Chapter 6

Generation 5

Victini: A Victory Pokemon. Anyone who fights with Victini is sure to win. He is one of the Pokemon sent by wi-fi. He is a cherry, bubbly little soul with a high pitched voice, but since he's a Physic-fire type, you wouldn't like him...WHEN HE'S ANGRY! Victini has a friendship with Manaphy, and is picked on by Dialga at times. He is based off Nike, Greek goddess of victory. His name is a combanation of victory and teeny.

Cobalion: An Iron Will Pokemon. Cobalion is the leader of the Musketeer trio, representing Athos from the book The 3 Musketeers. He is calm, has a heart of steel, and is the oldest of the trio. He once battled humans to protect Pokemon. He is based off the Greater Kudu.

Terrakion: A Cavern Pokemon. Terrakion is part of the Musketeer trio, representing Porthos from the book The 3 Musketeers. He hates humans for what they do to the enviroment. He is the strongest, heviest and largest member of the trio. He is based off the Ox. His name comes from Terracotta, a clay-based material, looking at his color.

Virizion: A Grassland Pokemon. Virizion is part of the Musketeer trio, representing Aramos from the book The 3 Musketeers. She is vain, great at swordplay, and romantic when it comes to Palkia, but he has no success winning her heart. She hates humans for what they do to Pokemon, and owns an insanly stuffed wardrobe in her room. Talk about a beauty queen wannabe! She is based off a doe. Her name is an anagram for Viridarium, the Latin term for garden.

Tornadus: A Cyclone Pokemon. Tornadus is the first of the Kami trio, speaks like a tribal person (in this case, absolute giberish), and causes severe thunderstorms. He is based off Fujin, Kami god of wind. His name is a pun off Tornado.

Thunderus: A Bolt Strike Pokemon. Thunderus is the second of the Kami trio, speaks like a tribal person(giberish, again.), and causes lightning bolts to strike the planet. He is based off Raijin, Kami god of lightning. His name is a corruption of the word thunderous.

Reshiram: A Vast White Pokemon. Reshiram is the first of the Tao trio, gaurdians of the Unova region. He used to be 1 dragon type Pokemon until, due to a confilct between 2 brothers, the dragon split into 3 creatures. Kyurem, one of the creatures, didn't join the fight between the other 2 creatures: Reshiram, who fought for the older brother who believed in truth, and Zekrom, who fought for the younger brother who believed in ideas. The battle was ended by the brothers, and Reshiram hid in the light stone until a hero would come. He still goes to the Hall of Legendaries. He has a Hispanic accent and is smooth, wise, philosophical, and kind. Reshiram cares a lot about his first, and best, friend Arceus, and the two are rarely seen apart. He firmly believes in truth. He is based off Yang in Taoism. The shira in his name is Japanese for white.

Zekrom: A Deep Black Pokemon. Zekrom is the second of the Tao trio, guardians of the Unova region. He used to be-you know what (read Reshiram's bio. I'm not going over it again!). Zekrom sometimes visits Dragon Spiral tower, but is also found in the Hall. He is Austrian, make him sound like the Terminator. He is vain when it comes to body building, and he firmly believes in ideas. He is based off Yin in Taoism. The kuro in his name means black in Japanese.

Landorus: An Abundance Pokemon. Landorus is the leader of the Kami trio, speaks like a tribal person(giberish, again, AGAIN!), and makes good crops show up for humans. He is based off Inari, the Kami god of fertility. His name is a pun off the word land.

Kyurem: A Boundary Pokemon. Kyurem is the third of the Tao trio, guardians of the Unova region. After the whole Unova fiasco, he caused a 9-ll like incendent, and is either in the Hall or in the Giant chasm. He is hostile twoards humans and Pokemon because (gasp!) he freakin' eats them! Kyurem is watched by Arceus a lot. He is supposetly the remains of the original dragon that inhabited Unova. He is based off Wuji in Taoism. His name is based off Yuki, the Japanese word for snow.

Keldeo: A Colt Pokemon. Keldeo is the most recent member of the Musketeer trio(about to be called Musketeer quaret), representing d'Artagnan from the book The 3 Musketeers. He is the youngest member of the group and he like to run a lot, like, all over the world. He is based off the Kelpie, a water horse of old folklore. His name is derived from Kelda, which means sprin in Old Norse.

Meloetta: A Melody Pokemon. Using Relic song, Meloetta can change into Aria form or Pirouette form. Her red shoes were stolen, thus, she fell into obscurity. Still, in Aria form, she sings greatly. In Pirouette form, she dances grandly. Her singing can even calm down Giratina! Her Aria form is based off a singer while her Pirouette form is based off dancer. Her name is a pun off Melody.

Genesect: A Paleozoic Pokemon. Genesect was once a fossil, but Team Plasma revived her and technologicly enchanced her to be the most powerful Pokemon ever. But N, disgusted by the tech being used, stoped the project, but Scientist Dudley, angered by this, kept working on her even though the P2 lab was shut down. She was soon retrofitted with a cannon on her back. She escaped and was soon considered a Legendary by Arceus due to her DNA from the past. She is a bit of a robot, yet she cries when she thinks about her past. Reject, the keeper of the vault for horrible Nintendo games, has shown some signs of romance twoards her. She looks like a typhical Sci-fi robot from Japan. Her name is a comabanation of genesis and insect.

Thats all folks! For now...