Pokemon Vr 18



Tba- Prussia and I went to the pokemon center in Rockefeller. IT WAS AWESOME!

Prussia- she looked waayyy to excited. (at least for someone her age…)

Tba- I was going around taking pictures, while Prussia told the kids a story about a mean Petilil and a totally awesome Blitzle-

Prussia- SHHH!



Prussia- okay nothing to see here! Let's go!

Tba- like I said before, the person uploading the videos has not made too many, so there might be a stop in them for a little while. Besides that… *fangirl mode* PWT! Pokemon world tournament in black 2 & White 2! YES! YES! YES SO MANY TIMES! STEVEN! KYAAA~

Prussia- what, no Lance?

Tba- I looked the list over and… EVERYONE IS THERE! *squeals*

Japan- Iris and koga arent…

Tba- Iris and Drayden are both the dragon gyms, and only differ in different versions. They do have the same pokemon (gender differences aside). And Koga is not only a leader, but also an elite four, so it might be hard to consider if he should be a part of it or not. If they added the elite four it would be rather interesting though.

Prussia- and it'd be another few hours of plowing through them.

Tba- Squee* Steven! Red! Blue!

Prussia- what the fuck?

Japan- please ignore her Prussia-san. She gets like this.

Tba- oh by the way, fold-able bicycles. *does hand gesture* please consult pokemon adventures manga ch 348 page2. You will see three people, and 3 folding bicycles… how do they work anyway?

Prussia- you… read that… when was the last time you rode a bike?

Tba- I lurk everywhere… well almost… Like… 13? I like scooters better.

America- that's cause she cant ride without crashing into something!

England- granted where she is, the concrete isn't exactly smooth. And there's rocks in it.

Tba- *sniffle* don't remind me…

Japan- pat pat*


Randombluedog- China looks so cute~ Also, Turkey, Greece, and Egypt as pokemon, so much win.

Belgium and HK as Bianca and Cheren, wow. Is France and England fighting over a dress? Huh…

^-^ favorite~

Greece, Egypt, Turkey- can we be in it then?

Tba- er…um… *runs off* I don't knoooowwww


Tba- I seem to have forgotten after such a long time, which characters are in the story and which aren't.

Also, I don't remember which characters are meant to be which pokemon…

Haha, oops~





"Hey… Japan…"



"Japan, if you don't wake up… I'll attack you."

"AHHHHHH!" Japan quickly sat up, nearly missing bumping his head into England.

Prussia grinned, a bandage on his cheek. "What are you so afraid of Japan?"

France laughed; his face had a few scratches over it. "He wouldn't attack you."

Japan laughed nervously, "O-of course England-san wouldn't….ha…haha…"

"ve~ Japan doesn't like it went people attack him."

"Maybe he likes to do the attacking…" Hungary said with a mischievous smile.

"What do you mean? Japan's not a pokemon… well, I suppose it makes sense since he's a trainer…" England mumbled.


Japan looked away, 'it's fine if you keep thinking like that England-san…'

"Wait… attack… doesn't that mean that England is-"

Japan jumped and lunged to put his hand over Prussia's mouth.




Hungary smile twitched, "Prussia… what do you think you're saying with Italy around?"

"I'm what?"

Japan shook his head, "N-nothing! P-Prussia-san was probably going to say something strange anyway!"

"You're the one acting strange Japan." France said.

"a-anyway! Why don't we meet up with Elesa?"

"ah, that sounds like a plan."

"ve~ let's go!"




As they exited the gate, a breeze blew, Japan scrambling for his hat as it flew off his head.

Picking it up, Austria came up from behind them, "Oh, Japan."

Japan accepted the hat and put it back on, "Austria-san."

Hungary gave a wave, "Austria!"

"Yo, Austria."


"Kiku, stop!"

"What? Why?"

Austria grinned, "you've got a Bolt Badge… I've got a Bolt Badge…"

"oooh I see, he wants to battle you japan." Prussia smirked, "Kick his ass!"

"But don't kick it too hard!" Hungary interjected pushing Prussia aside.

England groaned, "you're lucky he cant hear you two at the moment."

Austria pulled out a pokeball, "let's test who's stronger—you or me!"

He smirked, "This time, I'm going to win!"

"ve~ He looks serious."



You are challenged by Pkmn Trainer Austria!


~battle skip~


Well! You are strong, as usual!



Austria sighed, "why? Why cant I beat you?"

Japan patted Austria's shoulder, "Austria-san, as a person who is a pokemon veteran, I just have more experience."

"oh, you two are friends…"

They turned to see Elesa walk up to them, smiling.

"That's nice, how you're helping each other get better by competing."

Prussia shrugged, 'he's not much of a challenge though."

Hungary delivered a swift jab to Prussia's side. "That's rude! Let's see if you can do better!"

"Hungary you-"

Elesa clapped her hand together and pivoted on her heel, turning away from them. "OK, let's go."



Walking, they passed by a few trainers battling each other.

"Oh! Why, if it isn't Elesa!" A gruff voice said.

Turning, they saw an older man with redish orange hair, he grinned at them cheerfully.

"Aren't festivals grand? Life should be enjoyed."

Japan and Austria looked at each other.

"Um… Who is this man?"

"Oh, this is-"

"This is Alder, the Unova region's champion." Elesa said, unknowingly cutting Japan off.


Austria's eyes widened, he took a step back. "Champion?!"

He frowned, thinking, "why would the Champion be goofing off in a place like this?"

Alder frowned and shook his head, looking over to Austria. "I heard that remark. You're quite a judgmental young person."

Austria spluttered, face turning red. "Excuse me?!"

"Are you not?"

Prussia shrugged, "well, he's an extremely prissy person, so he's pretty judgemental. But I wouldn't call him young."

"You idiot! We're all about the same age!" Hungary yelled, hitting Prussia upside the head.

Japan cast an aside glance, "well, let's put the age matter aside for now…"


Alder smiled, and gave a small bow, "My name's Alder. I'm the Unova Pokemon League's Champion."

He held out his hand, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

When Austria didn't take it, he casually ran it through his hair. "for your information, I'm not goofing off."

He paused, a far away look in his eyes, "I'm on a voyage."

He looked back at them, "I know every corner of Unova."


Austria cleared his throat, "Um. I'm Austria, from Nuvema Town."

"My goal as a Trainer is to become the Champion."

Alder nodded, "Hm. Traveling with a goal in mind is a commendable thing."

"And what do you plan to do after becoming the champion?"

"Continue playing the game." Japan said.


Austria's brows furrowed, "what else is there other than striving to become stronger?"

"The strongest Trainer—that's the Champion."

Alder scratched his chin, eyes closed in thought. "Hm. Becoming stronger… Becoming stronger, you say…"

He exhaled, "is that alone enough of a goal? Hmmm."

He shook his head, "it's not that I'm trying to say your way of thinking is wrong…"

He smiled, "In my travels, I've helped many people learn to love pokemon. I think that's important too."

He patted Austria's shoulder, "if you play with those children, you might gain more of an understanding."

He lifted the hand and gestured to the two small children that played nearby. "will you two have a pokemon battle with those two?"


Austria and Japan looked at each other, before nodding to Alder.

Alder turned to the children, giving them a gentle smile he called out to them.

"Hey, you two. Come here for a moment."

The children walked over curiously to them, not looking much older than four or five years old.

"…understood. But, before that…"

Austria turned to Japan.

[Austria fully healed Kiku's pokemon!]

"Thank you Austria-san."

Austria turned to face the children, "OK, let's battle."

The children grinned and took out their pokeballs, ready to fight.


~Battle skip~


My pokemon was so cute!


My pokemon listened to what I said and fought for me!



"Nicely done!" Alder bent down and gave both children an affectionate pat on their head.

"You didn't win, but that was a good battle." The children smiled, giggling at how their pokemon hid behind them in embarrassment.

"Your pokemon looked like they were having fun."

Alder stood up and faced Austria, "Young man, if there are people like you who purse strength, there are also people who are happy just being with pokemon."


"There are many different people, and many different answers."

"When it comes to what a Champion should be, you an I may hold differing views, but so be it." He smiled, "Give it some thought."


Elesa turned to them, "let's roll. The Driftveil Drawbridge is just ahead." She turned and left, leaving the other two.

"the Champion is the strongest of the strong! That's all there is to it."

Japan shook his head, "Austria-san, there are people who will do anything just to be on top, while others simply enjoy the game. It does not mean one is better than another, it simply means they have different views, and play their games their own way."

He patted Austria's shoulder, "Please understand Austria-san."

Austria sighed, "I understand what my character is thinking. Afterall, haven't we all gone through it once? Wanting to become stronger, but not just to become strong. I wanted to become stronger to protect my people."

France pointed over at England, 'we do have a jerk here who tried to take over the world."


England frowned, "For your information, I did take over most of the world."

Japan shook his head, "Like I said, let's not talk about that sort of thing."

Austria smiled, "well, it may be a little while before I see you all again."

"Good bye Austria-san."

"See ya, Austria."


Austria walked away, following Elesa's path to the bridge.

"Well? Shouldn't we follow him?"

"Oh, just a second." Japan mumbled, going up to a musician and initiating a battle.



"Um... an electric guitar?"

Japan smiled, "it's a prop for the musical."

"We're…really doing that?"

Japan nodded enthusiastically, "yes! Though, maybe not until we get more props."

England sighed as France and Prussia high fived in the background while Hungary talked excitedly to Italy.


"I'm the only sane one here..."




Tba- The episode was a bit short, consisting of fights, and them doing the musical. Ive been a bit busy with other things too.
Dont hate me too much if i don't update too frequently okay? I'm working on some other things.

Though, since i have more time now, I might be able to update a little less erratically.

England- YOU! We are more important! Write! Now!

Tba- right now?

England- yes! Write now!

Japan- no one thinks that joke is funny.

Tba- right!

Japan- I hope all of you decide to buy the new game coming out.

Tba- oi, Japan, stop trying to promote it here.

England- Isnt it already out in Japan?

Tba- It's not like we're sponsored by Nintendo. That and, any pokemon fan would probably know it'll be coming out soon.

(October 7th is the release date in North America) you can get Genesect by wifi from the black2 /white 2 release date to November 12th.

Japan- excited?

England- don't you start!

Tba- squeal* YES! But I hope it doesn't cost too much, my funds are pretty limited. But-but… To fight the rest of the gym leaders again, I think it might be worth it!

LATIAS! I WILL CATCH YOU! …. *goes in corner to sulk*

Japan- Tba-san has some very traumatizing memories…. Of pokemon.

England- this might have been the game to give her the most trauma actually.

Tba- glare* well if SOMEONE would have popped up SOONER instead of making me search for HOURS!

Russia & England- flinch*

Tba- sigh* never mind. I swear, one day, I will record videos and show exactly how aggravating games can be.

Japan- of course, she means it in the nicest way possible. She loves pokemon. (Tba- except Sinnoh!) and she's affectionately making fun of it.

England- Americans are weird.

France- It must be a learned trait, right England?

England- what the hell are you talking about?

Japan- until next time, farewell.


