Start date: 25/08/11 (dd/mm/yy, for those in the US)

Finish date: 02/10/11

Publish date: 02/10/11

Update date: 04/10/11

IMPORTANT: this chapter has been updated and redone slightly, as i said before i was NOT happy with this chapter so i've redone it to standard i find acceptable.

Ok this is the second part to the last chapter. please remember this is NOT a series. it is simply a collection of one-shots surrounding the same story line!

Another thing i would like to add is a giant hug to LuanRina who was given me the best review of short life! its was amazing! so, so long it it felt like a mini essay, all for me! also thank you to anyone else who cared enough to review, even if i don't reply or mention you know i ALWAYS read my reviews no matter how small!

"What? What did you say?" Zero managed, his heart was threatening to jump from his chest as he looked the prince in the eyes, those cold red glittering eyes.

"I said pleasure me. Surely even you can understand that," Kaname chuckled, his now almost naked body vibrating at the action, the slacks were still on they'd only been lowered to free his growing erection.

Zero looked at the organ in front of him, his first instinct was to pull away. The disgust inside him grew as he looked at the large rod, almost amazed that such a large object could of fit inside him.

Thats what was... Thats what was inside me... This THING'S been inside my... My...

Zero looked to the side in disgust, he felt physically sick looking at the thing that'd violated him such a short time ago, only to be told to let inside him again. He'd let that thing inside him once. He was never letting it near him again.

"No... No way!" Zero shouted weakly, full of barely suppressed anger and fear. His body physically shaking from emotion.

"What did you say?" Kaname hissed, his fangs extended so they protruded from his mouth scrapping at his bottom lip, letting a small amount of blood hit the air, heavying the atmosphere. He looked ready to kill the boy in front of him, as he grabbed the silver hair pulling the boys head to face him. Zero felt his instinct building inside him, the vampire side of him trying to give in.

" I-I said... No way!" Zero said the words fighting the majority of himself which dictated obedience, he would NOT give in, not again. The blood in the air was making his head lighter clouding his thought filling him with misguided courage. He ignored the warning bells inside his head and stared back at the pureblood in determination not.

Kaname pulled away slightly debating on how to punish the misbehaving mongrel, wanting the boy to suffer for his disobedience. He finally decided on a suitable punishment.

He pulled Zero up closer to his face, Zero's now inches from his as he began to undress the boy slowly holding the arms down so Zero couldn't fight him. Placing butterfly kisses along the pale shaking frame.

"Do you know what that truly means pet? This was the only time I'd allow you to prepare yourself for me," He drawled, he looked Zero in the eyes daring him to back down.

Zero stared back feeling the fear inside him mixed with the courage he'd so often used in combat.

He didn't look away not wanting to be the first to break eye contact. He already knew what he had to say, the challenge had been made and now he wasn't going to be the one to back down.

"Fuck. You." Zero spoke slowly and clearly. He was no going to submit to the vampire in any way, he'd fight the vampire inside him, the part that wanted to submit to fight the one in front of him now.

Part of him knew there was no escaping completely from the pureblood. But that part also refused to give in so easily. If he was to be taken then he'd be taken fighting.

Kaname looked at him in a mixture of anger and amusement as he lifted the boy easily.

"Very well," Was all he said as he slammed the boy onto his member all the way to the hilt in one swift movement. Felling the inner tunnels rip apart as he did so.


Zero screamed a hot desperate scream, his eyes screwed shut, as his small puckered hole was ripped open, dry and unprepared, blood was already beginning to leak from the hole, dripping down onto kaname's cool thighs. Kaname began to nip the hunter's pale exposed neck drawing small amounts of blood from the small wounds, sucking at the nectar as it rose to the surface.

"Are you happy Zero?" He asked as he lifted the boy slightly, only to push him painfully down again, not really expecting any answer besides the screaming he heard. He began to move the boy on top of him at a quicker, constant speed relishing each cry that came from the hunter's mouth each time he was forced down.

Soon Kaname became impatient at the slow pace. He pushed Zero backwards forcefully so the prefect lay on his back, Kaname hovering over him while sheathed inside, his eyes glowing wine red as he licked his lips at the prey before him. Zero was covering his mouth with his hands, trying to stop the moans escaping as he was moved, his small fangs scrapping the palms of his hands.

"Stop!" Zero's cry was muffled as he tried to move away, only managing to hurt himself more as his broken behind was forced to move still filled with Kaname's manhood.

Kaname smirked at the cry, lifting Zero's pale legs, towards his own face experimentally nipping and licking at them at them.

"Why? You did say this was fine, right?" Kaname asked in fake innocence, before he started to move again, making his movements slow and deliberate.

Zero was writhing beneath him in pain from the slow torture, his inner tunnels being stretched and broken. The pain was worse than the last time, his unprepared entranced was being even more stretched than before. The tears running quicker and larger. His fangs showing as his mouth lay agape.

A sudden pain shot up Zero's leg, causing him scream aloud as his left calf was ripped apart.

Kaname had bit into the soft flesh, but hadn't just stopped there, with a sickening ripping sound he pulled a chunk of the flesh loose letting the blood run free in torrents he sucked at the gaping wound, enjoying the crimson liquid as he increase speed, thrusting more savagely each time into the ripped hole, brushing the prostate every few thrusts to tease his toy.

The speeds he went were to fast for the delicate body beneath him to handle even with the blood lubricating the thrusts. Parts of his body were already beginning to show signs of abuse, the small waist was ripped to shreds from his talon like nails holding them to tight, the gashes were criss crossed across one another creating a blooded mess.

This all encouraged the pureblood more wanting to see more blood and suffering from the slave he'd caught.

Kaname was lost in lust as he pounded into the hunter, growling like a beast as he ripped the boy inside and out. Forbidden sounds came from Zero, his moans of pain and shrikes of agony loud and uncovered, all sounds however filled with a lustful edge.

"Please... Please...Plea-ahh...ahhh!" Zero began to repeat the mantra part way through the rape, begging for his master's mercy as he was torn apart. Only for his pleas to be ignored. His repetition was only broken when he screamed in pain.

All to soon for Kaname he felt himself nearing completion, the hot tightening in his lower regions warned him as he slammed one last time into the tight hole. Before he reached completion Kaname bit into Zero's leg one last time, as he climaxed his fangs deepened getting dangerously close to the bone.

Sighing as he did so Kaname pulled his now limp member from out of the warmth, and removed his fangs. He looked at the shaking body on his bed.

The pale skin was marred in bruises and gashes from his claws, his legs were bent back where he'd left them blood still running freely from the left, the right was almost purple from the force he'd held it when pounding into hunter. His face was pale pink instead of its normal pale white. Down his cheeks were tear stained rivers running freely to the sheets below. His hands were covering his most privet area from view and his even more embarrassing boner.

Kaname smirked at his futile attempts to hide it.

"Is something wrong Zero?" he asked loving the way the lower vampire looked at him in shame. Kaname decided to take mercy on the silverette.

"It's perfectly normal you know," he said moving the hands away with ease to look at the throbbing erection, blowing on it gently, causing a small moan from a sinful mouth. Zero tried to pull free from his grasp failing miserably.

"How is it! I'm, I'm... And from you!" he cried, the shame over whelming him. He'd again become hard by this man's touch, the touches he was given when raped. how could it be normal? This was the second time he'd become hard from such abuse, and now here he was mewling at the slightest piece of attention!

Kaname laughed at his statement pulling Zero closer to him and onto his lap so he could play with his prey's neck, leaving a trail of small Hickeys along the collarbone as the boy squirmed uncomfortably upon him.

"Your a vampire Zero, and a ex-human at that." he whispered into the boys neck before moving higher to kiss his soft cheek before continuing.

"All vampires would react like this with a pureblood, whether they wanted to or not, they don't have a choice. And they'd defiantly react after they'd been claimed like you have been." Kaname whispered into Zero's ear before giving it a quick bite.

Zero tensed at the last statement and sudden movement.

"What do you mean 'claimed'?" he asked. He was hoping it wasn't what he'd red about when younger in the hunters books. The kind that meant he was now to be considered the purebloods property.

Kaname leaned in closer to nuzzle Zero's marked collarbone licking at the wounds.

"That night when I bit you Zero. I claimed you as my slave when I bit your soft neck over riding Shizuka's claim, thats what I meant by becoming mine that night. That was our deal. I now control you. Your body... Mind... And soul." He stated his smile dangerously close to animalistic.

"Your mine forever now Zero." He finished before placing a chaste on the hunters lips.

Zero felt his heart speed up, his hard-on was still going strong from being so close to the pureblood causing strong discomfort. The latest piece of information was still being processed by the hunter as he tried to make sense of it, denial playing a strong part in his trouble accepting it.

"I'm not... no way am I 'claimed' by you!" He stuttered, the sense of dread already multiplying within.

His master pulled away to laugh at his statement, the genuine smile plastered to his face.

"Its to late Zero, I've already done it. You have no choice in the matter, my word is final, whatever I say you WILL follow."

"I won't!" Zero shouted his almost forgotten pride becoming remembered. He was not some purebloods toy!

"Really? Do you remember last time?" Kaname stated.

Zero felt his cheeks turn red at this.

Was that what made me obey him? Does that mean I'm really his? I never signed up for all of this! I-I never knew this was what he meant! I take it all back, I can't...I can't do this!

Zero was brought from his internal denial by kaname's calm confident voice.

"Besides Zero you need me, don't you?" upon saying this Kaname placed his nail on the base of his neck and cut a thin line downwards. The blood rose to the surface slowly so only a few drops were released before the cut resealed, however it was enough to capture Zero's attention.

"you need my blood to stay sane," he continued as he wiped the this droplets onto his finger, placing it onto his own lips, licking the red miracle away, before Zero's eyes.

Zero watched hungrily his eyes following the bloods progress to the mouth, he felt his eyes changing colour as his fangs ached painfully with want. At that point something clicked in Zero's mind.

So thats why he did this...

At that point it all made sense to Zero, every part if the purebloods plan. He wanted Zero away from Yuuki to stop him from drinking from her again. It had been to protect her after all, only it was Kaname doing the protecting, not Zero.

"That's why you did this... To stop me drinking from Yuuki." Zero whispered. Upon saying it aloud he felt part of him breaking, why did he feel so sad about it? Was it because he was the danger not Kaname? But no... What was it? Why did he feel so let down?

Kaname growled as confirmation before answering properly.

"Yes, thats exactly why... Well partly..." Before he elaborated he unexpectedly moved Zero away from him, purposely brushing his hand against the play-things erection earning a small moan from the hunter.

"...The other reason is quite simply that I wanted a new toy to play with, all my old ones are quite boring now." he finished as he began to pull his trousers up and redo them.

Toys... Ichijo and the other vampires! They were used like this to! So thats why he looked like that... He's been... Then why use me!

As if reading Zero's mind Kaname elaborated.

"They never fight like you do, they always give in so easily even before I get rough, it's no fun to play with them." He sighed.

Kaname stood as Zero thought on his newest revelation. The sudden movement caught Zero by surprise not being in his usual hunter form, Zero moved forward to keep balance and ended up rubbing his genitals against the sheets.

"Ngh!" he muffled a moan the small amount of friction had caused. The noise was small but enough to catch the brunets attention. He smirked at his pet's position on the bed his legs sprayed open to stop anything touching the sensitive flesh.

Kaname sat back on the bed and patted his lap like you would for a child, looking at Zero expectantly.

"Come here little pet," He cooed watching the slave glare at him weakly.

"Why should I?" Zero whispered his breathing uneven from the lust and fear mixing within him.

"Come here." Kaname repeated his voice filled with warning as he glared at the hunter.

Zero was a many things, stubborn, proud and violent being at the top of the list. However he like everyone else had limits and at that moment any threat from his master was enough make him obey. Without another word Zero crawled towards the brunette, who then lifted him so yet again he was sat upon the monsters lap, his back lying against the strong pale chest.

"Good boy." Kaname cooed, stroking the silver locks gently before he moved his hand down the pale broken chest, his fingers skimming across the skin, going lower and lower until he reached his destination.

"Now here's your reward." He whispered before cutting his wrist with his own claws, leaving a small thin slit along a main artery, and placing it onto the hunter's mouth letting the blood dribble into the hot cavern. He grabbed the erection tightly in the other hand began to move it along the hard shaft.

"My wha-ahh~" Zero began but was cut off from the sudden contact of the blood on his tongue, and hand on his hardness, the grip was too strong causing pain to shoot Through him, but the vampiric side of him was causing it to become filled with forbidden lust as the hand began to move slowly and the blood swan on his taste buds taking over his senses.

Soft moans mixed mixed with lust fell from his mouth as the pureblood continued to tease his toy. At first he'd kept a steady pace but before long he wanted to torture the boy more, he'd stop randomly through the play, squeezing the member to breaking point before continuing to move again, all the while his nails would scrape against the sensitive skin, a constant reminder to the hunter to behave as he fed from the wrist.

Soon Kaname felt Zero nearing his end. Zero lay on Kaname, his head resting on the purebloods neck as he lapped at the blood, not daring to place his fangs near the skin, instinct telling him avoid it as he sipped at the blood. both his hands were clutching the arm of the bloodied hand, his body resting against his captor as he was played with.

"Almost there?" Kaname asked relishing how the prefect failed to form any words under his ministrations.

"ngh...urg!" Zero moaned, his body growing hotter as he climaxed over his master's hand his body wracked with pleasure. He lapped at the wound gently as thanks by instinct before releasing the hand slowly.

All to soon he felt himself coming down from his high, only to look at the man above him.

The master looked at his dirtied hand, covered in Zero's seed. He held it in front of Zero to see his own shame before him.

"Clean it," He ordered, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Zero looked at the soiled hand. All sanity had left him as he felt himself willingly lick the first finger shyly. It wasn't forced this time, he was doing this of his own will. His body and mind simply couldn't seem to find to will to fight the pureblood any more.

His tongue lapped at the salty bitter liquid cleaning away the mess he'd left, his mouth took in each finger licking away his own sperm. Zero pulled the hand closer tracing the natural creases on the palm with the tip of his tongue lapping at the pale skin like an animal would. Kaname watched in amusement as his pet treated his hand in such away, only pull it away when clean.

The pureblood rose again and began to walk from bed, only turning around to Zero his orders.

"you may go now," he said as an obvious dismissal. With that he sat at a table in his room, looking through the papers stacked upon it without looking up.

Zero stared at him, his mind still hazy from the pain and pleasure, until he spoke. Zero felt is as if he'd just woken from a dream, dread filled him he quickly dressed, not knowing why he obeyed so quickly but letting himself obey all the while. He didn't dare look towards the brunette for fear of what he'd see, but not knowing what he was afraid of. Without a word he left the room almost running to the door.

He walked down the many halls finally reaching the main entrance. It was almost as empty as when he'd arrived all that time ago, except for the one person who he'd almost expected to be there.

"Are you OK?" Takuma spoke quietly but in the silent room his voice carried to Zero. Zero looked at the blonde remembering his latest find about the vampire. He looked away ashamed to meet his eyes after knowing such a thing.

"...Yes... I'm fine." He mumbled in embarrassment of the question his discomfort obvious, shifting from foot to the other. He still not looking upwards.

"Really, well thats good," Takuma smiled softly, his eyes filled with warmth as he spoke.

"Yer...I guess..." Zero muttered not exactly sure of what else to say. It felt awkward to him, his mind filled with unspoken questions.

Does he do this to you as well? How long? Why me? Why us? What can we do? CAN YOU HELP ME?

The questions swarmed inside him, each one more privet than the last. He didn't dare say one though. He knew that he'd never get answer. He barely knew the vampire, only ever pointing a gun at him or threatening his kind, why would he help a hunter like him?

Thankfully the blonde seemed to notice his discomfort of the situation and opened the front door, stepping aside for the hunter walk past. To most his actions would of seemed like dismissal but to Zero it was a blessing. He wanted to leave the dorm and quickly, Takuma's actions only made it easier. He nodded in thanks and quickly strided towards the doors.

"Be safe Zero."

Zero heard the small whisper from behind him. Part of him said to run away from any more contact with vampires, however another part of him, a newer part of him said to do differently. This was the part that'd been made by Kaname, the part that had been created from his torture and abuse, the part that knew what Takuma had also been through in the past, used and abused by the same tormentor as himself.

"You too." Zero mumbled his voice hoarse from embarrassment. As he reached the door and was closest to the noble.

Before Takuma could react Zero ran from the building.

Takuma watched as he ran, his eyes never leaving the retreating figure as he was lost to the night. Only closing the door when he'd been lost from sight. And sighing.

It was evening and that could only, mean one thing at the academy. It was time for the night class to leave the dorms. And as usual it was chaos outside.

The day class girls were as usual screaming and pushing at Yuuki, and as usual Yuuki was failing miserably at trying to control them, shouting threats they ignored and being thrown around like a doll. Zero was holding them away with his very presence, his warning aura keeping them at a respectable distance.

When the wide doors opened the fan-girls seemed to triple in force as they tried to near their beloved idols, pushing the female prefect to the ground face first onto the pathway.

The same person as always was there to pick her up and dust her off, he lifted her to her feet before brushing her hair into place like he'd done with a certain silver haired prefect 3 weeks ago.

"Hello Yuuki." Kaname said, a fake smile upon his face as he talked to the small girl.

Yuuki's face turned bright red at the attention she was being given.

"Kaname-Sempai...I was err...Well..." She stuttered, not sure what she was going to say to her beloved pureblood.

"Its alright Yuuki, just be careful." Kaname stopped her, saving her from making a fool of herself.

"Yes sempai." She stammered, thanking him inside for helping her. She bowed quickly to him in thanks not noticing who he had been really looking at the entire time.

Finally Kaname walked towards his real target.

"Hello Zero." He said, his voice losing the fake warmth it ha held for thr female prefect, instead he held a bored tone making it appear he held no interest to the conversation.

"Kuran." Zero answered, his voice filled with the familiar venom. But even then he never looked into the vampires eyes, only at his chest.

Kaname smirked secretly at the unfriendly tone his hunter held, remembering what that same voice had sounded like only a few days ago.

"I'll see you tonight then, Kiryuu." He said casually, just like he'd done when ever he'd wanted the level-D to come to his bed in the past 3 weeks. This was how he told his pet when he was wanted. This was how he commanded Zero.

"...Whatever..." The hunter muttered, his voice quiet and filled with the already growing dread. He hid it well but his master could tell just from a glance.

He smiled once more before continuing to class leaving Zero to watch him leave, knowing what his fate was for that night.

Zero felt ill as he watched, his mind numb from the fear. Knowing that whatever excuse he'd think of would be useless. He'd been caught.

I'll come tonight. Tonight and every night you tell me to. Because there nothing else I can do, I'm chained to you in a way I may never be able to break... My... My...

Zero shook his head remembering the one thing that truly kept him sane, it wasn't Yuuki, it wasn't Kaname's blood it was one thing.

One day I'll make you pay. One day I'll show you who owns who. Then you'll be sorry.







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