"Our Boys"

Hello all. Well I was going to put this off for a bit but my lack of assurance for ITYNA had caused this teaser to be leaked early...Ooops.

Yes this is the beginning to the sequel for The OC and it will follow the current time line once Glee resumes in few weeks. EEEEEEEE only a few weeks until new Glee. Okay lady calm yourself and keep writing...there we go...better now.

Alright here goes nothing. I hope you like/love/want and wish for more.

Remember that I love reviews; they make me want to be a better writer.

Our Boys –Prologue


Four hours of sleep, that should be more enough I think. I stretched and began to climb out our bed, glancing at the uncomfortably sleeping form of the beautiful man beside me who was half sitting yet half slouching against the headboard. His glasses were still on his face although somewhat askew and his laptop was still open although it had long ago probably set itself on sleep mode. I moved the computer off his lap and set it on the table beside him. He shuffled slightly and I took that as my cue to remove his glasses completely and set them on top of his laptop. He mumbled under his breath and lowered himself onto his pillow instinctively so I grabbed the cover and gently draped it over my love with careful precision. I didn't want to wake him fully because god knows how long he was up writing until. We were both so exhausted and any sleep that I could convince him or myself to get was welcome.

The last few weeks were a blur as expected. The only time off had been when Hannah a.k.a Banana had come to stay with us while Chris' parents vacationed in Hawaii.

I had so much fun hanging out with his little sister and it gave me the rare opportunity to see Chris not wrapped up in his work for once. He was such a good brother and all three of us spent the four days laughing and watching movies together as an extended family. We even took a day out to the San Diego Zoo. That was a great day for me and Banana. We laughed and bounced around with each other as we took in the sights and I swear even though Chris was annoyed that he had to look after two children the entire time I could tell he loved every minute that his sister and I had together.

We hardly even noticed that those 4 days were over before Tim and Karyn came to pick her up. They looked relaxed and tanned and I was so happy that we could do this for them.

So here we were two days before the tour started and a few days before Chris' 21 st birthday. It sucked that we had a show on his actual birthday but I managed to get his family tickets to the concert because somehow he couldn't get any and I reserved them as a surprise for him.

I dragged myself out of bed finally and begrudgingly, putting on my own glasses as I did and shuffled my way into the kitchen to prep the coffee for myself and Chris once I got him up; no need in waking him now though.

After grabbing my cup of Joe, I wandered into the studio and grabbed my guitar as was custom in my world. I sauntered still half asleep out onto the patio and breathed in the slightly cool morning air. I know it was California and it was never really cool here but I loved it when the temperature dropped just enough that it felt slightly cooler than normal. It felt calming and relaxing on my skin. I looked over at the horizon and I couldn't count the number of colours that assaulted my senses. There were yellows, oranges, purples and reds all forming a beautiful sunrise over the distant valley. It was amazing that even in the bustle of Los Angeles you could still find these small moments where the world seemed quieter and untouched. I sat down on one of the patio chairs and drank in the sight in front of me. It really was beautiful and my mind drifted to Chris yet again. Even with nature's gifts unfolding in front of me I found myself thinking of him instead. I sighed as I thought of all the people that still didn't understand our relationship and mainly why I was with him. I could write a never ending list of reasons why I loved that man but I found myself taking a sip of coffee and settling my guitar in my lap instead.

Thoughts and memories of the last 9 months danced in front of me as I reminisced inwardly about how much my life had changed. Glee, meeting Chris and falling hard for him, our families approving, the new friends I made, and the media circus that followed us around like puppies still amazed me everyday. I was famous for doing what I loved and I was happy; truly happy even if I was exhausted.

I played a couple random chords, warming up my fingers from sleep as it were, until I found a familiar rhythm that I loved and smiled silently thinking of Chris.

I've been alone
Surrounded by darkness
I've seen how heartless
The world can be

I've seen you crying
You felt like it's hopeless
I'll always do my best
To make you see

Baby, you're not alone
Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna bring us down
Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through

Now I know it ain't easy
But it ain't hard trying
Every time I see you smiling
And I feel you so close to me
And you tell me

Baby, you're not alone
Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna bring us down
Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through

I still have trouble
I trip and stumble
Trying to make sense of things sometimes
I look for reasons
But I don't need 'em
All I need is to look in your eyes
And I realize


I stumbled out of bed not knowing how I got under the covers in the first place but feeling rested despite probably only getting a few hours of sleep. I swear that I was still writing when I must have dozed off?

I stepped out of bed and noticed that Darren must have already been up for a little bit because his side of the bed didn't really feel warm anymore. I smelled coffee in the kitchen and my heart swelled that D would get that ready for me too. I poured myself a cup and I heard the familiar and distant sounds of the man I loved and his guitar. I wandered in the direction of his intoxicating voice and I wondered if I had ever been really happy until I met that man. I looked out onto the patio through the semi-opened door and saw him sitting there in his pyjamas strumming on his guitar and singing with his eyes closed. He could have been performing for a sold out audience from the way he seemed to be lost in his lyrics and I smiled knowing that this talented weirdo was mine; all mine.

Baby I'm not alone
Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna take us down
Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through, ooh

I stepped out onto the patio silently, not wanting to break his concentration, as I watched Dar perform for no one. He didn't hear me coming and I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I wasn't a crier before I met him but he seemed to bring out all of these emotions that I didn't know that I could express. I wanted this song to be for us and I sighed at the meaning in the words as he continued.

Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna bring us down
Cause nothing, nothing, nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
You know our love is all we need
Our love is all we need to make it through


I strummed the last chord lightly and opened my eyes for the first time since I started singing and looked up to see Chris standing there dishevelled and gorgeous despite the rings under his eyes smiling at me warmly through his black rimmed glasses.

"Morning Dar. That...was beautiful." He leaned over and kissed my temple gently causing me to close my eyes again at the touch and lean into the embrace lightly.

"Morning babe." He went to move away but I reached up and held his face steady so I could kiss him good morning properly. It wasn't lustful or heated but short and sweet. After moving away I smiled and continued saying, "How long have you been standing there watching me?"

"Heh long enough honey. Any reason you chose that song?" He moved to sit on the chair beside me but I stilled his movements and gracefully brought him down draped across my lap. He giggled airily and it was music to my ears. I pulled him into my arms trying to not spill his coffee in the process as I laughed a little along with him.

"Hmmm this is nice." Chris said as he positioned himself comfortably against me.

"I like it here." I responded with a smile, feeling stupidly happy with this man in my arms.

Chris hummed in agreement. "Ya D, its nice right here."

"No baby...I meant...", I nuzzled into his neck and breathed him in as I traced a fingertip down the side of his neck, "I like it here."

I emphasized the point by tracing the same pattern my finger had just taken with my lips. I heard and felt the sharp intake of Chris' breath as I did this and I was proud that I could still get this kind of a reaction from the man I loved.

"Dar..." He put down his mug and used that free hand to ghost his hand up my arm and I shivered at the skin to skin contact no matter how delicate.

I reached over and grabbed that hand and kissed it lightly before locking eyes with him again.

"I was thinking of you when I sang that. And I meant it."

Chris' eyes danced with emotions as he took in the meaning of the song again. I could see his mind working over each lyric as I squeezed his hand and held him close so he knew that it was true.

He sighed and lowered his head to my shoulder and I cradled him as we both turned our heads to watch the remainder of the sunrise.

"I love you too Darren." I smiled so big it hurt; especially for this early in the morning.

"I know Chris. I know."

I couldn't have asked for a more perfect moment with him. I just looked out at the sunrise as I felt his head turn away from my chest to look out in the same direction.

I kissed the top of his head and spoke gently in his ear, "You ready for the tour baby?"

"Hmmm yeah. You?"

I pulled him impossibly close, "It's gonna be a blast honey. You, me, our herd and the road. It's gonna be awesome!"

I was bouncing a little as I held him and as hard as he tried he couldn't stifle a laugh.

"You are such a dork sometimes love."

"Yeah but I'm your dork."

We just stayed wrapped up in one another in what we found out to be the last really quiet morning we were going to have with one another at home for almost the rest of the summer.

Up Next Glee Live Tour 2011

Ok kiddies here we go...the sequel has begun. It felt great writing these characters again...it made me smile even if this was just a taster teaser of the fun to come.

Review lovelies...let me know what you would like to see in the new story

Less than three