This is my new story of glee, this chapter basically brings out all the main details and how the story will begin. Basically, Will Schuester and Shelby Corcoran fall in love, get married and then have some kids.

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own glee!


Chapter 1: Seven Is Perfect

21 years ago

She lets out one last scream and then the doctor takes a hold of the baby and hands her off to the nurse.

"You did it baby." Will says to Shelby who has now rested her head down. "Our children are beautiful, baby." Will says taking the first one that had came out, the boy.

The nurse hands the fragile girl to Shelby and she smiles down looking into the dark chocolate eyes.

They couldn't believe it, they were both twenty one years old, but they had just given birth to the most beautifulist babies they've ever seen.

After a couple of minutes they switch off babies both in awe. She notice as her little baby boy had beautiful brown eyes like her daughter. Her twins were the most precious things she's ever seen.

"I don't mean to ruin your moment, but have you two thought of names yet?" The small nurse asks Will and he looks to his wife. She smiles.

"This one is going to be Finn, Finn Thomas Schuester." He smiles at the little baby boy and then looks at her husband in awe. She could already see the beautiful father daughter bond happening.

"Shelby, I think we should name her Rachel." Shelby smiles at the two. "Rachel Barbara Schuester, I love it." The nurse just smiles at the family and walks out the door shutting it behind her.

"I love you so much." Will says sitting next to his wife and the little boy in his lap. "I love you too." She says as they both smile at the two babies interacting with each other.

17 Years Ago

"Gramma! Can we please go see mommy and daddy now!" Rachel begs with her grandma who was trying to keep Finn from crying again. These two were attached at the hip to their parents.

Rachel was only four but Grandma saw her little daughter, Shelby, in her in every way. The hair, the eyes, the big vocabulary, the voice, the cuteness, it was like a clone of her daughter.

"Sweetie, your daddies going to come out and get you when your little brother is born." She says trying to reason with the little girl but she just pouts a little.

"I had to miss ballet to be here for my new brother? This is unfair." Grandma Ruth smiles at her little golden star.

"I promise, angel, you're going to be so happy when you meet your baby brother." Rachel just sits down on the other side of her right when Finn gets up.

You know how identical twins always did the same thing? Well since Finn and Rachel were fraternal twins, it seems they always did the opposite.

"What's our baby brother's name?" Finn asks now looking a little bit happier. Grandma Ruth just simply smiles at the boy.

"Mommy and daddy haven't picked out a name yet. Do you have any suggestions?" Finn smiles brightly up at her.

"Frankenstein!" He shouts and Ruth simply laughs at that. Rachel gets up and glares at Finn. "Finn, that's not a proper name for a boy, I think he should be named Jonathan so then I can call him Johnny!" Rachel says smiling bright and Finn just sticks his tongue at his sister.

"Hey guys! Would you like to meet your new brother?" Will says coming over to the three and Finn and Rachel run over to him with Ruth right behind.

They enter the room and a smile appears on all three of the people that step forward to meet the newest member of the family. Grandma Ruth starts to quietly cry and Rachel and Finn run to their moms sides, staring at the small tiny boy in her arms.

"He's so small, mommy, are you sure he's a boy." Finn asks and Shelby laughs a little. "Positive honey. Say hi guys." Rachel was the first to touch her baby brother and smile.

"I like him mommy, what's his name?" She looks up at Will and he smiles telling her to tell them the name they came up with.

"Rachel, Finn, meet your baby brother, Noah Alexander Schuester." Shelby's baby boy was so beautiful, he was screaming a lot a few minutes earlier but now he was just sleeping in her arms with a small smile on his face.

She remembers his adorable hazel eyes that were darker than Will's. She had the perfect family.

16 Years Ago

Grandma Ruth was so tired but Finn and Rachel were still up bouncing up and down and baby Noah was in her arms crying.

Why did they have to be delivering right now? She thought to herself trying to get Finn and Rachel to calm down at the same time trying to stop Noah's crying.

Grandma Ruth was happy yet overwhelmed when she found out her daughter and her husband were having another set of fraternal twins. She really hoped Noah was the last one but apparently not.

"When are mommy and daddy coming back from the hospital?" Rachel asks finally sitting down. Ruth smiles at her very smart little kindergartner.

"Soon baby, I promise. Are you excited about two new siblings?" She asks Rachel who frowns.

"Yes, I just hope they're not as loud as Noah, are they going to be crying all the time?" She asks, her eyes full of hope in the answer being no.

"I don't know, Rachel, but I'm sure no baby can be as bad as this one." She says smiling down at Noah who had finally fallen asleep.

"When I get older, I'm gonna be playing football and I'll show Noah and the new baby boy how to play." FInn states throwing his little football to the other side of the room.

Grandma Ruth smiles as Finn runs over to get the ball back.

"We're home! With two bundles of joy!" Shelby yells into the house as WIll follows in behind having both kids in strollers.

Rachel and Finn but run and hug their mom and Ruth, carrying Noah, walks over and hands him off to Shelby.

"Where are my two grandchildren?" Ruth asks excited looking at the two kids now in their fathers arms. She takes one and smiles at the little girl she had picked up.

"She has blue eyes?" She says surprised and both Shelby and Will laugh a little. "The recessive gene won this time." Will says smiling at the little boy in his hand.

"She's pretty." Rachel says looking at the little baby in her grandma's arms. "They both are beautiful, angel. You want to hold one of them?" She nods quickly and Will carefully gives her the little baby boy who was smiling at her with his baby blue eyes.

"Hey! I want to hold him!" Finn whines and then Ruth gently gives him the baby girl. "Wow, she's so little." He says amazed by her size.

Shelby actually had a hard time with both of them because of that, they were both a month early after all.

"Finn, you're holding Brittany Rose Schuester." Shelby then turns to Rachel. "And sweetie, that is Samuel Colt Schuester, Sammy." Rachel smiles and gives him back to her daddy.

"Can I go play with my toys, mommy?" The little five year old asks and she just nods.

Ruth turns to the two happy parents. "This better be the last of them." They both just laugh but she was serious.

15 Years Ago

Once again, they were at the hospital, in the waiting room. So far, Finn and Rachel have been pretty quiet since Will had told them so. They each had one of their baby siblings in their arms as well.

Finn had Sam and Rachel had Brittany, luckily, the two babies were quiet ones. However, Noah has not stopped with the crying since Will handed him off to her when they got here.

Ruth always wondered why Noah was so loud all the time, with everyone, he would just break out into to tears at the worst time.

He was a little two year old that could speak few words, and those few words weren't ones Shelby, Will or Ruth liked to hear. It seems that Noah had always picked up on the words that Shelby and Will should never say in front of their children. His first word was 'hell', so it was hard to take him out.

Rachel and Finn were six but were starting to do a lot more things as first graders. Rachel was now taking more dance classes and Shelby had just signed her up for vocal lessons. Will was so happy that Finn wanted to do pee wee football and baseball.

The other two pair of fraternal twins were very quiet, seriously, they never were crying or fussing or anything, best one year olds you'd ever meet and Ruth loved that about the two of them. She also loved that they were super cute in their matching outfits.

Finally Noah had fallen back to sleep and Ruth takes a sigh of relief. "Are you two doing okay with them?" She asks Rachel and Finn who looked to be doing just fine.

"Yes, gramma, Brittany is an angel." Rachel says and Finn says the same thing about Sam. Ruth loved her grand children so much that she wasn't even that upset with her daughter and her husband for making her be here, again, for the fourth time.

She was also thankful that this wasn't going to be twins, she would of gone crazy if that happened. When Brittany and Sam were born last year, she decided to leave New York and come live in Lima, Ohio.

She couldn't bare being away from the cutest kids in the world who she loved and her daughter and son-in-law.

"The baby was born, you can all come back." A petite nurse says to us making Ruth question why Will hadn't come back.

Finn and Rachel, holding their little siblings, follow behind the nurse with Ruth a few steps behind. When they reach the room they were all in awe.

Shelby looked to be sleeping in Will's chest, with the new baby boy laying on Shelby's chest himself. Will looks up and smiles at them but then soon tells them to be quiet.

"He's adorable, Will. How is she?" Ruth asks smiling at the trio. "She's good, just tired, Finn, Rachel, this is your new baby brother, Kurt Jacob Schuester." He says and Ruth smiles at the middle name, Shelby's dad's name.

"He's pretty, daddy." Rachel says beaming. I don't know what Ruth saw in the little baby boy, but she knew that there was something different about him compared to the rest, something very different, special.

14 Years Ago

"Everyone in the car!" Will yelled to his little ones as Shelby screamed getting into the passenger seat. "Finn, Rachel, strap up your little siblings! We got to go now!" WIll was panicking, Ruth was in New York this weekend of April, not good!

"WIll drive!" Shelby screams causing Noah, who was already strapped up next to Rachel to begin to cry.

"I'm going! I'm going!" He really wished Grandma Ruth was home, or his neighbors, really anyone.

They got to the hospital in 5 minutes, WIll couldn't leave his kids so he ran for a nurse and made her take his in labored wife to the emergency room, without him.

He sighed and picked up a still crying three year old Noah in his arm and a very quiet Kurt in the other arm, as Finn and Rachel got the other two twins, they raced inside and Will stopped in the waiting room.

"I can't leave you, kids." He says out loud frustrated, he was worried about his wife, who was in labor, and the way she was screaming earlier, very painful labor.

"Daddy, mommy needs you, me and Finn will be fine here with all of them." Rachel says with her little serious face. Will wasn't sure but then Finn, who stood a few inches taller than Rachel nodded.

"Dad, it's cool, give Rachel Kurt and me Noah." He sigh and carefully gives each of them another kid to hold and gives them one last look.

"Go daddy!" Rachel says and he sprints through the doors looking for Shelby's room, which was the one with the loud screaming coming from it.

Rachel was a little worried about her mommy but put on a brave face, she didn't like crying in front of her older brother anymore.

"That's right Noah, no more crying, it's okay." Finn says plopping him down on one of the chairs so he could hold Sam with two hands now.

"Hell!" Noah yells smiling and Rachel glares at him. "Noah, mommy and daddy don't like you saying that very much." He just laughs and she sighs. Finn takes Kurt out of her hands so she can sit down with the two year old Brittany in her lap.

"You think mommy and our baby sister are okay, Finn?" Rachel asks getting a little worried. All of the other times when mom went in labor, she never screamed the way she did.

"Of course they are Rachel, I bet our baby sister is going to be perfect. We're never going to let anything bad happen to her, right?" He asks his sister. She smiles.

"Of course, Finn, we're going to keep her safe. All of them." FInn nods and smiles down at Kurt who was sort of humming and pulling on his shirt at the same time.

After what seemed like forever for the two seven year olds, and the rest of the sleeping children, it had actually been two hours, Will comes out smiling.

"WHo wants to meet their new baby sister?" Finn and Rachel both smile and get up with kids in their arms while Will pick up Noah, who had started to cry again making him sigh.

He led the kids to Shelby's room and pointed at the their mom in the bed, sitting up cradling her new little girl, she had big hazel eyes, the same exact color as Noah's. Out of all the kids she had, this one was definitely the smallest.

Will goes up to them and sets Noah next to his new sister and right away he stops crying and smiles at the little girl in his mom's arms.

WIll and Shelby share a smile, Noah had never stopped crying unless he had fallen asleep, this was a miracle.

"Meet your new sister, Noah. Katherine Beth Schuester. Katie." Noah smiles at the little girl and takes her hand.

"Sister." He says quietly and the little girl smiles bright at him. "Mommy, I want to hold her!" Rachel says giving Brittany to her dad and Shelby carefully hands her over.

"Awe, she's so pretty mommy." Shelby smiles down at her daughters. "Mom, can you please stop having kids now, I don't want to be holding three next time." Finn says as he hands little Kurt to her.

Will and Shelby both laugh at him but he had a serious face on.

They had seven beautiful kids, they were happy with that. IT was 7th heaven.

Good intro? Let me know! I'll do the next chapter very very soon!