystal.

"Bun? We're going to be late. Everyone's already at Rei's." Darien said from beyond the bathroom door, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Almost done!" Bunny wrapped her hair up in her usual dumpling ponytails and put on her earmuffs. It was finally winter vacation for the colleges and all the girls had come back to Juban for a Christmas party. Even Micharu and Haruka and taken time to come and visit. But there was a certain pink haired little devil that would be missing from their reunion that deeply saddened Bunny. Rini had returned to the 30th century after Darien and Bunny wedding, stating she had fulfilled her training and wished to remain with her parents until she was needed again. She admitted that at times she and Rini had their confrontations but she had grown to love her and her many annoying flaws. She couldn't wait for the chance to birth her future daughter. "Okay." Bunny opened the door and looked at her husband leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

He outstretched his arm to her, "Ready?"

She looked at Darien, really looked at him. His pricing dark blue eyes that always drew her in, dark hair that cascaded down his forehead, the way his lips always curled at one end when he looked at her, his chiseled chin and cheek bones, the golden color of his skin, how his sweater draped over his broad shoulders. She couldn't believe how beautiful he was, her one and always. She placed her small hand in his rather large one and smiled."Always."

Darien looked over at Bunny as they walked up the steps to Rei's house. She had been quiet most of the ride over and, at one point, became very pale. She usually asked him about work or yapped his ear off about all of the things she had seen shopping, it wasn't like her to remain so concealed.

"Bun, is something wrong?"

Darien felt her hand tighten in his.

"Did...did you see that light on the train?"She kept her gaze down on the stairs.

"What light?"

"There was a light. It had the same shine as the Silver Crystal. I saw it flash by out of the corner of my eye and when I looked up at the seats across from us I saw..." She stopped in her tracks and looked up at him, tears filling her eyes. "I saw Luna."

Darien felt his body go cold. He couldn't imagine how he had missed that. He looked down at Bunny whose eyes were pleading for him to understand.


"Ahh, Bunny!" Mina called from atop the stairs, her hand waving rapidly back and forth. She ran down the steps, skipping two at a time and wrapped her arms around Bunny's neck."I missed you guys so much!" She reached out her arm and pulled Darien in between Bunny and herself, squeezing them with all her might. She backed away and Darien could finally see how much Mina had changed over the two and a half months she was gone. Her skinned was bronzed from the California sun, her cheek bones were more defined showing, perhaps, a loss in weight and she had traded her usual trademark red hair ribbon for a blue beanie. "I had gotten so use to the California heat I had forgotten how cold it is over here."

Bunny whipped her eyes with a gloved hand and smiled at her friend. "I'm so glad you made it back safe Mina. Lita and I were starting to run out of things to talk about with you gone."'

"Well, do I have lots to tell you; all the hot young aspiring actors I met, the internship I took, my run-in with the law. Oh, it'll be like ol' times!" Mina clasped her hands together looking starry-eyed at Bunny.

"You had a run in with the law?" Darien asked.

"It's too long of a story to explain in the cold. Come on." Mina grabbed both of their arms and dragged them up the steps to the warmth of Rei's house.

When Bunny walked into Rei's house she could smell the warm cocoa and sweetness of the backed goods Lita had prepared and it made her mouth water. She remembered the times when they would have an occasional victory meeting after defeating an enemy, Lita would make all her best recipes and the girls would pig out, forgetting any diet that they had begun.

"The party has arrived." Mina announced throwing her arms in the air.

The girls looked up from the table and almost immediately Amy shot up from her seat on the floor and ran over to Bunny, almost knocking over her cocoa. She could feel Amy's arms tremble around her neck and hear her voice weaver as they hugged. "Bunny." Amy muffled into her shoulder. Bunny hugged her friend as tight as she could in return. When Amy stepped back she could see that Amy's hair had grow long enough to tuck it behind her ears and she had on frame less glasses. "God, I shouldn't be crying. It's the holidays." Both of the girls giggled and Amy went over to gave Darien a hug.

"Hey Dumpling-Head." Bunny looked over to see Haruka standing beside Michiru with her hands in her pant pockets. She looked as if she had grown taller since the last time Bunny had seen her and Micharu's hair had grown down to the center of her waist "Long time, no see."

Bunny gave them a loving smile and look off her earmuffs."Where's Hotaru?"

"She wanted to visit Pluto before she came down here." Micharu answered looking a little defeated. "She seems to be the only one with enough power to time travel at the moment. It's as if all of our powers have weakened after we were revived." Michiru took out her mirror from her purse and looked at the dull reflection of herself, hoping for it to show some sign of its lost power.

"Yeah, my psychosis isn't as strong as it has been after our battle with Galaxia." Rei said sipping her cocoa. Unlike the others Rei was the olny one whose appearance had remained the same. But there was something in her eyes that had shown a change. "my visions have become unclear, blurred almost."

"Oh come you guys. This isn't time to be worrying, we only have a few weeks before we go back to school so we should enjoy the time we have together." Mina grabbed a paper wrapped present from the corner of the room and handed it to Lita. "Here I brought presents for everyone.

"Your right Mina, This is a time to enjoy each other's company." Lita set down the present Mina had handed her and reached in side of her bag, pulling out her transformation wand. "We've spent the last six years of our lives worrying and fighting and coming close to death, we've forgotten what it's like to just enjoy ourselves. When we finally have a time of peace we tend to dwell on our past and how it's so unnatrual for there to be peace that we miss out on so much. Even if our powers have weaken or we can't transform I think that until there is, in fact, a threat we should enjoy the time we have together." Lita looked up at everyone and smiled. "How about it? Let's open some presents."

By the time the bonfire was set up in front of Rei's the sun had gone down and everyone was huddled around the fire. Bunny was happily chomping away on roasted marshmallows and listening to her friends laugh when a woman's silhouette at the top of the steps caught her eye. Bunny could make out a long slender body wearing a puffy dress with hair cascading down to her knees and some strange symbol glistening in the moonlight on her forehead. What was it? It looked round and golden, almost like a crescent-Bunny gasped. "Luna?"

Bunny dropped the stick that she had used to roast the marshmallows in the fire and ran over to the shadow. She could hear Darien and the girls call her name and run after her. But before Bunny could reach the shadow she hoped to be Luna a strong wind stopped in her tracks and she watched as the same light she had seen in her apartment building and on the train radiate from the crescent moon on the shadow's forehead and elope it in its shine. The wind became stronger, knocking Bunny down to knees.

"Bun!" Darien grabbed Bunny from behind and pulled her too him, shielding her from the light with his body.

"Princess Serenity." A male voice called from the direction of the light once the wind had settle and Bunny watched as the girls ran in front of her and Darien, blocking her vision of the man who called her name.

"Sailor Soldiers, I do not wish to fight you." The light began to fit the form of a male body, wrapping itself around the body like ribbons."But if you get in my way I must." With those final words the light settle and in front of them stood a man who shined with the same brightness as the moon light. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail, silver locks on either side of his face flowing just below his shoulders, draped in the same white cloth as Princess Serenity's dress over his shoulders fitting into a snug long sleeve baring his chest, a golden sash was tied around his waist, his pants were tucked into black boots with steel tips and he bore a crescent symbol upon his forehead.

"Who are you? And what do you want with Bunny?"Lita demanded positioning herself for a battle alongside the rest of the girls.

"Jupiter. Always ready for a fight." The curled his thin lips in to a smile. "Guardians of the princess, you have not changed in appearance or character. Yet seeing as how you cannot remember me I can only assume you have lost your memories of the Moon Kingdom." The man looked over at Haruka and Michiru and his smile widened. "Well, even the Outer Soldiers were reborn."

"Answer us!" Haruka growled.

"Now, Now Uranus. No need to lose your temper." The man looked over at Buuny, got down on one knee and bowed his head. "My name is Anaru and I have come to take the princess back to her rightful throne on the moon."

Ohh, cliffhanger. What'd I tell? A bit slow. But don't worry there will be many more interesting chapters to come. Till next time!