Harry pretty much thought that his sixth year sucked... wicked bad. His godfather was dead, Dumbledore was dead, he hadn't found all of the horcruxes... the list just kept going. He thought it couldn't get worse, until he also found out that the person he was following all year in Slughorn's class was none other than his least favorite teacher- Severus Snape. Everything seemed to be getting worse for him, and better for Voldemort. He had no idea what he was doing, while the Dark Lord grew stronger and gained more Death Eaters.
The only constant seemed to be his friend, Luna. He liked to think that they had grown closer over the past year. She seemed to always be happy, which in return made him smile, even if only for a little while. The Gryffindor would finally admit it, he was falling in love with the girl. He noticed a lot about her (not that he stared or anything... that's absurd!) like the fact that her eyes lit up when she was excited and she laughed like nothing else mattered but that moment. He loved the way she would cheer for him even if he was failing, and she wanted to be his friend because she saw him as Harry, not Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived. He wasn't used to it, and it made him like herthat much more. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell her just yet. After all, you never tell a girl you like her, it just makes you look like an idiot.
So, did anyone pick up the two (small) AVPM/S references?They were small. Like, really. I'm so sorry for the delay, but I can explain. I GOT INTO POTTERMORE! You can add me if you want, it's SeekerHawthorn156. (: Thanks for reading, review to tell me what you thought. (:
~Valerie xD
p.s. Next chapter will be MUCH longer, I swear. I have a whole glorious two days off of school. Ah, the weekend. (: