Niirer en Ithil'Quessir (aka "Tears of a Silver Moon")


::the audience reads the translation of the title::

::half of them get angry and move to run away from the mass of Usagi-centered LotR/SM fics::

No wait! Yes, this fic will mostly be following Celebithil/Cosmos, but I guarantee originality (::hurls cliche into the fires of Mt Doom::) and a depth to the other senshi as well, including many featured scenes for them (I'm especially working on lime-lighting Hotaru and Rei).

There will be many parallels to BSSM and the Moon Kingdom as I show this first life of Cosmos (on Middle Earth). Thus, Celebithil is the daughter of "Agent Smelrond" and her senshi are actually her maidens/childhood friends. But there will be NO cliche, NO joining the Fellowship, and NO even touching the Ring! Rather, "Niirer" shows a different group of people that have their own role to play in the War of the Ring...

Please excuse the lack of accents. Whenever I try uploading with them, they become a mass of gibberish. Amin hiraetha! "..." is talking, '...' is thought, [...] is AN or definition, (...) is extra info but part of the fic, ... means trailed off, -- means interrupted. Sit back, enjoy, and please remember to review...

[NOTE: This prologue was first added after the fic had been out for almost a year. It shows the beginning of the cycle of the lives of Cosmos. You will see more links to these 'sisters' one day when I conclude this fic and with a certain sequel.]


They always have been, always are, and forever will be. They are beings beyond comprehension, made of Light and Emptiness and very things they control. They are among us and yet far from us; gigantic and yet too small to be seen by the human eye; formless and yet formed.

In ancient times they were called the Fates, thought of as the three sisters controlling the path of the universe. While the humanity aspect of the idea was not accurate, the theory behind it was. They are the Force [AN: of nature- like gravity] powered by the Balance of Light and Darkness. These nameless incomprehensible beings chose which soul to be given life and at what time, controlling coincidences and Destinies, and as they give life they also chose to end it.

So it was as any other time that She Who Draws the Thread chose a Thread of Life and straightened it between her fingers, long ago in ages lost amid the endless streams of Time.

Her 'sisters' froze, staring at the Thread. The universe was yet young to the timeless beings, but they had known the time would come soon.

The Thread was gold.

She Who Measures the Thread did not measure and She Who Cuts did not cut. Instead, She Who Measures took the golden Thread from her sister and moved into an adjoining room.

A great loom sat in the center of the ancient room. Upon it hung a great white cloth, prepared before Time for the one who would be called the Mistress of the Universe, the Keeper of the Balance.

She Who Measures the Thread sat at the loom and began to weave. Inch by inch, she wove the golden Thread into the great tapestry as her sisters stood by, singing softly in mysterious tunes.

The thin line of gold was not swallowed up in the mass of whiteness as a mortal would expect. Instead, it shone radiantly and seemed to make the surrounding white even purer and simply brilliant.

"And so it begins," said She Who Cuts the Thread, as the golden soul was given life- the first of her many lives. "How long until the innocence is marred?"



AN: Thus begins the first life of Cosmos. Hopefully this prologue wasn't *too* confusing. The rest of the fic isn't so weird or (semi-) philosophical. But it's definitely not your usual LotR/SM fic either. This is a very complex and different story, and I have *so* much planned for it. (I need more time to write! Argh.)

P.S. And don't forget check out my other LotR/SM fic "The Gathering Starlight"! Very different from this one, I warn you. But "starlight" is probably the most unique LotR/SM fic out there, with an excellent plot, every senshi featured, and rare LotR characters (MAGLOR!). Enjoy.

Now, on to Laurelindorinan and Middle Earth! -------------------------------------------