Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis, or anything below this except for the writing.

I couldn't resist. Honestly. :)

Nina swung slowly, watching the clouds worriedly. The swing was installed a few weeks ago, but most of the Anubis residents thought it was childish, so it seemed to be just Nina's swing. She spun the swing slowly, thinking of what she had heard the night before.

"After all," Fabian had said, looking up at the ceiling, "That's why I love you."

Did he mean it?

She knew she sounded as annoying as all those other chickflick girls, because they never knew that the guy liked them when it was as noticeable as Mick wearing Amber's pink sparkly tutu.

But isn't a chickflick. It's real life, where you don't go to a summer resort and meet a hot dance instructor. Where you don't meet a smoking hot vampire and end up being the center of his world. Sighing, she looked up at the sky. The rain last night was enough to drive her absolutely paranoid, but she stayed outside, because being inside was unbearable. She wanted some peace and quiet, something you could never get in Anubis house no matter what.

She thought about Amber. Her relationship with Alfie seemed to be sunshine and perfection. How was it so easy for her? Nina knew she had some kind of magnetic pull that brought everyone to her, but surely they had to have some trouble, right? She tried to think of a time when they fought.

Yes, they fought!

Over who wanted the brown bread and the white bread…

Nina put her head in her hands, sighing. They really were the perfect couple. She felt water trickle down her neck, but, thinking that is was the left over rain from the night before, ignored it.

Why is life so complicated? She sighed, starting to swing again. She heard Gran's voice in her head.

"Life's only complicated if you make it that way, darling!" Gran chirruped, hugging her goodbye as she left for England.

Gran, your biggest worry is whether to make stroganoff or lasagna, even though you always make stroganoff because it was your mother's favorite recipe. Nina thought drily. Suddenly, it wasn't just one drop of water.

It had started to rain.

Nina rolled her eyes.

Of. Course.

She got up from the swing, ducking into the forest. She heard quiet patters of rain, and sighed in relief. She paused, seeing a small patch of flowers growing next to her. Picking a bright red one, she looked at it.

"He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me, he loves me not. He loves me!" she laughed, putting the stem in her pocket. Just for the sake of a memory. Suddenly, she heard the faint sounds of a guitar. Curiously, she followed it, the rain slowly getting harder.

As she walked deeper into the forest, the music got louder, and she recognized it as one of her favorite songs. Nobody knew her favorite song, did they?As the music got the loudest she'd heard it, she stopped at a cave, one that nobody would notice if they weren't looking for it. Hesitantly, she stepped inside.

Fabian leaned against the cave wall, absently plucking the chords for a song he heard Nina play a lot. Pausing, he heard footsteps.

"Fabian?" he heard Nina call. He froze. How did she know? Nina stepped out of the shadows, and their eyes met.

"Nina!" Fabian said, startled. Nina smiled, sitting next to him.

"So. Do you wanna explain how you found this place? It's pretty nice," she said lightly, moving in closer. Fabian smiled back at her.

"Getting lost here after hiking with the others works wonders when you want to find caves," he answered. They laughed softly.

Suddenly, a sharp clap of thunder roared through the cave. They stopped, looking at the lightning that had lit the cave up.

"Distract me, please," Nina murmured, leaning on Fabian's shoulder. Fabian tried to think of a way to distract her.

"Twenty questions?" he suggested. Nina nodded.

"You start. I can't think of any," she whispered, smiling slightly. Fabian thought for a minute.

"What's your favorite movie?" he asked.

"When Harry Met Sally. It's pretty obvious, don't you think?" Nina laughed quietly, "Have you got any pets, and if you don't, what pet would you want?" she asked.

"I have five dogs, but I'd like a fish, because they're easier to take care of than another dog," Fabian grinned. They slipped into a comfortable silence.

"My turn now," Fabian said, seeing the rain start to pour harder, if it was even possible.

"How many family members do you have?" he asked.

"Five. Gran, my older brother, twin sisters and me," Nina said matter-of-factly. "Alright, my turn," she said. She took a deep breath.

"Did you mean it when you said you loved me last night?" she asked softly, looking into his eyes. He stared. Wasn't she sleeptalking? He paused.

"Yes," he breathed.

They didn't know who moved first, but suddenly their lips were pressed against each others, their arms around each other. It felt dreamlike, too good to be true. They parted, and stared into each other's eyes.

"We never got up to twenty," Nina laughed softly. Fabian smiled.

"I have one more question," he said.


"Nina Martin, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, his cheeks reddening.

Her answer was almost immediate.

"Yes!" she laughed, her face breaking into one of the brightest smiles Fabian had ever seen. He planned to see that smile more.

As they made their way back to the house, Nina looked up at the sky.

"Rainbow," she smiled, and linked hands with Fabian. He smiled at her, and they walked through the door. Patricia and Joy walked down the stairs.

"Finally!" Patricia yelled. "Guys! Fabina exists now!" she shouted down the hallway. Joy smiled hesitantly, approving.

The responses floated down the stairs.

"You're bluffing!"

"EEEEEE! I have to start planning the wedding!"

"Alfie, she's not bluffing. You owe me ten pounds."

The next day, Nina found a post it note on her locker.

We still have fifteen questions to go.

Love, F.

Randomly popped into my head, took about an hour/half an hour to write. ^^