a/n: i am a team superior supporter through and through, but nair is cute. also, rinat. also, lyrics don't exactly fit but i decided on the title and wanted a song to go with it.
When you're young, forever means forever.
It means that it's never going to end. It means that you'll always love each other, and you'll always have your fairytale ending.
When she was young, Blair Waldorf believed in forever.
It starts when she's in kindergarten, when a paper aeroplane lands on her desk, the word Blair scrawled across it's wing.
She turns to see who the culprit is, and finds herself looking at Nate Archibald (even when he was young, he was so pretty), who mouths open it.
Blair's never taken orders from anyone, but she likes Nate, and saying no to him doesn't seem like an option.
She unfolds the aeroplane gingerly, smoothing it out before she reads the words written on it.
Will you be my girlfriend?
Later that day, she marches up to him on the playground, piece of paper in hand.
"Will we be together forever?" she demands, and Nate looks up at her and smiles.
"Forever" he says slowly, and Blair's pretty sure she loves him already, even before he nods "Sure. Forever."
Back then, it seemed possible.
They grew up, eventually. It didn't take long for forever to become Forever with Serena and Chuck with us.
Blair never cared until they were twelve-before then, she had always believed that Nate and her would stay together-he promised her forever. And Serena was her best friend. She wouldn't do that,
But she eventually figures out Serena does things without really meaning too. It's then that she decides that she needs to talk to Nate about what he meant by forever.
"Nate" she asks one day, when they're sitting in his room "What did you mean by forever?"
Nate doesn't reply, but goes over to his desk and starts writing on a piece of paper, before folding it up. She's about to ask what he's doing when she gets hit in the head with something soft.
She picks the object up to discover it's a paper aeroplane, with Forever written across the wings.
"Open it" he tells her, though she doesn't really need telling.
All her doubts are washed away when she finds Spending my life with you written in ink across the page.
Chuck and Serena don't believe in forever. Or, they don't believe Nate & Blair are forever.
She's never felt so lost when she loses Nate. He was always there for her, and he promised her forever. On a stupid paper aeroplane, but he did.
She opens her locker door gingerly, expecting packets of condoms to fall out. But something much worse does instead.
A paper aeroplane, with the words Fornever written across the wings.
They're almost 30 when he sends the next one. They've both been through their fair share of heartbreaks, but ended up finding each other again. After being with Chuck for so long, Nate feels so safe and comforting.
She's reading her dog eared, coloured yellow with age copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's when she gets hit in the head with something she hasn't been hit with since she was twelve.
Reading the familiar handwriting written on the wings, Blair starts to believe in fairytales again.
Forever means being with you for the rest of my life. Marry me?