This is the sequel to my other story "Their Fate". I suppose you don't actually have to read it to understand everything here, but it would be helpful.
Also note that this story takes place two and a half years after "Their Fate" ended.
"Suddenly my feet are feet of mud.
It all goes slo-mo.
I don't know why I'm crying.
Am I suspended in gaffa?"
-Ra Ra Riot
A light breeze brushed sixteen year-old Uchiha Hideki's hair out of his eyes as he looked down at his girlfriend of two and a half years Yagami Karli, who had asked him to meet her at the park an hour ago. Hideki was a head taller than her, and he always had to look down in order to be able to look her in the eye. He had no idea why she had requested they meet so suddenly, usually their plans together were well-planned out ahead of time. Another breeze rolled through the park, creating waves in the grass. They had been standing there for nearly five minutes, and Karli still had not spoken. Hideki slid his hands into his pockets. He sensed that something was off, but he couldn't figure out just what it was.
"What's wrong?" Hideki finally asked. "What is it, Kitten?" He used her nickname knowing it would make her smile. The nickname was exclusive to only Hideki and Karli's father. She had gotten it when she was four years old and her father had brought home a new kitten. Karli had loved the kitten and had decided that she wanted to be just like the tiny animal. She had spent countless hours teaching herself how to purr just like the cat, and she had gotten so good at it that her father began calling her 'Kitten', and the name had stuck.
Karli fiddled her hands and lowered her vibrant green eyes to the ground. Her thick brown curls spilled over her shoulders at the movement, and she quickly brushed them back behind her. She inhaled deeply, unsure of how to approach the situation. After a few more moments of silent contemplation, she finally decided it would be easiest to just come out and say it.
Karli raised her eyes back up to Hideki, feeling them begin to fill with tears. She had promised herself she wouldn't cry, but it seemed her body had other plans. She took in a deep, shuddering breath and, as the tears began to spill over, said, "I'm pregnant."
Hideki's jaw fell slack as he stared down at her. The world swam away from his vision and suddenly, he wasn't sure if he was going to pass out or throw up. His heart began to pound as a million broken and fragmented thoughts raced through his mind. Each second that ticked by felt like an eternity and he was sure that if he tried to speak, no sound would come out.
"Please say something," Karli begged, fully crying now. She had clasped her hands together and pressed them to her lips, trying to control her sobs.
"I-I," Hideki started, then clamped his mouth shut. He took in a sharp breath and tried again. "Are you sure?"
Karli nodded. She lowered her eyes back to the ground as her sobs made her shoulders shake.
Unsure of what else to do, Hideki pulled her into a tight hug, staring blankly out at nothing as she cried into his shoulder. Thankfully, the park was nearly empty in the fading summer light, and the few people that did remain there were too far away to see what was going on.
"What do we do?" Hideki finally asked, after several minutes of silence passed.
"I don't know," she mumbled, her voice muffled by his neck.
Hideki gently rested his chin on top of her head, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo. The tried to think clearly, tried to push all thoughts of running and hiding away, but they kept coming back with greater force. Finally, a clear and rational thought came into his mind.
He pulled back from the hug and gripped her shoulders. "Let's talk to Leiji," he suggested. His sister was four years older and married to Hyuuga Hachi, the son of Hyuuga Neji and Tenten. Although Hideki would never admit it to anybody, he loved and looked up to his sister more than anybody. If anyone would have the answer to this situation, it would be her.
"All right," Karli agreed, sniffing as she wiped her tears away with the palm of her hand. She had become very close to Leiji in the time that she and Hideki had been together, and, as an only child, had recently began seeing her as a big sister figure.
Hand-in-hand, they began walking across Konoha to the spacious two-bedroom apartment Leiji and Hachi shared. By the time they arrived, it was nearly dark outside by the time arrived. The sky was painted a deep purple, and the first glints of diamond stars were beginning to appear. They entered the building and made their way up to the second floor, where the apartment was located.
Hideki stood by the door, hesitating for a moment, before reaching up and banging on it with more force than he intended. Karli stood behind her, her hands clasped at her chest, looking ready to bolt at any minute.
The door flung open and Leiji stood in the archway. She had not changed much since her marriage. Her thick black hair still hung past her shoulders and her ebony eyes still sparkled with Uchiha pride. She wore a loose-necked red shirt that fell off her left shoulder, showing a thick black strap from her tank top underneath, and tight black yoga pants. Not even her style had changed; she still wore Uchiha colors without even realizing it.
"Hey guys," she greeted pleasantly, "What's-." She froze when she noticed their solemn expressions and her eyes widened in alarm. "What's wrong?" she asked as she quickly ushered them inside. She led them to the couch in the living room and motioned for them to sit.
Hideki nearly fell into the couch, feeling as though the weight of a thousand years of suffering were resting on his shoulders. Karli took a seat beside him, sitting on the very edge of the couch, her back straight and her hands folded neatly in her lap. She could have easily passed for a prim and proper young lady, had her eyes not been swollen and red from crying, and her lower lip trembling uncontrollably.
"What's going on, guys? You're starting to freak me out a little," Leiji said as she lowered herself into the recliner across from the couch. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees and clasping her hands together.
Hideki sighed heavily, glancing sideways at Karli, who had her vision locked on a picture of Leiji and Hachi at their wedding, which hung on the wall across of them. She appeared to be frozen, not really seeing the picture she appeared to be staring at, but a million miles away in her own world. Hideki realized she wasn't going to be saying anything anytime soon.
"She's pregnant," he said bluntly, the words sounding much harsher than he had intended. Beside him, Karli cringed.
Leiji exhaled slowly, a low whistle escaping her lips. She appeared deep in thought for a moment before saying, "Well, obviously you need to tell mom and dad."
"I know that," Hideki snapped, although it was the last thing he wanted to hear. Karli continued to tremble beside him, and he tentatively placed a hand on her knee, trying to calm her and himself.
"Soon," Leiji added, ignoring her brother's harshness. "Mom will be able to help you, Karli, with getting a doctor's appointment and things like that. It's something that should be done as soon as possible."
Karli only nodded.
Groaning, Hideki pulled his hand through his thick hair and looked back at Karli. "So, what? You want to tell them like, tomorrow?"
"That's a good idea," Leiji put in, her voice calm. "Maybe you could invite Karli's father over so they can all be told at once. That way you two can just get it over with."
Hideki paled. He had not thought of what Jin, Karli's father, would have to say about this situation.
Leiji snickered. "Hadn't thought of that, huh?" she asked with a good-natured smile on her face. She glanced from Hideki, who looked like he was about to vomit, to Karli, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Hey, guys, come on, cheer up," Leiji urged. "It'll work out."
"Have you ever had this happen to you?" Hideki asked vehemently.
"Well, no-."
"Then how do you know?" he challenged.
"Things always work out," Leiji replied simply. "Just look at Karin. She's a perfect example." Uzumaki Karin was the daughter of Naruto and Hinata, and the hokage's only child. She was also Leiji's best friend, and they had been that way since birth. Karin had a two-year old son named Kimaru, who seemed to be the most energetic toddler on the planet. His father, Shinbo, had been killed on an S-rank mission a month before he was born, and Karin was left to raise their child alone. Although she had been upset by Shinbo's death, the always bubbly Karin quickly perked back up and now lived happily with Kimaru in the apartment across from Leiji and Hachi.
"I guess," Hideki muttered, though he did sound thoroughly convinced.
Karli, on the other hand, looked slightly calmer than before. At least I won't have to raise this baby alone, she thought as she glanced at Hideki, who looked as though he wanted to be as far away as physically possible. She gulped. Well, I hope not.
"You guys will be okay," Leiji reassured them, smiling encouragingly.
"Hn," Hideki hummed as he stood, his features still clouded and dark. "Come on, Karli, we should go."
"Okay," Karli agreed, standing. "I should have been home an hour ago. I promised my dad I'd have dinner with him."
"I'll walk you there," Hideki said, holding out his hand. Karli took it gratefully, trying to ignore the far-off look etched into Hideki's eyes.
"Bye, guys," Leiji said as the two walked into the hallway of the apartment building. Once she was sure they were gone, she bolted across the hall to where Karin lived and banged on the door, waiting impatiently for her to answer.
Karin threw open the door with a grinning Kimaru sitting happily on her shoulders. His blonde hair stood up in crazy spikes, just like Naruto's, and his lavender eyes held the same constant excitement as Karin's.
"Hey Leiji!" Karin said happily as Kimaru pulled at her hair.
"Hi Leelee," Kimaru attempted to echo, using his own variation of her name. Neither Karin nor Leiji could ever get the toddler to say 'Leiji'. She was always 'Leelee' to him.
"Hey," Leiji greeted as she stepped into the apartment, reaching up to tickle Kimaru's belly as she did so. He giggled madly and wrapped his arms around his mother's head.
"What brings you here so close to bedtime?" Karin asked in good nature.
"It doesn't look like bedtime to me," Leiji commented, eying the peanut butter smeared on Kimaru's chin and the jelly stained t-shirt he was wearing.
"We were trying to have a snack," Karin giggled. "Like always, Kimaru just played with it."
"Fun!" he agreed, clapping his hands together.
"Just let me get him to bed, I'll be right back," Karin said as she turned and walked into Kimaru's bedroom.
Leiji seated herself on Karin's couch, glancing around as she waited. Karin's apartment had the exact same floor plan as her own. The only difference was that Karin had decorated hers with bright, vibrant colors and knick-knacks while Leiji and Hachi's was plain and simple, decorated with practical items.
Finally, Karin emerged from Kimaru's bedroom and flopped down on the couch next to her best friend. She ran her fingers through her hair and giggled. "I have no idea where that kid gets all of this energy!"
"I have no idea," Leiji replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
"So what's up?" Karin asked, propping her feet up on the coffee and raising an eyebrow.
"Hideki knocked Karli up."
"What?" Karin nearly shrieked, her eyes widening in shock. "When did this happen?"
Leiji shrugged. "I don't know. They just came by and told me. It looked like they had just found out."
"Wow," Karin mused. "How are they taking it?"
Sighing, Leiji leaned back and added her own feet to Karin's coffee table. "Karli looked stable enough, just terrified out of her mind. But Hideki…"
"You don't think he's going to do anything stupid, do you?" Karin asked.
"That's what I'm afraid of," Leiji admitted. "Will you help me keep an eye on him? I want to make sure he doesn't flake out on her."
"Of course," Karin agreed, nodding solemnly.
Leiji sighed, leaning her head her head back and closing her eyes. "Poor kids, it's going to be a long nine months."
By mid-afternoon the next day, Sasuke and Sakura, along with Jin had gathered in the Uchiha's living room. All three of the adults were wondering why Hideki and Karli had requested that they meet that day. They all stared at the two, who stood side-by-side across from the couch where the adults were seated. Hideki's eyes drooped from a sleepless night while Karli looked as though she felt rather ill.
"What's going on, Kitten?" Jin asked his daughter, and she began to feel tears threatening to fall again.
"Yeah," Sakura added, "I need to be back at the hospital soon. What's so important?"
Sasuke simply stared. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Look," Hideki began, scratching at the back of his head nervously, "we kind of have a problem." He glanced at Karli for help, hoping she would we join in and save him from doing all of the talking.
Suddenly, Karli burst into tears so strong she nearly doubled over with the force they came with. "I-I'm s-s-suh-sorry, d-dad!" she cried, her voice breaking as she struggled to get the words out.
"Sorry for what?" Jin asked, alarmed. He stood quickly and rushed to Karli's side to comfort her. He was a single father, had been since Karli was three and his wife had died from a deadly cancer that had eaten her life away in less than a year. "What's wrong?" he said as he smoothed her hair with his hand, trying his best to comfort her.
Sakura stared in confusion at the scene while Sasuke crossed his arms, glaring at Hideki, his cold eyes seemingly boring into his soul. He knew exactly what was happening. "She's pregnant, isn't she?" Sasuke scoffed, his voice cold.
Hideki winced and Karli began to sob harder, her chest hitching with each breath.
Jin pulled back from his daughter slowly, lifting her chin up with his fingers to get her to look him in the eye. "Is that true, Kitten?" he asked, his voice numb.
Karli nodded weakly, and a thick silence settled over the room. No one moved, and even everything outside of the big picture window seemed to be frozen in time.
Sakura was the one to break the silence when she suddenly jumped to her feet and began clapping giddily. "Oh, a baby!" she cried in excitement. "How exciting!"
"What?" Sasuke and Jin nearly yelled at the same time. Sasuke stared incredulously at his wife, wondering if the news had made her mind snap. Hideki stood with his mouth gaping wide open, wondering the same thing. Karli simply stared, pressing herself into the safety of her father's chest.
"Well of course it's exciting," Sakura said in her defense. "Having a baby around the house again would be great. I could work less hours at the hospital so I can be home more to help take care of it. It'll be fun to be a grandmother!"
"Sakura, we are thirty-seven," Sasuke deadpanned.
"So?" Sakura retorted. "After Kyo, we couldn't have any more children anyway, so a grandchild is naturally the next best thing." Sasuke winced at this. When Kyo was born, Sakura had suffered from a rare condition called Placenta Increta, where the placenta attaches too deeply into the uterine wall. Sakura had been informed after Kyo was safely delivered through caesarean delivery that another pregnancy would kill her and the baby. "Besides, they are only a year younger than we were when we had Leiji."
"So…you're letting us keep the child?" Karli asked in amazement. She had been sure that all of the adults would agree that adoption was the right thing to do. After all, Karli and her father lived in a tiny two-bedroom home in the poorer part of Konoha with barely enough room for the two of them.
"It is an Uchiha child," Sakura explained, a faint smile touching her features. "It needs to be raised as an Uchiha. No one else can do that."
"I-I see," Karli stammered. "But my house is-."
"Then move in with us," Sakura urged. She glanced at Sasuke, who simply nodded in agreement. "Since Leiji moved out, her room is just sitting there, unused. It would be perfect for the baby, since its right next to Hideki's room."
Karli looked up at her father, uncertain of what to say. Jin simply sighed, running his hand down his face. The disappointment was clearly etched into even the smallest feature of his face. "It's the most logical thing to do," he said after a while.
"It's decided then," Sakura said, grinning from ear to ear as she brushed invisible dirt off of her hospital uniform. "Come by the hospital tomorrow around nine, Karli," Sakura said, "we'll see about getting you an ultrasound."
Later that night, just as Sasuke was about to drift off into sleep, he was suddenly awaked by the sound of Sakura's voice.
"You know, it's funny," she said, turning to face Sasuke, her head still nestled in her pillow.
"What's funny?" Sasuke asked tiredly.
"I always thought that Leiji and Hachi would be the first to have children," she admitted.
Sasuke winced. He had finally warmed to the idea of his only daughter being married to a Hyuuga, but the thought of them having children almost repulsed him. "They won't be having children."
"What?" Sakura said, surprised. "What makes you say that?"
"More like they can't have children," Sasuke restated.
"Why?" Sakura asked, thoroughly confused.
"It's because of both of their kekkei genkai," Sasuke explained. "The Sharingan is a dominant trait, as is the Byakugon. Dominant traits always overtake the recessive ones without a problem, that's why none of our children have pink hair or green eyes, like you. The problem is that the Sharingan and Byakugon are both such strong traits that they would destroy the genes in the process of," he winced once more, trying not to think of Leiji as he said this, "conception. A child would not be able to grow, it would just die."
Sakura shook her head and her hair fanned out around her in a pink wave. "You're wrong, Sasuke," she said. "One of the traits would overpower the other, and the child would be born with either the Sharingan or the Byakugon. Traits like that can't just combine, or destroy each other. One would simply be more dominant than the other."
Sasuke sighed deeply. "Kekkei genkai are different from normal traits, you know that, Sakura."
Sakura crossed her arms indignantly, pouting like a child. "Well, if they do have children- which they will- then we'll see who's right!" She huffed and then threw herself back down on the bed, burying her face in her pillow.
Rolling his eyes, Sasuke lay back down and closed his eyes, grateful for the chance to sleep.
Leiji sat on her couch cross-legged and in her pajamas, flipping through channels on the television and waiting for Hachi to get back. He had been away on a mission for the past week, and was due back at any minute.
As if in cue, the lock in the front door rattled and clicked, and Hachi strolled nonchalantly into the room. "Hey," he greeted. "Anything exciting happen while I was gone?"
"I'm going to be an aunt," Leiji replied in a monotone.
Hachi laughed as he seated himself beside his wife. "What, did Kyo knock up one of his bitches?" he asked, referring to the youngest and shyest of the Uchiha children. He had no idea that Leiji was being serious.
Leiji shook her head, "Karli's pregnant."
Hachi blinked. "Oh, you're serious."
"Yeah, I'm serious," Leiji said with a sigh.
Hachi rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "How strange. One would expect us to have children first."
"Children?" Leiji raised an eyebrow, giving her husband an odd look. "I don't want children."
"Not even one?" Hachi asked playfully as he leaned over and gave her a kiss.
"Maybe one," Leiji snickered, leaning back as Hachi began kissing her cheek in a playful way. "In about ten years!"
"Why not now?" Hachi asked, tickling her sides lightly.
"Because," Leiji laughed as he tickled her, unable to think of a reason.
"Then we should try now!" Hachi concluded as he continued to tickle her.
"Fine!" Leiji continued to laugh. "Fine, we can try now, okay? But just once!" she broke up in giggles before continuing. "But if this one time doesn't work, then we wait ten years, deal?"
"Deal!" Hachi agreed happily as he quit tickling her and began kissing her more deeply.
Ugh this chapter is long! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, because I enjoyed writing it! Let me know what you think!