Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon so you can't sue me.  Hahaha *cough* Anyway, here's the fic.  It's a Henrika and some Takajeri on the side, so if you don't support that then I suggest you leave now.  This story takes place where the Tamers are 14.  That means the D-Reaper thing happened a year or two ago.


"Text" = Dialog

'Text' = Thoughts

~*~Chapter One~*~

"Well, it looks like we're finished." stated Henry.

"Finally."  Rika sighed.  Henry and Rika were working on a school report together and it had taken them the whole day.  Rika was her normal self around the other Tamers, but she was more open towards Henry, mostly because they both like to be alone.  They became very good friends and spent a lot of time together.  She still had no idea how Henry could put up with her so much because no body else seemed to be able to.

Henry looked at his watch.  "You should be going, Rika."

"Oh God you're right!"  Rika exclaimed, glancing over at Henry's watch.  "I told my grandma I'd be home an hour ago."

They straightened up Henry's room, which was littered with notes, crumpled up paper, and some food items. 

Henry's dad, Janyuu, poked his head into the room.  "Are you guys done yet?"  He asked.

"Yeah we're just cleaning up, dad."  Henry answered.

"Oh, Mr. Wong, before I forget, my family will be out of town tomorrow and they want to know if I can stay here until they get back."  Rika asked, using her polite act that she used around adults.

"Why sure, Rika.  You know you're always welcome here."  Janyuu replied.

Rika left their apartment and walked home.  'I have to spend the day at Henry's house tomorrow!  How on earth will I put up with Suzie's childish personality, and Terriermon's wisecracks?' thought Rika.  'Oh well, it's better than spending the day with Gogglehead, Puppet Girl, Viserhead, and Four Eyes.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by her mom's voice.  "Rika!  Why are you so late?  I was so worried.  I thought something happened to you.  It's not safe outside at night." 

"Mom, I'm fine." She sneered.  "The project took longer than Henry and I thought it would."

"Speaking of Henry, did his dad say you could stay over there tomorrow?"  Her grandma asked, walking out the door to go to the store.

"Yep.  He says I'm always welcome over there."  She answered.


"How long will I be there?"  Rika questioned

"Well," said Rumiko, "we won't be home until really late so why don't you spend the night?"

(AN: Rumiko is Rika's mom)

"Ok I guess."  Rika replied dully.  'I've never actually spent the night in his house.'  She thought.  'I'll probably end up getting the honors of getting Suzie to bed.  From what Henry says, it sounds pretty tough.'

~*~ Henry's House ~*~

The Wongs were all eating diner. (Not his older siblings.  They aren't in this fic.  Pretend they are at collage)

"Henry?"  Janyuu asked.

Henry swallowed the food in his mouth.  "Yeah Dad" 

"I've noticed you spend a lot of your time with Rika and I was wondering what you think of her."  He stated.

"She's a good friend.  Fun to have around, unless she's in a grumpy mood."  Henry answered before continuing to eat.

"Are you sure?"  His dad wondered.

"Yes!"  Henry was becoming annoyed by his father's questions. 

~*~ The Next Morning ~*~

Rika woke up to the sound of her alarm clock beeping over and over again.  "Damn clock!"  She swore as she through the clock against the wall.  "8:00 already.  Mom and Grandma are probably gone by now."  She got up, took a quick shower, changed into her normal outfit, a white and green t-shirt with a heart on it and her jeans, and put her hair up in it's traditional style. 

Sure enough, she was right.  Hanging on her refrigerator was a note from her mom.  It read:

Dear Rika,

We left while you were sleeping.  Be back late.  Have fun at Henry's house. 


Mom and Grandma   

She packed the stuff that she needed: pajamas, toothbrush, a pair of close, a sleeping bag, her Digimon cards, and other things to keep her busy.  She didn't bother to have breakfast because she could get some when she got to Henry's house.


It was 9:30 when Rika reached Henry's apartment complex.  She took the elevator up to the fifth floor (AN: I'm guessing on what floor they live on.  They seem to live pretty far up) and walked to the Wong's apartment.  There was a sticky note on the door:


Mrs. Wong, Suzie, and I had to go out for the day.  Henry is probably still asleep so make your self at home until he wakes up.

Mr. Wong

'At least I won't have to worry about Suzie bugging me.'  She thought.  'And I won't have to act polite because Mr. and Mrs. Wong won't be here.'

She opened the door and walked inside quietly because she didn't want to wake up Henry.  Of course, a few seconds after she walked in she forgot about doing that because she could hear the shower running.  'For once Henry didn't over sleep.'  She thought.  What she heard next almost caused her to burst out laughing.  She heard Henry singing.

Akogareteta mono wa yume no mama da ne

(The things I longed for are still just dreams)

Furikaereba itsumo boku wo yobu koe

(When I turn around there's always a voice calling me)

Mune no naka de hageshiku yureru mada ma ni au ka mo shirenai

(Wavering intensely in my heart, I might still make it after all)

Kao wo agete jibun wo shinjite miru yo mou ichido

(I lift up my face and try believing in myself once more)

Ayumu beki mirai wo

(The future I must walk)

Terashidasu hikari ni michibikarete

(Is illuminated by the light that guides me)

 Yuuki ga umareta yo kono te no naka

(Courage is born, in my hands)

Ayumu beki mirai wo atarashii mirai wo

(The future I must walk, a new future)

Yubi sashita sono saki ni sugu ni iku yo

(Ahead of where I pointed, I'll go there soon)

Kagayaki afureru ayumu beki mirai e

(To the future I must walk, overflowing with light)

Nagashite kita namida kawakasu kaze ga

(All the tears I've cried, the wind that dried them)

Tsumetaku shimita kara me wo tojite ita

(Was so cold, I closed my eyes)

Shiranai basho mayoikondemo nuke daseru michi ga aru hazu

(Even if I get lost in an unknown place, there must be a way out)

Iki wo sutte kokoro wo hiraite miyou mou ichido

(I take a breath and try opening my heart once more)

Susumu beki mirai wo

(The future I must travel)

Umarete hajimete ki ga tsuita no sa

(For the first time in my life, I realized)

Hito wa kawarerun da itsu kara demo

(People can change, at any time)

Susumu beki mirai wo atarashii mirai wo

(The future I must travel, a new future)

Mitsumeteru sono saki ni sugu ni iku yo

(Ahead of where I was looking, I'll go there soon)

 Chikara ga afureru susumu beki mirai e

(To the future I must travel, overflowing with strength)

Ayumu beki mirai wo

(The future I must walk)

Terashidasu hikari ni michibikarete

(Is illuminated by the light that guides me)

 Yuuki ga umareta yo kono te no naka

(Courage is born, in my hands)

Ayumu beki mirai wo atarashii mirai wo

(The future I must walk, a new future)

Yubi sashita sono saki ni sugu ni iku yo

(Ahead of where I pointed, I'll go there soon)

 Kagayaki afureru ayumu beki mirai e

(To the future I must walk, overflowing with light)

(AN: The song is Mirai, Henry's theme.  It's really good you should listen to it.  Henry has a great voice.)

She though it was very funny to here him singing but she had to admit, he was pretty good.  She figured she'd embarrass him a little for the fun of it.  She sat down on the floor in the den facing the hallway where the bathroom is.  She crisscrossed her legs so that her ankles were overlapping and gripped her hands around her ankles.  (Hard to explain, try it yourself and you'll get it.)

After a while of waiting, Rika heard the water turning off.  She tried to think of just what to say.  'I wonder how red his face will get.'  Rika joked to herself.  A few minutes later Henry walked out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.  His didn't even notice Rika until he heard her voice.

"You have a lovely singing voice."  Rika said teasingly.  Henry stopped dead in his tracks and turned such as deep shade of red you would never have guessed he was Chinese-Japanese.  He slowly turned his head towards the red headed girl sitting in his den.  She was struggling not to laugh.  Rika had managed to control her laughter they both silently stood/sat there, Henry still very red.

Now that her laughter was gone, Rika studied Henry.  'Yep, like I guessed, red like there's no tomorrow.  It's still so funny.'  She thought.  She then realized for the first time that he was wearing nothing but a towel.  She slowly started to blush too.  'You know, Henry's kind of cute.'  I few moments later she realized what she had just thought and mentally kicked her self.  'Don't think such things, Rika!!!' her mind yelled at her.

After what seemed like forever but in reality was only about two minutes, Henry walked into his room.  Rika could hear him cursing loudly from where she was sitting.  She got up and made them both some breakfast: pancakes and fresh bread that she got from Takato's bakery on the way over.  She set the table and soon the smell of food lured Henry cautiously out of his room, this time, fully dresses in his usual black t-shirt, orange vest, and brown pants.  Rika and Henry locked eyes and both started to blush.  Just as quickly as it happened, they shifted their gaze. 

Henry sat down at the table and silently ate.  Rika thought that the silence was very bothering.  It wasn't like them not to talk.  She began to remember the look on Henry's face.  This caused her to quietly laugh, which turned into a louder laugh.

Henry on the other hand, was unsettled.  He wakes up so he can be ready when Rika comes, and she decides to come early.  'Why don't things ever work out for me?  It was bad enough I was singing, but I had to be in a towel.  I couldn't have changed in the bathroom!  Was it just me, or was she staring at me?  I'm so confused…'

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Rika laughing.  'Why is she laughing?  Is she laughing at me?  Am I that bad of a singer?'  After a while of trying to figure everything out, Henry started to laugh too.


I understand that not much Henrika happened but it's only the first chapter.  They're still friends.  They need to realize their feelings first.  Please review and tell me if I should continue, and I'll accept any ideas or suggestions.