"Lisa?" Dean asked again.

"Yeah, I think that we already established that, Dean," Pamela pointed out.

Dean continued to stare at her with a gaping mouth. That was one girl that he had not been expecting to ever see again. His chest tightened up as he wondered if she was still completely pissed off at him or not.

"You two know each other?" Gabe asked.

"Knew each other," Lisa corrected. "It's been.. a long time. God, I wasn't even sure that it was you."

Cas looked back and forth between them, still confused.

"Yeah, you look pretty different too," Dean said, looking her over quickly.

That look over did not go unnoticed by Cas.

"God, I hope so," Lisa commented. "So are you still that obsessed with your car or was that just a phase when you first got it? Please tell me that you don't still have the same one."

Dean narrowed her eyes at her, "Don't call it a phase. And why would I ever get rid of her?"

"So I take it you're still obsessed," Lisa commented.

"You knew Dean when he first had his car?" Pamela asked her with an amused tone. "What, did you two used to date in high school?"

Dean really wished that he knew how to steer the conversation away from that, but he didn't have the slightest idea on how to without sounding like a dick.

"Yeah, until I moved," Lisa responded.

Dean figured that it was a good sign that she hadn't said that in a bitter tone. He still shot her a half apologetic, half pleading look in an attempt to keep her from explaining why exactly they had ended things.

"Oh come on, you think I'm still mad about that?" Lisa asked after reading his silent communication. "That's a little self-obsessed, don't you think?"

"True," Dean agreed.

"And everyone knows that self-obsessed isn't Dean's thing," Gabe commented sarcastically.

"Oh definitely not," Pam agreed jokingly.

Dean and Cas stayed there for a little over half an hour longer before they left together.

Cas had piped up some during the later conversation, but he still seemed a little too quiet since the whole Lisa thing.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked him as he led Cas by hand towards his apartment.

"Nothing," Cas responded in a serious tone.

It was stupid to be upset over seeing Dean's ex from a million years ago. And he had known that Dean had been with more than a few others before him, but somehow it was different when he had to actually come face to face with one of the exes.

And Cas had thought that Dean had never had a real relationship before that, just one night stands and flings. But clearly that was wrong and Dean had been more than a little close with Lisa if they had dated in high school right up until she had moved away.

"Come on, you've been acting weird," Dean commented. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I mean you know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know," Cas agreed. "But it really is nothing. I'm just having one of those days where I'm just in a quiet mood for no reason. Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep last night or something."

"That was probably my fault," Damon replied with a suggestive smirk as he remembered how he and Cas had spent the early portion of their night.

Cas rolled his eyes in response, but had to crack a smile.

"So you're sure that it's nothing?" Dean checked.

"Yes, Dean," Cas said seriously. "I am one hundred percent positive."

A/N: Please read and review! I hope that you're still enjoying the story. I'm not sure how much longer it will be and I'm starting to have a hard time getting anything written for this one, but I'll try to push through. Thanks for reading and sticking with me.

An extra big thanks goes out to the amazing reviewers of the last chapter: stefanswifey01, RamenMartinez, CooolBeena, and Ishouldbesleepingitslike4am