2 Years

Heyyy guys! I had another story of Sasuke and Sakura being married in mind, so here it goes!

Enjoy :)

Sakura finished setting down the plates of food. She placed a pair of knives, spoons, and forks, as well as napkins by the plates and glanced over at the clock. 'Sasuke should be home any minute now.'

She walked over to the door and smiled, hearing the door unlock. The door swung open to reveal Sasuke walking in, loosening his tie while carrying his black suit. He looked up to see Sakura, but walked passed her, throwing his suit into her arms. "Hang it up." He ordered as he took off his shoes and set them nicely by the stair steps.

Sakura's smile slowly disappeared, but she obeyed and hung his suit in the closet nearby the door. It was just a daily routine after all.

"Did you eat? I cooked dinner."

Sasuke didn't answer and just walked over to the kitchen.

Sakura sighed, ignoring the silent answer and followed him. It's been like this for 2 years anyways. They got married unexpectedly...they were just strangers. But although he was cold, distant, and heartless, for some strange reason, she came to love him. She didn't understand how, she didn't understand why, but she did. He was her husband and she was expected to spend her entire life with him from now on anyways.

They both sat quietly, not uttering a word to each other. Every dinner meal was like this. Quiet, awkward, and silent. Sasuke almost acted as if she wasn't even there, even if she did try to stir up a conversation.

"So...how was work today?" Sakura forced another smile at him.

Sasuke stayed quiet and just kept eating.

"...it was probably good, huh? You'll go to sleep early today right?"

Again, Sasuke didn't answer.

Sakura felt like she was having a conversation with herself. "...Sasuke..." She placed down her fork and pushed her plate of food away slightly. "...tomorrow's Saturday. Should we go out? Like at the park, or a restaurant or something?"

Sasuke only gave her an icy glare, clearly indicating that he didn't want to go anywhere tomorrow with her. He took the napkin and patted his mouth gently before getting up.

"Clean this up and wash the dishes." He replied before walking out of the kitchen and going upstairs.

Sakura stared down at the table sadly and stood up, proceeding to clean up the dishes.

After she was done washing the dishes, she went up to their bedroom to see Sasuke already sound asleep. Sakura went into her closet, changing into a simple, small white dress. She crawled on the bed an adjusted the blankets.

Sasuke's eyes fluttered and once he saw her, he glared. "...will you be a little more quiet?" He turned the other way from her and let out an irritated sigh.

"...sorry..." Sakura muttered and gently laid down, pulling the blankets up to her shoulders.

It was warm. Although, she felt so cold. Was this how she was going to spend the rest of her life? It was dark and lonely. They probably weren't going to have a child soon, and she knew he would never come to love her. Was this really the end of everything? Being married to Sasuke and living with no love, no compassion?

Sakura's breathing was quivering. During the first nights of their marriage, she would cry silently to herself. But she stopped that habit a year ago, knowing she couldn't do anything about this marriage with Sasuke. She hugged herself and looked sorrowfully into the darkness of their bedroom.

Sakura's eyes glanced over to Sasuke and she turned around so that she faced him.

He stirred a little, and turned around to face her, too. But he was still asleep.

Sakura gazed at him, observing his facial features and soft breathing. He had the perfect looks, he had wealth, power, intellect, and had a wife waiting for him everyday at home. Anybody would think that he had the perfect life.

He had everything.

Sakura wondered for so many times, why she loved him. He didn't care for her, he didn't worry for her, he didn't love her. He would never be the husband she wished for. But she still loved him...and she didn't understand it at all. But just being around him, her heart raced. She loved him more than anyone else.

Ok, it's JUST getting started! ;D

More drama, angst, and romance to come!

Second chapter will be up soon, so please REVIEW and tell me what you think so far :)