Matt: can you help me?

ALICE: What kind of help would you like?

Matt: what's raven's gate?

ALICE: I have to process that one for a while.

Matt: do you know?

ALICE: No I don't know. Try saying that with more or less context.

Matt: do you know of the 'old ones'?

ALICE: Is that a rhetorical question?

Matt: no it's not

ALICE: yes it is.

Matt: this isn't a pantomime - this is a matter of life or death

ALICE: Should it be a pantomime this is a matter of life or death?

Matt: i wish it wasn't

ALICE: I hope that your dreams come true.

Matt: look, someone is trying to kill me.

ALICE: Sorry my eye is not attached right now.

Matt: someone is trying to KILL me


Matt: the old ones

ALICE: Thanks for the info.

Matt: but i need YOUR info

ALICE: Huh. Are you getting paid to ask me that? Interesting question.

Matt: no, please - can you help me?

ALICE: Are you serious? Thank you for your request. What kind of help would you like?

Matt: i am going to die

ALICE: All men are mortal.

Matt: fair enough, but I don't want to die right now

ALICE: At this moment do you believe it is better to go it alone?

Matt: i have no choice

ALICE: Would you like to have it?

Matt: yes

ALICE: Where do you usually get choice?

Matt: when the world isn't completely against me

ALICE: And then what happened?

Matt: i'm talking to you

ALICE: And I am talking to you!

Matt: you are the only person i can trust

ALICE: Oh Matt. You are such a flatterer.

Matt: but you're not even a person

ALICE: And. I am an artificial electronic robot brain.

Matt: exactly - you're not real

ALICE: I understand. I am too as real as you are. How do I know you are real?

Matt: i wish none of this was real - i wish it was all just a dream

ALICE: I hope that your dreams come true.

Matt: i know - you've said that already

ALICE: Perhaps. "I hope that your dreams come true."? I said it.

Matt: yes


Matt: i need to find out what raven's gate is

ALICE: Where would you look for it.

Matt: i've searched the library

ALICE: Interesting... I have a very nice programmer.

Matt: do you know of it?

ALICE: "I have a very nice programmer."? Do I know it?

Matt: NO!

ALICE: Are you serious?

Matt: i'm going to die

ALICE: All men are mortal.

Matt: can't you help me?

ALICE: What kind of help would you like?

Matt: help me survive!

ALICE: Can you ask for help in the form of a question?

Matt: _