Hey Guys!

So this is our new story, it's more serious than our other story.

I hope you guys enjoy it.

DISCLAIMER: My friend and I don't own anything! Only our characters! SM owns everything else!



I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kind of boring
Need something that I can confess

Till all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no, I've been on the brink

-One Republic, Secrets-

I could hear my mom screaming down stairs. What she was screaming at, I'm not sure. I wouldn't dare go downstairs and see, if I did, I'd probably just get slapped again. I flinched at the sound of glass shattering, my mom continued to scream nonsense. I waited, just sitting on my bed, waiting for her to finish her rampage. It would be suicide to go downstairs when she's in one of her moods. I flinched again when I heard something else shatter, more screaming nonsense, and then loud footsteps, and then the slamming of the front door.

I waited.

After several long moments of just silence, I deemed it safe to leave my room, and venture downstairs. I slowly got off of my old, worn, and creaking bed, and left the safety of my room, and walked down the hallway, and to the hardwood stairs that led to unfamiliar territory. Even though I was sure my mom wasn't going to come back, I couldn't help but cautiously take one step at a time, and glance around nervously.

It's awful, being afraid of your own home. To have to worry about your mom barging in, and throwing a screaming fit, throwing things, and breaking things. I stepped off the last step, and into the open, and dull living room. I could see the damage that was left after my mom's rampage. Couch cushions were missing, and thrown across the room, papers were lying all over the floor, and glass shards decorated the ground.

Gingerly walking forward, careful to step around the glass, I looked down the bent picture frame that had broken pieces of glass still clinging to the sides. I bent down, and picked up, looking down at it. In the old picture, there was a man, woman, and child. The woman was sitting in a hospital bed, her long raven black hair pulled up into a messy pony tail, her brown eyes tired, but sparkling with happiness. A man was knelt next to her, an arm wrapped around the woman, his face full of pride. His dark hair was tousled; his bright sapphire blue eyes were shining from unshed tears. Then there was the child. Me.

In the picture were my mom and my dad, and me, in the hospital after I was born. They looked so happy in the picture. Ha, four years later, the man that was my father walked out, and left me with a mad woman. Some Dad I have. I don't even remember the man. I vaguely remember when he decided to walk out. I look a lot like him, I have his eyes, his nose, his pale skin, his lips, and I get my height from him. I don't remember much of what he was like, but my mom tells me I'm just like him.

This to her, is not a good thing.

To her, it's the worst thing in the world.


Looking for something I've never seen

Alone and I'm in between

The place that I'm from and the place that I'm in

A city I never been

-The Fray, Trust Me-

"Rowan, I'm tired of moving all the time"

I looked down to the six year old that was resting against my shoulder, trying to get comfortable in the small and cramped airplane seats. Talon—my brother—looked up at me, still resting his head on my shoulder. "I know; I'm tired of it too. I don't want to leave either" I said quietly meeting Talon's piercing emerald green eyes that were exactly like my own. "Why does Marissa keep making us move?" He asked shifting a bit in his seat. I gave him a small smile, "She just wants the best for us" I said. Talon turned his head so that he was facing the seats in front of us.

Talon didn't say anything else; he was probably trying to take a nap. I didn't blame him, I was tired too, but I wouldn't be able to go to sleep for a long time. I leaned my head back against the seat, and stared at the ceiling of the plane. It was kind of an uncomfortable position, but I wasn't going to move just in case Talon was trying to go to sleep. I felt my left hand subconsciously reach up and begin fingering the locket around my neck.

The large silver heart was smooth underneath my fingertips. I tried to keep all the thoughts running through my head from giving me a headache, but I could slowly feel one coming on. My mind was racing a million miles an hour, and there were no brakes. I looked out the small plane window when the plane lurched forward and began moving down the runway. I watched as the tall skyscrapers of Atlanta zoomed by, and slowly got smaller and smaller as we rose into the air, and began our flight. Our destination, Seattle and then a small town by the name of La Push; where our new foster family lives.

I closed my eyes, even though I knew I wouldn't sleep. Maybe if I was lucky, I would slowly doze off, and I could miss majority of the long plane ride. Maybe I could stop my thoughts long enough for me to get some sleep before we arrived at our new, temporary home. Maybe, if I was lucky, but so far, lucks not been on my side.


So that was the Prologue.

I know it's short, but the chapters will get longer soon!

I hope you guys like it!

Please REVIEW!