Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender. So sad.
A/N: I always wondered what would have happened if Zuko had spoken out at that last meeting before the Day of Black Sun. Zuko makes the same mistake, but this time, he knows the consequences.
"I should have spoken out. But I'm ashamed to say I didn't."
~Zuko, Sozin's Comet.
"A new world will be reborn from the ashes."
Zuko stood. No. He could not let this happen.
"Zuko? What are you doing? Sit down, now!" The Firelord hissed at him. Zuko shook his head. He would not keep silent. Finally, Zuko knew the right path, and finally, he was ready to take it. He knew he had to do what was right, damn the consequences. And consequences he knew there would be. Severe consequences.
"No. This plan is little more than a death sentence to all the nations, starting with ours." He strode forward, stepping onto the low table bearing the map of the world. Zuko locked eyes with his father and came to stand before him.
"Father," He said, in one last attempt to connect with Ozai. There was good in there, somewhere. He knew it was there. "This cannot stand."
The Firelord glared at him, fury heating the room as he searched his son's face, a scarred twin of his mother's, looking for the seed of betrayal that allowed him to stand there in defiance.
"You dare to try my will, after the lesson I gave you in respect?" Ozai spat, each syllable enunciated by the anger threatening to spill out as fire. Zuko did not flinch, but continued the gaze.
"You must see reason."
The Firelord slowly shook his head, a deep chuckle rumbling and bringing a smirk to his face.
"You are a fool. And you will die for it." He laughed deeply. Zuko took a fighting stance against his father. Immediately, the surrounding generals stood and directed themselves to defend their ruler. Guards entered and neared them, but Zuko paid them no mind. He had eyes only for the man before him. The man who had destroyed his life. His father.
"Then fight me. I challenge you to an Agni Kai." Gasps echoed through the hall from the onlookers. The words did not even seem to faze the Firelord, instead causing him to sneer further.
"You are a traitor, and therefore no longer a part of this nation. Your challenge means nothing. Take him away." He ordered the guards. Zuko stood his ground, but his gaze did not waver from his father, even as the guards seized his arms and began to drag him from the room. He called out as he was removed,
"This is a mistake! You have to listen to me! Father, think of what you're doing!"
Ozai turned away and snarled,
"I am not your father. You are no son of mine."