Disclaimer — This is for the whole story: I do not own any of the recognizable or unrecognizable characters, places, things, songs... etc in this story. I only own my thoughts and anything else I place into this story. The rest are all owned by their respectful owners, some of those that may or may not be you!

Okay so this isn't a normal SYOT because I started it right off as a story. That way no one can report the story and you will be able to get a taste of my writing so you know what kind of a mess your characters will be thrown into. There will probably be another chapter or two before I start the story with the tributes. So read through the chapter and I'll leave the tribute application at the bottom!

She didn't want to have to start them up again, but anyone could tell society was deteriating. Riots, rebelliations, disagreements and strikes were breaking out in every District. She couldn't just sit back and watch the world become destroyed again. Something had to be done, and Katniss knew what it was. The thing was, was that she didn't want to admit it.

Although Katniss wasn't officially on the Board of Directors of Panem, she knew everyone looked up to her. Hell, she was the biggest celebrity Panem had ever seen; everyone hung to her every word.

Katniss sighed and placed down the paper she was reading. Peeta sat across the room from her, drawing in his sketch book. He looked up at her painful sigh, his blue eyes speaking the words he didn't say. What's wrong?

"You know what's wrong Peeta," Katniss hissed and clenched her eyes shut. She hated every thought going through her brain. Every little bug that flew in it's vast area whispered the same words. Katniss knew they wouldn't be shut out until she started yet another fire.

"You should really stop reading those things," Peeta whispered and stood up to snatch the paper from Katniss's hands. He looked down at the cover story, one about a large fire set off in downtown District 4. The fire had killed twenty three people, injuring one. It was those numbers that had put the solution into Katniss's head to begin with.

"I'm sorry I'm not like you. I can't just ignore what's happening!" Katniss had started shouting, regretting it after that look appeared in Peeta's eyes. The one that told him he was remembering something from the past, some fake memory Snow had thrown into his head. Peeta closed his eyes and grabbed the chairs armrest for support.

"We can't have another Games Katniss, look what it did to me. What it did you," Peeta gasped for air as he said his words. She knew what he meant. The Games were the reason Peeta could remember Katniss as a mutt, why he could be in love with her one second and want to kill her the next. They were why Katniss had nightmares of holding Rue as she died. They were why her sister died.

"But you can also see why they work. Peeta, they kept us all in peace. Without a threat, the Districts see no reason why not to rebel. They don't see authorities as a higher power anymore." Katniss said her words carefully, watching the images of those who died in the Games pass in her mind. Were those souls worth losing to keep Panem together?

"Well how would they work, Katniss? It wouldn't be fair to anyone if only some Districts were made to play," Peeta drawled out slowly. Of course it would be fair, all Districts would have to play, the Capitol included. Again Peeta read her mind.

"You mean you'd put our neighbors children at risk? Put Finnick's son at risk?" Peeta gasped. She hadn't thought of Finnick's son, who had just recently turned twelve. She had only thought of her two children, both too young to even know what the games were. She hadn't remembered that Finnick's child would be old enough to enter.

"It's a price to pay, Peeta." The topic was ended there, for Katniss would speak no more. The next day she would go to the Capitol and give her statement. They would listen and the 77th Hunger Games would begin.

Ah yes, about 12 years after Mockingjay and Katniss decides to start up the Hunger Games again. The twist? Districts 1 through 13 will be entered, along with the Capitol! Now, I don't need 28 tributes, for I couldn't possibly fit that many characters into one story. Instead I am asking for ten, five boys and five girls. Fill out the application and send it in a review or PM! I will contact you via PM afterwards :) (and yes, Finnick and Annie's son can be apart of the Games although there can only be one of him)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:


Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Build (skinny, average, muscular, over-weight):
Anything Remarkable?:


Hardships Faced:
General History:


Weapon of Choice:
Way of Death:


Reaped or Volunteered:
Reaction (if reaped):
Why (if volunteered):
Reaping Outfit:
Training Strategy:
Private Training Strategy:
Interview Strategy:


Games Strategy:

Anything I forgot?:

So remember, five boys and five girls. I will be picking first come first serve, although I may ask you for more information if I do not get enough! I may also change around the information you give me a bit too, but not drastically :) Just so it all ties together! Also if you have any ideas for the arena, outfits, or just general tips just leave 'em in a review :) Can't wait to see your tributes.