A/N: Is it pathetic that I'm happy I finished this chapter around actual Valentine's Day? I say no. I can't say thank you enough to you all for your reviews, I enjoy reading them all, so I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!

DC: I don't own Harry Potter, as always J.K. Rowling is the one-who-does.

A Long Overdue Confession


A Very Drenched Valentine

Harry sat on the cliff overlooking the lake, with the grass beneath his fingertips, and Hedwig beside him. This was one of his favorite spots on the grounds of Hogwarts. Here, there was no Umbridge breathing down his neck, no one expecting him to lead, and no one yelling at him to turn off his emotions. Here, he was just Harry with his friend Hedwig, enjoying the majestic view of the lake's glistening waters below, the rugged mountains in the distance, and the boundless skies above.

Harry stroked the feathers on Hedwig's head. "I feel so trapped inside Hogwarts. And here I thought I would escape that when I left the Dursleys. I wonder if Umbridge and the Dursleys are somehow related?" he paused, looking down at Hedwig. "But I don't care what either of them do. I'll fight back. I won't let them clip my wings!"

Hedwig gave him a reproachful look, slightly flinching away from him.

Harry smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Hedwig, I didn't mean to bring up memories of your attack. But you're all better now."

Putting his hands behind his head, Harry laid down, staring up at the sky. "I wonder what Ginny is doing," he sighed. "I just can't believe that she's liked me for years, and I never really took notice of it. I mean, of course I noticed, who couldn't notice someone putting their elbow in the butter dish? But I just brushed it off. I didn't try to notice her in all the ways that counted," he turned his head to the side. "Hedwig, am I an idiot?"

Hedwig bobbled her head up and down, giving a big hoot. "Thanks, Hedwig, you could have least pretended to consider it for a moment."

Harry turned his head back, looking up at the sky again. "But you're right, I am an idiot."

"You're just now figuring that out?" someone said, laughing.

It wasn't one of his most suave moments—like he had any at all—when Harry yelled, springing up into a sitting position, blushing profoundly. "G-Ginny?" he choked out. "How…how long have you been standing there?"

"About a second," Ginny said, sitting down in the grass beside Hedwig.

"I must be getting rusty," Harry said. "I usually notice when someone is approaching," he side glanced at Ginny. "Then again I'm coming to realize that I don't notice as much as I think I do."

"Don't be so down on yourself," said Ginny, reaching out to stoke Hedwig's feathers. "Besides, I'm excellent at sneaking up on people, when I want to be." Hedwig fluttered up onto her shoulder, and started nibbling on her ear, causing Ginny to giggle. "She likes me."

Her owner likes you, too. Harry bent his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them, as he watched Hedwig continue to show Ginny affection. Was it possible to be jealous of your own owl?

The sight of Ginny and Hedwig painted a beautiful picture, with Hedwig's white feathers standing out strikingly against Ginny's red hair as strands of it caressed her cheek in the wind; it seemed like the essence of tranquility, something Harry could never hope to attain.

"Well, you're…you're very likable," Harry said breathlessly. He turned away, when she looked back at him.

"Thank you," she said, seemingly surprised.

Harry let out a faint, bittersweet chuckle. "Don't mention it."

"So why was Hedwig calling you an idiot?"

"Oh, because of lots…of things."

"Well, I'm sure it's just because she cares about you," said Ginny. Hedwig softly hooted from her shoulder. "See, she agrees with me." Ginny stared down at her lap. "Harry?"


"Are we still on for Valentine's Day?"

"Of course, unless…," Harry felt his stomach twist painfully, "you don't want to go with me anymore?"

"No! I was just double-checking," said Ginny, with a reassuring smile.

After that, Harry was only vaguely aware of what Ginny was saying; his thoughts were more occupied with the fact that they were alone and this would be the perfect moment to tell her. They were alone, the scenery was beautiful, she was beautiful…tell her now, his heart screamed. Do it now, tell her!

Tell her!

Tell her!

Tell her!

Then Ginny started getting up, and there went his chance. Hedwig fluttered down to the ground beside him. "I have to go meet Angelina about something. I just wanted to see how you were doing. See you later, Harry!"

Harry watched her walk out into the distance until he couldn't see her anymore. "Some Gryffindor, I am," he mumbled, and then turned to Hedwig. "What do you think, girl? Do I still have a chance with her?"

Hedwig tilted her head, her big amber eyes staring at him in consideration, and then she fluttered up onto his shoulder, giving his ear an affectionate nibble. Harry chuckled. "I'll take that as a yes."

Standing up, Harry stretched his arm out, so Hedwig could move further down. "Go on fly, Hedwig. I may be grounded right now, but not you."

Needing no further encouragement, Hedwig took off into the skies, but stayed within Harry's sight. He watched Hedwig's wings glide gracefully as she soared through the air. "You're all better now," he said pensively. "Maybe one day I'll be better too."

Before Harry knew it, it was time for another D.A. meeting. This was something that filled him with anticipation, and yet a little apprehension.

As he walked around the Room of Requirement watching everyone's progress, he quickened his steps as he went by Cho and her partner. For some reason Cho kept throwing glares in his direction. Then he slowly approached the Creevey brothers; he felt ashamed as Colin looked anxious as if he expected Harry to snap at him.

"Look, Colin," Harry said carefully. "I just wanted to apologize to you. That day you approached me, I was just having a bad day, but that's no excuse for snapping at you. So, I'm sorry."

Colin's eyes lit up. "Oh, that's okay, Harry! No harm done!"

"Oh, then," said Harry. He stayed a little longer to give Dennis a tip on his technique, and then he continued walking around. He only hoped he hadn't raised Colin's esteem in him too much.

Next he stopped by where Neville was practicing. He had never seen Neville like this; he was like a man possessed, and he knew why; Bellatrix, his parent's attacker had escaped from Azkaban. Harry understood how in these situations it was very uncomfortable to talk about things, so he just carefully patted Neville on the shoulder, getting it a squeeze. "You're doing brilliant, Neville!" he said. "Just remember to take a breather every once and awhile."

Neville paused, and then gave him a nod.

Harry kept walking around until he could no longer make the excuse that there was someone else that needed his help. The entire meeting he had been trying to avoid looking in the left corner, but he couldn't fight it any longer. He looked, and the creature within him snarled. Ginny was with Corner practicing, and he didn't like the way Corner was eyeing her. He walked up to them to amend this.

"Ginny, why don't you practice with me? I want to see how well your shield holds," Harry glanced over at Corner. "Corner, you can go practice with Neville."

Corner left, but not before glaring in Harry's direction.

"Am I doing something wrong, Harry?" asked Ginny.

"Oh, no, Ginny. I just wanted to test your shield, to find out its limit," he said, and then lowered his voice. "You're one of my best students." And this was true, whether he fancied her or not. Ginny was very talented, it was one of the many reasons why he fancied her.

Ginny's eyes widened at this, and then she smiled playfully at him. "Really? So, does that make me teacher's pet? Watch out, Harry, Hedwig might get jealous."

"Oh, she knows I can't resist a pretty bird," Harry said, blushing profusely with his eyes wide, once he realized what he had just said. Did that just come out of his mouth?

Once they got past the whole "teacher's pet" conversation, things went smoothly with their dueling; Ginny's shield held strong against Harry's jinxes, and Harry thought he wouldn't mind doing this for hours, but soon enough it was time for everyone to leave. There were only a couple of people left in the Room of Requirement when the last person Harry expected to approach him, called out his name, as he was picking up books that had fallen from jinxes hitting the shelves.

"Harry!" said Corner, walking up to him. "That was a pretty intense session today, huh? I bet you can't wait until the weekend comes. So, do you have any plans for this Hogsmeade visit?" he asked casually.

"Yeah, I do."

"Ginny told me that she was going to hang out with you this Hogsmeade trip, when I asked her what she was doing on that day."

"Yeah, she is."

"Hanging out…on Valentine's Day?"

Harry looked straight at Corner. "Yeah, we're hanging out together."

He knew he had gotten his message across as Corner's eyes slightly narrowed. "Oh, well I was hoping to hang out with her, but I guess I'll do it some other time."

As Corner walked towards the door, Hermione walked up looking back and forth between Corner and him. "So, what's going on?" she asked.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, Corner just had a question."

"No, I mean were you flirting with Ginny, earlier? I overheard snips of your conversation."

Had he been flirting with Ginny? He didn't even know he knew how to flirt. "No, no I wasn't flirting…why would I flirt with Ginny? Why was she flirting with me?" he added quickly.

"I think the real question here is why did you separate her from Michael?" Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Jealous?"

"He was getting in the way of her potential," Harry said promptly. "She needed to duel with someone more on her level."

"Getting in the way of her potential," Hermione paused noticeably, "or getting in the way of Ginny and you?"

Harry shoved the last book into the shelf. "Here's no Ginny and I, Hermione."

"That doesn't mean you don't want it, Harry," Hermione said cunningly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Harry said, starting to get defensive.

Hermione sighed, rolling her eyes. "Come on Harry, we both know, that I know, that you fancy Ginny."

"Ssssshhhh! Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, whirling his head around to see if anyone was still there, especially Ron or the twins. No, they were the only ones left, thank goodness. He looked to Hermione, sighing in defeat. "Fine, you're right."

Hermione beamed, giving a girlish squeal. "I knew it! Oh, Harry this is perfect! You two are so well-suited for each other. To be honest, I was hoping you would get over Cho, she just wasn't—"

"Hermione, please!" Harry said, cringing. "Stop acting like such a….," he trailed off.

"A girl?" Hermione supplied.

"Um…yeah. Listen, Hermione I just don't feel like talking about it, right now. So, can we just drop it?"

Hermione stood clearly conflicted whether to just drop it, or to demand answers to all her questions. "Oh, well okay," she said reluctantly. "See you in the common room, Harry."

After Hermione left, Harry paced in the Room of Requirement, recalling his conversation with Corner. There wasn't going to be an "other" time, if Harry had anything to do with it. More than ever he wanted their date to be a success. He needed to give Ginny the perfect Valentine's date, so it would be clear to her how he felt about her, and hopefully she would feel the same. But how? He turned towards the doors, half-tempted to go get Hermione back, when he almost stepped on a magazine lying on the floor. That was odd; he could have sworn there wasn't anything there before. He picked it up. It was the latest edition of Witch Weekly. He read the main headline:

How to Have the Perfect Valentine's Day Date with Your Wizard

How did….?

Harry's eyes widened.


Did the room provide this for him?

Well, he was in the Room of Requirement…

And he did require….

Harry groaned. Oh, this was just pathetic. First, Lockhart was giving him love advice, and now a room was giving him love advice. He looked at the headline again. This was advice for girls to have the perfect date with a bloke. But he was a bloke….err…well, he guessed this must be what girls expected on a date, if it was in a girl's magazine.

Sitting down on one of the cushions in the room, Harry double-checked to see if anyone was around, and then started flipping through the pages to the article. He paused for a second, when he saw a picture of himself. "Bloody hell," he mumbled. How did this happen? How did they get that picture of him?

He had won Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award.

Quickly, he continued flipping through the pages and found the article.

How to Have the Perfect Valentine's Day Date with Your Wizard

1. Dress for success. First, before the date even begins, pick out your outfit. Wear something you look your best in, something that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Your wizard will notice.

2. Compliment. Everyone likes to be admired. Remember to give your wizard compliments, from how that cloak looks great on him, to how you like the way he always cheers you up.

3. Eat chocolate. Who needs love potions, when chocolate gives off the natural feeling of being in love? Waiter, bring that chocolate cake over here!

4. Hold hands. Lace those fingers together. There's no better way for saying I'm yours, and you're mine.

5. Dinner for two. Pick a place that will set a romantic, cozy mood. You can never go wrong with an old-fashion candle-lit dinner.

6. Talk. This should be a no brainer, which your wizard will think you are, if you just stare at him. Show him you have a brain, and start some stimulating conversation.

7. Laugh. Have fun, you're on a date, not at a funeral. Enjoy the day!

8. Kiss. Need we say more? Cheek, lips, whatever! Pucker those lips! Your wizard agrees.

9. Be yourself. Finally and most importantly, remember they're on a date with you, because they like you, not someone you're pretending to be.


Harry jumped, crushing the magazine in between his hands.

A couple of feet in front of him was Ron, staring gobsmacked as he looked at the magazine and then Harry. "Are…are you reading Witch Weekly?"

Harry glanced nervously down at the crumpled magazine, and then back at Ron. "N-no," he said, giving an uneasy laugh. "I just needed… I just needed something to line Hedwig's cage with later on. What are you doing back here?" he asked, changing the subject.

"Looking for you," Ron shook his head, his lips curving, until he started laughing. "Blimey, Harry you were reading Witch Weekly! Why?"

Harry looked to the side, at the floor. "I…I needed advice."

"On what? Which shade of lipstick would go best with your broom?"

Harry clutched the crumpled magazine, making it crackle under the pressure. "No, I needed advice on what to do on a date."

"You have a date? With who?"

"Your sister."

Part of Harry, didn't know why he had just blurted that out to Ron, and then another part of him, just wanted to get the whole I-fancy-your-sister-and-now-your-going-to-beat-me-up thing over with. But mainly, it was because he didn't take too kindly at being laughed at, and being reminded that he no longer had his Firebolt, and wanted to wipe that smug look off Ron's face. That certainly did the trick, as Ron was now staring at him dumbstruck.

"What…my sister?" Ron stuttered out. "You're taking her on another one of those play dates?"

"No, a real one."


Ron marched up to him, his tall frame towering over Harry as he sat on the floor, looking up at Ron's purple face. "Listen, you're my best mate, but that's my sister! I thought I told you not to lead her on. You're just going to hurt her!"

"I'm not going to hurt her….I like her."

"Well, I thought you liked her too, but obviously not if you're going to lead her—"

Harry rolled his eyes, which probably wasn't the wisest thing to do right now. "No, Ron! I like her! As in I fancy her!"

Ron's mouth froze open, and then he shook his head. "Say that again?"

"I fancy Ginny, Ron."

Strangely enough, it was easier to confess this to Ron, than to Ginny. But then again, Ron didn't have the power to reject him and crush his heart with mere words.

"You said you didn't like Ginny in that way. Were you lying to me?" Ron demanded.

"No, I wasn't lying! I didn't have those sorts of feelings for her back then…but now I," Harry fiddled with his glasses, his cheeks growing warm, "now I…um…Ginny is…um…"

Ron suddenly sat down on one of the cushion, all the colour draining from his face. "Bloody hell." He sat there for a while, with his hand buried in his hair, mumbling stuff to himself. Then he looked to Harry. "Can you go back to not fancying her?"

Harry just stared at him with a pointed look, and then sighed in exasperation. "No, Ron. And even if I could, I don't think I'd want to."

Ron shoulders slumped forward. "Okay."

"Okay?" asked Harry. "So, you're really okay with this?"

"It's not like I have a choice. If Ginny ever found out that you fancy her, and that I had told you to stay away from her…," Ron shuddered, with a petrified look in his eyes. "Anyway, I do trust you, Harry; just don't do anything that would make me want to lock you in a closet with Umbridge."

Somehow, that was more frightening than all the Weasley brothers put together. "Got it."

For several days, Harry was conflicted over whether he wanted the days to speed up or slow down. Now that it was Valentine's Day, Harry was just plain conflicted, and his bed reflected this. Spewed out all across his sheets, were items of clothing that had been tried on, discarded, and then retried again. He didn't know what to wear. He only had a few good clothes that people had given him, his Weasley jumpers, Quidditch uniforms, school uniforms, and the rest was Dudley's hand-me-downs. Finally, deciding on his new Weasley jumper, Harry put in on while mumbling, "confident and comfortable, yeah right." Looking at himself, he did feel comfortable in his jumper, jeans, and trainers, but he was nowhere near confident. Did he look attractive? He didn't know, frankly he thought he looked awkward, and his hair wouldn't stay down. Would Ginny find him handsome?

Dress for success. Results: Feeling comfortable, but still not quite there. Grade: P

Harry headed down to the Great hall for breakfast to find Ron already there stuffing food into his mouth, and Hermione trying to tug a letter from the beak of a brown owl. He had barely sat down when Hermione asked him if he would meet her in the Three Broomsticks around midday.

Harry paused before answering. He had really wanted to spend the whole day with Ginny, but if he ended up making a fool of himself, maybe he could get some reinforcement by meeting with Hermione. "All right, but can Ginny come too?"

"Yes, she can come," said Hermione, getting up from her seat.

"Wait…why do you want to meet?"

"I can't explain right now, I have to answer this!"

Harry watched Hermione's retreating form, and then looked about the Great Hall to see if Ginny was there. When he didn't spot her, he quickly picked up a spoon, to look at his reflection, and make some final adjustments to his hair.

Ron let out a groan beside him. "Merlin's beard, you're primping for my sister, aren't you?"

"Well, it's not for you—don't look at me like that—I just want to look decent."

"Have you forgotten how my sister dedicated a poem to your blackboard hair, and fresh pickled toad eyes?"

"No, I haven't forgotten." In fact, Harry often thought about that poem when he felt like his chances with Ginny were hopeless. "But it's been years…"

Ron shook his head. "I'll never get used to this."

After finding out that Ron wouldn't be coming to Hogsmeade because of Angelina's training, Harry headed towards the entrance hall to see if Ginny was there waiting for him. She wasn't there, so he waited, and while he was, he couldn't help but overhear some of the girls nearby—

"Oh, I hope Justin takes me to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop!"
"Me too! I'll just die if Ben doesn't take me there! It's the most romantic place. It just wouldn't be a date, if we didn't go there."
"Did you hear? She decorated it for Valentine's Day!"

Harry started to get worried as the entrance hall emptied out, with only a few people left needing to sign out. Where was she? Was she sick or…wait—Ginny was the Seeker. Did that mean she had to miss Hogsmeade too for Angelina's training session? Bugger, why didn't anything ever go right for him? He felt a little hurt that Ginny hadn't even bothered to tell him that she couldn't make it, but mostly he just wanted to kick something, hard.

"Harry! I'm so sorry, I'm late—"

Harry looked up at the sound of Ginny's voice. "You're here."

Ginny faltered in her steps. "Yeah, uh, why do you sound surprised? Did you change your mind?"

"No!" Harry said, a little too loudly. He quickly lowered his voice. "I…no, I just thought you'd have to go to Angelina's training like Ron."

"Oh, I made a deal with her. So I got out of it," said Ginny.

Harry nodded, vaguely curious how she got out of it. Once the relief that she hadn't stood him up washed over him, Harry's nerves quickly settled in, chiseling themselves into his thought and actions. He gulped as he began to feel his hands sweat. Compliment her! You need to compliment her! He looked her over. Ginny had her hair down, sleek but with a wave at the ends. She was wearing a green jumper with a gray jacket, some light Muggle jeans that highlighted the curves of her legs, and a pair of black flats. Harry really wished he hadn't looked so closely, it made things worse.

"You…you look great," Harry managed to get out.

Compliment. Results: Err…well, it's a compliment. But you could do better. Grade: A

Ginny looked down at herself, tucking some hair behind her ear. "Thanks, you look nice as well. Mum's jumpers always look good on you.

Note to self: Wear Mrs. Weasley's jumpers as often as possible.

After signing out, Harry and Ginny stepped outside, and soon fell in tune with each other's footsteps. Harry stared down at his shoes, scuffing through the dirt and grass, and then he glanced at Ginny. With each step, he subtly inched his body closer to hers. The breeze picked up tousling Ginny's hair, sending its sweet aroma towards him, and that's when their shoulders bumped. Ginny turned her head, her eyes widening at their proximity, but she didn't step away, and that to Harry was a beacon of hope.

As they entered Hogsmeade, Harry's hand twitched at his side, his eyes darting towards Ginny's hand. It would be so easy just to extend his finger, interlock it with hers, and bring their hands together. The more he thought about it, the more he found himself wanting it. He wanted to feel the palm of her hand nestled against his. It was hard to explain, but it almost felt like his urge to reach out and take the Snitch, to feel its beating wings. But just as he started to extend his finger, Ginny stepped away walking towards a shop.

Sulking for a moment in his failed attempt, Harry walked over next to Ginny to find her staring at the poster on the shop window of the ten Death Eaters that had escaped. He could see the hand he had been trying to take, form into a fist at her side.

"It's terrible that they're blaming Snuffles for this," said Ginny.

Harry huffed, his eyes roaming over all the pictures. "It just isn't right."

"Oh, but Fudge will never admit that he's wrong, not at least until hundreds of people die, and maybe not even then," Ginny sighed, looking frustrated. "I can't stand people like him." She glanced towards Harry. "I'm glad there's people like you, Harry."

Harry felt his breath hitch as he looked back at her. "I'm glad there's people like you too, Ginny."

The moment was broken as it started to rain, and cold drops of water started hitting their faces and the back of their necks. Swiftly, they darted over to the nearest shelter, which was Honeydukes. Huddling side by side they stood against the building, as the rain cascaded down the shingles of the roof.

"Do you want to go in?" Harry said, over the rapping of the rain against the pavement. "We could maybe get some chocolate or something."

Ginny glanced towards the door, shaking her head. "No, it looks too crowded in there. Besides, chocolate is kind of expensive, especially today."

Eat Chocolate. Results: Perhaps you might consider that love potion? Grade: T

Harry exhaled, looking at the door to see that Ginny was right. He could see people all the way up against the door. "Do you want to get something to drink then?" he asked hopefully. "We could go to Madam Puddifoot's."

Ginny did a double-take at him, as if he had just told her he was secretly Draco Malfoy. "You like that place?"

Harry shrunk back, suddenly losing all the confidence he had managed to gather. "No, I…I mean, I don't know," he stuttered out. "I've never been there. But I heard that girls like that…I mean if you like it, we could go."

Ginny tightened her lips together in a repulsed frown. "Um, I'd rather not."

Dinner for two. Results: It's not looking so good, is it? Grade: T

Harry leaned his weight against the cold bricks of the building, looking out solemnly at the students dashing through the rain towards the shops; he turned his head when the Honeydukes' door opened, as a smiling couple holding hands exited clutching sweets with their other hands. What this it then? Did Ginny not want to go to Madam Puddifoot's, because she didn't want this to be a real date? Was she repulsed by the thought that he was trying to go past the boundaries of friendship?

"Harry? Are you all right?" asked Ginny tentatively.

Harry just nodded.

"Let's make a run for the Three Broomsticks, okay?"

And so they sprinted through the rain-splattered street and soon found themselves at the doorway of the Three Broomsticks. Once inside, Harry shook his wet hair, while Ginny slightly wrung out her hair beside him, and then they took a seat at a booth; oddly enough it was the same one they had sat at during their first "date." Looking around, Harry noticed that it wasn't as crowded as it usually was; there were groups of younger students, a couple of people drinking alone, and then there were a few couples, giggling and holding hands across the table. Most the couples, people on dates, were probably at Madam Puddifoot's, he thought bitterly.

Ginny sat across from Harry in a bit of a conundrum. She didn't understand what was going on with him. He had seemed downright crushed that she didn't want to go to Madam Puddifoots, but that couldn't be right. She didn't know any bloke that actually wanted to go there. Honestly, no bloke would set foot in that tea shop, if it wasn't for the promise of a good snog. And now Harry was glaring around the room, like he didn't even want to be here. Had she done something to upset him?

Madam Rosmerta came over to their table carrying a tea light candle in a small round candleholder, setting it down in the center of the table. "I thought you dearies would like some candlelight for your date," she said smiling. "Now what can I get for you?"

Ginny squirmed in her seat at Madam Rosmerta's continued assumption, expecting Harry to correct her at any moment, but instead he suddenly perked up and said, "Thanks!" Ginny's mouth dropped open. Thanks? Thanks! Not, "Oh, we're not on a date," or "we're just friends," but "Thanks?"

It was then she noticed both Harry and Madam Rosmerta looking at her, that she realized it was her turn to order something. "Oh, I…I'll just have a butterbeer, thanks."

Once Madam Rosmerta left to go fill their orders, Harry turned to her and said, "You're…you're much prettier."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You're much prettier than Madam Rosmerta."

Ginny bit her lip, not knowing what to say for a moment. "Um…thank you? Harry, I'm going to go use the loo, for a sec." Scooting out of the booth, Ginny walked towards the loo, but paused to glance back at Harry. She didn't expect him to be staring at her; she watched as his eyes went wide and he quickly looked down at the table, blushing. Now that's something she never thought she'd see.

In the loo, Ginny washed her hands, and then started combing her fingers through her hair, to straighten it out. Harry was acting a bit odd. Why had he made that comment about Madam Rosemerta being less attractive than her? She tried to think about everything that had happened since the beginning of the outing. Harry for some reason had been walking closely to her on their way to Hogsmeade, he had wanted to buy some chocolate, and he had wanted to go to Madam Puddifoot's with her. Also, his mannerisms, now that she really thought about it, his mannerisms were almost like how he would act around Cho Chang. So, closeness, chocolate, Madam Puddifoot's, and Cho Chang induced mannerisms. The only thing she could think of that they all shared was that they all had to do with romance. Harry was acting like this was a…real date.

As Ginny stared at her reflection in the mirror over the sink, her eyes widened with a dawning realization. This is a real date! But, no that would mean Harry liked her.

Gripping the sides of the sink, Ginny tried not to stumble over from the shock. Was it a date, or was she just building it all up in her head? No, don't do this to yourself, Ginevra! Get a hold of yourself; we've already been over this. You were going to go to Hogsmeade with Harry with no expectations of romance.

But, what if Harry's expectations had changed? She had noticed Harry acting differently around her, but she had never stopped to hope that he might feel something towards her. Ginny exhaled, pushing back her hair. She had to make sure before she jumped to any conclusions. Exiting the loo, Ginny was caught in between the fluttering feeling that Harry might fancy her, and the dousing feeling that she might be misunderstanding him. It felt like she had drenched butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.

"Sorry, I took so—" Ginny trailed off, once she saw what was on their table. Two butterbeers, and a huge piece of chocolate cake on a single plate with two forks. When had Harry ordered that?

"That's okay," Harry said, as she scooted back into the booth. He picked up his fork, gesturing towards the other fork. "Dig in."

Picking up the fork, Ginny fiddled with it, before sinking it into the cake, while Harry did the same.

"You must have really wanted chocolate," Ginny said, sticking her bit of cake into her mouth. She softly smiled as the moist, richness of the cake and icing melted into her mouth.

Harry chewed slowly, and then gulped. "Well….yeah," he said lamely. "So…," he paused, his eyebrows creasing as he seemed to thinking of what to say, "how have you been, Ginny?"

Ginny chewed on another bit of cake, before answering. "How have I been? I've been doing well. Just been working on my Quidditch moves, going to class, and working on the techniques you've been showing us."

"Yes, I've noticed that when I see you at the meetings with Corner," Harry said, absentmindedly tapping his fork against the table. "He came up to me after the last meeting. Told me that he had asked you what you were going to do today."

"Michael? Oh, yeah he did. I think he was going to ask me to Hogsmeade."

"You could have broken our date, if you really wanted to come here with him," Harry said, lifting his fork up to take a huge chuck of cake. "I…I would have understood."

"But I didn't want to break it; I wanted to…," Ginny's voice faltered, "be here with you."

Harry just stared at her as he chewed, and then slowly a wide grin came across his face, teeth and all.

Ginny laughed, quickly putting her hand over her mouth, as she gave a little snort. "Oh, I'm sorry…it's just you have a bit of chocolate cake on your teeth."

Blushing, Harry snatched a napkin, wiping at his mouth. "So, are you having a good time?" he asked tentatively.

"Yeah, I am," Ginny said, smiling as she gave into the happiness for a moment of just sitting across from a wonderful boy on the most romantic day of the year. "I mean, I don't truly know how it is for blokes. But for girls, Valentine's Day is a nightmare. At least if you're single. There's so much emphasis on having someone…," Ginny trailed off. "Sorry, didn't mean to say all that."

Harry's mouth lifted up into a little smile, and then it disappeared as he stared soberly at his half-full butterbeer. "Most of my Valentines' consisted of watching Dudley stuff himself with boxes of chocolate, and then when I entered Hogwarts it was just another day. The only time I really noticed that it was Valentine's Day is when Lockhart was teaching."


Harry lifted his gaze to her. "Yeah?"

Ginny's lips quivered as she tried to keep her laugher in check. "Did…did you really get love advice from Lockhart?"

"No! Well…sort of…unwillingly, when—" Harry paused, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, "he noticed that I was thinking about a girl."

"Cho or…. What was it? Ginger?"

"Neither," Harry stated. After that, he didn't talk for a couple of minutes. Ginny took a drink of her butterbeer, and then placed it back on the table. "You know, my most memorable Valentine's Day was when I got a Valentine from a singing dwarf."

Ginny groaned, shutting her eyes painfully. "Oh,don't remind me of that. Regrettably, yes I did write it, but I didn't send it to you, someone else did that…or more like two gits."

"It wasn't that bad…" Harry said politely. Ginny opened her eyes, giving him a look. "Okay, it was bad." They both busted out laughing, their eyes watering in mirth. "I wanted…wanted to disappear when…when that dwarf held me down by the ankles," Harry choked out through his laugher, while he bent over clutching onto the edge of the table.

"You wanted to disappear?" exclaimed Ginny, holding onto her sides. "I wanted to disappear, change my name, and never come back!"

"We…we should put both memories in a Pensieve one day, and compare notes," Harry said, making them go into a new fit of laugher.

Finally, after a couple of stray giggles, they calmed down, trying to catch their breath. "Oh, now my sides hurt," Ginny said lightheartedly.

Harry took a deep breath, smiling. "But, honestly, Ginny, it's better than anything I could have written up."

Ginny leaned back into her seat, crossing her arms. "Okay then, let's hear it."

"Uh, hear what?"

"You said you couldn't do any better. Prove it, recite something."

Harry chuckled lightly, and then slowly raised his eyebrows. "You're…serious? Um…okay then, but I'm not singing it. Let's see…," Harry paused for a considerable amount of time. His eyes darted around, looking at the half eaten cake, the different tables, the door, and then at her. "Her eyes are as brown as chocolate frogs, hair is as red as…err…lollipops, I wish she was mine, she really fine, the girl I hope to be my Valentine."

Ginny shyly smiled, soaking in the moment. She couldn't actually believe that he had even attempted to recite something to her. She had half expected him to just flat-out refuse to say anything. The poem he had made up was quite simple like hers had been, but it was sweet none the less, even though he didn't really mean all that.

"Okay, I believe you. You're no poet," said Ginny.

"I meant it, you know."

"Meant what?"

Harry breathed deeply through his nose, his eyes staring down at the table. "About wishing you were mine."

Ginny would have gasped, if it wasn't for the fact that she felt like someone had knocked all the air out of her. Against her chest, her heart gave a big thump. All she could do was sit there, not feeling in control of her own body.

"Ginny….I…," Harry sharply exhaled, going quiet.

"This isn't a play date, is it?" she said faintly.


"Oh," she said, her mind fanatic with thoughts, and yet blank at the same time. "But…but you said you didn't feel that way about me."

"I was wrong," Harry said, leaning back into the cushion of his seat, and running his hand through his hair. "Bugger...I'm rubbish at this," he paused, starting over again. "I like Ginevra, and I don't mean just the name. I like you, Ginny…a lot. I think the only reason I didn't realize it sooner, is because I didn't try to get to know you. I've been a real prat, I wouldn't blame you if you just walked out of here. But I have to know, do I still have a chance? Do…do you still fancy me?" he finished, his eyes lingering on her anxiously.

It was then that Ginny said the only thing she could ever say to a question like that, asked by him.


Across from her, Harry stared at her blankly, and then his lips began to twitch upward, until his mouth broke out into the most glorious smile, that crinkled up his eyes, as they stared back at her with drunken, uninhibited happiness.

Ginny found herself smiling back just as passionately, her mouth aching from the intenseness of her smile. But she couldn't help it, her whole being seemed to be erupting with an endless surge of joy. She was quite sure they both looked like idiots smiling like that, but she really didn't care.

Neither of them spoke for a while, until Harry started laughing. "Oh…Oh…wow," he breathed. "I thought for sure you were going to reject me."


"Because you didn't want to go to Madam Puddifoot's with me." Her confusion must have shown on her face, since Harry explained further. "I thought you didn't want to go there, because you didn't want this to be a real date. I mean, all the girls were talking about wanting to go there for their date."

"No, I just didn't fancy the thought of watching people suck each other's faces off."


"Harry, that place is a snogfest. Plus, I hear that on Valentine's Day, Madam Puddifoot has golden cherubs flying around, throwing confetti in your face." Ginny watched as Harry blanched. "But we could still go there if you want."

Harry waved his hands in front of him. "No…no…I'm good. Knowing my luck, the cherub would probably end up holding me down by the ankles too."

Ginny giggled, relishing in what had to be by far the happiness moment of her life. It was all very overwhelming; the happiness she felt was like a dream that had yet to become something tangible, that the fear still lingered, that if she reached out to grab it, it would disappear. She shivered at such a thought.

"Are you cold?" Harry asked, his eyes softened with concern.

Before Ginny could even answer him, Harry scooted out of his side, swinging around the table to sit next to her. He then wrapped his arm around her shoulder, resting his hand against her arm, while he rubbed it up and down to create heat. Though it was blatantly unnecessary, since the mere fact that his arm was around her, and his side was pressed up against hers instantly warmed her up.

"Is that better?"

Feebly, she turned her head, raising her eyes to him, giving a nod. As she stared back at him, she noticed his hand starting to slow down in its momentum, until it became a lazy, absentminded caress. She watched as Harry's cheeks turned slightly pink, and his eyes darken as they flickered from her eyes to her lips.

Holy Harpies! He was going to kiss her! And that wasn't an assumption in anyway. She knew he was, as his eyes became slightly unfocused, his eyelids slowly lowering, as his head did the same, drawing closer to her face. Ginny's breath quicken with the rapid pounding of her heart, as it thrived off the sole anticipation of his lips touching hers. She was just beginning to give into the heaviness of her eyelids, when suddenly she saw something over Harry's shoulder. "Hagrid?"

Harry jerked back, his eyes wide, and his face slightly green. "H-Hagrid?" he croaked out.

Oh, if she was a house-elf she would be slamming her head into the table right now. She quickly nodded over in the direction of Hagrid, before Harry got any ideas of her secretly fancying Hagrid. "Look, he's over there… He doesn't look so good."

Hagrid was sitting alone in a corner, staring into his pewter tankard as if it was a Pensieve that held a particularly depressing memory. His face wasn't a pretty picture as well, all cut up and bruised. Harry and Ginny glanced at one another, making an unspoken agreement to go see what was wrong. They may have been on a date, but Hagrid was their friend.

Pulling up a couple of chairs to Hagrid's table, they sat down; it took a moment for Hagrid to realize he had company. Though, their company didn't do much to lift his spirits. Hagrid then for some reason started talking about how both he and Harry were both orphans, and how having a decent family made a difference.

"Yeah…I guess," said Harry, glancing at Ginny with his eyebrows raised. It was clear to her he was saying, "Do you know what's going on with him? Because I sure don't." Ginny just lightly shrugged her shoulders.

It was when Hagrid made the comment about family, and blood being important, that Ginny's temper wouldn't allow her not to say anything. She couldn't take him being so down on himself.

"Blood or no blood, that's not what makes someone family. Family are people who care about one another, and like I've said before, you have lots of people that care about you, Hagrid. Both of you do," she said, reaching for Harry's hand underneath the table. Harry straightened up in his chair at her touch, darting his eyes down to look at their hands; he glanced at her, and then a happy little smile formed on his lips, as his hand relaxed, intertwining with hers. "So neither of you are orphans, not really."

Hagrid must have come out of his depression for a moment, as he seemed to take notice of their odd little nonverbal exchange. "Somethin' goin' on between yeh two?"

"We're on a date, Hagrid. Aren't we, Ginny?" Harry added shyly.

Ginny couldn't help but feel happy, at the way Harry had announced their date, as if he was breaking the news to a favorite uncle of his. He also seemed still unsure if they were on an actual date. "Yes, we are, Harry."

Hagrid looked genuinely happy for them, as he gave a little smile, or at least tried to. But it only lasted so long, and disappeared as he drained his tankard. "At leas' somethin' is goin' righ'."

"What isn't going right? Is it what's giving you all these injuries?" Harry said bluntly.

But of course, Hagrid just denied it all, and with a quick goodbye, he exited the Three Broomsticks leaving Harry and Ginny alone with his empty tankard. "He's acting strange, isn't he, Ginny?" said Harry.

"Yes, I hope it isn't something too serious. But then again, how couldn't it be with all those injuries he keeps getting?" said Ginny.

Harry sighed, shaking his head. "I don't know."

"I'm half-tempted to just—" Ginny started saying, when Harry suddenly pulled on their joined hands, dragging her out of her chair, and over behind the staircase. "Harry, what the—"

"Rita Skeeter," Harry hissed.

Ginny whirled around, leaning her head to the side to see past the staircase. "That horrid woman that wrote all those outrageous stories about you in your fourth year?"

Harry nodded, his eyes narrowing. "What is she doing here?"

Ginny didn't know much about Rita Skeeter, she had only seen glimpses of her during her third year, but she would recognize those bejeweled winged glasses anywhere. She tried to see past the crowd of people that had entered the Three Broomsticks, when she noticed that Hermione was nearby where Rita Skeeter was… and also Luna? In fact, they all seemed to be heading in the same direction.

"Err…Harry, I think she's here with Hermione and Luna?"

Harry laughed. "Oh, that's funny, Ginny."

"I'm not joking."

"Come on, Ginny, do you seriously think Hermione would ever sit with…," Harry trailed off, his mouth gapping as he watched Rita Skeeter, Hermione, and Luna sit at a table together. "W-what is Hermione doing? Wait a minute…. I almost forgot," he groaned. "Is this why she wanted to meet?"

"What do you mean, Harry?"

"Hermione, she wanted me to meet her here, but she never told me why. I was going to ask you if you wanted to come along, but I…," he trailed off, mumbling the rest, "got a bit preoccupied."

Ginny shrugged her shoulders. "Well, okay. Let's go."

"We could just stay here…," Harry grumbled, not moving, until he sighed looking thoroughly annoyed as he started talking to himself. "Hermione's never going to let me hear the end of it, if I don't go over there." He lightly squeezed her hand "Let's just get this over with."

"Harry! Ginny!" Hermione greeted them once they approached the table.

"Ginny?" said Rita, twisting around in her chair to look at Ginny, her eyes sizing her up. Ginny felt like a bug underneath a…. What were those things called that Muggles looked into to make small things bigger? Rita's eyes particularly gleamed once she saw their clasped hands. "Well, well…you've been a busy boy, Harry."

"It's none of your business if Harry's been with a hundred girls, so don't even think about it," Hermione said coldly, as Rita tried to get a quill out of her handbag.

"I haven't been with a hundred girls!" Harry choked out, and then turned to Ginny to repeat it to her directly. "I haven't been with a hundred girls."

"I believe you, Harry," said Ginny, finding him adorable. Oh, she knew very well that Harry was quite a catch, but he was in no way a serial dater. Look how long it took him to tell Cho he liked her. Err…Cho Chang… It didn't do her any good to think about the Ravenclaw Seeker.

"Good kisser, is she, Harry?" pried Rita.

Harry, who had just sat down, sunk down into his seat turning red.

Ginny glared from her seat. "Sod off."

"Oh, feisty, is she?" said Rita, with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, yes," said Luna dreamily, while stirring her gillywater with a cocktail onion on a stick, "she's also brave, kind, mischievous, athletic, and right now looks like she wants to Bat-Bogey hex you." She paused in her stirring to look at Harry and Ginny with her dazed eyes. "How is your play date going?"

"Play date!" Rita barked out.

Harry quickly corrected her, his face still quite red. "No, Luna we're on a real date."

"Oh, how lovely," said Luna, lightly clapping her hands together. "So, you fancy Ginny? It doesn't surprise me that it took you this long to realize it. It usually does for the male of any species. Why it takes a Double-Headed Loaflare nine years to find their mate, and they're physically conjoined."

Rita leaned over the table listening keenly in excitement and bewilderment.

"Not helping, Luna," Hermione hissed. "Now, if we could get back to the subject at hand."

Ginny sat at the table, just listening and observing as Hermione laid out her proposal for Rita to publish Harry's side of the story in The Quibbler. She didn't really feel like it was her place to say anything—although, she wouldn't hesitate to Bat-Bogey hex Rita if she made another jab at Harry. This was Harry's moment, his moment to have someone listen to what he had to say, after all the years of people telling him to shut up, calling him a liar, or just locking him away in a cupboard. Occasionally, during the interview Harry would glance in her direction, and Ginny would give him an encouraging smile. She felt so proud of him, and touched that she could be there to support him.

Sometime later, Harry and Ginny stood inside the doorway of the Three Broomsticks looking out into the downpour outside. There were people outside huddled under umbrellas, some had their coats pulled up over their heads as they made a mad dash, and others trying to walk closely to the bare shelter the rooftops of the shops provided.

Harry glanced around, and then looked over his shoulder into the Three Broomsticks. "I guess we could borrow an umbrella, or—"

Ginny didn't stick around to hear the rest, as she gave into her impulse and stepped out into the center of the rain. It didn't take long for her clothes and hair to become drenched. She pushed her hair back as it started clinging to her face, and then began spinning around, giving a shout.

"W-What are you doing?" Harry yelled from the doorway.

"Playing in the rain," said Ginny, gesturing for him to come out. "Come on, Harry we're going to get soaked either way, we might as well enjoy it."

For several seconds, Harry didn't move; he just stared at her from the shelter of the doorway. She thought he was going to leave her hanging for a moment, until this determined look came into his eyes. "Sod it!" he said, and then before she knew it, he was standing out in the rain with her, his arms loosely wrapped around her damp waist, and his head leaning forward towards her lips.

She had always thought when watching those romantic Muggle movies that it was a bit stupid of them to be kissing in the rain. How could it be romantic to kiss, when there were droplets of rain hitting your face? After all, they must be freezing, and it looked uncomfortable with them being all wet. She took that all back now.

It was cold with the rain drizzling down her face, but that really was an afterthought when it came to the heat she felt as Harry's lips touched hers. Tentatively, Harry moved his lips against hers, causing her eyes to flutter close. As she began to caress his lips back, she felt Harry's grip around her waist tighten, bringing her closer. Inside, she was tingling with a warm, knee-weakening, exhilarating sensation, and then Harry pressed his lips more firmly against hers, and her heart went soaring. Grabbing onto the back of his soaked hair, she kissed him back just has passionately.

Slowly, they pulled apart resting their foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes as droplets of water trailed down their faces. Ginny watched as Harry caught his breath, with his fringe glued to his skin, his glasses splattered and droplets of water falling into his mouth. Then his eyes lit up, and he smiled, as he started laughing in utter bliss. She quickly joined him.

Some people began staring at them, as they started splashing each other, and shrieking out loud with laugher. But as Harry took her hand, spinning her around and holding her close as they danced in the rain, she really didn't care. Things wouldn't always be perfect, and she knew many things would come raining down on them, trying to bring them down, especially with all the pain, fear, and idiocy surrounding them. But she would try to enjoy life through the downpours, because this was their moment, and there would be more moments to come.