little epilogue / preview for some of what's to come in part two ^_^

Chell growled, shooting through the glass tube. What ever happened to 'you help me stop him, and I let you go'? the girl sighed. Escape would be near impossible now with GLaDOS onto every little possible way to take her down. There was no way the corrupted core room would be accessible as well at the neurotoxin room or the turret control center. The only way out was for GLaDOS to let them out, and seriously, if it hadn't happened already, what were the chances of that?

The end neared and Chell landed in a small room with a thud. If there was anything the girl treasured as much as her life, it was her boots. They kept her out of all kinds of dangers and she probably would have been dead twenty times over if it hadn't been for them. Inside the room was a portal device sitting on a pedestal. The test subject approached it and smiled. She picked it up and ran her fingers gently over the three buttons. She shot a test orange portal and a test blue portal. They were linked just fine.

"You will begin a short set of human cooperative tests. If you proceed through the door and into the elevator, testing can begin." GLaDOS chuckled, "You'll love your c-op partner…she talks and talks and talks…completely opposite of you..."

Chell rolled her eyes and walked into the elevator, which began its descent.

"Oh, I almost forgot…remember when we cleared the air before? Is there anything you'd like to say to me?" her voice chimed, "Anything at all? Here I'll stop the elevator. Anything? Well, take your time…I'll be here during the whole next test…" Chell almost laughed aloud as the elevator kept moving. It almost sounded as if GLaDOS was really hurt by not getting an apology…

'Wait…is she?' Chell shook her head and waited, but the elevator stopped and a device set was dropped in front of her. There was a small eye piece as well as a glove. The glove wouldn't really count as one since it was actually just a band that went around her palm and a black slip with a few electrical bits inside, that went over her pointer finger. She fitted them on and looked through the orange glass that was fitted over her eyes. It was really odd, but cool.

The elevator continued until it stopped again in front of another tube and a wall with animal picture on it.

"One moment, You're partner will be here shortly." Chell leaned against the glass and looked to wards the animals. Suddenly a blue circle with an arrow pointed out a little rabbit and a loud voice screeched in her ear.

"It's a bunny! So cute!" Chell gripped her ear and glared at the little camera, before managing to turn do the volume. Her ear would ringing for days.

"Good, but before you start learning to use the Aperture Science Ping Tool, I'd like you to wave to your cooperative partner."

Chell glanced across the way and felt her heart stop. The blonde girl laughed happily waving, "Chell! I just knew I would see you here soon! It's actually been quite lonely, except for that voice that led me here! Oh, I see you have a portal device, too! Aren't they the coolest things ever? I knew you would like it! Oh, I've missed you, Chell!"

The girl stared back at Mel, her world seemingly slowing to a halt. Her head felt dizzy and black danced in the corners of her vision before her brain decided she couldn't handle this surprise. She collapsed on the elevator floor, her world spinning into utter darkness.

It's been wonderful writing these last four chapter of this story, which honestly were all done in one night XD I just spent the next few day editing and uploading on schedule!

ON another note, I'm entering NaNoWriMo '11 ^_^ yays! so updates may become slow or non existent, especially come november when i actually sit down to write the novel XD

a special thank you to all my wonderful readers and reviewers! You guys made writing this part of the story special! I hope to continue seeing you in part two: Shattered. ^_^

~lady Pyrien