A Disney crossover, Treasure Planet meets Cinderella.

Jim Hawkins x Cinderella.


Rated E for everyone.

Summary: While on the search for Treasure Planet, Jim Hawkins' ship goes through the black hole and crash-lands on Earth, where Jim meets a servant girl named Cinderella. A fairy godmother, a Silver cyborg, a not-so-Charming Prince, a treasure map, a glass slipper, and a ball attacked by pirates are all involved when Jim crash-lands into someone else's fairy tale.

"A Pirate and a Princess"


"Cinderella and the Pirates"

Ch. 1 - Crash-Landing

When Jim Hawkins had set out on this insane adventure, this blind leap into the mind-boggling vastness of space, he had never in his wildest dreams imagined where it would take him. He had imagined Treasure Planet, yes –dreamed of it longingly, with the incredible crystal clear imagination of youth that an adult would be startled by if they somehow stumbled into it. But as the ship tore through the Etherium of space toward the raging black hole, created by a star going supernova and collapsing on itself, he realized his adventure might take him even farther, perhaps farther than anyone had ever been before. If the ship went through the black hole, there was no telling where they would come out on the other side. They might come out so far away that he would never be able to return to his home planet, not if he sailed back at breakneck speed for his entire life. That was how big space was. He realized if the ship entered that ink black vortex, he might never see his mother again. All hope of Treasure Planet faded in that instant; he only hoped to see home. And if they didn't survive going through the black hole, which was very likely, then he would be going somewhere even farther.

The crew fought valiantly to save the R. L. S Legacy, to steer it away from the maelstrom; Captain Amelia did her best at the helm, and John Silver and his mates followed her orders to the best of their ability, but it was not enough. In the end, the ship steered straight into the center of the hole, unable to escape the current of gravity, and as the bow plunged into the blackness the crew braced themselves on whatever was closest, preparing for the worst. Jim gripped the mast of the ship, more terrified than he would have ever admitted, and he felt a strong arm wrap around him. It was Long John Silver, standing beside the boy, giving him comforting assurance in the face of death. He was glad Silver was there next to him, in the end. He saw a small pink blob zoom by as Silver's small shape-shifting creature companion Morph dived into his pocket, obviously terrified, but come to be with Jim as well, and Jim was grateful for him too. They were surrounded by utter darkness as the ship sank in, and Jim prepared himself to be ripped apart into billions of atoms.

But the painful ripping didn't come. He wondered if maybe one felt no pain when they died. Was he dead? He opened his eyes but still saw nothing but inky blackness, which gave him no answer either way. Then there was a light, it grew blinding, and the crew shut their eyes and again braced themselves as the ship came zooming back into space. Jim looked around in amazement; they had passed through the black hole. He could see the twisted starless section of space behind them that must have been the exit of the wormhole, from which they were soaring speedily away, like a little toy boat flushing out of a gutter. The crew gave a massive cheer, leaping and shouting with joy and even embracing one another. Jim was so happy to be alive he let Silver embrace him heartily, and hugged him back. Morph flew out of his pocket, squealing with delight.

"Get a hold of yourselves, men," Captain Amelia roared, interrupting the crew's reverie. She was still stationed at the helm, hands firmly gripped on the wheel. "We may be alive for the moment, but we're not out of trouble yet. Haven't you noticed how fast we're going? That wormhole spit us out with so much energy, I don't think I can stop the ship."

The ship was moving scarily fast, Jim noticed – faster than he had ever seen a ship move before. "But it must slow down eventually," he said.

"Things in motion don't just slow down out in space, lad," Silver said with a grimace. "You push it and it will keep gliding onward 'til the end of eternity."

"We won't have long enough to find out," Amelia retorted. "We're heading straight into the atmosphere of that planet."

A blue and green planet with swirling white clouds was approaching scarily fast, growing to engulf their entire line of vision.

"I can't believe it!" Jim's friend Delbert, the learned astronomer, barked beside him. "We've come through a wormhole! Into an entirely different sector of space! Do you realize the implications of this? Just our arrival here could irreversibly alter the timeline of this universe!"

"What planet is that?" Jim asked, staring at the vast orb of green, blue, and swirling white. "It's beautiful." He wondered hopefully if it was Treasure Planet, but he doubted it. He wondered if Treasure Planet would have been this beautiful.

"Haven't the slightest idea!" Delbert replied. "Just look at these stars! They're completely different from our own, like nothing I've ever seen, not even on a map! There's no telling where that wormhole has spit us out at!"

"No no, these constellations look familiar," Silver said pensively. "I think I've seen them before in the star charts. If I'm right, we must be on the very edge of the galaxy, but we could still get home-"

"It hardly matters now," Amelia roared, struggling to control the wheel. "If we crash into this planet, there won't be a ship to get home in!"

The air was now rushing around the ship as it plunged down into the atmosphere. They were immersed in wet white clouds, spraying their faces with tiny drops. The rushing of air had grown into so loud a roar that the crew could barely hear their captain's orders. "There's no saving the ship now!" Amelia cried. "I've never flew a ship into an atmosphere at this speed, no where near it! I can't possibly land it. I have to save us. All hands abandon ship! Now, that's an order!"

The crew rushed to the rocket-propelled lifeboats. There would have been enough room for everyone if they had done it right, but the most vicious and the quickest of the pirates leaped into the nearest boats and launched them, without waiting for any others. Amelia screamed at them, but they took no notice and could no longer hear what she was saying anyways. Brawls broke out over the remaining lifeboats, and many launched with crewmen still wrestling each other onboard, throwing each other out, and dangling off the edge hanging on for dear life. Only three boats were left now. Delbert met eyes with Jim and pointed at the boat behind the boy, signaling for him to get on. Jim nodded. He saw Delbert grab Amelia's arm and wrench her away from the wheel, pulling her to the lifeboat nearest them. Jim gripped Morph in his pocket as he ran to the boat nearest him, over which two pirates were scuffling.

"Both of you get on!" Jim screamed at them. "There's room for all of us!" He moved to clamber aboard, but one of the pirates punched him in the stomach, sending him flying back to the deck. It was Scroop who had punched him - the enormous eight-legged insectoid pirate who had bullied Jim from the start of the voyage, and who – unknown to the rest of the crew - had murdered Arrow, the first mate. The air was knocked out of Jim as he lay sprawled on the deck. He looked up and saw John Silver suddenly there; the cyborg punched both the pirates, sending them sprawling to the deck as well. In the moment it took for them to get back on their feet, Silver had already lifted Jim off the ground, placed him in the lifeboat, and hit the launch button.

"Silver, get in!" Jim shouted at him. But the boat was already moving away, and the moment Silver could have used to hop in, he used instead to beat away the two scoundrel pirates who were themselves about to jump for it. Jim watched helplessly as his boat flew away from the ship; it was on autopilot, keeping him from going back for Silver. On the other side of the ship he saw Delbert and Amelia escaping in their lifeboat. There was but one boat left on the entire ship, and the remaining crew were fighting their hardest over it. Jim met eyes with Silver as his boat bore him away. Whatever dark suspicions Jim had had about Silver, they now paled to insignificance in light of what Silver had just done for him. Whether he had been a pirate, a murderer, a scoundrel, a villain – whether he had been planning a mutiny or to steal all the treasure for himself – did not matter now, because in the end, the man had sacrificed his own hope of survival to give it to the boy instead. Jim wished with everything inside him that Silver would somehow get on that last lifeboat.

The R. L. S. Legacy looked like a huge meteor now, plunging into the atmosphere, leaving fiery trails behind it, streaked across the sky. Jim's lifeboat plunged into a cloud, and the ship was lost from sight.

As the lifeboat dived toward the surface of the unknown planet, Jim realized once again that he was probably about to die. But Morph was still securely in his pocket, nestled against him, so at least he would not die alone.

As the clouds cleared he saw with some relief that he was above green land, which was very lucky since most of the planet had appeared to be ocean. The ground was rushing up to meet them at terrifying speed. Trees became discernible, and houses! The thought rushed through his head that there were people on his planet, and maybe, just maybe they had ships of their own, and could help him return home. If he survived the landing. He wondered musingly if what he would find here would compare to the treasure still undiscovered on Treasure Planet.

The lifeboat itself was a small meteor now, leaving a fiery trail in its wake. Jim could finally take it no longer: he squeezed his eyes shut to block out the terrifying vision, clutching one hand on the side of the boat and one firmly around Morph in his pocket. Just when he thought they must me about to hit the ground and be blasted into fiery pieces, he felt a sudden violent jerk beneath him. His seat had been ejected from the boat, and the parachute had deployed. He drifted slowly in his seat to the treetops, as a little distance away the boat carved a fiery hole through the trees and crashed into the ground with a thunderous noise that he felt all through his body. He could see the smoking crater it had made, and thanked his lucky stars he hadn't been in it. One of the parachute strings caught on a branch, causing his seat to tip over, and Jim and Morph toppled out, crashed through several feet of vegetation and finally landing on soft grass.

Jim lay panting on the ground as Morph, beside him, affectionately kissed the dirt. "I agree," Jim wheezed, and he planted a large kiss on the ground of the unknown planet directly beneath him. Then his head hit the ground limply, and the exhausted boy fell asleep.

Not a mile away there was a large house, on the outskirts of a city, and as Jim had fallen asleep, a girl inside had woken up just minutes before. It was the early morning, and she had awoke at the sound of the castle bells in the distance. Though the house was large and magnificent, clearly belonging to aristocracy, the girl's room was bare and decrepit, and at the very top of the house in the attic. She climbed out of her small slipshod bed, stretched, yawned, then looked out the window to see a fiery light falling through the sky, leaving a trail in its wake. "Oh look!" she cried in delight. "A shooting star!" Her dark blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she craned her head out the window, her dreamy blue eyes glued on the star. "I wish," she said, clutching the windowsill and watching the star fall, "I wish with all my heart that he would find me."

"Who, you ask?" she said with a smile to the little birds flitting around her window. She put her elbows on the windowsill and leaned her chin on her hand, watching the star falling down, down, down. "The one I was dreaming about," she said. The star fell below the tree line, and a massive crash thundered through the air and rattled the house around her. "Goodness!" she cried, leaping back from the window in alarm. She could see smoke rising from the Earth where the star had hit, not a mile away from the house. "Well," she mused to herself, "I wonder if that means my wish will come true or not."

"Cinderella!" a harsh voice shouted from downstairs, disturbing the girl from her thoughts, and she turned and rushed out of her little attic room.

Jim was at a loss of what to do next; he was stranded on an alien planet, separated from his crewmates, with nothing but the clothes he was wearing and the small creature Morph tucked in his pocket. He had examined the wreckage of his lifeboat and saw it was completely unsalvageable. He had no idea where the other lifeboats had landed, or if they had even survived the crash. He did not even know what planet he was on, nor what sector of the galaxy. He did not know if there was any chance of his returning home, but if there was even the slightest chance of seeing his home and his mother again, he would take it. The only thing to do was to the trek to the nearest settlement and scout out the natives. It was possible they had spaceports on this planet, and the technology to launch him back to his home planet. He had nothing to barter for passage on a ship, but he could work for it.

There was one other thing he had, he remembered: the map, tucked in the pocket that was not occupied by Morph. He felt the smooth orb beneath his hand, the one known map to the legendary Treasure Planet. That was certainly worth something, and it was all he had. He gripped it tightly in his pocket. It had been lucky he had had it on him before the ship crashed, or it would have been lost with the rest of the ship. Still, he would have traded it gladly to have the crew with him instead.

He had been walking through the woods as he pondered this, and saw the native flora was not unlike he was used to: green trees and grass and bushes. He hoped he would look similar enough to the natives to blend in. He emerged from the woods to see a huge mansion surrounded by beautiful gardens; it was magnificent, but he had the sense it had not been well cared for in years, as if the rich people who lived here had come on hard times. "Morph," he whispered to the little creatures peaking out of his pocket. "Stay in there and be quiet until I say you can come out. Alright?" Morph nodded in understanding and squirmed back into his pocket. Jim wandered toward the house, thinking to catch a glimpse of the natives, and maybe even ask them for help. There were animals in the yard, some on four legs and some on two, but nothing too strange compared to some of the aliens Jim had seen. He followed a path up to the front door. He decided not to knock, but instead opened the door just wide enough to slip inside, and shut it quietly behind him.

He was standing inside a grand entrance room with a high ceiling and a sweeping staircase. He saw no one, but he heard someone humming a song from the other side of the staircase. He walked very quietly around the staircase until he could see the other side, and then he froze in his tracks, for he had stumbled on a girl.

She was on her knees on the floor in the middle of the room, a bucket of water beside her, and she was scrubbing the floor while singing to herself. She was looking the other way and did not notice Jim. Jim should have ducked quickly out of sight before she could spot him, but strangely this did not cross his mind, because he was too busy staring at the girl. He could not tear his eyes off her. It was not because she looked strange or alien; in fact she was human, like Jim. She was dressed in dirty clothes, her ragged patched skirt falling around her dirt-smeared legs, her dark golden hair tied back so as to not fall in her face. Even though she was dirty and ragged and engaged in scrubbing the floor, she moved gracefully, like a princess, even though she was not aware anyone was watching, and she was the most beautiful girl Jim had ever seen.

She glanced around and saw him. "Oh!" she said, startled. She dropped her scrub brush in surprise and sat up straight on her knees to look at him. But Jim stood still frozen in his tracks. "Hello," she said. Jim saw her eyes scan him up and down, and he felt suddenly self-conscious. He realized that after that crash landing, his brown hair was no doubt a mess, and his clothes must have been even dirtier than the girl's.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Uh, yes," he said nonchalantly. He leaned an elbow against the staircase railing and smiled at her. "I was just wondering, have I seen you in the night sky? Because, you've got a heavenly body."

The girl stared at him in bewilderment.

"It's supposed to be funny," he explained.

"Oh," she said. "I'm sorry; I must have missed it."

"Oh, it's not your fault," he said hurriedly. "See, I'm not from around here."

"I thought not," she said. "You look like a traveler. Oh I know, you must be here to stay in the guest room."

Jim took a risk and nodded. "Yes," he said stupidly.

"Well come on, I'll show you to Lady Tremaine." He followed her as she led him up the staircase. "Did you see the guest room advertised in the papers?" she asked. "Or did someone tell you we were renting it out?"

"Word of mouth," Jim said haphazardly.

"The house is so big, we have the room," the girl continued. "And Lady Tremaine decided to rent out the guest room, since, you know, times are hard – well anyways, it's a very lovely room, and you've got the whole house and the grounds to make yourself at home in, and meals are all included with the boarding fee. I'm sure you'll like it here," she said enthusiastically.

"I'm sure I will," Jim said, staring at her.

The house was enormous and beautiful, but felt empty and lonely. It seemed most of the furniture and paintings had been sold; Jim could see the pale patches on the walls where they used to be. They came to the second floor landing, and a tall thin woman came swooping down another staircase to meet them. She looked very aristocratic, wearing a long gown and her gray hair done up on her head, but the permanent scowl on her face and the way her eyes peered distrustfully down her hooked nose made Jim instantly dislike her. She smiled at him, which did little to mask the permanent scowl.

"He's here to rent the guest room, ma'am," the girl said to the woman standing imperiously above them on the staircase.

"Ah, wonderful!" the woman cooed. "We've had the advertisements up for weeks, but we hardly ever get travelers in these parts, with the roads being so full of robbers these days and the seas so full of pirates." Jim flinched a little at the mention of pirates, remembering his recent experiences, and wondering if he himself was considered a pirate after sailing with such a crew on a quest for treasure.

Two girls in splendid gowns came hurrying down the staircase; they seemed the same age as the dirty ragged girl, but were so different from her in every other respect that they could hardly be compared. They came down the stairs pushing and shoving each other, each trying to arrive first, and then the brunette one pulled the redhead's hair and they bickered at each other under their breath. They came to stand behind the woman and quieted themselves quickly, standing tall and holding their chins up in the air, smiling down at Jim. Jim forced a smile back.

The woman continued, "I am Lady Tremaine, and these are my two daughter, Anastasia and Drisella." The girls curtsied. "You are welcome to join us at meals," Lady Tremaine went on. "Breakfast at nine, lunch at noon, tea at four, and dinner at six. Feel free to look around the house and the grounds; we have lovely gardens. If there is anything you need, feel free to ask." She gestured to the dirty ragged girl as she said that, and Jim realized she must be employed as a servant. He was already thinking up things to ask her for help with. "May I ask," the woman said, interrupting his thoughts, "how long you plan on staying?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest," Jim said with a shrug. "I'm a traveler, as you can see," he said, gesturing down to his dirty clothes singed at the edges from the crash, "but I've been separated from the people I was traveling with. Can you tell me if there's a port nearby?"

"Oh yes, there's a port very close by," the woman said. "But if you're thinking of crossing the channel, let me warn you, it's swarming with pirates of late."

"I'm not afraid of pirates," Jim said with a smirk.

"Well, you seem a brave and resourceful young man. What's your name?"

"Jim Hawkins, ma'am."

"Well Mr. Hawkins, until you figure out your travel plans, you're welcome to stay indefinitely," the woman said, and her daughters seemed delighted by this idea. "Don't worry about payment right now," she said, "we'll discuss that later." Jim frowned; he had forgotten about the payment part.

The woman turned to the servant girl. "Cinderella," she commanded imperiously, in a completely different tone than she used with Jim or her daughters, "show our guest to his room, and make sure he's completely comfortable."

"Yes, ma'am," the girl said.

"Welcome to our home, Mr. Hawkins," the woman said with a cold smile, and she turned to go back up the stairs, gesturing for her daughters to follow. The daughters snuck glances back at Jim and giggled.

"This way," the girl said, leading him down the hallway. A large black cat leaped in front of Jim, startling him, and then hissed at him viciously before darting away with a menacing low growl.

"Unfriendly little bugger, isn't he?" Jim said, scowling at the cat.

"Oh, that's Lucifer," the girl said, with a giggle at the look on Jim's face. "Watch out for him."

"I will," Jim agreed heartily.

The girl opened the door to a large and luxurious room. "This is your suite," she said. "There's a bathroom and even some men's clothes in the wardrobe." She seemed to hesitate at this.

"Do they belong to someone?" Jim asked curiously.

"There were my father's," she admitted.

"Where is he?"

"In heaven," she answered, looking very sad.

"I don't have a father either," Jim said. "Mine left when I was little. He just walked out, abandoned my mother and me."

"I'm sorry," the girl said. "At least I can think that mine is looking down at me and watching."

"There was one," Jim found himself saying, without thinking, "who was almost like a father to me. I hardly knew him really, but," he trailed off, leaning against the wall as the girl listened to him, entranced. "Well, he really believed in me, like I was worth something. His name was Silver. He saved my life. And now I don't know if I'll ever see him again."

She put her hand on his shoulder and smiled sadly at him. "You'll be alright," she said gently. "It's hard, having to go on alone, but we do our best, and maybe we make them proud anyway." Jim looked into her bright blue eyes, her hand on his shoulder. She broke away, and Jim wished she could have kept it there a while longer. The girl fell into her servant role again. "Please tell me if there is anything I can do to make you more comfortable."

She turned to walk away. "Wait," he called, and she looked at him with her bright blue eyes. "She said your name was..." he struggled a moment to remember, because it had been a strange name, "...Cinderella."

"That's what they call me," she said with a smile. "It's a funny name, I know," she added, embarrassed.

"Oh no, it's-" Jim stumbled, "-lovely."

She smiled. "My real name is just Ella," she hesitated, "but nobody's called me that in years."

"I'll call you that," Jim said eagerly. "Ella."

She gave him a dazzling smile. "I have to go do my chores," she said. "It's orders. But call me if you need anything…Jim." She gave a little curtsy, and walked away down the hall. Jim watched her walk away, gracefully and nobly, despite the demeaning chores she was about to go do. She was the complete opposite of the other women in the house; he could see that already. He thought she should have been born a princess instead of a servant girl, but life was never fair.