Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Author's Note: Here comes the grand finale!

Read, review, and please enjoy!

Kakashi woke to sun shining in through his windows. Judging by how bright it was and how far the sun was up, it was close to noon. The Hatake groaned as he stretched. His muscles were stiff and his back aches. He couldn't recall the last time he'd had sex let alone the last time it had been anywhere near as aggressive as it has been with Lee the night before.

"I'm getting old," He grumbled as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed. He yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He glanced over his shoulder to find the bed empty. He stood stretching until his back popped. The Hatake sighed in relief, grabbed a pair of lounge pants from the floor and stumbled to the bathroom.

When he finally made his way into the hallway, the smell of fresh brewed coffee, eggs and bacon hit him. Kakashi smiled. He round the corner to the kitchen to find Lee sitting at the table, staring into a glass of orange juice, a plate of bacon and eggs sitting in front of him and one across from it. The brunette didn't drink coffee. The full pot was meant for Kakashi and the Hatake wasted no time pouring himself a cup. He drank it black, and Lee knew just how strong to make it.

Lee didn't bother to look up as the older man sipped at his drink. Kakashi sat down on the other side of the table, eyes watching Lee carefully. He knew the brunette had said what they'd done the night before had been what he wanted, but that didn't mean he hadn't changed his mind come morning.

Kakashi had seen it personally more times than he cared to remember. It was one of the main reasons he'd eventually stopped having one night stands all together. It never felt good to wake up to someone who didn't want the memory of what had happened the night before.

"Lee?" Kakashi asked as he picked up the fork beside his pre prepared plate. Lee started at the sound of his name and blinked up at the Hatake as if he hadn't heard him come in. Kakashi raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything else. He stuffed a fork full of food in his mouth chewing slowly as he watched the other man.

Lee blushed deeply, averting his eyes.

"Morning," the brunette greeted Kakashi, picking up his fork and digging into his own food. They ate in silence for a moment, Kakashi watching Lee closely and Lee avoiding the Hatake's eyes.

"You okay?" Kakashi asked after sometime. Lee looked up at him then, silver eyes finally meeting Kakashi's. He chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed before answering.

"I cheated." Lee's voice was low, self loathing clear in his voice. That sure wasn't what Kakashi had expected him to say.

"You cheated?" Kakashi repeated. Lee nodded, stuffing another fork full of food in his mouth. Kakashi sat his fork down, pushing his plate away from him. The Hatake lounged back in his chair, eyes never leaving Lee's face. He wasn't sure what to say to that. Everything had happened in such a blur last night. He'd kind of just assumed that Sasuke and Lee had broken up. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

"What are you going to do?" Kakashi questioned. Lee shook his head.

"I don't know." Kakashi sighed. He pushed away from the table to refill his coffee cup. He leaned back against the counter, thinking as he sipped at the hot liquid.

"Do you regret it?" Kakashi finally asked. Lee had finished his food, not even eating half. Kakashi couldn't say much. His own plate was still mostly covered. He'd lost his appetite.

Lee didn't look at him, arms crossed across the table top. The brunette studied the grain of the wood, committing it to memory as he chewed at his bottom lip. He was silent for so long, Kakashi had finally given up on this going good.

"No," Lee finally replied, silver eyes turning to look at the older man. "I don't regret it and that's the problem." Kakashi sucked in a breath, chest suddenly tight. Well, this was a right fine way to start his day off.

"How am I going to tell him, Kakashi?" The brunette asked quietly. Kakashi sat his cup down; walking the three steps it took to reach the younger man. He cupped Lee's chin, forcing the brunette to look up at him. Kakashi searched Lee's silver gaze, his own blue eyes hard as he held back his emotions.

"Do you love me?" Lee's eyes widened at the question, lips parting only to snap shut. His eyes watered and Kakashi's heart skipped a beat.

"Yes," Lee answered, teary eyed, "But I still love him, Kakashi." Kakashi grit his teeth in anger even as his heart ached for the man in front of him. The Hatake let Lee go and the brunette's gaze instantly dropped to the floor. Tears slid down his cheeks and Kakashi watched as Lee whipped angrily at them.

"Even after everything he's done, all he's put me through," Lee choked back a small sob, forcing the sound back down his throat before it could escape past his lips. "I still fucking love him. What do I do?" Lee looked back up at him and Kakashi wished Sasuke was in the room right then so he could show the boy exactly how he felt about him in that instant. Anger was no stranger to the older man, but never had his gut burned with it like this.

Kakashi crouched beside Lee's chair, pulling him against his chest. Lee went willingly, arms clutching at Kakashi's bare back as he pressed his face into the Hatake's shoulder. Kakashi rubbed his hands up and down Lee's back before sitting down on the floor of his kitchen. He dragged Lee from his chair, settling the younger man in his lap.

"You tell him," Kakashi told the brunette. Lee froze. Tears wet the skin of Kakashi's chest and back even as the brunette in his arms held his self stiffly. "You tell him you cheated, but you tell him he never deserved you, that he needs to lose you number and forget he was ever with you. You tell him it's over." Lee pulled back from the Hatake, and Kakashi leaned in and kissed the tears from his cheeks. Lee gripped at his shoulders harshly but didn't protest as the older man finally pressed his lips against Lee's. Kakashi kissed him slowly, tasting their breakfast and Lee's orange juice. Lee sighed into his lips, kissing him back. It was gentle and slow, nothing like their kisses from the night before. Kakashi let his lips linger against Lee's as he finally pulled back.

"You tell him that you've found someone new, someone who won't make you wait for a phone call only to leave you with an empty bed and a sore ass when he finally does. You tell him you've out grown him, that you don't need him. You don't need anyone, Lee. But there isn't anything wrong with wanting someone." Lee nodded. He knew the older man was right. Right about it all, even as his heart broke for the love he'd lost long ago, it was mending at the same time. He'd get over Sasuke. He had to. He couldn't keep playing the Uchiha's games. And with each kiss Kakashi pressed against his face and lips, with each caress of the older man's hands and each whispered word, Lee could feel his heart swell with love. He'd make, with Kakashi at his side, he'd be fine.

"We'll do it today," Lee told the Hatake. Kakashi nodded. Better sooner rather than later. There was no need to wait. They both knew it was over and Sasuke would soon know as well. Kakashi had to help him stand but Lee smiled weakly up at the older man. Kakashi returned the sad smile and hugged Lee fiercely before they left the kitchen to get dressed.


"Wow," Kakashi whistled as they pulled up in front of Sasuke's apartment building. Kakashi peered out the car window at the tall building. Well, he'd expected nothing less from an Uchiha. The family was well known for their wealth and Sasuke sounded like the kind of person to use that to its fullest.

"Yeah." Lee muttered at he opened the car door. His heart hammered against his ribs and he felt sick to his stomach. He gripped the edge of the car door tightly. He stared wide eyed up at the building, counting to fifty. He was only to twenty five when Kakashi was standing in front of him. The Hatake placed a hand over his and Lee noticed just how hard he was gripping the door. The metal was cutting into his palm, knuckles white from the force of his grip.

"I can't do this," Lee stammered, hands shaking. Kakashi smiled at him and laced his fingers with Lee's.

"Yes, you can," Kakashi told him firmly. Lee paused and then nodded. He gripped at Kakashi's hand with bruising force but Kakashi didn't so much as wince.

Kakashi let Lee get his bearing before they started across the parking lot. Lee felt like he might throw up as they approached the door but he held tight to Kakashi's hand. The Hatake squeezed Lee's hand reassuringly. Lee gave him a weak smile.

They'd changed door men since the last time Lee had been around. He was happy and somehow sad at the same time. It meant the man wouldn't recognize him but it also showed just how long it'd been since he'd seen the Uchiha at home.

They entered the lobby. Kakashi's eyes widened. It was a grand place and much too fancy for his tastes. He liked his little apartment over his bar. It was nice, simple, not over done and gaudy. Lee chuckled at the disgusted look on Kakashi's face.

"He's always had expensive tastes," Lee told him. Kakashi wasn't surprised.

"Give me a simple cabin in the woods any day over this," Kakashi muttered as they approached the glass elevator. The words earned him a small smile.

"Yeah, me too," Lee admitted as he pushed the button. The elevator dinged almost immediately, doors sliding open smoothly. They stepped into the enclosed space, and Lee leaned back against the wall.

"What number?" Kakashi asked, staring at the long columns of buttons before him.

"Forty nine," Lee answered. Kakashi hit the appropriate button and stepped back beside Lee. The brunette leaned his head back against the glass, eyes closed. The floors dinged by and his hand grew sweaty in Kakashi's hand. They stopped a few times, picking three people up as they went. Each one of the got off before they reached the Uchiha's floor. The elevator dinged and Kakashi tugged at his hand.

"We're here." Lee opened his eyes, letting Kakashi lead him off the elevator. They stopped in the hall and Kakashi looked from side to side, the walls lined with doors. Lee pointed to the left.

"His is number four hundred eighty nine," Lee all but whispered. He walked down the hall on shaky legs, but Kakashi's hand was still firm in his. They walked in silence. Lee didn't even know if he would be able to talk. He was amazed that he still remembered how to walk. He felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, taking a few deep breaths as he let Kakashi lead him on. He had to do this. This was what was right, what was for the best.

It felt like only seconds before they reached the Uchiha's apartment. Kakashi turned to him, pulling Lee into a deep kiss. The brunette clung to him, hands white knuckled where they gripped Kakashi's polo.

Lee pulled back with a shuddering breath. He swallowed hard as he stepped back from the older man.

"You can do this," Kakashi reassured him, "I'll be right here the whole time." Lee nodded and turned to the door. He bit his bottom lip and then set his jaw. He knocked on the door.

He could hear voices from inside and shuffling. Lee gave Kakashi a look and the older man shrugged his shoulders.

"What the hell…"Sasuke trailed off when he saw Lee in the hallway. The Uchiha's hair was a mess, his robe hanging from one shoulder even as he held the front closed with one hand.

"Lee?" Sasuke's eyes were wide as he stared at the man. He only gave Kakashi a sensory glance before looking back at the brunette. Kakashi could see Lee shaking and he stepped forward to place a hand on the small of the brunette's back. Sasuke took in the gesture and his eyes hardened.

"Who the fuck is this?" Kakashi felt Lee stiffen at the venom in the Uchiha's voice and he mentally told Lee to stand stronger. This was something Lee himself needs to tell the raven. Sasuke need to hear it from Lee, not form Kakashi or anyone else.

"We need to talk," Lee told the raven. Sasuke's look said he obviously thought so as well.

"It's over. We're done," Lee forced out and the words came easier than he'd thought they would. Sasuke's reaction was instant. The Uchiha sputtered, eyes dark with anger as he looked from Lee to Kakashi and back again.

"What?!" The Uchiha roared. Lee winced at the sound but he didn't back down. He'd expected something like this. Sasuke wasn't one to lose something without some kind of fight.

"It's over. I'm dumping you." The reaction those words garnered was no better than the first. This time Sasuke let the door swing all the way open as he took a step into the hallway.

"You're what?!" Kakashi silently wondered if the boy needed to get his hearing checked or if he was just stupid.

"I cheated on you last night," Lee barreled on, ignoring the angry man in his face. Sasuke didn't scare him. He could take the raven easily in a fight. If the Uchiha even dared raise a hand to him that was.

"With him?!" Sasuke asked, incredulous. Kakashi had enough sense to look offended.

"Yes," Lee answered simply. Sasuke opened his mouth to say something else but the words never left his mouth.

"Who is it?" a feminine voice called out. Lee froze. A slim girl appeared from the bed room, red hair a mess and a sheet around her shoulders.

"You utter asshole," Lee breathed as he stared at the girl. She was thin, about Sasuke height. Even through the sheet Lee could see the rise of her chest. The brunette was shell shocked.

"Who's that?" she asked, walking across the living room to stand behind the Uchiha. She pressed against his back, peering over Sasuke's shoulder. Lee's eyes filled with tears even as anger burned inside him.

"I'm his ex," Lee answered for the Uchiha, who had suddenly lost all his steam and was avoiding the brunette's gaze. "How long?" Sasuke blinked and looked up.

"Pardon?" Lee's hands balled into fists and he felt Kakashi's arm slip around his waist.

"How long?" Lee grit out as tears slid down his cheeks. He ignored them.

"Half a year," Sasuke admit. Lee chocked on his breath. Half a year. That meant…god, he didn't even want to think about it. He felt like he was going to be sick. Instead of throwing up on the Uchiha's feet, Lee settled for punching Sasuke square in the nose. The Uchiha tumbled backwards from the force of the blow, taking the woman down with him.

Sasuke cursed, cupping his now bleeding nose. His robe had fallen open in the fall but he ignored it. He blinked up at Lee. Lee let all of the emotions he'd felt for the last few weeks wash over his face. Sasuke looked taken aback as Lee took a shaking step towards him. Kakashi placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder and Lee paused. He growled, the sound raw and animalistic.

"You're not worth it," Lee spit out, "You aren't worth a damn thing." Sasuke opened his mouth, to apologize or retort, Lee didn't know and he didn't care. He turned on his heel and stalked down the hall.

"Toodles," Kakashi wiggled his fingers at the Uchiha and following Lee down the hallway. Sasuke made no move to follow. Kakashi was a little disappointed. He'd hoped he would get to give the boy a black eye but Lee was more important right now.

Kakashi caught up to him at the elevator. Lee was stiff as they entered the small space. As the doors closed behind them, the brunette fell against Kakashi. The Hatake caught him, supporting them both with the help of the wall. Lee shook and sobbed as the floors silently flew past them. Kakashi didn't say anything. He held the man, chin resting on Lee's head. He watched the numbers on the small screen above the door change, silently hoping he never saw the Uchiha again.

By the time they made it to the lobby, Lee was pulling himself together. He wiped at his cheeks and eyes, and Kakashi took his hand once again. He held tight to the other man as they exited the building.

Lee collapsed in the car seat beside Kakashi, eyes falling closed as the Hatake cranked up the vehicle.

"Let's go home," Lee murmured. Kakashi glanced over at the smaller man as he left the parking lot. Lee looked drained, as if he'd just ran a marathon. Kakashi smiled, reaching out to lace his fingers with Lee's once again. He let their hands rest on the brunette's thigh.

"Home it is," Kakashi whispered but Lee was already asleep in the seat beside him, snoring softly.

"My body needs a hero,
Come and save me,
Something tells me you'll know how to save me,
I've been feeling weird, oh!
Oh, I need you to come and rescue me."

- "Turn Me On" David Gurtta Ft. Nicki Minaj

Author's Note: DONE! Holy crap. I am finally done with this. *dies* It took me…I don't even want to think about how long, but it's done. I loved writing this, even the asshole Sasuke. I need some happy SasuLee now though. A drabble, something anything. Good lord. But I think it was a fitting end, no? I hope you enjoyed it! I might write more KakashiLee in the future. Way, way in the future. Thank you for reading! Tell me what you thought and please come again. Maybe story time won't be quite so clichéd, angsty and mellow dramatic next time. *grins sheepishly*