A/N: Okay, again, sorry for making you wait. :( I don't own Harry Potter or anything related to it. Enjoy!

"Kiss James"

"No. Penalty. Now." Lily demanded, refusing to kiss her arch nemesis. Remus raised his eyebrows at her as if to ask "Is that really a good idea?" She stood strong and asked once more for a penalty.

"Okay, okay, if you insist. But know that once I tell you, you have to go through with it, no matter what?" Lily gave a terse nod. "If you don't..." Remus trailed off, shuddering. Lily once again gave her consent. Remus scrunched up his face in though, deciding on a horrible penalty for Lily.

"Your penalty is... hm... kiss Jame-" Lily cut him off.

"The penalty has to be different than the original dare. That's not fair." Remus rolled his eyes and continued. "Your penalty is, to kiss James for two minutes. With tongue. Different than the original dare, but much, much worse." Remus smirked. He had a deep-down feeling that Lily and James were going to get together, he was just helping them along.

Lily just opened her mouth and started shaking her head wildly back and forth. "No. No. No. No. can't make me do this. It's just a stupid game. No."

James piped up for the first time since Remus had dared Lily "You don't have to." Lily whipped her head around in confusion. "Excuse me? Of course I have to, it's a penalty. There's no getting out of this, and now I have to waste my first kiss on an arrogant bastard."

James shook his head. "If you really don't want to, you don't have to what can they do? Honestly, if you don't do it, you'll be okay. But you will be made fun of a lot. Just do what makes you happier. It's all I ever wanted for you anyways, happiness."

Lily smiled and began to lean in towards James. When she was about two inches away she smiled and said "I've always wanted to do this" Lily leaned in and...