Authors note: Yay i had time 2 update soonish! Oh Noez! It's the last chapter D: Don't worry though! Why not to worry you might ask? I'll tell you after the story because you probably want to read! Thank you sooooo much for all the reviews (they mean a lot to me!)!

Disclaimer:(which i know i forgot last time I'm sorry J.K Rowling!) I don't own Harry Potter OR Sonny With a Chance (in which i stole lines from!)

Chapter 6!: Revenge!- backfired...

"WHAT! Why me!" Ron yelled at the twins who had just sent Hermione to tell him her "alternative".

"We know this is all part of your revenge! Also because Hermione-"

"It's not like I want to do it either!" Hermione butted in, not wanting them to finish that sentence.

"Why? You too afraid to kiss our brother?" said George innocently.

Hermione hated being accused of being afraid. She could only think of one thing to do

"If i was afraid would i do this?" she said, doing what looked like she was slapping Ron in the face. Obviously not what it looked like, she kissed him. Everyone looked like they had been slapped in the face. They weren't shocked because she did it, just that she did it in front of everyone.

Before she knew it, she was being crammed into probably the smallest closet in the entire school .

"Fred, George, why exactly do you know where this is?" said Harry. They ignored his question and continued to try to shove Ron and Hermione in the closet.

"Just get in the closet!" Ginny yelled, helping Harry and the twins.

"Uh.. I don't know could i just-" Ron was cut off by the twins, Harry, and Ginny succeeding in forcing him and Hermione in the closet.

"Don't forget, 7 minutes I'm timing!" said George, locking the door.

The closet was so small. They were both amazed that they could both fit. They were crammed in so tight that they couldn't move their arms (much less reach their wands). That also didn't help the whole darkness situation.

"So... that was some kiss..." said Ron awkwardly.

""What do you mean? That kiss was fake!" said Hermione, blushing slightly.

"Was not!" Ron yelled defensively, although still whispering because no one outside was supposed to hear them.

"Ron, I put my hand over your mouth!" Hermione said, giggling because he was cute when he was clueless.

"That explains a lot..." he trailed off, feeling kind of stupid.

"You don't think I would actually kiss you?" she said, still giggling at his stupidity.

Ron must have been offended by that statement, because he didn't answer.

"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" she said quickly

"No! No its ok, really! I know what you meant..." he whispered, "Fred and George didn't put us in here for revenge, did they?"

"Don't think so..." she said, blushing even more, "I'm really sorry!"

"No seriously! Its fine! I promise!" he said not knowing what to say to make her stop apologizing, "So what should we do..."

That was the question that neither of them knew how to answer. They really couldn't do much crammed in a closet (in a very awkward position too). And the whole point of the game was to "make out", but neither of them would dare suggest that.

A few minutes passed before either of them said anything.

"Was it true? What you said back there," Hermione whispered, "about not having your first kiss?"

"Yep. Never."

"Me neither..."



"I do sometimes wish... that i could just get it over with...' she whispered, embarrassed, to her still girly looking best friend.

"I know right!"

Outside the closet:

You know, I never thought I'd ever see them not fighting... much less snogging in a broom closet.." said Harry, thinking of how at this time last year they were still on the search for Nicholas Flamel and about halfway through all the books in the library.

"Yeah... Ooh! Times up!" said George checking his watch.

He opened the door (probably hoping to walk in on them snogging or something) to find them in the same awkward position that they had started in. They practically fell out of the cramped, tiny space.

"Look at the time! Its time for us to get back to the tower!"said Fred, looking at the time, "Let's go!"

On the way back, Ron and Hermione stayed behind the group.

"Oh there was something I forgot to tell you!" said Ron.

"What's that?"

"Your still wearing the mini skirt!"

Hermione looked down and noticed that she was not only wearing the mini skirt but was riding up really badly. So badly that you could defiantly see her underwear. She had just been crammed in a tiny closet with her best friend while practically in her underwear.

"Shut up!" she yelled, her face flushed scarlet. She pulled the skirt down and punched him in the arm. Overall, everyone had a lot of fun ,and defiantly hoped to play again after winter break.

The End!

The end! Oh no! You still shouldn't worry though because I'm making a... *drum roll please*... SEQUEL! I don't know when It will be posted but until then i promise i have a few other Romione stories planned! (and maybe a little Luna and Neville/ Harry and Ginny!) And also if you're wondering if Ron and Hermione really did kiss... well than all i have to say to that is- I don't know! That's for you to decide! I did it that way for all you people who don't want them to kiss before year 7 (people like me!)! Please tell me what you thought (and if you noticed the "sonny with a chance" lines!) in the reviews! Until next time... See Ya! :)