For the "First Kiss" challenge over at the HPFC.
Disclaimer: It all belongs to JKR.
It was far from romantic. There was no sudden realisation that he was, in fact, "the one" for her and, on his part, there were no outrageous displays of affection; no fireworks, no flowers, absolutely no poetry – James Potter was cool, of course there was none of that, well, none of that crap.
It was a dare, well, more of a bet really. They were thirteen. His best mate, Sirius, had pointed her out at breakfast. They had been arguing for days about which of the pair of them was the most popular with the girls. They were young, they were arrogant, they were boys; these things mattered. So they decided to test it. On Lily Evans. The Lily Evans said to be the most unattainable girl at Hogwarts and with eyes for none but that decidedly creepy git from Slytherin. The first out of the two of them to get her to kiss them won.
By mid-afternoon, all Sirius, who had started off so confident, had got was a slap and a long list of threats of what would happen if he ever did that to her again. James was faring no better but he did at least have one last chance to get one up on Sirius before dinner, as Sirius was then recovering in the Hospital Wing from a particularly nasty hex…James smirked; obviously he had tried to do that to her again.
"Hey, Evans," James lingered outside the Transfiguration classroom, leaning casually against the wall.
"What, Potter?" Lily's tone was icy; she made no effort to ever disguise her positive loathing for James Potter or his bloody Marauders.
"Nothing, just saying "hi"," She eyed him suspiciously.
"Want to walk with me to dinner?"
"Not really."
"Oh." James thought for a moment. "How about…we walk the same way to the same way to the same place, but not together?" To this, it seemed Lily had no reply. She carried on down the hall and James shadowed her, paces behind.
"Hey, Evans!" They had almost made it to the Great Hall in silence.
"What, Potter?" Lily whipped round, eyes glinting dangerously. James, spotting Sirius on the landing, evidently having been discharged for dinner, know this was it.
"Uh, you've got something in your hair." His fingers beat hers to tangle themselves in her red curls. Very slowly and deliberately, he turned her round to face him.
"Potter, what are you –?" Her question was lost to his kiss.
It was clumsy, no doubt about it. His lips sought to be everywhere, crashing insistently against hers. For a shocked second, Lily found her lips responding before she realised who this was and what it was she was doing but, by then, James had broken the kiss with a smirk and a wink at the open-mouthed Sirius, who would later demand a rematch.
James gloated throughout the subsequent meal for, at that time, a conquest, a prize, was all she was to him. The kiss itself meant nothing.
Years later, after that amazing Quidditch victory, after Lily's beauty and that first kiss had come to mean something more than just a way to get one up on Sirius; they shared their first meaningful kiss.
But that's another story altogether.
"Stolen kisses require an accomplice"
A new take on an old favourite "First Kiss" story between two of Harry Potter's most loved characters. I hope I did them justice.
Please now review :) reviews are LOVE. We LOVE love :)
Louise xx