I don't own Twilight or the charachters.
Chapter 8 – Turning point
The following weeks were fun, especially with Peter around. I had been noticing changes in my physique and so had the others. Peter's presence was activating the werewolf genes in me. That, and Peter mate Charlotte were the reasons why he would leave soon. He had been without his mate for a long time now, and that just so he could help me. He said he would wait until I phased for the first time before he would leave. After that it would be too dangerous for everyone involved for him to stay. I would need to learn to control myself first, and then Peter and his mate could visit. They both promised to do so.
Right now the pack and Peter were sitting around me in a small clearing in a forest close to my apartment, trying to get me angry so I would finally phase. They were succeeding. Not.
I did never get angry easily and most things they said just hurt. Until Peter started talking about Edward and Jacob.
"So Bella, you seem to have trouble keeping friends or boyfriends, hell even family. Why do you think that is?" Peter casually asked me.
"How the hell would I know? Because they are all retarded?"
"Or there is something wrong with you?" he asked.
"No, and even if there was. I like myself the way I am." I countered.
"Did you know that I talked with Jasper yesterday?" he wanted to know.
I hadn't known that.
"No." was all I said. I could talk about them but it still hurt, which is why I tried avoiding talking about them.
"The conversation I had with him was a very interesting one. It seems that or dear Edward fell in love with a human. In a small town called Forks. Not only that but said little human was his singer! And the best is yet to come. On her eighteenth birthday she got a paper cut and Jasper lost control. After that he left her."
At this point I was shaking, more than I had ever before.
"He left her to protect her but to her he said it was because he didn't love her, so she could move on." Peter went on.
I was disappointed when I still didn't phase. Luke and Peter thought that I didn't phase because I tried to force it by being angrier than I would naturally be.
When Peters try to get me to phase didn't work out, we left for Lukes apartment to hang out. We decided to watch a movie that was interrupted by the phone ringing.
Luke picked up.
"Hello. Am I speaking to Lukas Miccels?" asked a voice that seemed familiar to me.
"That depends on who is asking." Luke answered.
"I apologize, my name is Sam Uley."
"Then yes you are talking to Lukas Miccels. Call me Luke, everyone does." Luke replied and looked worriedly over to me.
As soon as I heard who was calling I started shaking, worse than ever before.
"As I said I'm Sam. I am the Alpha of the LaPush werewolf pack and calling to ask for your help." Sam told Luke.
At that point I went over the edge my shakings got so bad that it must have looked like I was nothing more than a blur and next thing I know I can feel my body painfully reforming.
The guys said that the first time I would phase would be anything but pleasant, and they were right.
But finally it was over and I could see, smell and hear absolutely everything.
The next sounds that came out of my mouth were anything but human. They were angry growls and snarls. They surprised me so much that my anger evaporated, leaving only sadness and hurt in their way, but also elation that I had finally phased.
"Excuse me but a new wolf phased right now, I will call you back in half an hour." With that Luke hung up.
Seconds later I heard the rest of the pack in my mind. They were all ecstatic that I had finally phased.
Now the only thing for me to do was to learn to be in control of my wolf, in addition to learn about the magic I had in me, my witch side.
The first thing the pack taught me was to calm down so I could phase back. In true Bella fashion I blushed ten shades of red when I realized that I had forgotten that I would be naked once I had phased back.
Thankfully no one made a comment on that and respectfully averted their eyes. I guess I just had to get used to it. At one point or another they would see me naked anyway and even if it was only in my thoughts.
After they had calmed me down and taught me how to phase back, Luke called Sam back just like he promised.
Emily answered. "Hello, Uley residence."
"Hello, this is Luke; may I speak to Sam please?" Luke inquired.
"Of course, here he is."
"Luke? Thanks for calling me back. It seems like we have a little problem with vampires. One that we can't solve by ourselves.
A vampire that has taken interest in a young girl from around here made an army of newborn in an attempt to find her. Seeing as no one but her father really knows where she is we worry about our people as well as the girls' father who is…was a good friend of our chief. I am asking your for your help in this matter." Sam explained.
All eyes went to me. They knew I was the girl he was talking about and Luke knew that Charlie, our father, was in danger.
I looked at Luke with pleading eyes. Luke looked to the others who all just nodded. I knew that I didn't really need to plead with Luke. He would have said yes anyway.
It looks like I am going back to Forks earlier than I had anticipated. The only question was would I manage seeing all of them again so soon? And then I still had to tell dad about Luke.
"When do you need us to be there?" Luke asked
"In about ten days. That will leave a few days to get acquainted with the area, as well as time for training."
"We'll be there" said Luke and hung up.
Luke looks at me, came over and hugged me to him. First then did I realize that I was shaking like a leaf.
"It will be okay. We'll be with you and you'll see Charlie again." Luke soothed me.
"Well I guess I better call him and tell him. Is it okay to meet with him first so we can tell him everything?" I asked.
"Sure princess" was Luke's answer.
"Can we also tell him about the whole wolf/with and vampire business?" I inquired.
Luke thought for a moment.
"Yeah, I guess that'd be okay" he agreed.
The days we had until we had to leave for LaPush were used to teach me more about being a wolf and teaching me to use my magic, that we had discovered I had. Luke said I was a natural and after a few days even he did not know what to teach me anymore.
We decided we would run to LaPush in wolf form and Moon, who was pregnant, would drive the car with our belongings.
We would arrive earlier than necessary, but that would leave us time to tell Charlie. ¨
I would have time to build up my courage about seeing everyone again. I doubt that that would be a problem since I have become a lot more courageous and self-confident since I phased and learned to use my magic.
I loved the run from Emmaville to Forks. I loved running around as a wolf in general, but this was my first long run and I enjoyed every second of it.
After many hours we finally arrived in Forks. I had warned dad that I'd be coming home and that I would bring a couple of friends. I asked him as well not to tell anyone that I would be coming home. In addition had I promise him that I would stay. For good.
So here I am standing in front of my home, nervous and exiting to tell Charlie about my brother, my twin: Luke, who helped me more than anyone and who gave me hope and strength to go on with my life and not to give up.
Next up: Charlie meets Luke and learns about the Supernatural world. Both Charlie Pov, Bella Pov and maybe even Luke Pov.
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